Zimmerman Girlfriend Recants... Shocker...

If Trayvon had followed someone in high school home who was doing nothing wrong, and killed them ...

All these people in here would be on the opposite side of their posts.

Because you are blind, racist hypocrites.

Stay Blessed.

No one can entirely fault you for buying into the Big Lie Media's presentation of this little story.

But you are at fault for condemning millions of people of racism when you obviously are not familiar with all the facts.

GZ saw MT walking around in the rain looking into the windows of peoples homes. There had been a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood and GZ was on the neighborhood watch, so he watched what TM was doing and called 911.

TM wandered on into the complex, so GZ started to follow him at a distance as he stayed on the line with 911, and the dispatcher said he did not need to do that, and so GZ stopped and was returning to his truck.

TM had noticed GZ and went home and then doubled back to attack GZ, suck punched him then sat on GZ' chest pounding his face with his fists and then he started beating GZ head against the sidewalk. GZ was not fighting back, given his position, and started yelling for help, pleading for his life. Witnesses saw TM sitting on GZ beating him, confirming much of GZs story. When TM noticed GZ's gun, he went for it, forcing GZ to draw then shoot TM one time, which unfortunately killed him.

The case went ignored for weeks, but then a national group of gun grabbing fascists teamed up with the black 'civil rights' hussler's like Sharpton and Jackson and wanted to do a national PR campaign to turn the public against concealed carry laws in general but against 'Stand Your Ground Laws' specifically, like the one in Florida. This is why the libtards so often bring up Stand Your Ground Laws even though it was not used in the GZ trial, nor did GZ need to use it because he could not retreat from his position anyway, being on the ground on his back with TM beating him anyway.

PArt of this national campaign by the gun grabbers was to set up a person to be the poster boy of abusive, racist gun carrying vigilante who couldn't wait to shoot a black kid (yeah a 6'2" kid, right). GZ was picked because the data poorly read seemed to suggest he was white and likely Jewish or German ethnically. So they then dragged this case up from weeks of ignoring it and slandered GZ without mercy.

When it turned out that GZ was Hispanic, was laying on his back when he shot a man beating on him, and then he got cleared by a jury of his peers, the left went crazy, going into personal destruction mode, pursuing and harassing GZ by smearing his reputation at every opportunity. Even some otherwise conservative people on Fox got into this last incident, condemning GZ as some kind of gun nut, crazy man.

All GZ ever did was defend his life when he had no choice, and when people read the facts and see this, they usually leave the man alone.

But that is the side of the story the Big Lie Media will never tell you.

But stop and take some time and ask yourself why would a 'racist' group of people (as you think the GZ apologists are) bother to defend a Hispanic man who was a life long Democrat? Why wouldn't they just jump on the band wagon and say 'yeah, that is how them violent Spanish people are, and they should check to see if GZ is really even a legal citizen?' They did not do this, (by and large and the few who did are not conservatives but racist fascists instead) but still you condemn all of GZ's defenders as racist anyway.

Why? One cannot defend themselves against a black hoodlum without being a racist?

I am fairly sure my time and effort is wasted on you, because if you still think the way you do about GZ then you simply do not want to open your mind and actually acquaint yourself with the facts.

But there are many others who may read this and have a more open mind.

Sigh you are lying. You have zero proof tm doubled back and sucker punched him. You have zero proof it's zimmerman screaming for help.

Why should anyone else acquaint themselves with the facts when you cant even do it yourself?
The jury acquainted themselves with the "facts", such as they are, and came to the same pretty obvious conclusion. regardless of who initiateid the attack, and it was almost certainly Martin, Zimmerman had every right to defend himself by whatever means possible given the "facts".
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If Trayvon had followed someone in high school home who was doing nothing wrong, and killed them ...

All these people in here would be on the opposite side of their posts.

Because you are blind, racist hypocrites.

Stay Blessed.

No one can entirely fault you for buying into the Big Lie Media's presentation of this little story.

But you are at fault for condemning millions of people of racism when you obviously are not familiar with all the facts.

GZ saw MT walking around in the rain looking into the windows of peoples homes. There had been a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood and GZ was on the neighborhood watch, so he watched what TM was doing and called 911.

TM wandered on into the complex, so GZ started to follow him at a distance as he stayed on the line with 911, and the dispatcher said he did not need to do that, and so GZ stopped and was returning to his truck.

