Zimmerman Prosecution Imploding, Analysts Say

Well anyway, the prosecution utterly failed to deal with the central issue of the case: Was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin?
They probably didnt want to touch that one because the answer is obvious. So instead they focus on irrelevant details. Did Zimmerman know the details of Stand Your Ground (which is irrelevant here)? What kind of student was Zimmerman in school? Isn't it aweful some mom has to cry over her kid, the one who didnt live with her for 14 years?

Another issue for me is that the organized black community has signed on lock stock and barrel to this. They did this in much the same way they signed on to OJ Simpson, still maintaining he is innocent even though every aspect of the forensics plus circumstantial evidence shows he killed two people. They simply hitch their wagon to the biggest demagogue out there. In this the organzied black community takes itlsef out of the realm of normal discourse. It is not facts. It is simply: a black man can't get a fair shake in racist America. This trial won't help that. If Zimmerman is acquitted and they riot it will be even worse.

Then don't acquit Zimmerman.

Frankly, black folks only see one fact here. An unarmed black child was gunned down in the middle of the street by a white guy, who was given a pass by authorities.

Zimmerman's decisions controlled the situation. He's the one who followed the kid. He's the one who had a gun. He's the one who didn't identify himself as community watch.

He's the one who shot the kid.

I hope there won't be riots, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there were.

Well. Trayvon decided to double back and confront Zimmerman. Trayvon decided to make it a physical confrontation. Trayvon decided he was going to kill him some creepy ass cracker. Trayvon got dead.
I dont see a problem here.

Zimmerman's decisions are what led to the outcome. He didn't identify himself as Neighborhood Watch - he went about that watch doing it it his way ( not according to NW Guidelines ) and it led to Martins death. Was Martin a punk? Probably. It doesn't factor in though. Not in this situation...

Martin came back because he came to the conclusion Zimmerman was following him and it made him angry. It would have made me angry too! Some guy is following you and you don't know who he is? He has the opportunity to identify himself and doesn't? That is an aggressive act - in my eyes - Zimmerman made the first move - by following him - Trayvon RESPONDED to it - Zimmerman then took out his gun and murdererd the kid.

Think about how you would feel if you are being followed and you don't know who it is. The longer it goes on the angrier you are getting. All of your senses are heightened, you know something is up and you are getting mentally prepared for it long before you get to the confrontation. Add to this you are 17 yrs old with the mindset to go with it. It's a recipe for disaster, folks.

George Zimmerman put Martin into that fight or flight mode and Martin chose to fight. Those are the consequences Zimmerman didn't forsee. This is true for all wanabe undercovers out there following people around in their cars or on foot. Could be you are the one that isn't going to be walking away from that confrontation - better to mind your own business and leave folks alone.

For some reason everyone on this board assumes that the normal response to someone following you is to run! It isn't! There are plenty of people who think exactly the opposite, they will turn it around on you and bring it right to your front door! The lesson? Do not follow people you don't know unless you are ready to pay the consequences for it. The hunter can become the hunted REAL FAST.


Guilt is a verdict that is rendered by a jury.
When has Zimmerman been convicted of any crime?

By that logic, O.J. was innocent. You don't truly believe that, do you?

[And you still have not answered my other questions. I asked you some very specific questions that you did not answer. You worthless piece of chicken shit.

Your other questions were kind of retarded, so I ignored them as to not embarrass you further.

Clearly, my computer is not causing massive national anger, so there's no reason to give it up.

I think you need to let go of a lot of your anger. Why are you so angry about this case?

In the eyes of the law OJ is 'not guilty.' If I think he did it, can I riot?
You have not answered my questions.

Why do you hate Hispanics?

(And thanks for the new siggy!)
Last edited:
Then don't acquit Zimmerman.

Frankly, black folks only see one fact here. An unarmed black child was gunned down in the middle of the street by a white guy, who was given a pass by authorities.

Zimmerman's decisions controlled the situation. He's the one who followed the kid. He's the one who had a gun. He's the one who didn't identify himself as community watch.

He's the one who shot the kid.

I hope there won't be riots, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there were.

Well. Trayvon decided to double back and confront Zimmerman. Trayvon decided to make it a physical confrontation. Trayvon decided he was going to kill him some creepy ass cracker. Trayvon got dead.
I dont see a problem here.

Zimmerman's decisions are what led to the outcome. He didn't identify himself as Neighborhood Watch - he went about that watch doing it it his way ( not according to NW Guidelines ) and it led to Martins death. Was Martin a punk? Probably. It doesn't factor in though. Not in this situation...

