Zelensky Invites Trump to Ukraine

And Trump should decline. It would be a perfect setup for killing Trump and blaming it on Russia.
It would drive Americans to demand even more tens of billions for Ukraine over such an utrage whereas now an increasing number want to end aid to Ukraine.

It would be a twofer, eliminaiting Trump while pushing us deeper into that war. A win-win for the deep state.

a lot of truth in that happening,,,

but I doubt trump supporters would think it was russia,, we all know the dems if given the chance would have him killed if they could blame it on someone else,,,

with what happened to JFK no way they would try on US soil,,,
The Cult God is the equivalent of shitting himself about any of Lucifer's friends and partners in power .
Who would be incarnate, according to revelations irrc....


And Trump should decline. It would be a perfect setup for killing Trump and blaming it on Russia.
It would drive Americans to demand even more tens of billions for Ukraine over such an utrage whereas now an increasing number want to end aid to Ukraine.

It would be a twofer, eliminaiting Trump while pushing us deeper into that war. A win-win for the deep state.

Trump is a skillful poker player and wisely doesn't expose his hand in these things but he generally doesn't make idle comments about things like that either.

But he should call Zelensky's bluff with the offer of a secure 24-minute video call so Zelensky can explain to him why Trump is wrong. That wouldn't require a dangerous trip into a war zone. And would have the double benefit that the call could be recorded and a defense against Democrat or DOJ accusations that he was plotting against the United States or something equally as silly.
The Cult God is the equivalent of shitting himself about any of Lucifer's friends and partners in power .
I suspect you also do not understand nuclear energy either. The left comes up with strange things in discussing GOD. Do they think the universe simply created itself?
The Cult God is the equivalent of shitting himself about any of Lucifer's friends and partners in power .
You do understand, I hope anyway, that the Cult in America is the left wing Democratic party. All of them are the cult.

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