TM had noticed GZ and went home and then doubled back to attack GZ, suck punched him then sat on GZ' chest pounding his face with his fists and then he started beating GZ head against the sidewalk. GZ was not fighting back, given his position, and started yelling for help, pleading for his life. Witnesses saw TM sitting on GZ beating him, confirming much of GZs story. When TM noticed GZ's gun, he went for it, forcing GZ to draw then shoot TM one time, which unfortunately killed him.

The case went ignored for weeks, but then a national group of gun grabbing fascists teamed up with the black 'civil rights' hussler's like Sharpton and Jackson and wanted to do a national PR campaign to turn the public against concealed carry laws in general but against 'Stand Your Ground Laws' specifically, like the one in Florida. This is why the libtards so often bring up Stand Your Ground Laws even though it was not used in the GZ trial, nor did GZ need to use it because he could not retreat from his position anyway, being on the ground on his back with TM beating him anyway.

PArt of this national campaign by the gun grabbers was to set up a person to be the poster boy of abusive, racist gun carrying vigilante who couldn't wait to shoot a black kid (yeah a 6'2" kid, right). GZ was picked because the data poorly read seemed to suggest he was white and likely Jewish or German ethnically. So they then dragged this case up from weeks of ignoring it and slandered GZ without mercy.

When it turned out that GZ was Hispanic, was laying on his back when he shot a man beating on him, and then he got cleared by a jury of his peers, the left went crazy, going into personal destruction mode, pursuing and harassing GZ by smearing his reputation at every opportunity. Even some otherwise conservative people on Fox got into this last incident, condemning GZ as some kind of gun nut, crazy man.

All GZ ever did was defend his life when he had no choice, and when people read the facts and see this, they usually leave the man alone.

But that is the side of the story the Big Lie Media will never tell you.

But stop and take some time and ask yourself why would a 'racist' group of people (as you think the GZ apologists are) bother to defend a Hispanic man who was a life long Democrat? Why wouldn't they just jump on the band wagon and say 'yeah, that is how them violent Spanish people are, and they should check to see if GZ is really even a legal citizen?' They did not do this, (by and large and the few who did are not conservatives but racist fascists instead) but still you condemn all of GZ's defenders as racist anyway.

Why? One cannot defend themselves against a black hoodlum without being a racist?

I am fairly sure my time and effort is wasted on you, because if you still think the way you do about GZ then you simply do not want to open your mind and actually acquaint yourself with the facts.

But there are many others who may read this and have a more open mind.

Sigh you are lying. You have zero proof tm doubled back and sucker punched him. You have zero proof it's zimmerman screaming for help.

Why should anyone else acquaint themselves with the facts when you cant even do it yourself?

No, you libtard piece of shit, I am not lying. The facts are established if you would bother yourself to investigate them.

But no, you would rather swallow the Big Lie Medias bullshit and pretend you did due diligence.

You are the liar, not me.
Yeah, Zim lied. Made up the scars on the front and back of his head. Made up the screaming that was heard by others.

Now THAT is a good liar.

Of COURSE, the jury wanted to charge him with something. A kid died. But that "something," appropriately charged, was on the order of a summary weapons offense, not homicide.

JimBowie1958 took the time to lay out the known facts, in detail. Your response BM1 is, "I know the case better than you."

Sounds like empty bullshit to me. If JB is wrong about anything, and if you are not just passing gas through your computer, then let's see your version, in detail.
You are the sad thing, GZ had his guns locked up and is plainly being targeted by an idiot woman and her mother so they can get some fame and cash.

That is, it is plain to most people now except for ideological screwballs like yourself.

Yeah targeted....ok the poor victim. The guns where locked up by the time the cops got there. What happened before is up to speculation.

The woman who is carrying his kid is playing the typical beaten wife scenario. So she backtracks, takes him back because she thinks its love, but its more like she thinks she can change him.

But thats just speculation and nothing more.

Regardless you have nothing

She is not carrying his child.

In a question-and-answer session after Monday's news conference, Lemma told reporters, "At this time, the victim has disclosed to us that she is not pregnant."

George Zimmerman posts $9,000 bail in domestic violence case - CNN.com

Yeah, but it fits the libtard story lie that men use women for nothing more than sex objects, get them pregnant then toss them aside and the desperate woman endures all the man's abuse for the sake of her children.

