Zimmerman Prosecution Imploding, Analysts Say

Well anyway, the prosecution utterly failed to deal with the central issue of the case: Was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin?
They probably didnt want to touch that one because the answer is obvious. So instead they focus on irrelevant details. Did Zimmerman know the details of Stand Your Ground (which is irrelevant here)? What kind of student was Zimmerman in school? Isn't it aweful some mom has to cry over her kid, the one who didnt live with her for 14 years?

Another issue for me is that the organized black community has signed on lock stock and barrel to this. They did this in much the same way they signed on to OJ Simpson, still maintaining he is innocent even though every aspect of the forensics plus circumstantial evidence shows he killed two people. They simply hitch their wagon to the biggest demagogue out there. In this the organzied black community takes itlsef out of the realm of normal discourse. It is not facts. It is simply: a black man can't get a fair shake in racist America. This trial won't help that. If Zimmerman is acquitted and they riot it will be even worse.

Then don't acquit Zimmerman.

Frankly, black folks only see one fact here. An unarmed black child was gunned down in the middle of the street by a white guy, who was given a pass by authorities.

Zimmerman's decisions controlled the situation. He's the one who followed the kid. He's the one who had a gun. He's the one who didn't identify himself as community watch.

He's the one who shot the kid.

I hope there won't be riots, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there were.

Well. Trayvon decided to double back and confront Zimmerman. Trayvon decided to make it a physical confrontation. Trayvon decided he was going to kill him some creepy ass cracker. Trayvon got dead.
I dont see a problem here.
interject.....hahahahahhaha of man thats a hoot...Shut up..

Nah you welched and changed your name, welcher.

nothing to spin because there is no need.

Fuck yourself, you pussy liar.

Obummer DID interject himself.

And, as you know despite your willingness to repeat your stupid pussy lie, I did not welsh.

But I have changed my username. Of course, it's not exactly concealed. Even a dim bulb like you can figure it out since I came right out and said so. You dickweed.

You are a stupid dishonest hack troll bitch.

And nothing you say can change those facts.

lol you are too easy..
I never said you where hiding. Someone has a complex.
Good luck Welcher

I didn't say anything about "hiding" either you idiot. I simply noted that my new username makes mention of my old username. Damn but you are stupid.

You remain a completely dishonest ineffectual moron lolberal troll.
Well anyway, the prosecution utterly failed to deal with the central issue of the case: Was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin?
They probably didnt want to touch that one because the answer is obvious. So instead they focus on irrelevant details. Did Zimmerman know the details of Stand Your Ground (which is irrelevant here)? What kind of student was Zimmerman in school? Isn't it aweful some mom has to cry over her kid, the one who didnt live with her for 14 years?

Another issue for me is that the organized black community has signed on lock stock and barrel to this. They did this in much the same way they signed on to OJ Simpson, still maintaining he is innocent even though every aspect of the forensics plus circumstantial evidence shows he killed two people. They simply hitch their wagon to the biggest demagogue out there. In this the organzied black community takes itlsef out of the realm of normal discourse. It is not facts. It is simply: a black man can't get a fair shake in racist America. This trial won't help that. If Zimmerman is acquitted and they riot it will be even worse.

Then don't acquit Zimmerman.

Frankly, black folks only see one fact here. An unarmed black child was gunned down in the middle of the street by a white guy, who was given a pass by authorities.

Zimmerman's decisions controlled the situation. He's the one who followed the kid. He's the one who had a gun. He's the one who didn't identify himself as community watch.

He's the one who shot the kid.

I hope there won't be riots, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there were.

