Zimmerman Girlfriend Recants... Shocker...

Isn't it amazing how people have negative things to say about a kid killed?

But defend a man that has fought police, killed kids, and had 3 different women he was staying with call the police on him?

It's not all that amazing that getting yourself killed entails doing things that people can view negatively.

And yeah, we do this weird thing in the US, you might have heard of it; we call it "granting equal rights under the law". That means that you enjoy a presumption of innocence EVEN if you happen to run afoul of a black person. Go figure.
Yes, in this case, it is.

There was NO case. But the media hyped it up so much that the state had to go through the show of the trial to satisfy millions of people who had no legal interest in it at all but who were calling for Zimmerman's blood because of media malpractice and other race-hustling.

There was NO case.

There was no reason to take this to court other than that the masses were riled up by a botched and in large part faked story.

Fake? Young man is dead..hardly fake. The media did its role of cherry picking a story and hyping it. Someone had to stand trial for the death of martin. You dont just kill someone (self defense or not) and wash your hands of it.

Thats neat about race baiting and such...regardless of that you are just making poor excuses and nothing more.

How much have you donated to this poor victim?
Im going to assume zero.

No. No one had top stand trial for the killing of that thug.

The police did an investigation, they interviewede witnesses, and combined that with what facts there were and came to the same conclusion that the jury did hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars later. It was a clear cut case of self-defense. No trial necessary.

Lefties seem to have acquired the odd notion that every single time someone is accused of a crime or the police need to investigate an incident, it automatically requires a trial.

Of course, it's no more absurd than a lot of notions lefties acquire, so . . . :dunno:
If Trayvon had followed someone in high school home who was doing nothing wrong, and killed them ...

All these people in here would be on the opposite side of their posts.

Because you are blind, racist hypocrites.

Stay Blessed.

Yes, having a different opinion about a completely different situation makes us blind, racist hypocrites. :eusa_hand:

Or perhaps your insistent focus on Tray-Tray's skin color as though it was somehow relevant to his death is evidence that YOU are a racist. Certainly, the content of your posts is de facto evidence that you're an idiot.
@ Jim, I know the case better than you.

Zim lied, and y'all are believing his story.

Even jurors said they wanted to charge him with something, but the judge, Cory, and police sloppy work prevented them.

"I know the case bettter than you" = "I know the story I want to believe, despite the evidence, and nothing will convince me differently, because if I lose my racism, I have to admit I'm just a loser and it's my own fault."

I think we have your number, fucktard, and we'll call you if we need an expert in epic fail.
Fake? Young man is dead..hardly fake. The media did its role of cherry picking a story and hyping it. Someone had to stand trial for the death of martin. You dont just kill someone (self defense or not) and wash your hands of it.

Thats neat about race baiting and such...regardless of that you are just making poor excuses and nothing more.

How much have you donated to this poor victim?
Im going to assume zero.

No. No one had top stand trial for the killing of that thug.

The police did an investigation, they interviewede witnesses, and combined that with what facts there were and came to the same conclusion that the jury did hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars later. It was a clear cut case of self-defense. No trial necessary.

Thug? Oh do shut up you internet tough guy.you people think you are getting away with calling anyone and everyone thugs these days. Its just sad.

Yeah im not really worried about tax dollars..thats a weak point as well.

How much have you donated to this poor mans plight pred?

Of course you're not worried about tax dollars. Lefties never are. Everyone else's wallet is their piggy bank to raid for whatever they please.
You are the sad thing, GZ had his guns locked up and is plainly being targeted by an idiot woman and her mother so they can get some fame and cash.

That is, it is plain to most people now except for ideological screwballs like yourself.

Yeah targeted....ok the poor victim. The guns where locked up by the time the cops got there. What happened before is up to speculation.

The woman who is carrying his kid is playing the typical beaten wife scenario. So she backtracks, takes him back because she thinks its love, but its more like she thinks she can change him.

But thats just speculation and nothing more.

Regardless you have nothing

The guns were locked up when the police got there? I believe the press was asking his high priced attorneys what was happening and they said they don't represent him anymore. He is such a slug.

You mean the attorneys who represented him at his murder trial, which is now over (and FYI, the jury disagreed with you . . . just in case you missed it)? It's funny how criminal attorneys stop representing people after the criminal trial ends in acquittal, huh? It's almost like they weren't needed any more, or something.
Yes they did. Read the report.

Why do I seem to remember seeing this EXACT SAME post from you regarding the shooting of Tray-Tray . . . and you were wrong then, too?

Hate to break it to you, but I have farts that are wiser and more informed that what emanates from your mouth.

Link it bitch. Im sure your 300 lbs create some nasty gas.

Ahh, leftists. The champions of women's rights and equality everywhere . . . until they need a pathetically juvenile insult, that is.

I don't need to link it, fool. I don't care. Your posts are going to be laughably ignorant and repetitive, and everyone who knows you will know that they are, whether I waste my valuable time PROVING that fact or not.

You were wrong then. You're wrong now. I know it. You know it. I know you know it. I'm giggling at your impotent rage . . . as always. :eusa_whistle:

Have a nice day.
Only the lazy demand "links" of others.