The biggest bunch of whores shit I have ever heard, given the things I have seen in life; men working themselves to death to provide for their wife and children, taking bullets for their protection, and in one case willingly dying of cancer rather than bankrupting his family leaving them in poverty after he was dead.

No, that doesn't fit the libtard story lie; men are the most evil beasts on the planet and women are much better off without us.
Yeah targeted....ok the poor victim. The guns where locked up by the time the cops got there. What happened before is up to speculation.

The woman who is carrying his kid is playing the typical beaten wife scenario. So she backtracks, takes him back because she thinks its love, but its more like she thinks she can change him.

But thats just speculation and nothing more.

Regardless you have nothing

She is not carrying his child.

In a question-and-answer session after Monday's news conference, Lemma told reporters, "At this time, the victim has disclosed to us that she is not pregnant."

George Zimmerman posts $9,000 bail in domestic violence case - CNN.com

Yeah, but it fits the libtard story lie that men use women for nothing more than sex objects, get them pregnant then toss them aside and the desperate woman endures all the man's abuse for the sake of her children.

The biggest bunch of whores shit I have ever heard, given the things I have seen in life; men working themselves to death to provide for their wife and children, taking bullets for their protection, and in one case willingly dying of cancer rather than bankrupting his family leaving them in poverty after he was dead.

No, that doesn't fit the libtard story lie; men are the most evil beasts on the planet and women are much better off without us.

I just find it funny that the only one who says she's pregnant is George, and they believe him completely. Yet they claim that he is a liar about what happened the night Traydemark was killed. :cuckoo:
You are the sad thing, GZ had his guns locked up and is plainly being targeted by an idiot woman and her mother so they can get some fame and cash.

That is, it is plain to most people now except for ideological screwballs like yourself.

Yeah targeted....ok the poor victim. The guns where locked up by the time the cops got there. What happened before is up to speculation.

The woman who is carrying his kid is playing the typical beaten wife scenario. So she backtracks, takes him back because she thinks its love, but its more like she thinks she can change him.

But thats just speculation and nothing more.

Regardless you have nothing

She is not carrying his child.

In a question-and-answer session after Monday's news conference, Lemma told reporters, "At this time, the victim has disclosed to us that she is not pregnant."

George Zimmerman posts $9,000 bail in domestic violence case - CNN.com

Ah hadnt seen this..still think this is nothing more than what you see on cops, but ill retract the pregs part.
No one can entirely fault you for buying into the Big Lie Media's presentation of this little story.

But you are at fault for condemning millions of people of racism when you obviously are not familiar with all the facts.

GZ saw MT walking around in the rain looking into the windows of peoples homes. There had been a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood and GZ was on the neighborhood watch, so he watched what TM was doing and called 911.

TM wandered on into the complex, so GZ started to follow him at a distance as he stayed on the line with 911, and the dispatcher said he did not need to do that, and so GZ stopped and was returning to his truck.

TM had noticed GZ and went home and then doubled back to attack GZ, suck punched him then sat on GZ' chest pounding his face with his fists and then he started beating GZ head against the sidewalk. GZ was not fighting back, given his position, and started yelling for help, pleading for his life. Witnesses saw TM sitting on GZ beating him, confirming much of GZs story. When TM noticed GZ's gun, he went for it, forcing GZ to draw then shoot TM one time, which unfortunately killed him.

The case went ignored for weeks, but then a national group of gun grabbing fascists teamed up with the black 'civil rights' hussler's like Sharpton and Jackson and wanted to do a national PR campaign to turn the public against concealed carry laws in general but against 'Stand Your Ground Laws' specifically, like the one in Florida. This is why the libtards so often bring up Stand Your Ground Laws even though it was not used in the GZ trial, nor did GZ need to use it because he could not retreat from his position anyway, being on the ground on his back with TM beating him anyway.

PArt of this national campaign by the gun grabbers was to set up a person to be the poster boy of abusive, racist gun carrying vigilante who couldn't wait to shoot a black kid (yeah a 6'2" kid, right). GZ was picked because the data poorly read seemed to suggest he was white and likely Jewish or German ethnically. So they then dragged this case up from weeks of ignoring it and slandered GZ without mercy.

When it turned out that GZ was Hispanic, was laying on his back when he shot a man beating on him, and then he got cleared by a jury of his peers, the left went crazy, going into personal destruction mode, pursuing and harassing GZ by smearing his reputation at every opportunity. Even some otherwise conservative people on Fox got into this last incident, condemning GZ as some kind of gun nut, crazy man.

