Zimmerman Prosecution Imploding, Analysts Say

Sure I do. It was televised. They never called the list of members of the Neighborhood Watch group to testify -How do I know this?

Because I've been exchanging emails with a close friend of mine who is one of the top Lawyers in Orlando following the case closely and he told me they didn't. He said he cannot get over the incompetence of the prosecution - its a clear case of manslaughter.

Your lawyer friend is obviously an incompetent boob because it's not even close to manslaughter. There is no gross negligence on the part of Zimmerman. He was defending himself.

That's the same as saying if the rape victim hadn't worn the slutty dress she wouldn't have been raped. It's even worse that than, because following someone is perfectly legitimate behavior. It's not criminal. However, assaulting someone is criminal, and that's what Trayvon did.

Zimmerman crossed the line and the only people who can CLARIFY and IDENTIFY what that line is are the members of the Neighborhood Watch Group who were left out of the equation guaranteeing eternal uncertainty & ignorance for the jury. Thanks. - Jeri

Zimmerman didn't cross any line. He didn't break any law or even do anything that was suspicious. All his actions were perfectly reasonable and legitimate. Trayvon is a thug who broke the law. He was behaving suspiciously and then he assaulted someone. He got what he deserved.

According to these Neighborhood Watch Guidelines - He did. Read up:

Neighborhood Block Watch Guidelines | eHow

So let's look at this from the point of view that Zimmerman knew full well the neighorhood block watch guidelines were----------> do not take the law into your own hands, do not follow the individual - it is clear he knew ahead of time that following was not permitted much less following with a deadly weapon.

Add to this that Zimmerman signed up and took a course on Stand your Ground law - he knew the ins and outs and yet told the police he had no idea what the Stand your Ground law was when he was questioned. So he lied about that. He not only knew.. according to his instructor he recieved an A for the course.

Bottom line. Zimmerman took the law into his own hands. Knew the Stand your Ground defense inside and out and customized his story to fit the profile therein obtaining a not guilty verdict.

It's manslaughter. Imo.


Nowhere on your link does it say "do not follow the individual." Apparently you just made that up. It does say "do not take the law into your own hands, but Zimmerman didn't do that, so it's irrelevant.

Furthermore, your guidelines are just generic advice for neighborhood watches in general. They weren't published by Zimmerman's neighborhood watch.

That's pretty much a total strike out.

Bottom line: Zimmerman didn't violate any guidelines.

Also, Zimmerman didn't take any "Stand your Ground law." He took a class in criminal law.

Nothing the lynch mob ever says about Zimmerman ever turns out to be even close to the truth.
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If you want to know if conservatives have taken a "principled position" in this case, ask yourself the following question, and answer honestly, please:

If Zimmerman was a dark-skinned man who had stalked a white teenage boy (let's call him Richie Cunningham) who was on the way home with skittles for his sister Joanie, and he hadn't broken any laws along the way. But the wannabe cop ended up shooting Richie to death, later claiming self-defense. Would conservatives support him en masse like they are now? Or would they demand justice for fair-haired Richie Cunningham as Mr and Mrs C. looked on in the courtroom? What would a conservative Arthur Fonzarelli say to that scenario?

It never would have made the 5:00 o'clock news because the liberal media simply doesn't view black on white crime as newsworthy.

Yeah, it probably would not have made the news. Know why? Because in this alternate scenario, Zimmerman would have been charged within a normal time frame for alleged crimes of this nature. You see, the reason why this story made the news in the first place is because Zimmerman walked away without even much of an investigation, let alone an arrest.

The alternate scenario is as rare as hens teeth. Black on white murder occurs 136 times more often than white on black crime, and you almost never see the media report the former. That's because the lame stream media doesn't view black on white crime as news worthy. That's why you would never have made the news. Your explanation is a fantasy that collides with everything we know about the liberal media.

