Zimmerman Prosecution Imploding, Analysts Say

"asked" no he was just asked because this had the national medias attention.
You are giving this to much thought about a nothing comment.



YOU (as usual) are simply too willing to easily dismiss the blunders and stupidity of the moron in chief.

Speaking of typical and all.
If this had been bush I would have stated the samething. Its sympathy and nothing more..

Typical welcher assuming things he knows nothing of.

So you are a welsher then?


But you remain totally pointless, you cock gobbling motherfucking simpleton hack.

True fact.

By the way, you fucking dishonest bullshit spewing shit stain pussy, Nixon and Obama have in common that problem of inserting themselves stupidly into the realm of prospective (or ongoing) criminal prosecutions.

It's not a trivial thing. Had your good pal, Barack Obummer, had any sense, he could have said "no comment." Period.

Now get back down there and toss his salad some more, you idiot.

So the bruises on the back of his head and his bloody nose were? What? SElf inflicted? You realize even the prosecution is in line with that basic story, right?

That would be injuries the doctors and ME classified as "minor" and "insubstantial".

Irrelevant as to how severe they were. The injuries indicate he was on the ground and Martin was punching him. Do you deny that?

The injuries indicate nothing of the sort.

In fact, quite the reverse, if he had gotten his head beaten against the concrete, there'd be more damage AND blood on the concrete. There was neither.

Point is, he shot an unarmed child after he instigated a confrontation. He needs to fry. Preferably with a live feed to the next NRA convention..

YOU (as usual) are simply too willing to easily dismiss the blunders and stupidity of the moron in chief.

Speaking of typical and all.
If this had been bush I would have stated the samething. Its sympathy and nothing more..

Typical welcher assuming things he knows nothing of.

So you are a welsher then?


But you remain totally pointless, you cock gobbling motherfucking simpleton hack.

True fact.

By the way, you fucking dishonest bullshit spewing shit stain pussy, Nixon and Obama have in common that problem of inserting themselves stupidly into the realm of prospective (or ongoing) criminal prosecutions.

It's not a trivial thing. Had your good pal, Barack Obummer, had any sense, he could have said "no comment." Period.

Now get back down there and toss his salad some more, you idiot.


Its like tee ball.
That would be injuries the doctors and ME classified as "minor" and "insubstantial".

Irrelevant as to how severe they were. The injuries indicate he was on the ground and Martin was punching him. Do you deny that?

The injuries indicate nothing of the sort.

In fact, quite the reverse, if he had gotten his head beaten against the concrete, there'd be more damage AND blood on the concrete. There was neither.

Point is, he shot an unarmed child after he instigated a confrontation. He needs to fry. Preferably with a live feed to the next NRA convention..

He will be found not guilty.

This will continue:Chicago Murders Soar: 67 Shot, 11 Killed over July 4 Weekend--So Far

Preferably this will be broadcast on the Al Sharpton show.
You will continue to do nothing about the violence in the place you call home.
That would be injuries the doctors and ME classified as "minor" and "insubstantial".

Irrelevant as to how severe they were. The injuries indicate he was on the ground and Martin was punching him. Do you deny that?

The injuries indicate nothing of the sort.

In fact, quite the reverse, if he had gotten his head beaten against the concrete, there'd be more damage AND blood on the concrete. There was neither.

Point is, he shot an unarmed child after he instigated a confrontation. He needs to fry. Preferably with a live feed to the next NRA convention..
So what is your explanation as to how he got those injuries? This'll be good.
Here's the "unarmed child" btw. Maybe you think this is a lie too.
Im saying you are fucking stupid.

I dont even know who stupid is. Why should I fuck him. Unless you mean. And Im only fucking you on this board every time you open your idiotic mouth.

So your saying you like men.

You are no man, plasmaball-less.

And stop projecting.

You are plainly a fucking moron and every time you post, you reconfirm as much.

But in reality, nobody cares that you are gay. That's your business.
If this had been bush I would have stated the samething. Its sympathy and nothing more..

Typical welcher assuming things he knows nothing of.

So you are a welsher then?


But you remain totally pointless, you cock gobbling motherfucking simpleton hack.

True fact.

By the way, you fucking dishonest bullshit spewing shit stain pussy, Nixon and Obama have in common that problem of inserting themselves stupidly into the realm of prospective (or ongoing) criminal prosecutions.

It's not a trivial thing. Had your good pal, Barack Obummer, had any sense, he could have said "no comment." Period.

Now get back down there and toss his salad some more, you idiot.


Its like tee ball.

Yep: If you keep setting yourself up like that, you can expect to keep getting smacked outta da park, you dopey fail.

So you are a welsher then?


But you remain totally pointless, you cock gobbling motherfucking simpleton hack.

True fact.

By the way, you fucking dishonest bullshit spewing shit stain pussy, Nixon and Obama have in common that problem of inserting themselves stupidly into the realm of prospective (or ongoing) criminal prosecutions.

It's not a trivial thing. Had your good pal, Barack Obummer, had any sense, he could have said "no comment." Period.

Now get back down there and toss his salad some more, you idiot.


Its like tee ball.

Yep: If you keep setting yourself up like that, you can expect to keep getting smacked outta da park, you dopey fail.


Says a welcher
Its like tee ball.

Yep: If you keep setting yourself up like that, you can expect to keep getting smacked outta da park, you dopey fail.


Says a welcher

That old lie? Tsk. Tsk. Plazmaball-less does not know how to be honest.