All GZ ever did was defend his life when he had no choice, and when people read the facts and see this, they usually leave the man alone.

But that is the side of the story the Big Lie Media will never tell you.

But stop and take some time and ask yourself why would a 'racist' group of people (as you think the GZ apologists are) bother to defend a Hispanic man who was a life long Democrat? Why wouldn't they just jump on the band wagon and say 'yeah, that is how them violent Spanish people are, and they should check to see if GZ is really even a legal citizen?' They did not do this, (by and large and the few who did are not conservatives but racist fascists instead) but still you condemn all of GZ's defenders as racist anyway.

Why? One cannot defend themselves against a black hoodlum without being a racist?

I am fairly sure my time and effort is wasted on you, because if you still think the way you do about GZ then you simply do not want to open your mind and actually acquaint yourself with the facts.

But there are many others who may read this and have a more open mind.

Sigh you are lying. You have zero proof tm doubled back and sucker punched him. You have zero proof it's zimmerman screaming for help.

Why should anyone else acquaint themselves with the facts when you cant even do it yourself?
The jury acquainted themselves with the "facts", such as they are, and came to the same pretty obvious conclusion. regardless of who initiateid the attack, and it was almost certainly Martin, Zimmerman had every right to defend himself by whatever means possible given the "facts".

Sigh no you are lying
There's nothing I can do to bring poor Travon back so hating lardass George has no point. I just have to make sure you all know and understand what is actually happening when this guy pulls a gun on women using poor little Trayvon as a jumping off point.

It's sad really. :(

You are the sad thing, GZ had his guns locked up and is plainly being targeted by an idiot woman and her mother so they can get some fame and cash.

That is, it is plain to most people now except for ideological screwballs like yourself.

Yeah targeted....ok the poor victim. The guns where locked up by the time the cops got there. What happened before is up to speculation.

The woman who is carrying his kid is playing the typical beaten wife scenario. So she backtracks, takes him back because she thinks its love, but its more like she thinks she can change him.

But thats just speculation and nothing more.

Regardless you have nothing

The guns were locked up when the police got there? I believe the press was asking his high priced attorneys what was happening and they said they don't represent him anymore. He is such a slug.
No one can entirely fault you for buying into the Big Lie Media's presentation of this little story.

But you are at fault for condemning millions of people of racism when you obviously are not familiar with all the facts.

GZ saw MT walking around in the rain looking into the windows of peoples homes. There had been a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood and GZ was on the neighborhood watch, so he watched what TM was doing and called 911.

TM wandered on into the complex, so GZ started to follow him at a distance as he stayed on the line with 911, and the dispatcher said he did not need to do that, and so GZ stopped and was returning to his truck.

TM had noticed GZ and went home and then doubled back to attack GZ, suck punched him then sat on GZ' chest pounding his face with his fists and then he started beating GZ head against the sidewalk. GZ was not fighting back, given his position, and started yelling for help, pleading for his life. Witnesses saw TM sitting on GZ beating him, confirming much of GZs story. When TM noticed GZ's gun, he went for it, forcing GZ to draw then shoot TM one time, which unfortunately killed him.

The case went ignored for weeks, but then a national group of gun grabbing fascists teamed up with the black 'civil rights' hussler's like Sharpton and Jackson and wanted to do a national PR campaign to turn the public against concealed carry laws in general but against 'Stand Your Ground Laws' specifically, like the one in Florida. This is why the libtards so often bring up Stand Your Ground Laws even though it was not used in the GZ trial, nor did GZ need to use it because he could not retreat from his position anyway, being on the ground on his back with TM beating him anyway.

PArt of this national campaign by the gun grabbers was to set up a person to be the poster boy of abusive, racist gun carrying vigilante who couldn't wait to shoot a black kid (yeah a 6'2" kid, right). GZ was picked because the data poorly read seemed to suggest he was white and likely Jewish or German ethnically. So they then dragged this case up from weeks of ignoring it and slandered GZ without mercy.

When it turned out that GZ was Hispanic, was laying on his back when he shot a man beating on him, and then he got cleared by a jury of his peers, the left went crazy, going into personal destruction mode, pursuing and harassing GZ by smearing his reputation at every opportunity. Even some otherwise conservative people on Fox got into this last incident, condemning GZ as some kind of gun nut, crazy man.

