Zimmerman Girlfriend Recants... Shocker...

No. No one had top stand trial for the killing of that thug.

The police did an investigation, they interviewede witnesses, and combined that with what facts there were and came to the same conclusion that the jury did hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars later. It was a clear cut case of self-defense. No trial necessary.

Thug? Oh do shut up you internet tough guy.you people think you are getting away with calling anyone and everyone thugs these days. Its just sad.

Yeah im not really worried about tax dollars..thats a weak point as well.

How much have you donated to this poor mans plight pred?

Of course you're not worried about tax dollars. Lefties never are. Everyone else's wallet is their piggy bank to raid for whatever they please.
Yawn....boring hack partisanship is boring. ..stick to your racist act..its more entertaining
Why do I seem to remember seeing this EXACT SAME post from you regarding the shooting of Tray-Tray . . . and you were wrong then, too?

Hate to break it to you, but I have farts that are wiser and more informed that what emanates from your mouth.

Link it bitch. Im sure your 300 lbs create some nasty gas.

Ahh, leftists. The champions of women's rights and equality everywhere . . . until they need a pathetically juvenile insult, that is.

I don't need to link it, fool. I don't care. Your posts are going to be laughably ignorant and repetitive, and everyone who knows you will know that they are, whether I waste my valuable time PROVING that fact or not.

You were wrong then. You're wrong now. I know it. You know it. I know you know it. I'm giggling at your impotent rage . . . as always. :eusa_whistle:

Have a nice day.

Lets see.
Called someone a racist. .check
Called someone a sexist..check
Bash "liberals" for tax payer money being wasted.check
Wont back up their shit because its do as i say not as do, therefore I have zero credibility. ..check
Pretending you dont care but leaving a long comment about how the person was wrong anyways but I wont prove it..check.

Your time is valuable. ..you have been posting here all day.look at you trying to think you are important.rabbit shit has more value than your worthless life.

In closing you have nothing per usual.
Oh, yeah, I fogrot that when those lazy socialists don't get that for which they whine they revert to John F. Kerryesque gutter-speak.

Actually Plasma has no intent of proving anything he said, he is using the tried and true "demand of others" while his shit is so blatantly false that it stinks.

Pity for him that it only works on people who think he's worthy of a modicum of respect . . . in other words, people who've never encountered him before.

Hey look sonething you would find on a shortbus...which should be on fire..

What hacks
The guns were locked up when the police got there? I believe the press was asking his high priced attorneys what was happening and they said they don't represent him anymore. He is such a slug.

You mean the attorneys who represented him at his murder trial, which is now over (and FYI, the jury disagreed with you . . . just in case you missed it)? It's funny how criminal attorneys stop representing people after the criminal trial ends in acquittal, huh? It's almost like they weren't needed any more, or something.

And then there's the fact that O'Mara and West aren't representing him now because they don't handle domestic law cases.

Well, yeah . . . because they're criminal attorneys. They probably don't handle estate law, but I bet if Zimmerman got someone else to write up a will for him, the left would be crowing about how O'Mara and West "abandoned" him because THEY didn't draw it up.

I don't know if it's just that leftists don't understand the concept of legal specialization, or that THEY keep criminal lawyers on retainer as a matter of course, and so don't realize that other people don't.


The only thing that I like about GZ is that he exposed you lefties to be the haters and hypocrites that you are. Your hatred of him and your suffering defeat after defeat by his hands has also exposed your innate stupidity. Look at the ridiculous way you all ignore facts and logic, and how you keep repeating the same falsehoods over and over.

Look at your post above if you can:

"That a gun owner can shoot someone who scares him with no legal consequences."

According to your Zimmerman-addled brain, George shot him simply because he was afraid of him. I'd advise that you get a grip but you are a liberal and that simply isn't going to happen.

Pred, buddy.

ZImmerman is 2.5 million in debt, he's on the radar of every cop in Florida, his wife is dumping him and he's got a golddigger girlfriend who lied to him about being pregnant.

On my worst day, I'm better off than this loser. Oh, yeah, and I never killed a child.
Thug? Oh do shut up you internet tough guy.you people think you are getting away with calling anyone and everyone thugs these days. Its just sad.

Yeah im not really worried about tax dollars..thats a weak point as well.

How much have you donated to this poor mans plight pred?

Of course you're not worried about tax dollars. Lefties never are. Everyone else's wallet is their piggy bank to raid for whatever they please.
Yawn....boring hack partisanship is boring. ..stick to your racist act..its more entertaining

Not nearly as entertaining as your persistent belief that if you just scream leftist buzzwords at me, I'll suddenly start caring and get defensive.