Damn, you may be redundant and wholly dishonest, plazmaball-less, but at least you are a moron troll and a crashing bore.

Now, perch yourself back up on the tee, ya bitch.

Yep: If you keep setting yourself up like that, you can expect to keep getting smacked outta da park, you dopey fail.


Says a welcher

That old lie? Tsk. Tsk. Plazmaball-less does not know how to be honest.

Damn, you may be redundant and wholly dishonest, plazmaball-less, but at least you are a moron troll and a crashing bore.

Now, perch yourself back up on the tee, ya bitch.

Wow you are easy welcher.
That would be injuries the doctors and ME classified as "minor" and "insubstantial".

Irrelevant as to how severe they were. The injuries indicate he was on the ground and Martin was punching him. Do you deny that?

The injuries indicate nothing of the sort.

In fact, quite the reverse, if he had gotten his head beaten against the concrete, there'd be more damage AND blood on the concrete. There was neither.

Point is, he shot an unarmed child after he instigated a confrontation. He needs to fry. Preferably with a live feed to the next NRA convention..

The unarmed child attacked someone who then feared for his life, maybe he should have put more thought into attacking someone. Or could his judgement have been clouded by drugs? Keep spinning but, the facts remain.
Irrelevant as to how severe they were. The injuries indicate he was on the ground and Martin was punching him. Do you deny that?

The injuries indicate nothing of the sort.

In fact, quite the reverse, if he had gotten his head beaten against the concrete, there'd be more damage AND blood on the concrete. There was neither.

Point is, he shot an unarmed child after he instigated a confrontation. He needs to fry. Preferably with a live feed to the next NRA convention..
So what is your explanation as to how he got those injuries? This'll be good.
Here's the "unarmed child" btw. Maybe you think this is a lie too.

This has ALREADY proven to be a lie. This isn't a picture of Trayvon, it's a picture of a Rapper known as "The Game".

Fake photo of Trayvon Martin still making the rounds

People! Listen, and listen closely. The photo you’re still passing around via e-mail is not that of Trayvon Martin. Not even close. The man in that photo is a rapper named Game. The picture was used in a May 6, 2010 story for XXL magazine. Game was 31 years old at the time.

I'm sure they all look alike to you, though.
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Not the right question, Rabbi. Do he had the legal right to follow Trayvon armed with a gun and not identifying himself as Neighborhood Watch when he was clearly all about it that night? No. I don't believe he did.

On the matter of OJ trial. That was an act of cold blooded murder - it was clear that OJ was guilty and the lawyers who got him off are all dead and in hell now - that happened exceptionally fast ( Kardashian - Johnny Cochran both in hell) because they defended a guilty man who murdered a Jew - Ron Goldman. Had it not involved a Jew the Lawyers probably would not have died so quickly but there is a curse for harming a Jew ( as you should know ) so that should serve as a warning to other lawyers in the future. imo.

- Jeri
Did he have the legal right to follow Trayvon? Yes. There's no law against it.
Did he have the right not to identify himself? Yes. He was not part of neighborhood watch for that night.
Did Trayvon have the right to confront Zimmerman and punch him? No. Did he put him in fear of his life? Yes. Was Zimmerman justified in neutralizing that threat? Yes.

You say he was not a part of neighborhood watch that night. Did you listen to the dialogue between Zimmerman and the dispatcher? Zimmerman was told NOT TO FOLLOW MARTIN. Why did he ignore the police dispatchers orders to NOT FOLLOW?

Did Trayvon have the right to confront Zimmerman and punch him? Absolutely. If you want to follow people around and play Kojak you should expect it to anger your target. Did Zimmerman have a right to put Trayvon in fear of his life by following him ( with a gun) and not identifying himself but letting this kid wonder who it is? No.

So you see, Rabbi, there are two sides to this story. I do not doubt that Trayvon was a troublemaker and a drug user - still - he wasn't looking for trouble that particular night coming home from store with can of tea and a bag of skittles in his hands. Trouble came looking for him instead. We may not like the law but we all have to abide by it. Zimmerman probably didn't like being told not to follow Trayvon. Had he listened he wouldn't be on trial for murder right now. - Jeri

He was NOT ordered to NOT FOLLOW MARTIN! How many times does this need to be said? A dispatcher has NO authority to give orders and they don't! Geesh! I can't believe after watching this trial that people are still telling lies like this. And NOBODY knows what Trayvon was thinking, besides his comment about the Creepy Ass Cracker....right there tells you what a punk he was. Trouble was walking away....Martin decided to confront it. He could have gone home and called 911 himself to complain about a stalker....but he didn't. He decided to take matters into his own hands.....THAT was his mistake!
So Z should have waited until he was almost unconcience? If he'd done that HE would have been the one that died! I can't believe some of this stupidity!
"asked" no he was just asked because this had the national medias attention.
You are giving this to much thought about a nothing comment.



YOU (as usual) are simply too willing to easily dismiss the blunders and stupidity of the moron in chief.

Speaking of typical and all.
If this had been bush I would have stated the samething. Its sympathy and nothing more..

Typical welcher assuming things he knows nothing of.

That "sympathy" Obama had was directed at the black kid that got shot. That right there made MANY of the blacks in all communities a little stronger, they knew their president had their backs on this. Obama just should have said the whole thing is a tragedy and we need to let the courts sort it out. But no....he says Trayvon could have been his SON. He knew DAMNED WELL what he was doing!

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