Zimmerman Prosecution Imploding, Analysts Say

I don't think the Zimmerman prosecution is imploding. I believe the progress of this trial is about where they expected it to be at this point. All they have is the 'liar liar pants on fire' rebuttal. And they know it.

If anyone is imploding it is the press. I wish we could impeach the press.

The prosecution is imploding.:eusa_hand:
I don't think the Zimmerman prosecution is imploding. I believe the progress of this trial is about where they expected it to be at this point. All they have is the 'liar liar pants on fire' rebuttal. And they know it.

If anyone is imploding it is the press. I wish we could impeach the press.

The prosecution is imploding.:eusa_hand:

Evidenced by.......................???
I don't think the Zimmerman prosecution is imploding. I believe the progress of this trial is about where they expected it to be at this point. All they have is the 'liar liar pants on fire' rebuttal. And they know it.

If anyone is imploding it is the press. I wish we could impeach the press.

The prosecution is imploding.:eusa_hand:

Evidenced by.......................???

My Lord girl, weren't you watching? They did not prepare Rachael, keep their questions tight so she didn't ramble, let her know ahead of time what they were going to ask... prepare her for a microphone for God's sakes...; ask questions in a way that did not turn the other witnesses into DEFENSE witnesses, in general, they were not competent.

Some witnesses just went on too long about mundane facts and could put the jury to sleep.
All in all, it was probably the worst direct testimony I have ever seen, and I am a trial Geek.
The prosecution is imploding.:eusa_hand:

Evidenced by.......................???

My Lord girl, weren't you watching? They did not prepare Rachael, keep their questions tight so she didn't ramble, let her know ahead of time what they were going to ask... prepare her for a microphone for God's sakes...; ask questions in a way that did not turn the other witnesses into DEFENSE witnesses, in general, they were not competent.

Some witnesses just went on too long about mundane facts and could put the jury to sleep.
All in all, it was probably the worst direct testimony I have ever seen, and I am a trial Geek.

Yes, I watched it. I am asking YOU what is YOUR evidence that the prosecution is 'imploding.' They didn't have a case. They knew the didn't have a case. That does not indicate implosion.
Evidenced by.......................???

My Lord girl, weren't you watching? They did not prepare Rachael, keep their questions tight so she didn't ramble, let her know ahead of time what they were going to ask... prepare her for a microphone for God's sakes...; ask questions in a way that did not turn the other witnesses into DEFENSE witnesses, in general, they were not competent.

Some witnesses just went on too long about mundane facts and could put the jury to sleep.
All in all, it was probably the worst direct testimony I have ever seen, and I am a trial Geek.

Yes, I watched it. I am asking YOU what is YOUR evidence that the prosecution is 'imploding.' They didn't have a case. They knew the didn't have a case. That does not indicate implosion.

That's imploding in my book, obviously not yours. So it's just a matter of semantics.
Well anyway, the prosecution utterly failed to deal with the central issue of the case: Was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin?
They probably didnt want to touch that one because the answer is obvious. So instead they focus on irrelevant details. Did Zimmerman know the details of Stand Your Ground (which is irrelevant here)? What kind of student was Zimmerman in school? Isn't it aweful some mom has to cry over her kid, the one who didnt live with her for 14 years?

Another issue for me is that the organized black community has signed on lock stock and barrel to this. They did this in much the same way they signed on to OJ Simpson, still maintaining he is innocent even though every aspect of the forensics plus circumstantial evidence shows he killed two people. They simply hitch their wagon to the biggest demagogue out there. In this the organzied black community takes itlsef out of the realm of normal discourse. It is not facts. It is simply: a black man can't get a fair shake in racist America. This trial won't help that. If Zimmerman is acquitted and they riot it will be even worse.
Well anyway, the prosecution utterly failed to deal with the central issue of the case: Was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin?
They probably didnt want to touch that one because the answer is obvious. So instead they focus on irrelevant details. Did Zimmerman know the details of Stand Your Ground (which is irrelevant here)? What kind of student was Zimmerman in school? Isn't it aweful some mom has to cry over her kid, the one who didnt live with her for 14 years?

