Zimmerman Girlfriend Recants... Shocker...

He is guilty of murder. Some of us just think the jury was wrong.
The jury's opinion is the only one that matters. Your opinion just means you're going to go through life bitter and disappointed.
You can think whatever you like but you can't make anyone else think that way if they just don't.
Oh, I gave up long ago trying make progressives think.

They're just not interested. They'd rather mindlessly repeat the lies they tell each other -- like "He is guilty of murder."

I'm not going through life bitter. I rarely ever even think about the fat little manipulative shit. When I see you all standing up for this guy, I just like to weigh in.
Riiiiight. :lol:

Oh, and pointing out he was acquitted isn't really standing up for him so much as pointing out reality. But thanks for acknowledging, at least, that reality doesn't matter to you.
You can believe in this guy if you like, I don't and plenty of others don't. They all think he is guilty of murdering the kid.
Luckily, justice isn't a matter of progressive popularity contests.

Grow up, child. The prosecutor did the best he could, the jury heard the evidence...but you didn't get your way. And why is that? You didn't get the whole story. You believe what you were told to believe by people who manipulated you.

THAT'S who you should be upset with. The people who used you. The people who knew they weren't telling the truth, and said what they did to elicit an emotional response.

They played you like a fiddle.
I said earlier in the thread he may not kill one of these women but one of them may feel the need one day to turn this little game around on him. I wouldn't care either way.
Bullshit. You'd dance around screeching "JUSTICE IS SERVED, BITCH!! YEAH!!"...along with the rest of those who were manipulated.

I know you would. YOU know you would.

So stop pretending you're not emotionally invested in Zimmerman.
The jury's opinion is the only one that matters. Your opinion just means you're going to go through life bitter and disappointed.

Oh, I gave up long ago trying make progressives think.

They're just not interested. They'd rather mindlessly repeat the lies they tell each other -- like "He is guilty of murder."

I'm not going through life bitter. I rarely ever even think about the fat little manipulative shit. When I see you all standing up for this guy, I just like to weigh in.
Riiiiight. :lol:

Oh, and pointing out he was acquitted isn't really standing up for him so much as pointing out reality. But thanks for acknowledging, at least, that reality doesn't matter to you.
You can believe in this guy if you like, I don't and plenty of others don't. They all think he is guilty of murdering the kid.
Luckily, justice isn't a matter of progressive popularity contests.

Grow up, child. The prosecutor did the best he could, the jury heard the evidence...but you didn't get your way. And why is that? You didn't get the whole story. You believe what you were told to believe by people who manipulated you.

THAT'S who you should be upset with. The people who used you. The people who knew they weren't telling the truth, and said what they did to elicit an emotional response.

They played you like a fiddle.
I said earlier in the thread he may not kill one of these women but one of them may feel the need one day to turn this little game around on him. I wouldn't care either way.
Bullshit. You'd dance around screeching "JUSTICE IS SERVED, BITCH!! YEAH!!"...along with the rest of those who were manipulated.

I know you would. YOU know you would.

So stop pretending you're not emotionally invested in Zimmerman.

You think you know what everybody else is thinking and feeling simply because you know their political leanings. You don't, Daveman.

You still didn't answer my other question. Can you? You seem to know everything about everything.

Does he work?
If all evidence had been presented, the little prick would not be free, not be preparing to shoot someone else.

What Everyone Should Know About Trayvon Martin (1995-2012) | ThinkProgress

12. A police officer “corrected” a key witness. “The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help.” [ABC News]

13. Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before a shot was fired. “Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the moments before and after the Miami Gardens teenager’s killing. All three said they heard the last howl for help from a despondent boy.” [Miami Herald]

14. The officer in charge of the crime scene also received criticism in 2010 when he initially failed to arrest a lieutenant’s son who was videotaped attacking a homeless black man. [New York Times]

15. The police did not test Zimmerman for drugs or alcohol. A law enforcement expert told ABC that Zimmerman sounds intoxicated on the 911 tapes. Drug and alcohol testing is “standard procedure in most homicide investigations.” [ABC News]

16. In a cell phone call moments before his death, Martin told a teenage girl that he was “hounded by a strange man on a cellphone who ran after him, cornered him and confronted him.” “‘He said this man was watching him, so he put his hoodie on. He said he lost the man,’ Martin’s friend said. ‘I asked Trayvon to run, and he said he was going to walk fast. I told him to run but he said he was not going to run.’ Eventually he would run, said the girl, thinking that he’d managed to escape. But suddenly the strange man was back, cornering Martin. ‘Trayvon said, ‘What, are you following me for,’ and the man said, ‘What are you doing here.’” [ABC News]...