Martin came back because he came to the conclusion Zimmerman was following him and it made him angry. It would have made me angry too! Some guy is following you and you don't know who he is? He has the opportunity to identify himself and doesn't? That is an aggressive act - in my eyes - Zimmerman made the first move - by following him - Trayvon RESPONDED to it - Zimmerman then took out his gun and murdererd the kid.

Think about how you would feel if you are being followed and you don't know who it is. The longer it goes on the angrier you are getting. All of your senses are heightened, you know something is up and you are getting mentally prepared for it long before you get to the confrontation. Add to this you are 17 yrs old with the mindset to go with it. It's a recipe for disaster, folks.

George Zimmerman put Martin into that fight or flight mode and Martin chose to fight. Those are the consequences Zimmerman didn't forsee. This is true for all wanabe undercovers out there following people around in their cars or on foot. Could be you are the one that isn't going to be walking away from that confrontation - better to mind your own business and leave folks alone.

For some reason everyone on this board assumes that the normal response to someone following you is to run! It isn't! There are plenty of people who think exactly the opposite, they will turn it around on you and bring it right to your front door! The lesson? Do not follow people you don't know unless you are ready to pay the consequences for it. The hunter can become the hunted REAL FAST.


Zimmerman did not decide to create a physical confrontation. Zimmerman did not punch Martin. Zimmerman did not pound Martin's head into the ground.

Yes, the normal response to perceived danger is to get away as soon as possible. Which Martin did. Then he when he was out of "danger" he doubled back and re-engaged. That was his fatal decision.

Guilt is a verdict that is rendered by a jury.
When has Zimmerman been convicted of any crime?

By that logic, O.J. was innocent. You don't truly believe that, do you?

[And you still have not answered my other questions. I asked you some very specific questions that you did not answer. You worthless piece of chicken shit.

Your other questions were kind of retarded, so I ignored them as to not embarrass you further.

Clearly, my computer is not causing massive national anger, so there's no reason to give it up.

I think you need to let go of a lot of your anger. Why are you so angry about this case?

Her questions are always retarded but she is always trying to make anyone believe she can teach somebody something. :cuckoo:

She is very angry, scary angry.

In the eyes of the law OJ is 'not guilty.' If I think he did it, can I riot?
You have not answered my questions.

Why do you hate Hispanics?

(And thanks for the new siggy!)

I did answer your question. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.

And if you want to make yourself look silly in every post, that's your business.

But anyway, here's the thing. Either O.J. murdered those two people or he didn't.

Either Zimmerman murdered Trayvon or he didn't.

I have no problem with Hispanics. I have a problem with thugs who shoot black children in the street because they want to prove how tough they are.

We get to find out how really tough they are when they go to prison.

In the eyes of the law OJ is 'not guilty.' If I think he did it, can I riot?
You have not answered my questions.

Why do you hate Hispanics?

(And thanks for the new siggy!)

I did answer your question. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.

And if you want to make yourself look silly in every post, that's your business.

But anyway, here's the thing. Either O.J. murdered those two people or he didn't.

Either Zimmerman murdered Trayvon or he didn't.

I have no problem with Hispanics. I have a problem with thugs who shoot black children in the street because they want to prove how tough they are.

We get to find out how really tough they are when they go to prison.

OJ murdered the two people.
Zimmerman shot Trayvon and killed him. His defense was the he did so in self defense. Which is a legitimate defense. Do you not think he shot Trayvon in self defense?

[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION]. So, imprison an innocent man, scrap the American system of jurisprudence to keep the uncivilized mob in control. People have died for our way of life. They fought and died so that innocent people could remain free. I just can't understand what goes around in that pea brain of yours. And how far do you propose this giving in 'so there won't be riots' go? I mean, are you willing to give them your computer so there won't be riots? What about your dwelling? (I won't say house because you aren't functional enough to have ever bought a house.) What? Seriously, how far are YOU personally willing to go for there not to be riots. Will you be willing to be imprisoned yourself so there won't be riots. I hope you are because if the American system of jurisprudence adopts your philosophy it will be you on trial soon enough! But then, if it were you, I'd say lock up the sorry piece of chicken shit.

1) Zimmerman isn't innocent. He killed Trayvon.

2) I own a Condo in Chicago and a Summer Home in Wisconsin. I used to own a Two-Flat in Cicero, until I realized what a pain in the ass it was to manage a rental property.