[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION]. So, imprison an innocent man, scrap the American system of jurisprudence to keep the uncivilized mob in control. People have died for our way of life. They fought and died so that innocent people could remain free. I just can't understand what goes around in that pea brain of yours. And how far do you propose this giving in 'so there won't be riots' go? I mean, are you willing to give them your computer so there won't be riots? What about your dwelling? (I won't say house because you aren't functional enough to have ever bought a house.) What? Seriously, how far are YOU personally willing to go for there not to be riots. Will you be willing to be imprisoned yourself so there won't be riots. I hope you are because if the American system of jurisprudence adopts your philosophy it will be you on trial soon enough! But then, if it were you, I'd say lock up the sorry piece of chicken shit.
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If you want to know if conservatives have taken a "principled position" in this case, ask yourself the following question, and answer honestly, please:

What if Zimmerman was a dark-skinned man who had stalked a white teenage boy (let's call him Richie Cunningham) who was on the way home with skittles for his sister Joanie, and he hadn't broken any laws along the way. Then the wannabe cop ended up shooting Richie to death, later claiming self-defense. Would conservatives support him en masse like they are now? Or would they demand justice for fair-haired Richie Cunningham as Mr and Mrs C. looked on in the courtroom? What would a conservative Arthur Fonzarelli say to that scenario?


Obviously it's not a Con/Lib D/R USMB board fight.
Want to know why?
Zimmerman was a Democrat!

Which shouldn't matter to anyone.

It doesn’t. However, several on this board have claimed that he was a republican and it seems to matter to them greatly. They ignore the fact that he was a democrat every time that this is pointed out. It seems that because he shot someone he MUST be a con because we all know that liberals never do bad things.
Well anyway, the prosecution utterly failed to deal with the central issue of the case: Was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin?
They probably didnt want to touch that one because the answer is obvious. So instead they focus on irrelevant details. Did Zimmerman know the details of Stand Your Ground (which is irrelevant here)? What kind of student was Zimmerman in school? Isn't it aweful some mom has to cry over her kid, the one who didnt live with her for 14 years?

Another issue for me is that the organized black community has signed on lock stock and barrel to this. They did this in much the same way they signed on to OJ Simpson, still maintaining he is innocent even though every aspect of the forensics plus circumstantial evidence shows he killed two people. They simply hitch their wagon to the biggest demagogue out there. In this the organzied black community takes itlsef out of the realm of normal discourse. It is not facts. It is simply: a black man can't get a fair shake in racist America. This trial won't help that. If Zimmerman is acquitted and they riot it will be even worse.

Then don't acquit Zimmerman.

Frankly, black folks only see one fact here. An unarmed black child was gunned down in the middle of the street by a white guy, who was given a pass by authorities.

Zimmerman's decisions controlled the situation. He's the one who followed the kid. He's the one who had a gun. He's the one who didn't identify himself as community watch.

He's the one who shot the kid.

I hope there won't be riots, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there were.

So, imprison an innocent man, scrap the American system of jurisprudence to keep the uncivilized in control. People have died for our way of life. They fought and died so that innocent people could remain free. I just can't understand what goes around in that pea brain of yours. And how far do you propose this giving in 'so there won't be riots' go? I mean, are you willing to give them your computer so there won't be riots? What about your dwelling? (I won't say house because you aren't functional enough to have ever bought a house. What? Seriously, how far are YOU personally willing to go for there not to be riots. Will you be willing to be imprisoned yourself so there won't be riots. I hope you are because if the American system of jurisprudence adopts your philosophy it will be you on the stand soon enough! But then, if it were you, I'd say lock up the sorry piece of chicken shit.

No no no. You have that all wrong. He is willing to give YOUR house up, YOUR computer and YOUR life. That is the liberal way – take from others to achieve your charity/social goals, not yourself.
If you want to know if conservatives have taken a "principled position" in this case, ask yourself the following question, and answer honestly, please:

What if Zimmerman was a dark-skinned man who had stalked a white teenage boy (let's call him Richie Cunningham) who was on the way home with skittles for his sister Joanie, and he hadn't broken any laws along the way. Then the wannabe cop ended up shooting Richie to death, later claiming self-defense. Would conservatives support him en masse like they are now? Or would they demand justice for fair-haired Richie Cunningham as Mr and Mrs C. looked on in the courtroom? What would a conservative Arthur Fonzarelli say to that scenario?


Obviously it's not a Con/Lib D/R USMB board fight.
Want to know why?
Zimmerman was a Democrat!

So was OJ. Hispanics are more often Democrats than Republicans but it doesn't automatically go that murderers are often Democrats or Hispanic. Zimmerman is a child molester, woman beater, kid killer, he seems to be quite the sociopath but will walk free just like OJ who is Black.

