Zimmerman Girlfriend Recants... Shocker...

she does not want him charged, according to a signed affidavit.
Samantha Scheibe, who refers to Zimmerman as her "boyfriend,"

She doesn't want her boyfriend charged. Like that's the first time that ever happened. She's recanting to save his ass.

'Nuff said.

Yep, typical domestic abuse behavior: the woman changes her mind and wants him back. Doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen. This is part of the syndrome of domestic abuse.

Abuser and abused: they feed off each other. He's a violent man.

Shockingly, this is ALSO the behavior of trashy, drama-queen little ghetto twats, who are enabled by fools who don't have the gray matter to be suspicious.
She doesn't want her boyfriend charged. Like that's the first time that ever happened. She's recanting to save his ass.

'Nuff said.

Yep, typical domestic abuse behavior: the woman changes her mind and wants him back. Doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen. This is part of the syndrome of domestic abuse.

Abuser and abused: they feed off each other. He's a violent man.

Sounds like GZ is the one abused with false charges, being thrown out of his home, having his personal property destroyed, being stalked and threatened.

Don't be silly. Women never lie about this shit. Any good liberal can tell you that. :eusa_hand:
As I have explained, the charges of domestic abuse were most likely not false: women regularly withdraw domestic abuse charges. It is one of the most common aspects of domestic abuse. Also, both of the homes involved belonged to the women, not him. The home he was living in with his wife when the incident happened is a house belonging to her family. The home he was living in with his girlfriend was her home, not his. And he threw her out of her home, not the other way around. She wanted to break up with him and asked him to leave, but he threw a fit and pushed her out of HER home, barricading himself inside HER HOME. And he smashed up her furniture. He is not the victim here. As far as being stalked and threatened: he shouldn't have murdered an innocent, unarmed teenager.

It is interesting that in their effort to defend Zimmerman, people will support a man who is a chronic abuser of women.

^Probably still believes the Duke Whore Liar... :rofl:



This kind of thing does not happen over and over again to an innocent bystander. He is involved in murder, several instances of domestic abuse and fighting with a cop, and it's all everyone else's fault? Right. Sure. Poor pitiful George, always the victim. Uh huh.....

So what you're telling us NOW is that you and your half-witted ilk have MADE Zimmerman guilty simply by the sheer number of times you've attempted to "get" him? :eusa_eh:
This kind of thing does not happen over and over again to an innocent bystander. He is involved in murder, several instances of domestic abuse and fighting with a cop, and it's all everyone else's fault? Right. Sure. Poor pitiful George, always the victim. Uh huh.....
His main problem is that he does not run from trouble but faces it down until it goes away. And for some reason, he is able to settle out of court with the ladies he distresses. Let's hope for the best since he has come this far. The problem could be he only attracts women with similar mindsets of exaggerating his ferocity into physical abuse, I do not know, or to get paid for lying. Some people chase ambulances because they profit somehow from seeing gore. This guy is a train-wreck magnet as a best case scenario, and the conductors seem to have the same job descriptions.

Oh, please. His main problem is that he is a violent person who deals with all his problems by resorting to violence and who likes to wave his gun in people's faces.

From what I can see, his main problem is that ignorant twats with no lives have fixated on him as their enemy, to be vanquished at all costs, no matter how long it takes them.

There's a reason why "choose your enemies carefully" is a cliche, I guess.
She doesn't want her boyfriend charged. Like that's the first time that ever happened. She's recanting to save his ass.

'Nuff said.

Yep, typical domestic abuse behavior: the woman changes her mind and wants him back. Doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen. This is part of the syndrome of domestic abuse.

Abuser and abused: they feed off each other. He's a violent man.

Shockingly, this is ALSO the behavior of trashy, drama-queen little ghetto twats, who are enabled by fools who don't have the gray matter to be suspicious.
Esmi is just a dingbat. She would have to graduate to a ghetto twat.
Yep, typical domestic abuse behavior: the woman changes her mind and wants him back. Doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen. This is part of the syndrome of domestic abuse.

Abuser and abused: they feed off each other. He's a violent man.

Shockingly, this is ALSO the behavior of trashy, drama-queen little ghetto twats, who are enabled by fools who don't have the gray matter to be suspicious.
Esmi is just a dingbat. She would have to graduate to a ghetto twat.