Another issue for me is that the organized black community has signed on lock stock and barrel to this. They did this in much the same way they signed on to OJ Simpson, still maintaining he is innocent even though every aspect of the forensics plus circumstantial evidence shows he killed two people. They simply hitch their wagon to the biggest demagogue out there. In this the organzied black community takes itlsef out of the realm of normal discourse. It is not facts. It is simply: a black man can't get a fair shake in racist America. This trial won't help that. If Zimmerman is acquitted and they riot it will be even worse.

The prosecution couldn't deal with Zimmerman's defense because the defense had not been presented yet. They prosecution was presenting its case on direct. Then the defense dealt with it, then the prosecution got another go on redirect. Now, the defense will be presenting its side on direct. Once they do that, the prosecution will deal with it on cross, and then the defense will get another go on redirect.
The prosecution screwed itself when they put Rachel on the stand. But I think that was the plan to begin with. They (the prosecution) wants to make noise that yes indeed, they are going to try to punish this bad bad whitey man for deliberately planning and then actually murdering a little pony riding black boy who was skipping along the sidewalk eating his skittles. That way, the race riot they hope happens so they have something to report on, will not backfire in their faces because they "tried" to convict the bad bad white man who happens to really be hispanice but let's not squabble over such minor things as white vs hispanic. NON black should suffice.

Anywho...that's my thoughts on the matter.
Well anyway, the prosecution utterly failed to deal with the central issue of the case: Was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin?
They probably didnt want to touch that one because the answer is obvious. So instead they focus on irrelevant details. Did Zimmerman know the details of Stand Your Ground (which is irrelevant here)? What kind of student was Zimmerman in school? Isn't it aweful some mom has to cry over her kid, the one who didnt live with her for 14 years?

Another issue for me is that the organized black community has signed on lock stock and barrel to this. They did this in much the same way they signed on to OJ Simpson, still maintaining he is innocent even though every aspect of the forensics plus circumstantial evidence shows he killed two people. They simply hitch their wagon to the biggest demagogue out there. In this the organzied black community takes itlsef out of the realm of normal discourse. It is not facts. It is simply: a black man can't get a fair shake in racist America. This trial won't help that. If Zimmerman is acquitted and they riot it will be even worse.

You know you just brought to mind that Simpson was found guilty of kidnapping and something else not long ago and there was no rioting. Conventional Wisdom is that it had to do with the two murders he got away with years ago, but there wasn't rioting.

Maybe all this worry is for nothing. If Z walks, perhaps we'll be pleasantly surprised that it may be limited to Sanford and taken care of easily or it won't happen at all.
Well anyway, the prosecution utterly failed to deal with the central issue of the case: Was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin?
They probably didnt want to touch that one because the answer is obvious. So instead they focus on irrelevant details. Did Zimmerman know the details of Stand Your Ground (which is irrelevant here)? What kind of student was Zimmerman in school? Isn't it aweful some mom has to cry over her kid, the one who didnt live with her for 14 years?

Another issue for me is that the organized black community has signed on lock stock and barrel to this. They did this in much the same way they signed on to OJ Simpson, still maintaining he is innocent even though every aspect of the forensics plus circumstantial evidence shows he killed two people. They simply hitch their wagon to the biggest demagogue out there. In this the organzied black community takes itlsef out of the realm of normal discourse. It is not facts. It is simply: a black man can't get a fair shake in racist America. This trial won't help that. If Zimmerman is acquitted and they riot it will be even worse.

The prosecution couldn't deal with Zimmerman's defense because the defense had not been presented yet. They prosecution was presenting its case on direct. Then the defense dealt with it, then the prosecution got another go on redirect. Now, the defense will be presenting its side on direct. Once they do that, the prosecution will deal with it on cross, and then the defense will get another go on redirect.

OK, you're right. But that is the central issue of the case. That Zimmerman killed Martin isn't at issue. Zimmerman admitted it. His defense is that he acted in self defense.
The defense in this case should walk all over the prosecution. It should never have been brought and had it gone through a grand jury like it was supposed to we wouldn't be here now. But an overzealous Justice Dept and the usual race pimps pushed it here.
Well anyway, the prosecution utterly failed to deal with the central issue of the case: Was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin?
They probably didnt want to touch that one because the answer is obvious. So instead they focus on irrelevant details. Did Zimmerman know the details of Stand Your Ground (which is irrelevant here)? What kind of student was Zimmerman in school? Isn't it aweful some mom has to cry over her kid, the one who didnt live with her for 14 years?