3) Like it or not, riots do get things changed. Shouldn't be that way, but it is. We had segregation for hundreds of years, until we had riots and they started addressing that stuff. An All White Jury gave the cops who beat Rodney King a pass, but riots made sure that they got a trial in front of a jury.

Now, incidently, if the Cops had arrested Zimmerman at the time, and went through the actual investigation and put him on trial, I doubt the characters like Sharpton would have had a leg to stand on. But that didn't happen. Now we are stuck with this mess. And frankly, people like you who went on about Trayvon's gold teeth and weed to try to justify Zimmerman's actions have largely contributed to it.

I agree that Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter, nothing more - if that isn't the charge they will have to give a not guilty verdict - Sunshine is right - the verdict is delivered by way of jury, not vigilante justice - you seem to think this is somehow going to be like the Rodney King riots - I beg to differ - Joe.

MS 13 Latino Gangs that run for the cartels are the most formidable gangs in the world. The black community is out of their league and they know it. Which is why Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson keep referring to George Zimmerman as a white man. They are both afraid of the Mexican Mafia and neither will open their mouth about a Latino. So that is where that is at. - J.

OJ murdered the two people.
Zimmerman shot Trayvon and killed him. His defense was the he did so in self defense. Which is a legitimate defense. Do you not think he shot Trayvon in self defense?

Nope. Don't believe that for a minute.

Don't believe a guy who was a mixed martial artist and a trained bouncer was going to be in fear for his life from a skinny 17 year old.

Also, there never would have been a confrontation if Zimmerman hadn't broken the guidelines of his own watch and stalked Trayvon to start with.

In the eyes of the law OJ is 'not guilty.' If I think he did it, can I riot?
You have not answered my questions.

Why do you hate Hispanics?

(And thanks for the new siggy!)

I did answer your question. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.

And if you want to make yourself look silly in every post, that's your business.

But anyway, here's the thing. Either O.J. murdered those two people or he didn't.

Either Zimmerman murdered Trayvon or he didn't.

I have no problem with Hispanics. I have a problem with thugs who shoot black children in the street because they want to prove how tough they are.

We get to find out how really tough they are when they go to prison.

It really is moot at this point what OJ did. A jury of his peers found him 'not guilty.' He is not guilty in the eyes of the law. Point blank period.

And you still haven't answered my questions, you worthless piece of chicken shit, SUH!

In the eyes of the law OJ is 'not guilty.' If I think he did it, can I riot?
You have not answered my questions.

Why do you hate Hispanics?

(And thanks for the new siggy!)

I did answer your question. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.

And if you want to make yourself look silly in every post, that's your business.

But anyway, here's the thing. Either O.J. murdered those two people or he didn't.

Either Zimmerman murdered Trayvon or he didn't.

I have no problem with Hispanics. I have a problem with thugs who shoot black children in the street because they want to prove how tough they are.

We get to find out how really tough they are when they go to prison.

OJ murdered the two people.
Zimmerman shot Trayvon and killed him. His defense was the he did so in self defense. Which is a legitimate defense. Do you not think he shot Trayvon in self defense?

Not the right question, Rabbi. Do he had the legal right to follow Trayvon armed with a gun and not identifying himself as Neighborhood Watch when he was clearly all about it that night? No. I don't believe he did.

On the matter of OJ trial. That was an act of cold blooded murder - it was clear that OJ was guilty and the lawyers who got him off are all dead and in hell now - that happened exceptionally fast ( Kardashian - Johnny Cochran both in hell) because they defended a guilty man who murdered a Jew - Ron Goldman. Had it not involved a Jew the Lawyers probably would not have died so quickly but there is a curse for harming a Jew ( as you should know ) so that should serve as a warning to other lawyers in the future. imo.

- Jeri

I agree that Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter, nothing more - if that isn't the charge they will have to give a not guilty verdict - Sunshine is right - the verdict is delivered by way of jury, not vigilante justice - you seem to think this is somehow going to be like the Rodney King riots - I beg to differ - Joe.

MS 13 Latino Gangs that run for the cartels are the most formidable gangs in the world. The black community is out of their league and they know it. Which is why Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson keep referring to George Zimmerman as a white man. They are both afraid of the Mexican Mafia and neither will open their mouth about a Latino. So that is where that is at. - J.

I'm going to ask an honest question here. Do you REALLY think that the Mexican Mafia cares that this guy's mother was Peruvian? Or do you just need to see conspiracies under every bush?