Bad form!
Not really. ..it was found not guilty becsuse of evidence..the law worked the way it should have.

I personally think he was a douche

But thank you for asking and the deflection
And yet I haven't seen you criticize any of your fellow progressives for insisting he's guilty of murder.

Nor will you.

He is guilty of murder. Some of us just think the jury was wrong.

You can think whatever you like but you can't make anyone else think that way if they just don't.

By definition - and I realize that leftist "women" have trouble with words that big, so I apologize - GZ is NOT guilty of murder, because "guilty of murder" actually refers to the jury's decision which, sadly, didn't agree with you. See, the word "murder" does NOT mean "I feel it was wrong and bad! Waaaahh!" Very little in the world is about your precious, fuzzy little feelings.

By the way, for "some of us" to "think the jury was wrong" would require that "some of us" to be able to think. Quite frankly, you're such an argument in favor of repealing women's suffrage, the best thing you could do for ANY cause you support would be to never, ever let anyone know your opinion on it, lest it lose credibility for having your agreement.
I also asked earlier, does he have a job even or is he living off of the women?

"Hah hah! We've made it impossible for him to live a normal life - and continue to do so - and now we get to criticize him for not doing what we've made sure he can't do!"

Frankly, sweetie, as long as he's not breaking the law to do it - REALLY breaking the law, not just doing things you don't like and WISH you could lynch him for - I actually really hope he's supporting himself by doing whatever would make your bleeding, sandy little vagina ache the most. I really enjoy watching you hate your existence because you got the difference between reality and your fluffy little leftist fantasies rubbed in your face.
I'm not going through life bitter. I rarely ever even think about the fat little manipulative shit. When I see you all standing up for this guy, I just like to weigh in.
Riiiiight. :lol:

Oh, and pointing out he was acquitted isn't really standing up for him so much as pointing out reality. But thanks for acknowledging, at least, that reality doesn't matter to you.

Luckily, justice isn't a matter of progressive popularity contests.

Grow up, child. The prosecutor did the best he could, the jury heard the evidence...but you didn't get your way. And why is that? You didn't get the whole story. You believe what you were told to believe by people who manipulated you.

THAT'S who you should be upset with. The people who used you. The people who knew they weren't telling the truth, and said what they did to elicit an emotional response.

They played you like a fiddle.
I said earlier in the thread he may not kill one of these women but one of them may feel the need one day to turn this little game around on him. I wouldn't care either way.
Bullshit. You'd dance around screeching "JUSTICE IS SERVED, BITCH!! YEAH!!"...along with the rest of those who were manipulated.

I know you would. YOU know you would.

So stop pretending you're not emotionally invested in Zimmerman.

You think you know what everybody else is thinking and feeling simply because you know their political leanings. You don't, Daveman.

You still didn't answer my other question. Can you? You seem to know everything about everything.

Does he work?

Actually, Punkin, he knows what YOU'RE pseudo-thinking because he reads your posts. Would it shock you to know that those black squiggles that appear on your computer screen when you hit the buttons actually MEAN things?
I also asked earlier, does he have a job even or is he living off of the women?

"Hah hah! We've made it impossible for him to live a normal life - and continue to do so - and now we get to criticize him for not doing what we've made sure he can't do!"

Frankly, sweetie, as long as he's not breaking the law to do it - REALLY breaking the law, not just doing things you don't like and WISH you could lynch him for - I actually really hope he's supporting himself by doing whatever would make your bleeding, sandy little vagina ache the most. I really enjoy watching you hate your existence because you got the difference between reality and your fluffy little leftist fantasies rubbed in your face.

Fuck off fattie. You've been here about a year longer than me and frankly I don't recall ever responding to one of your tirades.

Bore somebody else with your condescending self.
Only the lazy demand "links" of others.

Like all socialists - expecting others to do their work for them.

Like all conservatives..always blaming someone else for there short comings.

Dont make the claim if you cant back it up you little bitch
Only the lazy demand "links" of others.

Like all socialists - expecting others to do their work for them.

Like all conservatives..always blaming someone else for there short comings.