22. Police ignored witness whose account was different from Zimmerman’s.“One of the witnesses who heard the crying said she called a detective repeatedly, but said he was not interested because her account differed from Zimmerman’s.” [Miami Herald]
I also asked earlier, does he have a job even or is he living off of the women?

He's a leech who has failed at just about everything except getting away with murder. He played the racists for the fools they are. Even though people sent him more than $300K, he didn't pay his attorneys and apparently lives off of gullible women.

But, he's now so deep in debt he'll never see the light of day.

My bet is that he will end up in prison for life - an entire lifetime, on the dole.

But, hey, Florida does have the death penalty ...
If all evidence had been presented, the little prick would not be free, not be preparing to shoot someone else.

What Everyone Should Know About Trayvon Martin (1995-2012) | ThinkProgress

12. A police officer “corrected” a key witness. “The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help.” [ABC News]

13. Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before a shot was fired. “Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the moments before and after the Miami Gardens teenager’s killing. All three said they heard the last howl for help from a despondent boy.” [Miami Herald]

14. The officer in charge of the crime scene also received criticism in 2010 when he initially failed to arrest a lieutenant’s son who was videotaped attacking a homeless black man. [New York Times]

15. The police did not test Zimmerman for drugs or alcohol. A law enforcement expert told ABC that Zimmerman sounds intoxicated on the 911 tapes. Drug and alcohol testing is “standard procedure in most homicide investigations.” [ABC News]

16. In a cell phone call moments before his death, Martin told a teenage girl that he was “hounded by a strange man on a cellphone who ran after him, cornered him and confronted him.” “‘He said this man was watching him, so he put his hoodie on. He said he lost the man,’ Martin’s friend said. ‘I asked Trayvon to run, and he said he was going to walk fast. I told him to run but he said he was not going to run.’ Eventually he would run, said the girl, thinking that he’d managed to escape. But suddenly the strange man was back, cornering Martin. ‘Trayvon said, ‘What, are you following me for,’ and the man said, ‘What are you doing here.’” [ABC News]...

22. Police ignored witness whose account was different from Zimmerman’s.“One of the witnesses who heard the crying said she called a detective repeatedly, but said he was not interested because her account differed from Zimmerman’s.” [Miami Herald]

14. The officer in charge of the crime scene also received criticism in 2010 when he initially failed to arrest a lieutenant’s son who was videotaped attacking a homeless black man. [New York Times]

And guess who stood up and demanded something be done about that??

(CNN) -- George Zimmerman gave a scathing review of the Sanford Police Department and accused its chief of engaging in a cover-up during a public meeting in January 2011.

Zimmerman's anger stemmed from the case of Sherman Ware, a black homeless man who was beaten by the son of a white police lieutenant.

Zimmerman's outrage over the incident was clear at the public meeting the previous January.

"I would just like to state that the law is written in black and white. It should not and cannot be enforced in the gray for those that are in the thin blue line," he said at the hearing. CNN obtained a recording this week.

Tape showed Zimmerman's anger over black man's beating - CNN.com
I also asked earlier, does he have a job even or is he living off of the women?

He's a leech who has failed at just about everything except getting away with murder. He played the racists for the fools they are. Even though people sent him more than $300K, he didn't pay his attorneys and apparently lives off of gullible women.

But, he's now so deep in debt he'll never see the light of day.

My bet is that he will end up in prison for life - an entire lifetime, on the dole.

But, hey, Florida does have the death penalty ...

He's lucky there isn't debtor's prison anymore.
I also asked earlier, does he have a job even or is he living off of the women?

He's a leech who has failed at just about everything except getting away with murder. He played the racists for the fools they are. Even though people sent him more than $300K, he didn't pay his attorneys and apparently lives off of gullible women.

But, he's now so deep in debt he'll never see the light of day.

My bet is that he will end up in prison for life - an entire lifetime, on the dole.

But, hey, Florida does have the death penalty ...

