Zimmerman Girlfriend Recants... Shocker...

No the evidence was just weak. Not appalling or whatever sensational label you need to use to make it more extreme than it is.

Im not hounding him nor is anyone else. Nobody forces him to be in the news. His own actions do this. All we do is comment on those actions.

The reality is we both agree there was no guilt because of lack of verdict. We disagree on what went down. You have some agenda and all I have are the facts.

I dont care about media bias and all that crap. I only care about what happened. If you dont understand this then find another who is willimg to play your partisan game.
His life was destroyed by lies. His life is in danger. Employment will be hard to find.

Because of vicious race-hustling and slanderous media malpractice.

No wonder he acts a little off-balance.
No the evidence was just weak. Not appalling or whatever sensational label you need to use to make it more extreme than it is.

Im not hounding him nor is anyone else. Nobody forces him to be in the news. His own actions do this. All we do is comment on those actions.

The reality is we both agree there was no guilt because of lack of verdict. We disagree on what went down. You have some agenda and all I have are the facts.

I dont care about media bias and all that crap. I only care about what happened. If you dont understand this then find another who is willimg to play your partisan game.

The partisan game is the fact that Zimmerman had to go to trial.
Lol no..you think that you are a fool..

The total lack of evidence to convict proves the original decision was the correct one. It was cut and dried, a clear case of self defense. Proven more soundly by the fact 3 of the Jurors wanted to convict and could not find the evidence to back such a call.
Lol no..you think that you are a fool..

The total lack of evidence to convict proves the original decision was the correct one. It was cut and dried, a clear case of self defense. Proven more soundly by the fact 3 of the Jurors wanted to convict and could not find the evidence to back such a call.
Yes I know about the jurors. Sometimes you have to go through the motions in order to calm people. Justice in the end worked.

You should be happy that our justice system worked period. I really dont care about your partisan conspiracies.
Lol no..you think that you are a fool..

The total lack of evidence to convict proves the original decision was the correct one. It was cut and dried, a clear case of self defense. Proven more soundly by the fact 3 of the Jurors wanted to convict and could not find the evidence to back such a call.
Yes I know about the jurors. Sometimes you have to go through the motions in order to calm people. Justice in the end worked.

You should be happy that our justice system worked period. I really dont care about your partisan conspiracies.

Why did the people need to be calmed?

It was a travesty. Hate was created, lives were disrupted and Floridians' money was wasted, because some people for unworthy reasons decided to turn a tragedy into a circus. People around the country are raging and possibly committing crimes to vicariously avenge Trayvon. A hate crime was fabricated out of thin air and other hate crimes may have occurred in response.
What do you think would of happened after the media hyped this and no trial happened?
It would have been really ugly.
It was turned into a circus because thats what the media is about. Sensationalizing to the point of absurd fpr rating. Ratings equal money. This is what we get when you take the fox model and let it run wild. I dont mean fox being partisan. Just how they set up their production.they set the model that everyone has followed for good or ill.

Regardless if you feel the media was terrible with this. The trial is over with. He was found not guitly based on lack of evidence.
What do you know. She says she lied.

Like no one could figure that out from the beginning.

I did in the first page of the first thread 200 threads ago. I also said this would happen, that he should avoid anything without a twig and berries for a long time. And that he needs to move out of that state because he's a moving target there.
Yay you. I also said that she would not follow through with her complaint against him in that first thread. It's too hard to have to keep defending yourself against crazy people. She was so mad at the time, I really didn't think she would get back together with him.

I wouldn't say it's so stupid it's funny because it isn't funny at all.

You all trying to make him the victim is complete craziness tho.


The only thing that I like about GZ is that he exposed you lefties to be the haters and hypocrites that you are. Your hatred of him and your suffering defeat after defeat by his hands has also exposed your innate stupidity. Look at the ridiculous way you all ignore facts and logic, and how you keep repeating the same falsehoods over and over.

Look at your post above if you can:

"That a gun owner can shoot someone who scares him with no legal consequences."

According to your Zimmerman-addled brain, George shot him simply because he was afraid of him. I'd advise that you get a grip but you are a liberal and that simply isn't going to happen.

Pred, buddy.

ZImmerman is 2.5 million in debt, he's on the radar of every cop in Florida, his wife is dumping him and he's got a golddigger girlfriend who lied to him about being pregnant.

On my worst day, I'm better off than this loser. Oh, yeah, and I never killed a child.

I see you ignored how I pointed out the irrationality and falseness of your post. I never said he was better off than you.

Oh yeah and Zimmerman never killed a child.

You stated that Zimmerman has "defeated" me because he's avoided any legal culpability (yet). Although he's been arrested twice since he was acquitted, it's only a matter of time.

The guy is a loser, and yet you guys have made him a hero.