Do I think that Sharpton and Jackson are making a big deal out of this to advance their own agendas? Absolutely. So are is the gun lobby.

I honestly hope there aren't riots if this guy is acquitted. But I would understand if there were.

It's every black parents nightmare that their kid could be shot because a trigger happy cop or homeowner preceived them as a threat. In Trayvon's case, it became real.

Ask yourself the honest question. If Zimmerman were black and Trayvon was white, do you really think we'd be at this point?

[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION]. So, imprison an innocent man, scrap the American system of jurisprudence to keep the uncivilized mob in control. People have died for our way of life. They fought and died so that innocent people could remain free. I just can't understand what goes around in that pea brain of yours. And how far do you propose this giving in 'so there won't be riots' go? I mean, are you willing to give them your computer so there won't be riots? What about your dwelling? (I won't say house because you aren't functional enough to have ever bought a house.) What? Seriously, how far are YOU personally willing to go for there not to be riots. Will you be willing to be imprisoned yourself so there won't be riots. I hope you are because if the American system of jurisprudence adopts your philosophy it will be you on trial soon enough! But then, if it were you, I'd say lock up the sorry piece of chicken shit.

1) Zimmerman isn't innocent. He killed Trayvon.

2) I own a Condo in Chicago and a Summer Home in Wisconsin. I used to own a Two-Flat in Cicero, until I realized what a pain in the ass it was to manage a rental property.

3) Like it or not, riots do get things changed. Shouldn't be that way, but it is. We had segregation for hundreds of years, until we had riots and they started addressing that stuff. An All White Jury gave the cops who beat Rodney King a pass, but riots made sure that they got a trial in front of a jury.

Now, incidently, if the Cops had arrested Zimmerman at the time, and went through the actual investigation and put him on trial, I doubt the characters like Sharpton would have had a leg to stand on. But that didn't happen. Now we are stuck with this mess. And frankly, people like you who went on about Trayvon's gold teeth and weed to try to justify Zimmerman's actions have largely contributed to it.

I agree that Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter, nothing more - if that isn't the charge they will have to give a not guilty verdict - Sunshine is right - the verdict is delivered by way of jury, not vigilante justice - you seem to think this is somehow going to be like the Rodney King riots - I beg to differ - Joe.

MS 13 Latino Gangs that run for the cartels are the most formidable gangs in the world. The black community is out of their league and they know it. Which is why Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson keep referring to George Zimmerman as a white man. They are both afraid of the Mexican Mafia and neither will open their mouth about a Latino. So that is where that is at. - J.

I believe he's guilty of a lot more including profiling, stalking the kid, shooting him because he lost control. He's also guilty of lying a lot. He needs to go to prison.

Btw, GZ is the vigilante.

It really is moot at this point what OJ did. A jury of his peers found him 'not guilty.' He is not guilty in the eyes of the law. Point blank period.

And you still haven't answered my questions, you worthless piece of chicken shit, SUH!

I did answer them, just not in the way you liked.

You are dancing around the issue.

OJ did what he was accused of. Shit, he pretty much admitted it in a book. A mostly black jury decided to stick a thumb in the eye of the LAPD. Or maybe they were just stupid. Either way, a miscarriage of justice.

ZImmerman did kill Martin, after he had taken actions that provoked a confrontation. He broke a couple of rules of the Neighborhood watch (carrying a gun, following a suspect). And when he was getting his ass beat in a fight he started, he shot a kid. If an mostly White jury finds him innocent, people are going to be pretty damned angry about it.

You are asking blacks to "respect the rule of law", when black men are sent to prison for life for stealing tube socks or Pizza under insane "Three Strikes" rules, but a white guy can gun down a black kid in the middle of the street, and get a pat on the back from the police?

Seriously, this is what you are asking?

OJ murdered the two people.
Zimmerman shot Trayvon and killed him. His defense was the he did so in self defense. Which is a legitimate defense. Do you not think he shot Trayvon in self defense?

Nope. Don't believe that for a minute.

Don't believe a guy who was a mixed martial artist and a trained bouncer was going to be in fear for his life from a skinny 17 year old.

Also, there never would have been a confrontation if Zimmerman hadn't broken the guidelines of his own watch and stalked Trayvon to start with.

You dont believe that when a large athletic 17yr old is on top of you punching you and telling you you are going to die tonight that a reasonable person would not be in fear of his life?

OJ murdered the two people.
Zimmerman shot Trayvon and killed him. His defense was the he did so in self defense. Which is a legitimate defense. Do you not think he shot Trayvon in self defense?

