Zimmerman Girlfriend Recants... Shocker...

There has been no mention of that lawsuit since July. One wonders why.

He's got three lawsuits because he's not only suing NBC, but Al Sharpton and the Martin family's attorneys.

I think I saw it in October. Just an update on the original stories but it looks like it's still on.

And I think he's got a winner against NBC. Heads rolled over it. Richard Jewel won his cases as well.

There has been no news coverage. Who is representing him?

I think it was a law firm out of Philly. Civil of course. I found it funny at the time when all the bloggers and media assholes were trying make it seem that Zimmerman was "dropped" by his criminal team.

The anti Zimmerman crowd doesn't want to accept the verdict.

Hell's bells you had Holder and the FBI all over and they couldn't find any racial profiling or damned straight Zimmerman would be back in the slammer right now.

NBC and CNN did so much damage to skewer this as a racial profiling case, well it will never go away for Zimmerman.

Cripes I'm still reading news reports that Zimmerman won his case based on stand your ground defense.

Blatant falsehood. But they still put this garbage out there.
Trayvon wasn't smoking right then. A "TRACE" amount was in his sytem.

Trayvon wasn't doing ANYTHING wrong.

ZIMMERMAN....WAS...doing something wrong.

Packing heat on watch.

Disregarding expert advice from police dispatch.

Not identifying himself.

FOLLOWING someone against Watch rules.



That's ok.

Just like O.J......he is "not guilty".

And just like O.J......

Zimmerman wasn't packing heat on watch. He wasn't out on patrol. He just happened to see Martin while he was out. I don't know that he never carried a gun on watch -- I suspect that he did -- but he wasn't on watch that night. He was just observant.

And Zimmerman didn't disregard advice from police dispatch. He followed the advice. Dispatch said they didn't need Zimmerman to follow Martin, so Zimmerman stopped following. Martin was gone at that point. He could have stayed gone. He could have gone home. But he didn't.

Trayvon was a messed up kid. A teenager whose frontal lobe was on overdrive because that's what happens to the teenage brain. And he messed up bigtime. It cost him his life. It was a tragedy. It was not murder.

You cant even get this right. Zimmerman still followed for a little more and then he went on about street names. There are only three in that area. He hangs up saying he will go meet the cops. Thats the end of it. Everything after is speculation at best. You have to assume zimmerman is bias and is not going to find himself of guilt. Which on the face does not make him guilty in the eyes of the law. Just a suspect.

Ive watched you people go up and doen the internet. Left, right it doesnt matter. You all combine your specualtion with the facts. Thus thinking you are right. You dont know what happened that night. I dont and nobody save two people actually know.

You people need to stop mixing specualtion with the facts.
Wouldn't need to donate money to his cause if the media had been responsible instead of being the exact opposite.

Would have been no trial if reasonable rules of evidence had prevailed instead of a witch hunt.

Was criminal what they did with taxpayer money.

If the media had known sooner that he was a Hispanic Democrat and not jumped to conclusions based on his last name we would never have learned about him or about "White Hispanics".

Ah so you rather make excuses.its the medias fault..

Yes, in this case, it is.

There was NO case. But the media hyped it up so much that the state had to go through the show of the trial to satisfy millions of people who had no legal interest in it at all but who were calling for Zimmerman's blood because of media malpractice and other race-hustling.

There was NO case.

There was no reason to take this to court other than that the masses were riled up by a botched and in large part faked story.

Fake? Young man is dead..hardly fake. The media did its role of cherry picking a story and hyping it. Someone had to stand trial for the death of martin. You dont just kill someone (self defense or not) and wash your hands of it.

Thats neat about race baiting and such...regardless of that you are just making poor excuses and nothing more.

How much have you donated to this poor victim?
Im going to assume zero.
Who wants to bet the local authorities threaten her with Jail time if she doesn't play along with them?

If he really didn't do what she said he did, she filed a false police report, and that's a crime.

If he really did do what she said she did, and she's lying about it now, she's committing perjury.


(Remember when you wingnuts all thought Perjury was the worst crime, ever?)
Who wants to bet the local authorities threaten her with Jail time if she doesn't play along with them?

If he really didn't do what she said he did, she filed a false police report, and that's a crime.

If he really did do what she said she did, and she's lying about it now, she's committing perjury.

(Remember when you wingnuts all thought Perjury was the worst crime, ever?)

Zimmerman's other girlfriend or wife or whatever she was committed perjury for him. It's just strange that wingnuts are all about making excuses for this jobless, murdering, moron.

Such convenient memories they have.
Who wants to bet the local authorities threaten her with Jail time if she doesn't play along with them?

If he really didn't do what she said he did, she filed a false police report, and that's a crime.

If he really did do what she said she did, and she's lying about it now, she's committing perjury.

(Remember when you wingnuts all thought Perjury was the worst crime, ever?)

Zimmerman's other girlfriend or wife or whatever she was committed perjury for him. It's just strange that wingnuts are all about making excuses for this jobless, murdering, moron.

Such convenient memories they have.

Zimmerman is living the Right Wing Dream. That a gun owner can shoot someone who scares him with no legal consequences.

Understanding that he's a dangerous thug who is going to kill someone else, pretty soon, would shatter that illusion.
If he really didn't do what she said he did, she filed a false police report, and that's a crime.

If he really did do what she said she did, and she's lying about it now, she's committing perjury.

(Remember when you wingnuts all thought Perjury was the worst crime, ever?)

Zimmerman's other girlfriend or wife or whatever she was committed perjury for him. It's just strange that wingnuts are all about making excuses for this jobless, murdering, moron.

Such convenient memories they have.

Zimmerman is living the Right Wing Dream. That a gun owner can shoot someone who scares him with no legal consequences.

