Zimmerman's Attorneys Quit, Say Zimmerman Acting Strangely


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
George Zimmerman's attorneys said in a press conference this afternoon that they will no longer be representing him. The attorneys claim that Zimmerman repeatedly rebuffed their legal advice, and that they have now lost contact with him.

Craig Sonner and Hal Uhrig, Zimmerman's lawyers, also said that their client had spoken with Sean Hannity, the Fox News host, but would not reveal the details of the discussion.

"George called Sean Hannity of Fox News off the record and he was unwilling to tell us what was said," Uhrig said.

Sonner said that Zimmerman had stopped responding to their phone calls, and that they did not know exactly where he was, although they thought that he was no longer in Florida.

Sonner also said that Zimmerman reached out to the special prosecutor in the case, against their wishes. "We were a bit astonished and had some conversation back and forth with the prosecutor's office," Uhrig said."They told us what we expected, '[that] we're not going to talk to a criminal or [defendant] without counsel "

Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman's Attorneys Quit, Said Client 'Disappeared'
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How do you expect a guy to act when he has a bunch of violent hooligans with a bounty on his head?
I think he was acting more strange when he shot the Martin kid. His attorney should have left long before this.
I think he was acting more strange when he shot the Martin kid. His attorney should have left long before this.

I dunno. When a 6ft 160lb young guy is sitting on your chest bashing your head into the ground that sounds like a good time to shoot him. YMMV.

Thanks for the link! I've always said i just want to see this go through the legal courses and see that both sides get handled fairly. I can't imagine what Martins family is going through....only THEY and Martins friends know what he was really like. But i can say i really don't believe he was the "choir boy" they made him out to be.

I also haven't heard that much about Zimmerman's past or what kind of person his friends think he is. But until we have heard PROOF that either Martin or Zimmerman was wrong, we can't condemn either one.

I do know that if i was in Zimmerman's shoes, and I knew i had not broken the law, i would be VERY scared. I might even do some stupid things that i may or may not regret later. If people had me on a hit list, i would move to wherever i thought was safe. But, i would not ignore my attorney's...that's one of the stupid things.

I just hope this is all over with soon...and that justice is served on whatever has been "prooven".
The whole thing is so bizarre. I'm no legal expert but I think his (ex) lawyers said too much. There is no way for Zimmerman to get a fair trial now in my opinion.
If you were half Latino and the following happened to you, wouldn't a person of any color be slighlty evasive:

- A Black separatist group puts a bounty on your head
- A Mainstream media network doctors your 911 call
- Two Hollywood celebrities (Spike Lee, Roseanne Barr) tweet what is believed to be your address or the address of your relatives?
This just gets more bizzare.

Calling the prosecutor is an odd move, yes.

Very. As was sending out "friends" and family to defend him on the talk show circuit. His lawyers just should have told him to clam up and wait for charges. The only statement he should have issued..should have been through his lawyers..and apologizing to the family of Trayvon Martin.

That's it.
This just gets more bizzare.

Calling the prosecutor is an odd move, yes.

Very. As was sending out "friends" and family to defend him on the talk show circuit. His lawyers just should have told him to clam up and wait for charges. The only statement he should have issued..should have been through his lawyers..and apologizing to the family of Trayvon Martin.

That's it.

Perhaps he is fear of his life.
Calling the prosecutor is an odd move, yes.

Very. As was sending out "friends" and family to defend him on the talk show circuit. His lawyers just should have told him to clam up and wait for charges. The only statement he should have issued..should have been through his lawyers..and apologizing to the family of Trayvon Martin.

That's it.

Perhaps he is fear of his life.

Does that mean he's going to start shooting everyone in sight?
Very. As was sending out "friends" and family to defend him on the talk show circuit. His lawyers just should have told him to clam up and wait for charges. The only statement he should have issued..should have been through his lawyers..and apologizing to the family of Trayvon Martin.

That's it.

Perhaps he is fear of his life.

Does that mean he's going to start shooting everyone in sight?

Looks like he is hiding.
Without a doubt there needs to be a trial. All the facts need to be presented. There is sufficient evidence.
The lawyers hold a press conference to drop Zimmerman after not hearing from him for two days? He needs to find better lawyers.

Still, only people with skulls full of shit think's there is sufficient evidence for a trial.
How do you expect a guy to act when he has a bunch of violent hooligans with a bounty on his head?

aside from the fact that your post is irrelevant, what his lawyers did seems to violate the canons of ethics. you never ever ever do anything to make your client look bad, no matter what he's done or alleged to have done. if you withdraw as counsel, you don't even tell the judge the full story so as not to prejudice your client. all you're supposed to say is that the attorney/client relationship has broken down.

if you have a client who is "acting strangely" and seems unable to properly prepare their own defense, there are other motions you can make, for example, a psychological examination or for a guardian ad litem.

the attorneys' statements seem to be totally improper.

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