Edit to add: Now, if Zimmerman walked away in this alternate reality, you better damn well believe the story would have made the news. In fact, it would have almost certainly been Fox News new cause célèbre, 24/7.

Wrong, it would never have come to FOX's attention. Such stories occur every day. They don't make the news.
The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict

yawn boring talking point...

No. It is the point. This is why you are busy pretending that it is a boring talking point. It isn't.

If the race baiting assholes had not tried to MAKE this case "about" race, you lolberals wouldn't even have taken notice of some Hispanic guy in Florida shooting some black kid.

Given his track record, it was not surprising that the imbecile in chief would lap up the bullshit lolberal racist propaganda and then insert himself improperly into the case.
The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict

yawn boring talking point...

No. It is the point. This is why you are busy pretending that it is a boring talking point. It isn't.

If the race baiting assholes had not tried to MAKE this case "about" race, you lolberals wouldn't even have taken notice of some Hispanic guy in Florida shooting some black kid.

Given his track record, it was not surprising that the imbecile in chief would lap up the bullshit lolberal racist propaganda and then insert himself improperly into the case.

you dont even know my opinion on this case welcher.
yawn boring talking point...

No. It is the point. This is why you are busy pretending that it is a boring talking point. It isn't.

If the race baiting assholes had not tried to MAKE this case "about" race, you lolberals wouldn't even have taken notice of some Hispanic guy in Florida shooting some black kid.

Given his track record, it was not surprising that the imbecile in chief would lap up the bullshit lolberal racist propaganda and then insert himself improperly into the case.

you dont even know my opinion on this case welcher.

I am not a welsher. You remain a liar. Your opinion is of no importance, therefore.

But I do know that you said that Frank's post was merely a boring talking point. You are wrong. And you remain a fucking asshole, too, ya bitch.

The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict

yawn boring talking point...

No. It is the point. This is why you are busy pretending that it is a boring talking point. It isn't.

If the race baiting assholes had not tried to MAKE this case "about" race, you lolberals wouldn't even have taken notice of some Hispanic guy in Florida shooting some black kid.

Given his track record, it was not surprising that the imbecile in chief would lap up the bullshit lolberal racist propaganda and then insert himself improperly into the case.

No. It is the point. This is why you are busy pretending that it is a boring talking point. It isn't.

If the race baiting assholes had not tried to MAKE this case "about" race, you lolberals wouldn't even have taken notice of some Hispanic guy in Florida shooting some black kid.

Given his track record, it was not surprising that the imbecile in chief would lap up the bullshit lolberal racist propaganda and then insert himself improperly into the case.

you dont even know my opinion on this case welcher.

I am not a welsher. You remain a liar. Your opinion is of no importance, therefore.

But I do know that you said that Frank's post was merely a boring talking point. You are wrong. And you remain a fucking asshole, too, ya bitch.


what obama said is what he said and frank is trying to use that as a negative as to Obama siding with Martin. He wasn't and he isnt. He just said he could be his son due to his age and nothing more.

Most normal people would understand it was a sign of sympathy for the parents and left it at that, but no not you people. your blind retarded hatred for the left and Obama doesn't allow you do so.

what am i lying about? you welched
you dont even know my opinion on this case welcher.

I am not a welsher. You remain a liar. Your opinion is of no importance, therefore.

But I do know that you said that Frank's post was merely a boring talking point. You are wrong. And you remain a fucking asshole, too, ya bitch.


what obama said is what he said and frank is trying to use that as a negative as to Obama siding with Martin. He wasn't and he isnt. He just said he could be his son due to his age and nothing more.

Most normal people would understand it was a sign of sympathy for the parents and left it at that, but no not you people. your blind retarded hatred for the left and Obama doesn't allow you do so.

what am i lying about? you welched

You lied when you said I welshed, since I didn't; you lying moron.

And Frank was RIGHT about what Obummer said. The moron in chief DID interject himself into the criminal case.

You can try to spin that in any way you wish, but he did what he did and you lie.

