Zelensky has threatened to punish any Christian caught worshiping in "unapproved ways."

Putin is definitively the enemy. Tulsi is simply quoting Tucker from a Dec 7, who is a supporter of Putin's invasion from the start. It does not excite normal people that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, will not be allowed to hide Russian weapons, saboteurs, recon teams and foreigners inside the church does not excite me or anybody else that looks into this bogus YouTube story.

Show us all where Tucker supports the invasion. Go!
Quote Tucker Carlson much?
i have my own opinions and if you care to check i've said that from day 1. I have a brain and i don't repeat anyone's opinion other than my own......unlike the demo'rats that all march in lockstep.
Trump did not help Putin in any way but actually put some heavy sanctions on Russia that weren't there before.
Fake news!
Trump had his tongue so far up Putin's butt only a cold spraying with a garden hose could have separated them.

Everybody should have listened to the REAL winner of the 2016 election.
Turned out she was spot on.

I didn't ask you to post a :link: link to Putin denying it.
I asked you to post a link to Putin ever saying he wanted to restore the former Soviet Union.
He may not have said it exactly in that way, but it is no secret that recreating Russia's glory days with the USSR has been Putin's dream:
Fake news!
Trump had his tongue so far up Putin's butt only a cold spraying with a garden hose could have separated them.

Everybody should have listened to the REAL winner of the 2016 election.
Turned out she was spot on.

you got a link for that...a legitimate one? a photo perhaps??
I didn't ask you to post a :link: link to Putin denying it.
I asked you to post a link to Putin ever saying he wanted to restore the former Soviet Union.
Of course Putin denies this.

Do you have a comprehension problem?
Maybe some type of mild to moderate cognitive impairment that would prevent you from understanding that when a cold-blooded, pathologically lying megalomaniac says something (like "I have no intention of restoring the Soviet Union") the actual TRUTH is most likely just the OPPOSITE of what he is saying?

Here's another example that may help you understand....

"I'll build a WALL----and Mexico will pay for it!"

Yeap, and some of you thought Putin was the enemy.
Imagine Zelinsky a Jew pulling off a miraculous upset against Russia, and then being hailed a hero, bringing people together to sign a Peace Treaty in Israel with the rest of the world and being hailed as a King and a Messiah.

Quite AntiChrist like if that happened wouldn't it be?
Fake news!
Trump had his tongue so far up Putin's butt only a cold spraying with a garden hose could have separated them.

Everybody should have listened to the REAL winner of the 2016 election.
Turned out she was spot on.

Perhaps you didn't know about Hillary's "Russian reset" negotiated by then Secretary of State Clinton

Or the sale of U.S. uranium to Russia also negotiated by then Secretary of State Clinton:

Hillary was Obama's good will ambassador to Russia for quite some time. And Hillary and Vlad's relationship was cozy and complimentary until it wasn't after he was of no more use to her. Seeing her as two faced and double crossing him, Putin then had nothing good to say about Hillary which created the mostly illusion that he was pro-Trump.


Again, Putin quickly figured out Trump was no ally or friend to a hostile Russia when Trump imposed brutal sanctions on Russia.
Trump did not help Putin in any way but actually put some heavy sanctions on Russia that weren't there before.
Fake new MagicMike or you just don't want to believe it? Dispute the information if you can. (Hint: you won't be able to find any credible source that will help you dispute it.)
Perhaps you didn't know about Hillary's "Russian reset" negotiated by then Secretary of State Clinton

Or the sale of U.S. uranium to Russia also negotiated by then Secretary of State Clinton:

Hillary was Obama's good will ambassador to Russia for quite some time. And Hillary and Vlad's relationship was cozy and complimentary until it wasn't after he was of no more use to her. Seeing her as two faced and double crossing him, Putin then had nothing good to say about Hillary which created the mostly illusion that he was pro-Trump.


Again, Putin quickly figured out Trump was no ally or friend to a hostile Russia when Trump imposed brutal sanctions on Russia.
Drink much Kool-aid?
I tend to agree other than my gut instinct is that Putin was frustrated that Russia was seen by the world as a declining power and nobody feared it any more. He longs for the glory days of the USSR and the invasion of the Ukraine was the first step in rebuilding that. If Hitler had been stopped when he invaded Poland, maybe there would never have been WWII or the Holocaust. Stopping Putin with the invasion of the Ukraine very well may be at least delaying WWIII.
In 2015 Putin and the leaders of basically every county involved today signed the Minsk Agreement to bring peace to the Ukraine situation.
But only Putin /Russia was following the agreement. Every one else, as soon as the ink on the paper was dry, continued to flagrantly violate the agreement.
For 8 years Putin stressed his concerns to the leaders of the U.S. and EU nations many times but was ignored.
Finally, after one last final warning about not making Ukraine a Nato member and other concerns, he was once again ignored.
Putin felt he had no chose but to take matters into his own hands, and invade Ukraine in order to resolve the situation and protect ethnic Russian people in eastern Ukraine that were facing total genocide by Ukrainian government ruled by Zelensky.
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If it was down to simple war strategy, the Russians should simply assassinate zelensky and some of his close confidants. But since PC is important on the world stage, Putin instead gives zelensky the choice of fighting or surrendering. And anyway I'm sure zelenzki stays around civilian territories in order to increase the chance of collateral damage so Putin won't try it.
Perhaps you didn't know about Hillary's "Russian reset" negotiated by then Secretary of State Clinton

Or the sale of U.S. uranium to Russia also negotiated by then Secretary of State Clinton:

Hillary was Obama's good will ambassador to Russia for quite some time. And Hillary and Vlad's relationship was cozy and complimentary until it wasn't after he was of no more use to her. Seeing her as two faced and double crossing him, Putin then had nothing good to say about Hillary which created the mostly illusion that he was pro-Trump.


Again, Putin quickly figured out Trump was no ally or friend to a hostile Russia when Trump imposed brutal sanctions on Russia.

Like Clinton, the Biden administration is heavily compromised by Russia.


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