Party nor race seem to have anything to do with mental illness. I've seen a lot of posts calling Trayvon and his family racist tho. Kneejerk? I believe so.
Then don't acquit Zimmerman.

Frankly, black folks only see one fact here. An unarmed black child was gunned down in the middle of the street by a white guy, who was given a pass by authorities.

Zimmerman's decisions controlled the situation. He's the one who followed the kid. He's the one who had a gun. He's the one who didn't identify himself as community watch.

He's the one who shot the kid.

I hope there won't be riots, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there were.

So, imprison an innocent man, scrap the American system of jurisprudence to keep the uncivilized in control. People have died for our way of life. They fought and died so that innocent people could remain free. I just can't understand what goes around in that pea brain of yours. And how far do you propose this giving in 'so there won't be riots' go? I mean, are you willing to give them your computer so there won't be riots? What about your dwelling? (I won't say house because you aren't functional enough to have ever bought a house. What? Seriously, how far are YOU personally willing to go for there not to be riots. Will you be willing to be imprisoned yourself so there won't be riots. I hope you are because if the American system of jurisprudence adopts your philosophy it will be you on the stand soon enough! But then, if it were you, I'd say lock up the sorry piece of chicken shit.

No no no. You have that all wrong. He is willing to give YOUR house up, YOUR computer and YOUR life. That is the liberal way – take from others to achieve your charity/social goals, not yourself.

By Jove, I think you've got it!
If you want to know if conservatives have taken a "principled position" in this case, ask yourself the following question, and answer honestly, please:

What if Zimmerman was a dark-skinned man who had stalked a white teenage boy (let's call him Richie Cunningham) who was on the way home with skittles for his sister Joanie, and he hadn't broken any laws along the way. Then the wannabe cop ended up shooting Richie to death, later claiming self-defense. Would conservatives support him en masse like they are now? Or would they demand justice for fair-haired Richie Cunningham as Mr and Mrs C. looked on in the courtroom? What would a conservative Arthur Fonzarelli say to that scenario?


Obviously it's not a Con/Lib D/R USMB board fight.
Want to know why?
Zimmerman was a Democrat!

So was OJ. Hispanics are more often Democrats than Republicans but it doesn't automatically go that murderers are often Democrats or Hispanic. Zimmerman is a child molester, woman beater, kid killer, he seems to be quite the sociopath but will walk free just like OJ who is Black.

Party nor race seem to have anything to do with mental illness. I've seen a lot of posts calling Trayvon and his family racist tho. Kneejerk? I believe so.

And not having been convicted of any of those things, and still being a private citizen who did not seek the limelight, I hope to hell he reads what you have posted and comes around to sue your ugly punk ass.
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If you want to know if conservatives have taken a "principled position" in this case, ask yourself the following question, and answer honestly, please:

What if Zimmerman was a dark-skinned man who had stalked a white teenage boy (let's call him Richie Cunningham) who was on the way home with skittles for his sister Joanie, and he hadn't broken any laws along the way. Then the wannabe cop ended up shooting Richie to death, later claiming self-defense. Would conservatives support him en masse like they are now? Or would they demand justice for fair-haired Richie Cunningham as Mr and Mrs C. looked on in the courtroom? What would a conservative Arthur Fonzarelli say to that scenario?


Obviously it's not a Con/Lib D/R USMB board fight.
Want to know why?
Zimmerman was a Democrat!

So was OJ. Hispanics are more often Democrats than Republicans but it doesn't automatically go that murderers are often Democrats or Hispanic. Zimmerman is a child molester, woman beater, kid killer, he seems to be quite the sociopath but will walk free just like OJ who is Black.

Party nor race seem to have anything to do with mental illness. I've seen a lot of posts calling Trayvon and his family racist tho. Kneejerk? I believe so.
That's quite some imagination you have. Hitting the crack this early?
[* * * *]

So was OJ. Hispanics are more often Democrats than Republicans but it doesn't automatically go that murderers are often Democrats or Hispanic. Zimmerman is a child molester, woman beater, kid killer, he seems to be quite the sociopath but will walk free just like OJ who is Black.