Nope. Don't believe that for a minute.

Don't believe a guy who was a mixed martial artist and a trained bouncer was going to be in fear for his life from a skinny 17 year old.

Also, there never would have been a confrontation if Zimmerman hadn't broken the guidelines of his own watch and stalked Trayvon to start with.

You dont believe that when a large athletic 17yr old is on top of you punching you and telling you you are going to die tonight that a reasonable person would not be in fear of his life?

You mean that was one o fthe ever changing stories that Zimmerman told after he got caught?

Nope, don't believe that for a minute. In fact, I really don't believe much of what Zimmerman says, given his history of lying and none of the physical or eyewitness evidence does much to back him up.
I did answer your question. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.

And if you want to make yourself look silly in every post, that's your business.

But anyway, here's the thing. Either O.J. murdered those two people or he didn't.

Either Zimmerman murdered Trayvon or he didn't.

I have no problem with Hispanics. I have a problem with thugs who shoot black children in the street because they want to prove how tough they are.

We get to find out how really tough they are when they go to prison.

OJ murdered the two people.
Zimmerman shot Trayvon and killed him. His defense was the he did so in self defense. Which is a legitimate defense. Do you not think he shot Trayvon in self defense?

Not the right question, Rabbi. Do he had the legal right to follow Trayvon armed with a gun and not identifying himself as Neighborhood Watch when he was clearly all about it that night? No. I don't believe he did.

On the matter of OJ trial. That was an act of cold blooded murder - it was clear that OJ was guilty and the lawyers who got him off are all dead and in hell now - that happened exceptionally fast ( Kardashian - Johnny Cochran both in hell) because they defended a guilty man who murdered a Jew - Ron Goldman. Had it not involved a Jew the Lawyers probably would not have died so quickly but there is a curse for harming a Jew ( as you should know ) so that should serve as a warning to other lawyers in the future. imo.

- Jeri
Did he have the legal right to follow Trayvon? Yes. There's no law against it.
Did he have the right not to identify himself? Yes. He was not part of neighborhood watch for that night.
Did Trayvon have the right to confront Zimmerman and punch him? No. Did he put him in fear of his life? Yes. Was Zimmerman justified in neutralizing that threat? Yes.

In the eyes of the law OJ is 'not guilty.' If I think he did it, can I riot?
You have not answered my questions.

Why do you hate Hispanics?

(And thanks for the new siggy!)

I did answer your question. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.

And if you want to make yourself look silly in every post, that's your business.

But anyway, here's the thing. Either O.J. murdered those two people or he didn't.

Either Zimmerman murdered Trayvon or he didn't.

I have no problem with Hispanics. I have a problem with thugs who shoot black children in the street because they want to prove how tough they are.

We get to find out how really tough they are when they go to prison.

I have a huge problem with thugs who are running the streets nationwide with the knockout game, Black Mob Violence and those who show those type videos to feed the frenzy - I have a huge problem with a president who comes out saying Trayvon could be his son and then refuses to speak up for the country who elected him by telling the blacks that terrorism on the streets of america will not be tolerated ------->ZERO TOLERANCE<---------those involved will be charged with acts of terrorism - put in prison.

That would end it tomorrow - but Barack Obama isn't going to do that because I believe he approves of this Black Mob Violence and is funding it somehow. Why is it no one has confronted Obama as to why the blackout on Black Mob Violence in the Media and from White House?

I'm going to make it a point to continue to put up stories on Black Mob violence across America and encourage others to do the same here. Someone has to report what is going on out there. Did you know that.........

There are 20,000 Black on White Rapes per year in USA vs less than 500 rapes of White on Black? That is just the rape statistics.

This story of a Latino killing a Black man is quite rare and yet it made national news. The stories of Black On White Violence have been going on since Obama took office and the numbers of crimes are escalating substantially. Still no national media attention on that story. Something is definitely wrong with that picture. - J.
Nope. Don't believe that for a minute.

Don't believe a guy who was a mixed martial artist and a trained bouncer was going to be in fear for his life from a skinny 17 year old.

Also, there never would have been a confrontation if Zimmerman hadn't broken the guidelines of his own watch and stalked Trayvon to start with.

You dont believe that when a large athletic 17yr old is on top of you punching you and telling you you are going to die tonight that a reasonable person would not be in fear of his life?

You mean that was one o fthe ever changing stories that Zimmerman told after he got caught?

Nope, don't believe that for a minute. In fact, I really don't believe much of what Zimmerman says, given his history of lying and none of the physical or eyewitness evidence does much to back him up.

