Zimmerman Girlfriend Recants... Shocker...












The KKK membership enrollment would fucking increase by 1000% OVERNIGHT!


So stfu with your biased, prejudiced, believing the tales of a killer racist asses.

May your child one day find a black man with a gun following them at night.

And then come talk to me about what a tragedy it is when they are killed for nothing, and walk away scot free.

No wonder "The Knockout Game" came around.

Might need to change that to "The Self-Defense Neighborhood Watch Game".

Whatcha think?

You left out the most important part.

Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmermna and tried to kill him. 100% pure self-defence. Good riddance to the dead thug.
Trayvon wasn't smoking right then. A "TRACE" amount was in his sytem.

Trayvon wasn't doing ANYTHING wrong.

ZIMMERMAN....WAS...doing something wrong.

Packing heat on watch.

Disregarding expert advice from police dispatch.

Not identifying himself.

FOLLOWING someone against Watch rules.



That's ok.

Just like O.J......he is "not guilty".

And just like O.J......

Zimmerman was not on watch at the time he was attacked by Trayvon Martin. He was on his way to the store.

He wasn't attacked by Trayvon, Zimmerman stalked the kid and pulled a gun on him just like he did his two women friends.

Bull shit dumbass, Martin attacked him, and he got shot for it. Serves the idiot right.
Fake? Young man is dead..hardly fake. The media did its role of cherry picking a story and hyping it. Someone had to stand trial for the death of martin. You dont just kill someone (self defense or not) and wash your hands of it.

Thats neat about race baiting and such...regardless of that you are just making poor excuses and nothing more.

How much have you donated to this poor victim?
Im going to assume zero.

No. No one had top stand trial for the killing of that thug.

The police did an investigation, they interviewede witnesses, and combined that with what facts there were and came to the same conclusion that the jury did hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars later. It was a clear cut case of self-defense. No trial necessary.

Thug? Oh do shut up you internet tough guy.you people think you are getting away with calling anyone and everyone thugs these days. Its just sad.

Yeah im not really worried about tax dollars..thats a weak point as well.

How much have you donated to this poor mans plight pred?

Yeah you got nothing. There didn't need to be a trial, you were wrong yet again.
Sigh you are lying. You have zero proof tm doubled back and sucker punched him. You have zero proof it's zimmerman screaming for help.

Why should anyone else acquaint themselves with the facts when you cant even do it yourself?

No, you libtard piece of shit, I am not lying. The facts are established if you would bother yourself to investigate them.

But no, you would rather swallow the Big Lie Medias bullshit and pretend you did due diligence.

You are the liar, not me.

Prove Tm doubled back and sucker punched zimmerman.

You cant thus you are speculating on what happened. Therefore you are lying about the situation.

That is the way the people who know way more than you or I do, see it. I'll believe them over some left wing hack.


The only thing that I like about GZ is that he exposed you lefties to be the haters and hypocrites that you are. Your hatred of him and your suffering defeat after defeat by his hands has also exposed your innate stupidity. Look at the ridiculous way you all ignore facts and logic, and how you keep repeating the same falsehoods over and over.

Look at your post above if you can:

"That a gun owner can shoot someone who scares him with no legal consequences."

According to your Zimmerman-addled brain, George shot him simply because he was afraid of him. I'd advise that you get a grip but you are a liberal and that simply isn't going to happen.

Pred, buddy.

ZImmerman is 2.5 million in debt, he's on the radar of every cop in Florida, his wife is dumping him and he's got a golddigger girlfriend who lied to him about being pregnant.

On my worst day, I'm better off than this loser. Oh, yeah, and I never killed a child.

I see you ignored how I pointed out the irrationality and falseness of your post. I never said he was better off than you.

Oh yeah and Zimmerman never killed a child.
No, you libtard piece of shit, I am not lying. The facts are established if you would bother yourself to investigate them.

But no, you would rather swallow the Big Lie Medias bullshit and pretend you did due diligence.

You are the liar, not me.

Prove Tm doubled back and sucker punched zimmerman.

You cant thus you are speculating on what happened. Therefore you are lying about the situation.