He's lucky there isn't debtor's prison anymore.

Hopefully if there was he'd win a settlement from NBC for the damage they did to him when they edited the 911 tapes to make him look like a racist.

His life probably wouldn't be in shambles now if it hadn't been for the slanderous race-hustling of the media and the usual subjects. If it weren't for that malpractice, he likely wouldn't have been charged with a crime at all since the evidence clearly wasn't there. The people involved in the tragedy could have healed in a natural way instead of going through the prolonged hell they were subjected to.

Good chance some murders which have taken place since then also wouldn't have happened if the media hadn't stirred up racial hatred like they did just because they found the circus profitable.
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He is a killer. By legal definition, he is not a murderer. And if he's not feeling guilty that somebody died unnecessarily at his hands, he is likely a sociopath.
You think you know what everybody else is thinking and feeling simply because you know their political leanings. You don't, Daveman.
No, I don't. I know what they're thinking and feeling by the things they say.

And I'm pretty sure I'm spot-on accurate with you.
You still didn't answer my other question. Can you? You seem to know everything about everything.

Does he work?
Don't know, and don't care.

But you sure seem to -- exactly as I said.
Not really. ..it was found not guilty becsuse of evidence..the law worked the way it should have.

I personally think he was a douche

But thank you for asking and the deflection
And yet I haven't seen you criticize any of your fellow progressives for insisting he's guilty of murder.

Nor will you.

He is guilty of murder. Some of us just think the jury was wrong.

You can think whatever you like but you can't make anyone else think that way if they just don't.

Ok since you insist a man found not guilty is still a murderer then we are free to claim abortion is murder and you have no grounds to complain.
And yet I haven't seen you criticize any of your fellow progressives for insisting he's guilty of murder.

Nor will you.

He is guilty of murder. Some of us just think the jury was wrong.

You can think whatever you like but you can't make anyone else think that way if they just don't.

Ok since you insist a man found not guilty is still a murderer then we are free to claim abortion is murder and you have no grounds to complain.

That's quite a leap but think what you want about that, Sgt.
He's a leech who has failed at just about everything except getting away with murder. He played the racists for the fools they are. Even though people sent him more than $300K, he didn't pay his attorneys and apparently lives off of gullible women.

But, he's now so deep in debt he'll never see the light of day.

My bet is that he will end up in prison for life - an entire lifetime, on the dole.

But, hey, Florida does have the death penalty ...

He's lucky there isn't debtor's prison anymore.

Hopefully if there was he'd win a settlement from NBC for the damage they did to him when they edited the 911 tapes to make him look like a racist.

His life probably wouldn't be in shambles now if it hadn't been for the slanderous race-hustling of the media and the usual subjects. If it weren't that malpractice, he likely wouldn't have been charged with a crime at all since the evidence clearly wasn't there. The people involved in the tragedy could have healed in a natural way instead of going through the prolonged hell they were subjected to.

Good chance some murders which have taken place since then also wouldn't have happened if the media hadn't stirred up racial hatred like they did just because they found the circus profitable.
The raging imbecile Spike Lee turned a couple's life into a living hell for Tweeting their address and saying it was Zimmerman's, urging his followers to go kill him.

They're suing his stupid ass.

FL couple whose address was wrongly IDed as George Zimmerman's sue Spike Lee - National Crime & Courts | Examiner.com
He is guilty of murder. Some of us just think the jury was wrong.

You can think whatever you like but you can't make anyone else think that way if they just don't.

Ok since you insist a man found not guilty is still a murderer then we are free to claim abortion is murder and you have no grounds to complain.

That's quite a leap but think what you want about that, Sgt.

Under our Constitution and laws the man is INNOCENT. You are innocent till proven guilty. The Not Guilty verdict under our Constitution and laws means he is INNOCENT. Yet you insist he is a murderer.

That means you have no legs to stand on when I insist abortion is murder. You ignore the law when it suits you. I say that while legally the act is not murder under the law, it is morally sanctioned murder by the Government. And how many have been killed so far? And you don't give a damn.

But Zimmerman who was hounded lied about and harassed went to trial for a non crime because of political beliefs. And even though the Government wanted him to be found guilty, their evidence was so flimsy 3 women that stated they wanted to convict could not in good conscious do so. The evidence was such they had to vote NOT GUILTY.
You really took it personally when the White Hispanic was acquitted, despite the left's insistence he was guilty, didn't you, kid?