Another issue for me is that the organized black community has signed on lock stock and barrel to this. They did this in much the same way they signed on to OJ Simpson, still maintaining he is innocent even though every aspect of the forensics plus circumstantial evidence shows he killed two people. They simply hitch their wagon to the biggest demagogue out there. In this the organzied black community takes itlsef out of the realm of normal discourse. It is not facts. It is simply: a black man can't get a fair shake in racist America. This trial won't help that. If Zimmerman is acquitted and they riot it will be even worse.

The prosecution couldn't deal with Zimmerman's defense because the defense had not been presented yet. They prosecution was presenting its case on direct. Then the defense dealt with it, then the prosecution got another go on redirect. Now, the defense will be presenting its side on direct. Once they do that, the prosecution will deal with it on cross, and then the defense will get another go on redirect.

OK, you're right. But that is the central issue of the case. That Zimmerman killed Martin isn't at issue. Zimmerman admitted it. His defense is that he acted in self defense.
The defense in this case should walk all over the prosecution. It should never have been brought and had it gone through a grand jury like it was supposed to we wouldn't be here now. But an overzealous Justice Dept and the usual race pimps pushed it here.

Exactly. I feel really sorry for the prosecution. How do you prosecute a case when you don't have a case to prosecute? And a lot of poor fools out there don't realize that you can't and they aren't. Still, given all the extraneous elements of this case, I simply don't feel that an acquittal is a given, simply because juries like to convict people. I am always a little annoyed at the arrogance of anthropologists who tell is what was in the 'minds' of the ancient Egyptians. They don't know what is in the 'minds' of their personal acquaintances. I said that to illustrate that I don't know what is in the 'minds' of the jury. There are people here who think it is a lead pipe cinch that the jury is going to sympathize with the mother and convict Zimmerman. I don't know. Flip a coin. You will have a 50:50 chance of getting it right.
I would theorize the opposite: that the women there generally feel vulnerable and the picture of a large athletic man beating the shit out of someone is going to put them reasonably in fear of death of severe bodily harm.
The wildcard for me is whether the jury will be intimidated into voting for conviction with the idea that if they dont they themselves will become targets of racial violence.
If I were them I'd be making travel arrangements.
I would theorize the opposite: that the women there generally feel vulnerable and the picture of a large athletic man beating the shit out of someone is going to put them reasonably in fear of death of severe bodily harm.
The wildcard for me is whether the jury will be intimidated into voting for conviction with the idea that if they dont they themselves will become targets of racial violence.
If I were them I'd be making travel arrangements.

Ding ding ding. And if the prosecution did not follow thru by arresting zimmerman...they had the same fear due to pressure from Sharpton, Jackson and Tracy Martin after he met with them. Even though the lead detective didn't believe he had a case. And look where he is now. Demoted. They HAD to prosecute...or face repercussions from an irate crowd of blacks who will riot no matter what they do. Zimmerman gets a few years, they will claim racism and say he needed life. He gets life, they will scream death penalty. It's a lose lose any way you look at it and Zimmerman gets to be the scapegoat. Which is fine, since he is just a creepy ass cracker. Right?
I hate to say this, but the justice system has been replaced by mob rule. "Zimmerman is a racist" they say, "and if you don't think he's a racist, we'll find you."

But heres the trump card. His conviction can be easily overturned via the appeals process.
If you want to know if conservatives have taken a "principled position" in this case, ask yourself the following question, and answer honestly, please:

What if Zimmerman was a dark-skinned man who had stalked a white teenage boy (let's call him Richie Cunningham) who was on the way home with skittles for his sister Joanie, and he hadn't broken any laws along the way. Then the wannabe cop ended up shooting Richie to death, later claiming self-defense. Would conservatives support him en masse like they are now? Or would they demand justice for fair-haired Richie Cunningham as Mr and Mrs C. looked on in the courtroom? What would a conservative Arthur Fonzarelli say to that scenario?