Party nor race seem to have anything to do with mental illness. I've seen a lot of posts calling Trayvon and his family racist tho. Kneejerk? I believe so.

Oh nozies. Sarah has passed judgment again.

She does not have the ability to admit that being accused is NOT the same thing as actually being guilty.

Sarah, I accuse you of saying such stupid shit deliberately even though you know it is wrong.

I have accused you, therefore to use your logic, you ARE guilty.

Well. Trayvon decided to double back and confront Zimmerman. Trayvon decided to make it a physical confrontation. Trayvon decided he was going to kill him some creepy ass cracker. Trayvon got dead.
I dont see a problem here.

If Trayvon actually doubled back, which I doubt.

of course, to buy that, you'd have to accept he leaped out from behind bushes that weren't there and Zimmerman didn't know the three streets of the housing complex he's lived in for the last 8 years.

Well. Trayvon decided to double back and confront Zimmerman. Trayvon decided to make it a physical confrontation. Trayvon decided he was going to kill him some creepy ass cracker. Trayvon got dead.
I dont see a problem here.

If Trayvon actually doubled back, which I doubt.

of course, to buy that, you'd have to accept he leaped out from behind bushes that weren't there and Zimmerman didn't know the three streets of the housing complex he's lived in for the last 8 years.

You have not answered my questions.

Well. Trayvon decided to double back and confront Zimmerman. Trayvon decided to make it a physical confrontation. Trayvon decided he was going to kill him some creepy ass cracker. Trayvon got dead.
I dont see a problem here.

If Trayvon actually doubled back, which I doubt.

of course, to buy that, you'd have to accept he leaped out from behind bushes that weren't there and Zimmerman didn't know the three streets of the housing complex he's lived in for the last 8 years.

Why do you doubt that?
[* * * *]

So was OJ. Hispanics are more often Democrats than Republicans but it doesn't automatically go that murderers are often Democrats or Hispanic. Zimmerman is a child molester, woman beater, kid killer, he seems to be quite the sociopath but will walk free just like OJ who is Black.

Party nor race seem to have anything to do with mental illness. I've seen a lot of posts calling Trayvon and his family racist tho. Kneejerk? I believe so.

Oh nozies. Sarah has passed judgment again.

She does not have the ability to admit that being accused is NOT the same thing as actually being guilty.

Sarah, I accuse you of saying such stupid shit deliberately even though you know it is wrong.

I have accused you, therefore to use your logic, you ARE guilty.

Morning. Hope you're having a good one up there. I'm going to a movie this afternoon, Heat. Heard it is really funny.

Little rain this morning but so green around here. Love it that I got to move back home.
[* * * *]

So was OJ. Hispanics are more often Democrats than Republicans but it doesn't automatically go that murderers are often Democrats or Hispanic. Zimmerman is a child molester, woman beater, kid killer, he seems to be quite the sociopath but will walk free just like OJ who is Black.

Party nor race seem to have anything to do with mental illness. I've seen a lot of posts calling Trayvon and his family racist tho. Kneejerk? I believe so.

Oh nozies. Sarah has passed judgment again.

She does not have the ability to admit that being accused is NOT the same thing as actually being guilty.

Sarah, I accuse you of saying such stupid shit deliberately even though you know it is wrong.

I have accused you, therefore to use your logic, you ARE guilty.

Morning. Hope you're having a good one up there. I'm going to a movie this afternoon, Heat. Heard it is really funny.

Little rain this morning but so green around here. Love it that I got to move back home.

They let you out of rehab too soon.

[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION]. So, imprison an innocent man, scrap the American system of jurisprudence to keep the uncivilized mob in control. People have died for our way of life. They fought and died so that innocent people could remain free. I just can't understand what goes around in that pea brain of yours. And how far do you propose this giving in 'so there won't be riots' go? I mean, are you willing to give them your computer so there won't be riots? What about your dwelling? (I won't say house because you aren't functional enough to have ever bought a house.) What? Seriously, how far are YOU personally willing to go for there not to be riots. Will you be willing to be imprisoned yourself so there won't be riots. I hope you are because if the American system of jurisprudence adopts your philosophy it will be you on trial soon enough! But then, if it were you, I'd say lock up the sorry piece of chicken shit.