So the bruises on the back of his head and his bloody nose were? What? SElf inflicted? You realize even the prosecution is in line with that basic story, right?
Zimmerman was not on neighborhood watch when this happened. He was on his way to the store. If you are all bollixed up with his having mixed martial arts training, then why didn't the prosecution have sparring partners up there to tell the world how good Zimmerman was and how easily they were overpowered? The defense wanted to introduce evidence of Martin's training as a fighter. The judge denied it. The videos are still on You Tube though. Why is Zimmerman's so-called training as a fighter determinative of anything but Martin's training not?

The prosecution has no case. In law school all lawyers learn trial tactics. If you have the facts, argue the facts, if you have the law, argue the law. If you have neither facts nor law, baffle them with bullshit. The prosecution has neither the law nor the facts. He is baffling with bullshit. Find Zimmerman guilty just because, he's white, he's a republican, he said the word "God" on national television, he was carrying a gun on his way to the store. No. he wasn't on his way to the store, he was on patrol as Neighborhood Watch. He hit his wife, he's a child molester, he is just the kind of person to shoot an innocent little black kid. It's on the internet! We all know it's true. It's not true. It's only true if you leave out certain small facts like Zimmerman was never convicted of anything and all charges against him were dropped. It's the kind of BS that's argued when neither the facts nor the law are available.

Trayvon Martin was a drug addict, drug dealer, fighter, burglar, owned burglary tools, found with stolen property and suspended from school. He was so proud of himself he posted pictures of his gun on his facebook page. He was exactly the kind of person who would be casing the complex for some later criminal activity. Zimmerman's instincts were correct.

There is no case. The prosecution knows it has no case. It is trying to prove reasonable doubt that Zimmerman didn't act in self defense. That's the baffling with bullshit part. The law doesn't work that way.

As far as black men stealing tube socks or a piece of pizza, I know for a fact that the pizza thief should have spent his life behind bars instead of getting out and committing even more crimes as is what really happened. Last I heard, there was an arrest warrant out for him.

There is nothing left except threaten a riot. Black people riot. They riot when the Lakers win a basketball game, that's what they do. They will riot of Zimmerman is found not guilty. They will have a celebration riot if he's found not guilty. If we are going to have a justice system by riot, admit it. Give absolute license to commit crimes based on skin color.
OJ murdered the two people.
Zimmerman shot Trayvon and killed him. His defense was the he did so in self defense. Which is a legitimate defense. Do you not think he shot Trayvon in self defense?

Not the right question, Rabbi. Do he had the legal right to follow Trayvon armed with a gun and not identifying himself as Neighborhood Watch when he was clearly all about it that night? No. I don't believe he did.

On the matter of OJ trial. That was an act of cold blooded murder - it was clear that OJ was guilty and the lawyers who got him off are all dead and in hell now - that happened exceptionally fast ( Kardashian - Johnny Cochran both in hell) because they defended a guilty man who murdered a Jew - Ron Goldman. Had it not involved a Jew the Lawyers probably would not have died so quickly but there is a curse for harming a Jew ( as you should know ) so that should serve as a warning to other lawyers in the future. imo.

- Jeri
Did he have the legal right to follow Trayvon? Yes. There's no law against it.
Did he have the right not to identify himself? Yes. He was not part of neighborhood watch for that night.
Did Trayvon have the right to confront Zimmerman and punch him? No. Did he put him in fear of his life? Yes. Was Zimmerman justified in neutralizing that threat? Yes.

You say he was not a part of neighborhood watch that night. Did you listen to the dialogue between Zimmerman and the dispatcher? Zimmerman was told NOT TO FOLLOW MARTIN. Why did he ignore the police dispatchers orders to NOT FOLLOW?

Did Trayvon have the right to confront Zimmerman and punch him? Absolutely. If you want to follow people around and play Kojak you should expect it to anger your target. Did Zimmerman have a right to put Trayvon in fear of his life by following him ( with a gun) and not identifying himself but letting this kid wonder who it is? No.

So you see, Rabbi, there are two sides to this story. I do not doubt that Trayvon was a troublemaker and a drug user - still - he wasn't looking for trouble that particular night coming home from store with can of tea and a bag of skittles in his hands. Trouble came looking for him instead. We may not like the law but we all have to abide by it. Zimmerman probably didn't like being told not to follow Trayvon. Had he listened he wouldn't be on trial for murder right now. - Jeri

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