All GZ ever did was defend his life when he had no choice, and when people read the facts and see this, they usually leave the man alone.

But that is the side of the story the Big Lie Media will never tell you.

But stop and take some time and ask yourself why would a 'racist' group of people (as you think the GZ apologists are) bother to defend a Hispanic man who was a life long Democrat? Why wouldn't they just jump on the band wagon and say 'yeah, that is how them violent Spanish people are, and they should check to see if GZ is really even a legal citizen?' They did not do this, (by and large and the few who did are not conservatives but racist fascists instead) but still you condemn all of GZ's defenders as racist anyway.

Why? One cannot defend themselves against a black hoodlum without being a racist?

I am fairly sure my time and effort is wasted on you, because if you still think the way you do about GZ then you simply do not want to open your mind and actually acquaint yourself with the facts.

But there are many others who may read this and have a more open mind.

Sigh you are lying. You have zero proof tm doubled back and sucker punched him. You have zero proof it's zimmerman screaming for help.

Why should anyone else acquaint themselves with the facts when you cant even do it yourself?

No, you libtard piece of shit, I am not lying. The facts are established if you would bother yourself to investigate them.

But no, you would rather swallow the Big Lie Medias bullshit and pretend you did due diligence.

You are the liar, not me.

Prove Tm doubled back and sucker punched zimmerman.

You cant thus you are speculating on what happened. Therefore you are lying about the situation.
You are the sad thing, GZ had his guns locked up and is plainly being targeted by an idiot woman and her mother so they can get some fame and cash.

That is, it is plain to most people now except for ideological screwballs like yourself.

Yeah targeted....ok the poor victim. The guns where locked up by the time the cops got there. What happened before is up to speculation.

The woman who is carrying his kid is playing the typical beaten wife scenario. So she backtracks, takes him back because she thinks its love, but its more like she thinks she can change him.

But thats just speculation and nothing more.

Regardless you have nothing

The guns were locked up when the police got there? I believe the press was asking his high priced attorneys what was happening and they said they don't represent him anymore. He is such a slug.

Yeah, its in the police report that the gun where in the case. It was only a shotgun btw.

Regardless when you listen to the tape..zimmerman is acting really weird. ..does that mean he is guilty? No, but it is weird why he wouldnt open the door for the cops.
I LOVE it when Liberals Hate on Hispanics... :rofl:



I don't hate Hispanics. Why don't you tell Sgt. why you lie all the time, Mal?

I'm not Lying about anything and I didn't say "all"...

You shouldn't Feel Obligated to Defend yourself unless your name is used, Lady. ;)



I believe I was the only one in here playing at the time you said this and just before that Sgt. said I was lying about something. Doubt if he'd say that kind of thing to you.

Yeah, but it fits the libtard story lie that men use women for nothing more than sex objects, get them pregnant then toss them aside and the desperate woman endures all the man's abuse for the sake of her children.

The biggest bunch of whores shit I have ever heard, given the things I have seen in life; men working themselves to death to provide for their wife and children, taking bullets for their protection, and in one case willingly dying of cancer rather than bankrupting his family leaving them in poverty after he was dead.

No, that doesn't fit the libtard story lie; men are the most evil beasts on the planet and women are much better off without us.

I just find it funny that the only one who says she's pregnant is George, and they believe him completely. Yet they claim that he is a liar about what happened the night Traydemark was killed. :cuckoo:

No, at the time I read she said it as well. I dont keep on the case so sorry im not up to date on every little on going.
actually, they didn't find a gun, to my knowledge and they were there in less than 3 minutes. I thought that was odd.

Yes they did. Read the report.

Why do I seem to remember seeing this EXACT SAME post from you regarding the shooting of Tray-Tray . . . and you were wrong then, too?

Hate to break it to you, but I have farts that are wiser and more informed that what emanates from your mouth.
actually, they didn't find a gun, to my knowledge and they were there in less than 3 minutes. I thought that was odd.

Yes they did. Read the report.

Why do I seem to remember seeing this EXACT SAME post from you regarding the shooting of Tray-Tray . . . and you were wrong then, too?

Hate to break it to you, but I have farts that are wiser and more informed that what emanates from your mouth.

Link it bitch. Im sure your 300 lbs create some nasty gas.

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