Zimmerman "beat up" according to treating physician after the shooting

I was not there matey.... but from what I have read, the gun fell out Zimmerman's pants or pocket or something and Trayvon said "oh you have a gun, now your going to die with it" or something similar.
Again, I was not there... but if that's what happened, I would have shot too.

Even TM admits that Trayvon confronted Zimmerman... he should NOT have done that. At least not in the manner in which he did it.

Its a sad situation all around.

According to statements by Zimmerman's father - which one presumes are repeating what Zimmerman told him - Zimmerman's jacket flopped open during the struggle, revealing the gun, and Martin then said, "Now you're gonna die", and went for the gun. They struggled for it, and Zimmerman shot him.

And it seems highly unlikely at this point that anyone other than George Zimmerman is ever going to know for sure whether or not that's what actually happened.

Oh, that's good because everybody knows Zimmerman is actually completely incapable of telling a lie to cover his ass.

I have read it in books.

You're right. Let's just discount everything Zimmerman has said as a lie, and go from there. Absolutely no reason to even mention it or consider it.

Meanwhile, let's be sure to view Martin's girlfriend's hearsay testimony as gospel truth, is that it?

Perhaps you could lose the kneejerk "You're defending Zimmerman, and he HAS to be guilty!" reaction every once in a while, hmmm?
My point is Tryvon Martin was the kid who was in trouble often, not Zimmerman. How do you know Martin wasn't scoping the neighborhood when he is a known thief?

Really? You don't know much about your boy, do you.

I notice your bob and weave here and getting personal. I'll take that as evidence you're done here.

U.S. News - Zimmerman accused of domestic violence, fighting with a police officer

That work?
You've got your timeline mixed up.

My point is Tryvon Martin was the kid who was in trouble often, not Zimmerman. How do you know Martin wasn't scoping the neighborhood when he is a known thief?

Really? You don't know much about your boy, do you.

Seriously..did you just call zimmerman boy?

Nobody, but nobody, except loons, are painting him as any sort of troubled. At first the meme was that he was a nutcase...and when it become obvious that he wasn't, the term that was used to describe him was 'complicated'. Instead of saying "we were wrong about what we said' they chose 'complicated' to explain the huge gap between the killer portrayed by the press, and what they found later to be true.
Really? You don't know much about your boy, do you.

Well Martin wasn't a "known thief" in that charges were never made on him. And actually..he's never been arrested.

Unlike Zimmerman..who's beat up a cop..and a former girlfriend.

I really hope that comes up in the trial.

Was Martin having any problems at school? What role were his parents playing in his personal and school problems?

What do you mean by "problems"?

Was he doing anything out of the ordinary for a kid his age?
And it's against the law to hunt human beings.

Whether or not you have a legal permit to carry a gun.

Would that it was illegal to be as pig-stupid and irrelevant as you are. I know you have a Constitutional right to be a moron, but you're really abusing it.

You have the constitutional right to be a racist bitch slut as well.

And I fully support your right to be a racist bitch slut.


And should I ever be so desperate as to want to be your girlfriend, I will certainly consider becoming a racist bitch slut.

Until then, maybe you could try saying something that is relevant to either the topic or to the people discussing it, because no one is interested in your delusions and lame-ass, random attempts at insults.
Well Martin wasn't a "known thief" in that charges were never made on him. And actually..he's never been arrested.

Unlike Zimmerman..who's beat up a cop..and a former girlfriend.

I really hope that comes up in the trial.

Was Martin having any problems at school? What role were his parents playing in his personal and school problems?

What do you mean by "problems"?

Was he doing anything out of the ordinary for a kid his age?

Yes, actually, most kids in high school DON'T get suspended.
Well Martin wasn't a "known thief" in that charges were never made on him. And actually..he's never been arrested.

Unlike Zimmerman..who's beat up a cop..and a former girlfriend.

I really hope that comes up in the trial.

Was Martin having any problems at school? What role were his parents playing in his personal and school problems?

What do you mean by "problems"?

Was he doing anything out of the ordinary for a kid his age?

Meet The Real Trayvon Martin: Evidence Emerges He Was A Drug Dealer And Gang Banger « Pat Dollard
The charges against Zimmerman were dropped. That's what they don't share.