Ho hum.
I am not a welsher. You remain a liar. Your opinion is of no importance, therefore.

But I do know that you said that Frank's post was merely a boring talking point. You are wrong. And you remain a fucking asshole, too, ya bitch.


what obama said is what he said and frank is trying to use that as a negative as to Obama siding with Martin. He wasn't and he isnt. He just said he could be his son due to his age and nothing more.

Most normal people would understand it was a sign of sympathy for the parents and left it at that, but no not you people. your blind retarded hatred for the left and Obama doesn't allow you do so.

what am i lying about? you welched

You lied when you said I welshed, since I didn't; you lying moron.

And Frank was RIGHT about what Obummer said. The moron in chief DID interject himself into the criminal case.

You can try to spin that in any way you wish, but he did what he did and you lie.

Ho hum.

interject.....hahahahahhaha of man thats a hoot...Shut up..

Nah you welched and changed your name, welcher.

nothing to spin because there is no need.
what obama said is what he said and frank is trying to use that as a negative as to Obama siding with Martin. He wasn't and he isnt. He just said he could be his son due to his age and nothing more.

Most normal people would understand it was a sign of sympathy for the parents and left it at that, but no not you people. your blind retarded hatred for the left and Obama doesn't allow you do so.

what am i lying about? you welched

You lied when you said I welshed, since I didn't; you lying moron.

And Frank was RIGHT about what Obummer said. The moron in chief DID interject himself into the criminal case.

You can try to spin that in any way you wish, but he did what he did and you lie.

Ho hum.

interject.....hahahahahhaha of man thats a hoot...Shut up..

Nah you welched and changed your name, welcher.

nothing to spin because there is no need.

Fuck yourself, you pussy liar.

Obummer DID interject himself.

And, as you know despite your willingness to repeat your stupid pussy lie, I did not welsh.

But I have changed my username. Of course, it's not exactly concealed. Even a dim bulb like you can figure it out since I came right out and said so. You dickweed.

You are a stupid dishonest hack troll bitch.

And nothing you say can change those facts.

Putting the cowardly pussy drip, plasmaball-less's mutterings to the side, the FACT is clear:

Obummer joined in with the stupid self-serving dishonest charlatan race-baiting lolberals to try to make this case a "race" case.

It never was. It still isn't.

Obummer is an asshole.
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You lied when you said I welshed, since I didn't; you lying moron.

And Frank was RIGHT about what Obummer said. The moron in chief DID interject himself into the criminal case.

You can try to spin that in any way you wish, but he did what he did and you lie.

Ho hum.

interject.....hahahahahhaha of man thats a hoot...Shut up..

Nah you welched and changed your name, welcher.

nothing to spin because there is no need.

Fuck yourself, you pussy liar.

Obummer DID interject himself.

And, as you know despite your willingness to repeat your stupid pussy lie, I did not welsh.

But I have changed my username. Of course, it's not exactly concealed. Even a dim bulb like you can figure it out since I came right out and said so. You dickweed.

You are a stupid dishonest hack troll bitch.

And nothing you say can change those facts.

lol you are too easy..
I never said you where hiding. Someone has a complex.
Good luck Welcher
you dont even know my opinion on this case welcher.

I am not a welsher. You remain a liar. Your opinion is of no importance, therefore.

But I do know that you said that Frank's post was merely a boring talking point. You are wrong. And you remain a fucking asshole, too, ya bitch.


what obama said is what he said and frank is trying to use that as a negative as to Obama siding with Martin. He wasn't and he isnt. He just said he could be his son due to his age and nothing more.

Most normal people would understand it was a sign of sympathy for the parents and left it at that, but no not you people.
your blind retarded hatred for the left and Obama doesn't allow you do so.

what am i lying about? you welched

how come he hasnt said the same for all the kids killed in the inner cities ?.....not even one of them....just askin.....
I am not a welsher. You remain a liar. Your opinion is of no importance, therefore.