"Racist" only works on people who 1) give a shit about race, and 2) give a shit about your opinion.
Actually Plasma has no intent of proving anything he said, he is using the tried and true "demand of others" while his shit is so blatantly false that it stinks.

Pity for him that it only works on people who think he's worthy of a modicum of respect . . . in other words, people who've never encountered him before.

Hey look sonething you would find on a shortbus...which should be on fire..

What hacks

Are you still talking?
Of course you're not worried about tax dollars. Lefties never are. Everyone else's wallet is their piggy bank to raid for whatever they please.
Yawn....boring hack partisanship is boring. ..stick to your racist act..its more entertaining

Not nearly as entertaining as your persistent belief that if you just scream leftist buzzwords at me, I'll suddenly start caring and get defensive.

"Racist" only works on people who 1) give a shit about race, and 2) give a shit about your opinion.

Looks like you are defending here..amusing how easy it is.
"Hah hah! We've made it impossible for him to live a normal life - and continue to do so - and now we get to criticize him for not doing what we've made sure he can't do!"

Frankly, sweetie, as long as he's not breaking the law to do it - REALLY breaking the law, not just doing things you don't like and WISH you could lynch him for - I actually really hope he's supporting himself by doing whatever would make your bleeding, sandy little vagina ache the most. I really enjoy watching you hate your existence because you got the difference between reality and your fluffy little leftist fantasies rubbed in your face.

Fuck off fattie. You've been here about a year longer than me and frankly I don't recall ever responding to one of your tirades.

Bore somebody else with your condescending self.

Ooh, "fattie". You and Plasma must have been tutored in insults by the same grade-schooler.

Of COURSE you don't recall having ever argued with me. That's because you're a braindead leftist female impersonator whose entire existence is based on the ability to forget what an incredible cosmic joke you are every five minutes.

Oh, by the way, this just in: George Zimmerman is STILL a free man, the jury STILL disagrees with you, and you're STILL a pathetic excuse for a woman.

And I'm STILL going to feel free to respond to any of your posts with mockery that I feel like, and you're as helpless to stop me as you are in every other aspect of the shit sandwich you call your life.

Have a nice day. :D

Yes. I see your line of like 5 or 6 posts responding to mine every now and then and I wonder what set you off. It's like you are truly psychotic.

I just wanted to let you know that I've seen your rants and purposely have chosen not to respond in kind. It's because well, you're nutty.
Fuck off fattie. You've been here about a year longer than me and frankly I don't recall ever responding to one of your tirades.

Bore somebody else with your condescending self.

Ooh, "fattie". You and Plasma must have been tutored in insults by the same grade-schooler.

Of COURSE you don't recall having ever argued with me. That's because you're a braindead leftist female impersonator whose entire existence is based on the ability to forget what an incredible cosmic joke you are every five minutes.

Oh, by the way, this just in: George Zimmerman is STILL a free man, the jury STILL disagrees with you, and you're STILL a pathetic excuse for a woman.

And I'm STILL going to feel free to respond to any of your posts with mockery that I feel like, and you're as helpless to stop me as you are in every other aspect of the shit sandwich you call your life.

Have a nice day. :D

Yes. I see your line of like 5 or 6 posts responding to mine every now and then and I wonder what set you off. It's like you are truly psychotic.

I just wanted to let you know that I've seen your rants and purposely have chosen not to respond in kind. It's because well, you're nutty.

Did you catch the link to the fact Zimmerman will not be charged with anything? Gonna cry yourself to sleep tonight knowing that bastard got off again?
@ Jim, I know the case better than you.

Zim lied, and y'all are believing his story.

Even jurors said they wanted to charge him with something, but the judge, Cory, and police sloppy work prevented them.

You don't know shit dumbass, everything you say about the case is a lie. Everything.

You are simply an ignorant racist piece of human garbage.
Trayvon wasn't smoking right then. A "TRACE" amount was in his sytem.

Trayvon wasn't doing ANYTHING wrong.

ZIMMERMAN....WAS...doing something wrong.

Packing heat on watch.

Disregarding expert advice from police dispatch.

Not identifying himself.

FOLLOWING someone against Watch rules.



That's ok.

Just like O.J......he is "not guilty".

And just like O.J......

Zimmerman was not on watch at the time he was attacked by Trayvon Martin. He was on his way to the store.

Black Man 1 doesn't let facts get in the way of his racist ranting.

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