Technically, no charges were ever filed at all, until the media and the public decided they were better positioned to mete out justice than the Florida legal system.
What would most people do. You are walking along when a strange man comes up to you and says "What are you doing here?" What's your first impulse, to deck the guy or say "I"m on my way to my Dad's house to watch the game." Or even tell the guy off. You got no right to question me, I got rights! Or do you just start punching?
What do you mean by "problems"?

Was he doing anything out of the ordinary for a kid his age?

Meet The Real Trayvon Martin: Evidence Emerges He Was A Drug Dealer And Gang Banger « Pat Dollard


But feel free. I will even accept something from FOX..which I don't consider news.

You have enough to keep you busy without erecting a FOX strawman.

Trayvon Martin was apparently a 17 year old undisciplined punk thug, drug dealing, thief and wannabe gangsta… | The Last Refuge
Not possibly, 100% correct. I have investigated thousands of cases for jury trial.
It pollutes the jury pool. NO jurist will be selected that has all of the information from media.
Most all of them will be excused for cause by the Judge and will not be a jury strike by either side during voir dire.
Nothing that has been released is "evidence". Why?
Because NONE OF IT has been subject to cross examination.
You don't really know a whole lot, do you? The evidence released is part of the public record AND cannot by law be kept secret.

Do you know what voir dire is sweetheart?
Do you understand the rules of criminal procedure and the tendering of evidence?
NONE of this is evidence until the judge rules it is admissable. Not any of it.
Evidence is not public record until it has been tendered as admissable in court.
What has been LEAKED is hearsay and biased. What is in the pleadings filed IS public record but how has any of that "evidence" been subject to cross examination if the trial has not even started? That is not evidence, that is work product.
Every jurist that has done any research into any of the leaked INFORMATION in this case will be excused for cause. In fact, a change of venue will most likely be called for by one sied or the other in this case.
Do you understand what a change of venue is and why they ask for one?
Go back to your CSI show and Kojack re-runs. I do this for a living.
The autopsy is biased? You're an idiot.
What would most people do. You are walking along when a strange man comes up to you and says "What are you doing here?" What's your first impulse, to deck the guy or say "I"m on my way to my Dad's house to watch the game." Or even tell the guy off. You got no right to question me, I got rights! Or do you just start punching?

A few years ago we had evidence of a meth lab and burglaries in our neighborhood and we live in a very rural area so that was not normal. We began a block watch and confronted anyone who looked like they were not from there. Yes, we were armed. We still are and our neighborhood is clean and quiet. We eradicated the problem after we found out exactly where the problem was, and the cops did the rest. I was in the exact same position as Zimmerman, but they knew I was armed. If Trayvon would have known Zimmerman was armed, he would probably still be alive. Shit happens when you play gangster and hopefully other young men will learn a valuable lesson here.
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In America are you allowed to kill someone who insults you or threatens to slap you about a bit or do they have to lay hands on you?Are you allowed to walk around with a gun and kill people because you get a little scared?
It's a no brainer to me, maybe we should adopt some of those laws, I would have killed a few these past few months never mind in my lifetime.
In Florida, it seems, you can kill someone because you get a little scared. Or pretend to be....
What would most people do. You are walking along when a strange man comes up to you and says "What are you doing here?" What's your first impulse, to deck the guy or say "I"m on my way to my Dad's house to watch the game." Or even tell the guy off. You got no right to question me, I got rights! Or do you just start punching?

Well, being a woman, I'd be a lot more freaked out by being approached by a strange man after dark. On the other hand, most men understand that and approach females differently than they do other males, for fear of being accused of attempted rape or something.

But your point is valid. One does not usually take being merely questioned about one's activities as a cause for physical violence, assuming that that's even what actually happened here.
Doubtful on 2nd degree murder... the prosecutor went for too much IMHO, and that was by design.
They want some mayhem if ask me :doubt:
Interesting. You think the Republicans want mayhem? You might be right but that doesn't make it so.

Nope... What do the Republicans have to do with it?

The prosecutor asked for way too much, and the media would love to see some Mayhem in Sanford Fla.
Mayhem by who? Well, guess we will have to sit back and see wont we :doubt: (doubtful they will be Republicans either you punk)
The prosecutor was hand picked by Rick Scott, who is a Republican. I believe she is one as well.

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