That is the way the people who know way more than you or I do, see it. I'll believe them over some left wing hack.
So you have no proof...typical predfan

Btw congrats I heard you are going on the aids diet.
Trayvon wasn't smoking right then. A "TRACE" amount was in his sytem.

Trayvon wasn't doing ANYTHING wrong.

ZIMMERMAN....WAS...doing something wrong.

Packing heat on watch.

Disregarding expert advice from police dispatch.

Not identifying himself.

FOLLOWING someone against Watch rules.



That's ok.

Just like O.J......he is "not guilty".

And just like O.J......

Zimmerman wasn't packing heat on watch. He wasn't out on patrol. He just happened to see Martin while he was out. I don't know that he never carried a gun on watch -- I suspect that he did -- but he wasn't on watch that night. He was just observant.

And Zimmerman didn't disregard advice from police dispatch. He followed the advice. Dispatch said they didn't need Zimmerman to follow Martin, so Zimmerman stopped following. Martin was gone at that point. He could have stayed gone. He could have gone home. But he didn't.

Trayvon was a messed up kid. A teenager whose frontal lobe was on overdrive because that's what happens to the teenage brain. And he messed up bigtime. It cost him his life. It was a tragedy. It was not murder.

You cant even get this right. Zimmerman still followed for a little more and then he went on about street names. There are only three in that area. He hangs up saying he will go meet the cops. Thats the end of it. Everything after is speculation at best. You have to assume zimmerman is bias and is not going to find himself of guilt. Which on the face does not make him guilty in the eyes of the law. Just a suspect.

Ive watched you people go up and doen the internet. Left, right it doesnt matter. You all combine your specualtion with the facts. Thus thinking you are right. You dont know what happened that night. I dont and nobody save two people actually know.

You people need to stop mixing specualtion with the facts.

Dear Lord, you are such a fucking liar.

How do you live with that lizard in your brain you call a conscience?
@ Jim, I know the case better than you.

Zim lied, and y'all are believing his story.

Even jurors said they wanted to charge him with something, but the judge, Cory, and police sloppy work prevented them.

Bullshit, you are nothing more than a liar, and a bluffing libtard ideologue, apparently.

The facts are presented can be verified by your own reading/research if you want to...but you don't want to.

It's too easy to just hate conservative people instead and imagine that they are racists when they are not.

The racists are still in the same place they have always been for the past two centuries; the Dimbocrap party.


The only thing that I like about GZ is that he exposed you lefties to be the haters and hypocrites that you are. Your hatred of him and your suffering defeat after defeat by his hands has also exposed your innate stupidity. Look at the ridiculous way you all ignore facts and logic, and how you keep repeating the same falsehoods over and over.

Look at your post above if you can:

"That a gun owner can shoot someone who scares him with no legal consequences."

According to your Zimmerman-addled brain, George shot him simply because he was afraid of him. I'd advise that you get a grip but you are a liberal and that simply isn't going to happen.

Pred, buddy.

ZImmerman is 2.5 million in debt, he's on the radar of every cop in Florida, his wife is dumping him and he's got a golddigger girlfriend who lied to him about being pregnant.

On my worst day, I'm better off than this loser. Oh, yeah, and I never killed a child.

I see you ignored how I pointed out the irrationality and falseness of your post. I never said he was better off than you.

Oh yeah and Zimmerman never killed a child.

Good catch. If someone is old enough to go to war, he isn't a child.
Prove Tm doubled back and sucker punched zimmerman.

You cant thus you are speculating on what happened. Therefore you are lying about the situation.

That is the way the people who know way more than you or I do, see it. I'll believe them over some left wing hack.
So you have no proof...typical predfan

Btw congrats I heard you are going on the aids diet.

Predfan has his facts correct, but you persist in lies and smears.

The jury decided, so go cry a fucking river, bitch.
Pred, buddy.

ZImmerman is 2.5 million in debt, he's on the radar of every cop in Florida, his wife is dumping him and he's got a golddigger girlfriend who lied to him about being pregnant.