Understanding that he's a dangerous thug who is going to kill someone else, pretty soon, would shatter that illusion.

That Stand Your Ground law is dreamy for wingnuts. It's like a license to kill.
Trayvon wasn't smoking right then. A "TRACE" amount was in his system.

Irrelevant. {KING}

Trayvon wasn't doing ANYTHING wrong.

Assault is wrong dumbass, even KING knows that.

ZIMMERMAN....WAS...doing something wrong.

No, he wasn't. Said KING.

Packing heat on watch.

He wasn't "on watch" at the time, moron.

Disregarding expert advice from police dispatch.

Not wrong.

Not identifying himself.

Again, not wrong.

FOLLOWING someone against Watch rules.

Again, he wasn't on watch. Now, KING is really embarassed by your stupidity.

Keep shaking it, maybe whatever is screwing up your brain function will break loose. {KING}
Ah so you rather make excuses.its the medias fault..

Yes, in this case, it is.

There was NO case. But the media hyped it up so much that the state had to go through the show of the trial to satisfy millions of people who had no legal interest in it at all but who were calling for Zimmerman's blood because of media malpractice and other race-hustling.

There was NO case.

There was no reason to take this to court other than that the masses were riled up by a botched and in large part faked story.

Fake? Young man is dead..hardly fake. The media did its role of cherry picking a story and hyping it. Someone had to stand trial for the death of martin. You dont just kill someone (self defense or not) and wash your hands of it.

Thats neat about race baiting and such...regardless of that you are just making poor excuses and nothing more.

How much have you donated to this poor victim?
Im going to assume zero.

No. No one had top stand trial for the killing of that thug.

The police did an investigation, they interviewede witnesses, and combined that with what facts there were and came to the same conclusion that the jury did hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars later. It was a clear cut case of self-defense. No trial necessary.
Who wants to bet the local authorities threaten her with Jail time if she doesn't play along with them?

If he really didn't do what she said he did, she filed a false police report, and that's a crime.

If he really did do what she said she did, and she's lying about it now, she's committing perjury.


(Remember when you wingnuts all thought Perjury was the worst crime, ever?)

WE still think it's a crime dumbass. Is anyone asking for the girlfriend to be let off? No.
Who wants to bet the local authorities threaten her with Jail time if she doesn't play along with them?

If he really didn't do what she said he did, she filed a false police report, and that's a crime.

If he really did do what she said she did, and she's lying about it now, she's committing perjury.

(Remember when you wingnuts all thought Perjury was the worst crime, ever?)

Zimmerman's other girlfriend or wife or whatever she was committed perjury for him. It's just strange that wingnuts are all about making excuses for this jobless, murdering, moron.

Such convenient memories they have.

Irrelevant garbage.
If he really didn't do what she said he did, she filed a false police report, and that's a crime.

If he really did do what she said she did, and she's lying about it now, she's committing perjury.

(Remember when you wingnuts all thought Perjury was the worst crime, ever?)

Zimmerman's other girlfriend or wife or whatever she was committed perjury for him. It's just strange that wingnuts are all about making excuses for this jobless, murdering, moron.

Such convenient memories they have.

Zimmerman is living the Right Wing Dream. That a gun owner can shoot someone who scares him with no legal consequences.

Understanding that he's a dangerous thug who is going to kill someone else, pretty soon, would shatter that illusion.


The only thing that I like about GZ is that he exposed you lefties to be the haters and hypocrites that you are. Your hatred of him and your suffering defeat after defeat by his hands has also exposed your innate stupidity. Look at the ridiculous way you all ignore facts and logic, and how you keep repeating the same falsehoods over and over.

Look at your post above if you can:

"That a gun owner can shoot someone who scares him with no legal consequences."

According to your Zimmerman-addled brain, George shot him simply because he was afraid of him. I'd advise that you get a grip but you are a liberal and that simply isn't going to happen.
Who wants to bet the local authorities threaten her with Jail time if she doesn't play along with them?

If he really didn't do what she said he did, she filed a false police report, and that's a crime.

If he really did do what she said she did, and she's lying about it now, she's committing perjury.

(Remember when you wingnuts all thought Perjury was the worst crime, ever?)

Zimmerman's other girlfriend or wife or whatever she was committed perjury for him. It's just strange that wingnuts are all about making excuses for this jobless, murdering, moron.

Such convenient memories they have.

There you go again Lying. Is it a Liberal thing? Or are you just to stupid to understand the truth?
If he really didn't do what she said he did, she filed a false police report, and that's a crime.

If he really did do what she said she did, and she's lying about it now, she's committing perjury.

(Remember when you wingnuts all thought Perjury was the worst crime, ever?)

Zimmerman's other girlfriend or wife or whatever she was committed perjury for him. It's just strange that wingnuts are all about making excuses for this jobless, murdering, moron.

Such convenient memories they have.

Irrelevant garbage.

It speaks to the title of this thread. Another one of his girlfriends doesn't follow through after accusing him of pointing a gun at her. I say he chooses these women because he understands how they will react when he starts this bullshit. You are saying my comments are irrelevant, I say they are completely relevant and he actually designs these scenarios.
Working hard this week for some extra Christmas cash. Don't miss me too much if I am gone for extended periods of time.

I LOVE it when Liberals Hate on Hispanics... :rofl:



I don't hate Hispanics. Why don't you tell Sgt. why you lie all the time, Mal?

You plainly hate this Hispanic.

Your obsession with GZ is both pathetic and hilarious. It's like you have nothing better to do with your life than spread rumors about this poor guy.

GZ won his case, the jury said he was innocent so why don't you and all your butt-buddies move the frick on?

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