Like all socialists - expecting others to do their work for them.

He assumes that because he's deeply emotionally involved with his Internet denial, that means others are as well.

As far as I'm concerned, he just proved me right by getting his panties in a ruffle.
Yep, typical domestic abuse behavior: the woman changes her mind and wants him back. Doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen. This is part of the syndrome of domestic abuse.

Abuser and abused: they feed off each other. He's a violent man.

Shockingly, this is ALSO the behavior of trashy, drama-queen little ghetto twats, who are enabled by fools who don't have the gray matter to be suspicious.
Esmi is just a dingbat. She would have to graduate to a ghetto twat.

Actually, Zimmerman's girlfriend is the ghetto twat. Esme is the fool lacking gray matter.

I can see where all these different shades of loser are confusing. Maybe I should be charitable and make them nametags? :eusa_eh:
I also asked earlier, does he have a job even or is he living off of the women?

"Hah hah! We've made it impossible for him to live a normal life - and continue to do so - and now we get to criticize him for not doing what we've made sure he can't do!"

Frankly, sweetie, as long as he's not breaking the law to do it - REALLY breaking the law, not just doing things you don't like and WISH you could lynch him for - I actually really hope he's supporting himself by doing whatever would make your bleeding, sandy little vagina ache the most. I really enjoy watching you hate your existence because you got the difference between reality and your fluffy little leftist fantasies rubbed in your face.

Fuck off fattie. You've been here about a year longer than me and frankly I don't recall ever responding to one of your tirades.

Bore somebody else with your condescending self.

Ooh, "fattie". You and Plasma must have been tutored in insults by the same grade-schooler.

Of COURSE you don't recall having ever argued with me. That's because you're a braindead leftist female impersonator whose entire existence is based on the ability to forget what an incredible cosmic joke you are every five minutes.

Oh, by the way, this just in: George Zimmerman is STILL a free man, the jury STILL disagrees with you, and you're STILL a pathetic excuse for a woman.

And I'm STILL going to feel free to respond to any of your posts with mockery that I feel like, and you're as helpless to stop me as you are in every other aspect of the shit sandwich you call your life.

Have a nice day. :D
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Like all conservatives..always blaming someone else for there short comings.

Dont make the claim if you cant back it up you little bitch

Oh, yeah, I fogrot that when those lazy socialists don't get that for which they whine they revert to John F. Kerryesque gutter-speak.

Actually Plasma has no intent of proving anything he said, he is using the tried and true "demand of others" while his shit is so blatantly false that it stinks.

Pity for him that it only works on people who think he's worthy of a modicum of respect . . . in other words, people who've never encountered him before.
I love how george zimmerman being a good guy or a bad guy is just another of the many pissant things partisans love bickering about.
I love how george zimmerman being a good guy or a bad guy is just another of the many pissant things partisans love bickering about.

I don't know if he is a good guy or not. I do know he is harassed and hounded by fools who can not accept that he was found NOT GUILTY.
Yea, and before he was found not guilty the sides lined up to root one way or another.

The sickness in our country is partisanship. Period. Its disturbing.
Yea, and before he was found not guilty the sides lined up to root one way or another.

The sickness in our country is partisanship. Period. Its disturbing.

It disturbs you that people form opinions and then support the opinions they formed? Why? Is decisiveness that scary for you? :confused:
It disturbs that opinions on thing having zilch to do with political beliefs still find their way down party lines lock step. Partisans are straight up cynical scumbags.
Yeah targeted....ok the poor victim. The guns where locked up by the time the cops got there. What happened before is up to speculation.

The woman who is carrying his kid is playing the typical beaten wife scenario. So she backtracks, takes him back because she thinks its love, but its more like she thinks she can change him.

But thats just speculation and nothing more.

Regardless you have nothing

The guns were locked up when the police got there? I believe the press was asking his high priced attorneys what was happening and they said they don't represent him anymore. He is such a slug.

You mean the attorneys who represented him at his murder trial, which is now over (and FYI, the jury disagreed with you . . . just in case you missed it)? It's funny how criminal attorneys stop representing people after the criminal trial ends in acquittal, huh? It's almost like they weren't needed any more, or something.

And then there's the fact that O'Mara and West aren't representing him now because they don't handle domestic law cases.
The guns were locked up when the police got there? I believe the press was asking his high priced attorneys what was happening and they said they don't represent him anymore. He is such a slug.

You mean the attorneys who represented him at his murder trial, which is now over (and FYI, the jury disagreed with you . . . just in case you missed it)? It's funny how criminal attorneys stop representing people after the criminal trial ends in acquittal, huh? It's almost like they weren't needed any more, or something.

And then there's the fact that O'Mara and West aren't representing him now because they don't handle domestic law cases.

As late as September, when it was announced that O'Mara wouldn't be representing Zimmerman in domestic cases, it was said that he was still the attorney of record in other pending matters, including the NBC case.

The headlines of stories reporting that made it sound like O'Mara dropped Zimmerman like a hot potato, but the text of the stories said he was still representing Zimmerman.
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