Obviously it's not a Con/Lib D/R USMB board fight.
Want to know why?
Zimmerman was a Democrat!
If you want to know if conservatives have taken a "principled position" in this case, ask yourself the following question, and answer honestly, please:

What if Zimmerman was a dark-skinned man who had stalked a white teenage boy (let's call him Richie Cunningham) who was on the way home with skittles for his sister Joanie, and he hadn't broken any laws along the way. Then the wannabe cop ended up shooting Richie to death, later claiming self-defense. Would conservatives support him en masse like they are now? Or would they demand justice for fair-haired Richie Cunningham as Mr and Mrs C. looked on in the courtroom? What would a conservative Arthur Fonzarelli say to that scenario?


Obviously it's not a Con/Lib D/R USMB board fight.
Want to know why?
Zimmerman was a Democrat!

they always want to forget that part
If you want to know if conservatives have taken a "principled position" in this case, ask yourself the following question, and answer honestly, please:

What if Zimmerman was a dark-skinned man who had stalked a white teenage boy (let's call him Richie Cunningham) who was on the way home with skittles for his sister Joanie, and he hadn't broken any laws along the way. Then the wannabe cop ended up shooting Richie to death, later claiming self-defense. Would conservatives support him en masse like they are now? Or would they demand justice for fair-haired Richie Cunningham as Mr and Mrs C. looked on in the courtroom? What would a conservative Arthur Fonzarelli say to that scenario?


Obviously it's not a Con/Lib D/R USMB board fight.
Want to know why?
Zimmerman was a Democrat!

In the scenario that was given I would have to say that nobody would have an opinion, because outside of Sanford, FL nobody would have heard about it. Al and JJ wouldn't have shown up to demand justice for Richie. NBC, ABC, CNN would not have said a word. Nobody in the government would have touched it. No one would wear t-shirts with Richie's face on it to the BET awards. Only thing that is likely is that Arthur Fonzarelli would probably not have waited until the next day to notice his son was missing.
Well anyway, the prosecution utterly failed to deal with the central issue of the case: Was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin?
They probably didnt want to touch that one because the answer is obvious. So instead they focus on irrelevant details. Did Zimmerman know the details of Stand Your Ground (which is irrelevant here)? What kind of student was Zimmerman in school? Isn't it aweful some mom has to cry over her kid, the one who didnt live with her for 14 years?

Another issue for me is that the organized black community has signed on lock stock and barrel to this. They did this in much the same way they signed on to OJ Simpson, still maintaining he is innocent even though every aspect of the forensics plus circumstantial evidence shows he killed two people. They simply hitch their wagon to the biggest demagogue out there. In this the organzied black community takes itlsef out of the realm of normal discourse. It is not facts. It is simply: a black man can't get a fair shake in racist America. This trial won't help that. If Zimmerman is acquitted and they riot it will be even worse.

Then don't acquit Zimmerman.

Frankly, black folks only see one fact here. An unarmed black child was gunned down in the middle of the street by a white guy, who was given a pass by authorities.

Zimmerman's decisions controlled the situation. He's the one who followed the kid. He's the one who had a gun. He's the one who didn't identify himself as community watch.

He's the one who shot the kid.

I hope there won't be riots, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there were.
I hate to say this, but the justice system has been replaced by mob rule. "Zimmerman is a racist" they say, "and if you don't think he's a racist, we'll find you."

But heres the trump card. His conviction can be easily overturned via the appeals process.

possibly. But frankly, this guy's entire appeal has been emotional. I don't see any judge letting him loose.
If you want to know if conservatives have taken a "principled position" in this case, ask yourself the following question, and answer honestly, please:

What if Zimmerman was a dark-skinned man who had stalked a white teenage boy (let's call him Richie Cunningham) who was on the way home with skittles for his sister Joanie, and he hadn't broken any laws along the way. Then the wannabe cop ended up shooting Richie to death, later claiming self-defense. Would conservatives support him en masse like they are now? Or would they demand justice for fair-haired Richie Cunningham as Mr and Mrs C. looked on in the courtroom? What would a conservative Arthur Fonzarelli say to that scenario?


Obviously it's not a Con/Lib D/R USMB board fight.
Want to know why?
Zimmerman was a Democrat!

Which shouldn't matter to anyone.

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