Zelensky has threatened to punish any Christian caught worshiping in "unapproved ways."

In 2015 Putin and the leaders of basically every county signed the Minsk Agreement the help bring talks and peace to the Ukraine situation.
But only Putin /Russia was following the agreement. Every one else just continued to flaggrently violate the agreement.
For 8 years Putin stressed his concerns to the US and EU nations many times but was ignored.
Finally, after one last final warning about not making Ukraine a Nato member, and was once again ignored. Putin felt he had no chose but to take matters into his own hand, and invade Ukraine in order to resolve the situation and protect Russia.
I know that's one theory, but there was no serious movement to vote the Ukraine into NATO, partly because it was one of the most corrupt nations in Europe, and the NATO members did not want to provoke a war minded Russia. Pres. George W. Bush floated the idea of Ukranian membership in 2008 but that was quickly nixed by France and Germany.
I think an impatient Putin used NATO as an excuse to invade after he successfully annexed part of Georgia without any serious backlash also in 2008.
I read the article and nowhere did it show any of those counties invading russia
? The article was about the US lead color revolutions which ousted the old Ukrainian leader which you said you didn’t believe happened.
? The article was about the US lead color revolutions which ousted the old Ukrainian leader which you said you didn’t believe happened.
I get that

Outside influences in local elections

Even if i take the Guardian at face value it was nothing to compare to russian tanks grinding ukranian cities and humans into rubble
If it was down to simple war strategy, the Russians should simply assassinate zelensky and some of his close confidants. But since PC is important on the world stage, Putin instead gives zelensky the choice of fighting or surrendering. And anyway I'm sure zelenzki stays around civilian territories in order to increase the chance of collateral damage so Putin won't try it.
At what point did you decide to side with your country's enemy against your country's ally?
Hillary was Obama's good will ambassador to Russia for quite some time. And Hillary and Vlad's relationship was cozy and complimentary until it wasn't after he was of no more use to her

Thats a fantasy.

Hillary supported pro-democratic demostrations in Russia, which pissed Putin off in 2012.
She then cheered sanctions against Russia for their invasion in Ukraine and anexation of Crimea.

All of that is consistent with her foreign policy, not some sort of personal relationship with Putin.
In 2015 Putin and the leaders of basically every county involved today signed the Minsk Agreement to bring peace to the Ukraine situation.
But only Putin /Russia was following the agreement. Every one else, as soon as the ink on the paper was dry, continued to flagrantly violate the agreement.
For 8 years Putin stressed his concerns to the leaders of the U.S. and EU nations many times but was ignored.
Finally, after one last final warning about not making Ukraine a Nato member and other concerns, he was once again ignored.
Putin felt he had no chose but to take matters into his own hands, and invade Ukraine in order to resolve the situation and protect ethnic Russian people in eastern Ukraine that were facing total genocide by Ukrainian government ruled by Zelensky.
At what point did you decide to abandon your own country and begin publicly spreading it's enemy's propaganda?
If it was down to simple war strategy, the Russians should simply assassinate zelensky and some of his close confidants. But since PC is important on the world stage, Putin instead gives zelensky the choice of fighting or surrendering. And anyway I'm sure zelenzki stays around civilian territories in order to increase the chance of collateral damage so Putin won't try it.
I don't know what is in the mind of either Z or P any more than anybody else, but that might be a stretch. I agree with J-Mac that Russia had zero justification to invade the Ukraine and certainly it is unconscionable that the Russians are destroying Ukrainian civilian areas and killing civilians instead of just targeting military installations. But then the Russians had no fear of Zelensky's military but the goal is to annex at least parts of the Ukraine itself as it did parts of Georgia and a PC war is not on Russia's agenda.

The war of course has been costly both in resources and in world opinion of Russia as well as not appreciated by the Russian people and I suspect by now Putin wishes he had never started it. But how can he now stop and save face?

On Zelensky's part, I cannot blame him for asking for and accepting help from other countries to defend his country from a large and opportunistic aggressor, but it becomes sordid and indefensible that there is so little transparency in where all that 'help' is going. Rumors are that Zelensky and other high up officials in the Ukraine are taking opportunity to enrich themselves. That may be true and it may be pure dishonest propaganda. But there is no way for us to know. He certainly didn't improve his image with at least half of America by affectionately kissing Nancy Pelosi. :)

I do know the rest of the world is not willing to sufficiently provoke Putin to use his nuclear arsenal and thus start WWIII so a lot of punches are being withheld and that is prolonging the tragedy.

Is there any large scale operation invented by humankind that is more stupid than war?
Possibly. We know the Biden family has gotten a huge amount of cash from Russia, but this administration is helping the Ukraine who gave the family even more cash. So who knows how deep that rabbit hole goes?

Russia and Ukraine have been money laundering partners for a long, long time. They keep it separate from the politics. It's no accident both Putin and Zelensky are among the richest men in Europe.
Originally posted by tahuyaman
Ukraine applied to join NATO in 2008. That application was not acted on because they had no chance of being admitted.

Originally posted by Foxfyre
I know that's one theory, but there was no serious movement to vote the Ukraine into NATO, partly because it was one of the most corrupt nations in Europe

The reality check says:

Russian leaders spent the last 30 years begging the West to stop its military expansion in EASTERN EUROPE not UKRAINE only.

Last time I checked Ukraine wasn't the only eastern european country.

If anything Russia was too patient and put up with a lot of NATO expansionism before reacting militarily although it probably had more to do with Russia's weakness after the end of the Cold War.

Supporters of NATO expansionism want to limit the discussion to Ukraine because they simply can't deny NATO's unprovoked, gratuitous policy of military encirclement of european Russia.

The total surrounding of Russia's western borders was, is and always will be Nato's policy. Why do you think Biden and the european leadership refused Putin's proposal to sign an agreement promising Ukraine would never join the military organization?
Thats a fantasy.

Hillary supported pro-democratic demostrations in Russia, which pissed Putin off in 2012.
She then cheered sanctions against Russia for their invasion in Ukraine and anexation of Crimea.

All of that is consistent with her foreign policy, not some sort of personal relationship with Putin.
I just call it as I see it from what is written about it. You can believe Hillary and Putin never had a cozy and complimentary relationship, but that's pretty difficult to defend with the evidence we have. Yes there was a falling out after 2012. Perhaps Hillary was trying to defend herself after the uranium sale scandal but she definitely flip flopped on her attitude re Putin. And there was no love lost on his part at that time either.

Again the left used that as 'evidence' he was pro-Trump when all the evidence suggests he was mostly anti-Hillary. Evenso the Russians helped Hillary re that manufactured dossier and they did do some minor interference in the 2016 election but their goal was to create chaos here and not to support any candidate.

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