Not really. ..it was found not guilty becsuse of evidence..the law worked the way it should have.

I personally think he was a douche

But thank you for asking and the deflection
And yet I haven't seen you criticize any of your fellow progressives for insisting he's guilty of murder.

Nor will you.

I think he murdered the kid as well..but the evidence doesnt support my opinion. Ill live.

What other people think is not my problem and what you have a problem with is not my problem.

If I am a progressive you like to dress up as a woman and pretend that you are pretty..or you can drop that game dave.your choice
He's a leech who has failed at just about everything except getting away with murder. He played the racists for the fools they are. Even though people sent him more than $300K, he didn't pay his attorneys and apparently lives off of gullible women.

But, he's now so deep in debt he'll never see the light of day.

My bet is that he will end up in prison for life - an entire lifetime, on the dole.

But, hey, Florida does have the death penalty ...

He's lucky there isn't debtor's prison anymore.

Hopefully if there was he'd win a settlement from NBC for the damage they did to him when they edited the 911 tapes to make him look like a racist.

His life probably wouldn't be in shambles now if it hadn't been for the slanderous race-hustling of the media and the usual subjects. If it weren't for that malpractice, he likely wouldn't have been charged with a crime at all since the evidence clearly wasn't there. The people involved in the tragedy could have healed in a natural way instead of going through the prolonged hell they were subjected to.

Good chance some murders which have taken place since then also wouldn't have happened if the media hadn't stirred up racial hatred like they did just because they found the circus profitable.

His life is in shambles becsuse the whole thing is sketchy. Zimmerman has a history, but the problem is there was no other witnesses to get the facts right.

If you feel so bad foe his life, feel free to donate money to his cause...

I all but guarantee none of you will..you only "care" because it gives you am excuse to insult people on the left. Because once again this had to become a partsian football.
He's lucky there isn't debtor's prison anymore.

Hopefully if there was he'd win a settlement from NBC for the damage they did to him when they edited the 911 tapes to make him look like a racist.

His life probably wouldn't be in shambles now if it hadn't been for the slanderous race-hustling of the media and the usual subjects. If it weren't for that malpractice, he likely wouldn't have been charged with a crime at all since the evidence clearly wasn't there. The people involved in the tragedy could have healed in a natural way instead of going through the prolonged hell they were subjected to.

Good chance some murders which have taken place since then also wouldn't have happened if the media hadn't stirred up racial hatred like they did just because they found the circus profitable.

His life is in shambles becsuse the whole thing is sketchy. Zimmerman has a history, but the problem is there was no other witnesses to get the facts right.

If you feel so bad foe his life, feel free to donate money to his cause...

I all but guarantee none of you will..you only "care" because it gives you am excuse to insult people on the left. Because once again this had to become a partsian football.

Wouldn't need to donate money to his cause if the media had been responsible instead of being the exact opposite.

Would have been no trial if reasonable rules of evidence had prevailed instead of a witch hunt.

Was criminal what they did with taxpayer money.

If the media had known sooner that he was a Hispanic Democrat and not jumped to conclusions based on his last name we would never have learned about him or about "White Hispanics".
He's a leech who has failed at just about everything except getting away with murder. He played the racists for the fools they are. Even though people sent him more than $300K, he didn't pay his attorneys and apparently lives off of gullible women.

But, he's now so deep in debt he'll never see the light of day.

My bet is that he will end up in prison for life - an entire lifetime, on the dole.

But, hey, Florida does have the death penalty ...

He's lucky there isn't debtor's prison anymore.

Hopefully if there was he'd win a settlement from NBC for the damage they did to him when they edited the 911 tapes to make him look like a racist.

His life probably wouldn't be in shambles now if it hadn't been for the slanderous race-hustling of the media and the usual subjects. If it weren't for that malpractice, he likely wouldn't have been charged with a crime at all since the evidence clearly wasn't there. The people involved in the tragedy could have healed in a natural way instead of going through the prolonged hell they were subjected to.

Good chance some murders which have taken place since then also wouldn't have happened if the media hadn't stirred up racial hatred like they did just because they found the circus profitable.

There has been no mention of that lawsuit since July. One wonders why.

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