1) Zimmerman isn't innocent. He killed Trayvon.

2) I own a Condo in Chicago and a Summer Home in Wisconsin. I used to own a Two-Flat in Cicero, until I realized what a pain in the ass it was to manage a rental property.

3) Like it or not, riots do get things changed. Shouldn't be that way, but it is. We had segregation for hundreds of years, until we had riots and they started addressing that stuff. An All White Jury gave the cops who beat Rodney King a pass, but riots made sure that they got a trial in front of a jury.

Now, incidently, if the Cops had arrested Zimmerman at the time, and went through the actual investigation and put him on trial, I doubt the characters like Sharpton would have had a leg to stand on. But that didn't happen. Now we are stuck with this mess. And frankly, people like you who went on about Trayvon's gold teeth and weed to try to justify Zimmerman's actions have largely contributed to it.

Well. Trayvon decided to double back and confront Zimmerman. Trayvon decided to make it a physical confrontation. Trayvon decided he was going to kill him some creepy ass cracker. Trayvon got dead.
I dont see a problem here.

If Trayvon actually doubled back, which I doubt.

of course, to buy that, you'd have to accept he leaped out from behind bushes that weren't there and Zimmerman didn't know the three streets of the housing complex he's lived in for the last 8 years.

Why do you doubt that?

Because we only have Zimmerman's word for it, and Zimmerman is a proven liar.

[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION]. So, imprison an innocent man, scrap the American system of jurisprudence to keep the uncivilized mob in control. People have died for our way of life. They fought and died so that innocent people could remain free. I just can't understand what goes around in that pea brain of yours. And how far do you propose this giving in 'so there won't be riots' go? I mean, are you willing to give them your computer so there won't be riots? What about your dwelling? (I won't say house because you aren't functional enough to have ever bought a house.) What? Seriously, how far are YOU personally willing to go for there not to be riots. Will you be willing to be imprisoned yourself so there won't be riots. I hope you are because if the American system of jurisprudence adopts your philosophy it will be you on trial soon enough! But then, if it were you, I'd say lock up the sorry piece of chicken shit.

1) Zimmerman isn't innocent. He killed Trayvon.

2) I own a Condo in Chicago and a Summer Home in Wisconsin. I used to own a Two-Flat in Cicero, until I realized what a pain in the ass it was to manage a rental property.

3) Like it or not, riots do get things changed. Shouldn't be that way, but it is. We had segregation for hundreds of years, until we had riots and they started addressing that stuff. An All White Jury gave the cops who beat Rodney King a pass, but riots made sure that they got a trial in front of a jury.

Now, incidently, if the Cops had arrested Zimmerman at the time, and went through the actual investigation and put him on trial, I doubt the characters like Sharpton would have had a leg to stand on. But that didn't happen. Now we are stuck with this mess. And frankly, people like you who went on about Trayvon's gold teeth and weed to try to justify Zimmerman's actions have largely contributed to it.

Guilt is a verdict that is rendered by a jury. When has Zimmerman been convicted of any crime? And you still have not answered my other questions. I asked you some very specific questions that you did not answer. You worthless piece of chicken shit.
If Trayvon actually doubled back, which I doubt.

of course, to buy that, you'd have to accept he leaped out from behind bushes that weren't there and Zimmerman didn't know the three streets of the housing complex he's lived in for the last 8 years.

Why do you doubt that?

Because we only have Zimmerman's word for it, and Zimmerman is a proven liar.

So when Zimmerman told dispatch that they always get away he was lying to the dispatcher?

Guilt is a verdict that is rendered by a jury.
When has Zimmerman been convicted of any crime?

By that logic, O.J. was innocent. You don't truly believe that, do you?

[And you still have not answered my other questions. I asked you some very specific questions that you did not answer. You worthless piece of chicken shit.

Your other questions were kind of retarded, so I ignored them as to not embarrass you further.

Clearly, my computer is not causing massive national anger, so there's no reason to give it up.

I think you need to let go of a lot of your anger. Why are you so angry about this case?

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