But I do know that you said that Frank's post was merely a boring talking point. You are wrong. And you remain a fucking asshole, too, ya bitch.


what obama said is what he said and frank is trying to use that as a negative as to Obama siding with Martin. He wasn't and he isnt. He just said he could be his son due to his age and nothing more.

Most normal people would understand it was a sign of sympathy for the parents and left it at that, but no not you people.
your blind retarded hatred for the left and Obama doesn't allow you do so.

what am i lying about? you welched

how come he hasnt said the same for all the kids killed in the inner cities ?.....not even one of them....just askin.....

they dont get national media attention? I dont know. Go ask him if you feel you need his opinion on that matter. He was asked about this and gave an answer.
Its fucking stupid to make a point out of it.
what obama said is what he said and frank is trying to use that as a negative as to Obama siding with Martin. He wasn't and he isnt. He just said he could be his son due to his age and nothing more.

Most normal people would understand it was a sign of sympathy for the parents and left it at that, but no not you people.
your blind retarded hatred for the left and Obama doesn't allow you do so.

what am i lying about? you welched

how come he hasnt said the same for all the kids killed in the inner cities ?.....not even one of them....just askin.....

they dont get national media attention? I dont know. Go ask him if you feel you need his opinion on that matter. He was asked about this and gave an answer.
Its fucking stupid to make a point out of it.

The moron in chief was "asked" but that does not mean he was obliged to make that idiotic comment.

He OUGHT to be able to invoke the famed "no comment." The bastard sure knows how to have his AG assert executive privilege.
how come he hasnt said the same for all the kids killed in the inner cities ?.....not even one of them....just askin.....

they dont get national media attention? I dont know. Go ask him if you feel you need his opinion on that matter. He was asked about this and gave an answer.
Its fucking stupid to make a point out of it.

The moron in chief was "asked" but that does not mean he was obliged to make that idiotic comment.

He OUGHT to be able to invoke the famed "no comment." The bastard sure knows how to have his AG assert executive privilege.

"asked" no he was just asked because this had the national medias attention.
You are giving this to much thought about a nothing comment.

what obama said is what he said and frank is trying to use that as a negative as to Obama siding with Martin. He wasn't and he isnt. He just said he could be his son due to his age and nothing more.

Most normal people would understand it was a sign of sympathy for the parents and left it at that, but no not you people.
your blind retarded hatred for the left and Obama doesn't allow you do so.

what am i lying about? you welched

how come he hasnt said the same for all the kids killed in the inner cities ?.....not even one of them....just askin.....

they dont get national media attention? I dont know. Go ask him if you feel you need his opinion on that matter. He was asked about this and gave an answer.
Its fucking stupid to make a point out of it.

yea his answer...."tragic"....next question?.....he is a Rich guy now answering to other rich guys.....kids in the inner cities dont rate.....
they dont get national media attention? I dont know. Go ask him if you feel you need his opinion on that matter. He was asked about this and gave an answer.
Its fucking stupid to make a point out of it.

The moron in chief was "asked" but that does not mean he was obliged to make that idiotic comment.

He OUGHT to be able to invoke the famed "no comment." The bastard sure knows how to have his AG assert executive privilege.

"asked" no he was just asked because this had the national medias attention.
You are giving this to much thought about a nothing comment.



YOU (as usual) are simply too willing to easily dismiss the blunders and stupidity of the moron in chief.

Speaking of typical and all.
When Nixon commented on fucking Charlie Manson, you'd have thought the world was coming to an end.

To phonies like Plasmaball-less, it's BAD when a Republican President says stupid shit about a criminal case. But not when The ONE, the Holy Obamessiah, a liberal Dumbocrap, does so.
I don't think the Zimmerman prosecution is imploding. I believe the progress of this trial is about where they expected it to be at this point. All they have is the 'liar liar pants on fire' rebuttal. And they know it.

If anyone is imploding it is the press. I wish we could impeach the press.

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