Dont make the claim if you cant back it up you little bitch

Oh, yeah, I fogrot that when those lazy socialists don't get that for which they whine they revert to John F. Kerryesque gutter-speak.
Only the lazy demand "links" of others.

Like all socialists - expecting others to do their work for them.

Like all conservatives..always blaming someone else for there short comings.

Dont make the claim if you cant back it up you little bitch

Oh, yeah, I fogrot that when those lazy socialists don't get that for which they whine they revert to John F. Kerryesque gutter-speak.

Actually Plasma has no intent of proving anything he said, he is using the tried and true "demand of others" while his shit is so blatantly false that it stinks.
Not really. ..it was found not guilty becsuse of evidence..the law worked the way it should have.

I personally think he was a douche

But thank you for asking and the deflection
And yet I haven't seen you criticize any of your fellow progressives for insisting he's guilty of murder.

Nor will you.

I think he murdered the kid as well..but the evidence doesnt support my opinion. Ill live.

What other people think is not my problem and what you have a problem with is not my problem.

If I am a progressive you like to dress up as a woman and pretend that you are pretty..or you can drop that game dave.your choice

Y'know, INTELLIGENT people don't have to live with their opinions not being supported by the evidence because they - stop me if this confuses you - form their opinions based on evidence.

Just thought you might need that explained again.
That's quite a leap but think what you want about that, Sgt.

Under our Constitution and laws the man is INNOCENT. You are innocent till proven guilty. The Not Guilty verdict under our Constitution and laws means he is INNOCENT. Yet you insist he is a murderer.

That means you have no legs to stand on when I insist abortion is murder. You ignore the law when it suits you. I say that while legally the act is not murder under the law, it is morally sanctioned murder by the Government. And how many have been killed so far? And you don't give a damn.

But Zimmerman who was hounded lied about and harassed went to trial for a non crime because of political beliefs. And even though the Government wanted him to be found guilty, their evidence was so flimsy 3 women that stated they wanted to convict could not in good conscious do so. The evidence was such they had to vote NOT GUILTY.

Yes. Not guilty, which is not at all the same thing as innocent. He killed. He is a killer.

See, "not guilty" isn't the same thing as "innocent" because the innocent is presupposed to be true unless otherwise proved. Hence the phrase "innocent until proven guilty". One does not have to prove that one is innocent; the prosecutor has to prove that one is not, and that didn't happen.
So O.J. isn't a murderer NOR killer....right?

According to your defenses of Zimmerman...

Would it surprise you to know that I'm not actually REQUIRED to have any opinion whatsoever on that subject? Wasn't at the scene of the crime, and wasn't on the jury. This, I assume, applies to everyone on this board, although many people seem to believe that forming and holding opinions about every damned thing under the sun is a biological imperative.
Got it.

O.J. is not a killer or a murderer according to everyone who was in here saying Zimmerman is not a murderer.

Trayvon was a high school kid. Killed at night while he was scared of a grown man following him with a gun.

If Trayvon was ANY of your sons, you would say he was murdered.

But carry on....

"Never mind the facts. If you got your warm fuzzies involved, you would agree with me!"

It's probably faster to unplug your brain and think with your glands, but I question whether or not it's effective. I can assure you that it's not impressive.
Hopefully if there was he'd win a settlement from NBC for the damage they did to him when they edited the 911 tapes to make him look like a racist.

His life probably wouldn't be in shambles now if it hadn't been for the slanderous race-hustling of the media and the usual subjects. If it weren't for that malpractice, he likely wouldn't have been charged with a crime at all since the evidence clearly wasn't there. The people involved in the tragedy could have healed in a natural way instead of going through the prolonged hell they were subjected to.

Good chance some murders which have taken place since then also wouldn't have happened if the media hadn't stirred up racial hatred like they did just because they found the circus profitable.

There has been no mention of that lawsuit since July. One wonders why.

He's got three lawsuits because he's not only suing NBC, but Al Sharpton and the Martin family's attorneys.

I think I saw it in October. Just an update on the original stories but it looks like it's still on.

And I think he's got a winner against NBC. Heads rolled over it. Richard Jewel won his cases as well.

And I seem to recall that while the media was all over reporting the accusations and smears against Jewell, they were strangely quiet in reporting the outcome of the lawsuits.

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