On my worst day, I'm better off than this loser. Oh, yeah, and I never killed a child.

I see you ignored how I pointed out the irrationality and falseness of your post. I never said he was better off than you.

Oh yeah and Zimmerman never killed a child.

Good catch. If someone is old enough to go to war, he isn't a child.

The libtards use the legal definition of child when it suits them and disregard it when it doesn't suit them.

They are liars and twist facts constantly because they have not one shred of respect for objective Truth. They don't believe in such a thing.
Fuck off fattie. You've been here about a year longer than me and frankly I don't recall ever responding to one of your tirades.

Bore somebody else with your condescending self.

Ooh, "fattie". You and Plasma must have been tutored in insults by the same grade-schooler.

Of COURSE you don't recall having ever argued with me. That's because you're a braindead leftist female impersonator whose entire existence is based on the ability to forget what an incredible cosmic joke you are every five minutes.

Oh, by the way, this just in: George Zimmerman is STILL a free man, the jury STILL disagrees with you, and you're STILL a pathetic excuse for a woman.

And I'm STILL going to feel free to respond to any of your posts with mockery that I feel like, and you're as helpless to stop me as you are in every other aspect of the shit sandwich you call your life.

Have a nice day. :D

Yes. I see your line of like 5 or 6 posts responding to mine every now and then and I wonder what set you off. It's like you are truly psychotic.

I just wanted to let you know that I've seen your rants and purposely have chosen not to respond in kind. It's because well, you're nutty.

Right, sweetie. You just keep repeating that, and maybe someday YOU'LL believe it, at least.

Like every man who's ever laughed in your face and walked away, I'm bored now. Run along, and I'll see you the next time I need to remind you what a stain you are on femininity.
I got a little excited.

Don't let me feel the need to do so again.

Carry on...

What is it with you leftist ghetto trash and the complete inability to take responsibility for ANYTHING?! Now it's someone ELSE'S job to "let" you "feel the need" to "get excited"?!

They're YOUR emotions, jerkwad, and they're apparently the ONLY thing approximating thought in your head at any given time. Don't you think you MIGHT want to have some say in them?
If Trayvon had followed someone in high school home who was doing nothing wrong, and killed them ...

All these people in here would be on the opposite side of their posts.

Because you are blind, racist hypocrites.

Stay Blessed.

The magnitude of your ignorance is astounding.

Would that I still had the ability to astounded by leftist ignorance any more.
No. No one had top stand trial for the killing of that thug.

The police did an investigation, they interviewede witnesses, and combined that with what facts there were and came to the same conclusion that the jury did hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars later. It was a clear cut case of self-defense. No trial necessary.

Thug? Oh do shut up you internet tough guy.you people think you are getting away with calling anyone and everyone thugs these days. Its just sad.

Yeah im not really worried about tax dollars..thats a weak point as well.

How much have you donated to this poor mans plight pred?

Yeah you got nothing. There didn't need to be a trial, you were wrong yet again.
So you donated nothing..got it.
Thug? Oh do shut up you internet tough guy.you people think you are getting away with calling anyone and everyone thugs these days. Its just sad.

Yeah im not really worried about tax dollars..thats a weak point as well.

How much have you donated to this poor mans plight pred?

Yeah you got nothing. There didn't need to be a trial, you were wrong yet again.
So you donated nothing..got it.

What the trial proved was that it was a politically motivated event. The original decision by the original DA not to prosecute because it was a clear case of SELF DEFENSE was proven out by forcing a rial. There never was enough evidence to do anything except call it self defense. 3 of the Jurors wanted to convict, they admitted it. But the evidence was so appallingly weak they had no choice but to vote NOT GUILTY.

This was a trial forced on us by political whims. The facts were so clear that when they brought the charges they had to lie and avoid a grand Jury. The Original judge had to be fired for playing games with the proceedings.

legal action is still pending for the lies and gross misconduct of the prosecutor.

And you retards keep hounding a man that simply defended himself from an aggressive 17 year old that had more then enough history to prove he initiated the confrontation and probably threatened to kill Zimmerman as he stated.

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