Because he murdered a child, and lived the dream of gun nutters to be able to shoot him one of them colored without legal consequences.
Pred, buddy.

ZImmerman is 2.5 million in debt, he's on the radar of every cop in Florida, his wife is dumping him and he's got a golddigger girlfriend who lied to him about being pregnant.

On my worst day, I'm better off than this loser. Oh, yeah, and I never killed a child.

I see you ignored how I pointed out the irrationality and falseness of your post. I never said he was better off than you.

Oh yeah and Zimmerman never killed a child.

You stated that Zimmerman has "defeated" me because he's avoided any legal culpability (yet). Although he's been arrested twice since he was acquitted, it's only a matter of time.

The guy is a loser, and yet you guys have made him a hero.

Because he murdered a child, and lived the dream of gun nutters to be able to shoot him one of them colored without legal consequences.

Yeah, Merry Christmas, George. You the best. :lol:
Prove Tm doubled back and sucker punched zimmerman.

You cant thus you are speculating on what happened. Therefore you are lying about the situation.

That is the way the people who know way more than you or I do, see it. I'll believe them over some left wing hack.
So you have no proof...typical predfan

Btw congrats I heard you are going on the aids diet.

I don't need to have proof moron, I'm going with the police, the prosecutors, the judge and the jury.

I see you ignored how I pointed out the irrationality and falseness of your post. I never said he was better off than you.

Oh yeah and Zimmerman never killed a child.

Good catch. If someone is old enough to go to war, he isn't a child.

The libtards use the legal definition of child when it suits them and disregard it when it doesn't suit them.

They are liars and twist facts constantly because they have not one shred of respect for objective Truth. They don't believe in such a thing.

The word I'm having a problem with is "killed". It was self defense, pure and simple.
No the evidence was just weak. Not appalling or whatever sensational label you need to use to make it more extreme than it is.

Im not hounding him nor is anyone else. Nobody forces him to be in the news. His own actions do this. All we do is comment on those actions.

The reality is we both agree there was no guilt because of lack of verdict. We disagree on what went down. You have some agenda and all I have are the facts.

I dont care about media bias and all that crap. I only care about what happened. If you dont understand this then find another who is willimg to play your partisan game.

1. You have no facts at all.
2. The evidence was far from weak.
3. We do not agree with you, GZ is/was not guilty because it was pure self-defense.
4. No one forced you to come here dumbass, you're free to take your partisan games elsewhere.
What do you know. She says she lied.

Like no one could figure that out from the beginning.

I did in the first page of the first thread 200 threads ago. I also said this would happen, that he should avoid anything without a twig and berries for a long time. And that he needs to move out of that state because he's a moving target there.

I predicted that these charges would be dropped weeks ago.
Pred, buddy.

ZImmerman is 2.5 million in debt, he's on the radar of every cop in Florida, his wife is dumping him and he's got a golddigger girlfriend who lied to him about being pregnant.

On my worst day, I'm better off than this loser. Oh, yeah, and I never killed a child.

I see you ignored how I pointed out the irrationality and falseness of your post. I never said he was better off than you.

Oh yeah and Zimmerman never killed a child.

You stated that Zimmerman has "defeated" me because he's avoided any legal culpability (yet).

Which is not the same thing as being better off than you.

Although he's been arrested twice since he was acquitted, it's only a matter of time.

And released with no charges both times. Funny how you omit certain things.

The guy is a loser, and yet you guys have made him a hero.

Hyperbolic non-sense. I have stated time and time again that the only thing I like about him is that he brings out the true racist, hateful and dishonest nature of the left. Such as your posts.

Because he murdered a child,.....

He didn't murder anyone.

.....and lived the dream of gun nutters to be able to shoot him one of them colored without legal consequences.

And here it is again. The reason I would like to buy GZ a beer and shake his hand. He brings out the irrationality, hatred, racism and ignorance of lefties like you.

We conservatives pegged you people as ignorant, irrational racists from the beginning. GZ's actions just put them all in sharp relief. You cannot help yourselves, to be a democrat, is to possess all of those characteristics.

.....and lived the dream of gun nutters to be able to shoot him one of them colored without legal consequences.

And here it is again. The reason I would like to buy GZ a beer and shake his hand. He brings out the irrationality, hatred, racism and ignorance of lefties like you.

We conservatives pegged you people as ignorant, irrational racists from the beginning. GZ's actions just put them all in sharp relief. You cannot help yourselves, to be a democrat, is to possess all of those characteristics.

Gee, yeah, it's completely irrational to expect that if a guy SHOOTS AN UNARMED CHILD in the middle of the street, there ought to be an investigation and consequences for that.

What an irrational viewpoint in an America which is still racist.
Race pimps have to get over this one. They lost badly and only manged to shift the discussion to black on white crime. Black America has not been well served on any level. Maybe they will learn to pick their fights more carefully in the future.

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