Zionism: The State of Israel is a rebellion against God.

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Fascinating group of Orthodox Jews who oppose Zionism calling for a "peaceful dismantling" of the State of Israel. They believe that Jews are forbidden to have their own state until the coming of the Jewish Messiah and that the state of Israel is a rebellion against God.

NKUSA - Guardians of the City - Hasidim - The State of Israel a rebellion against God: These people are from the Middle East.

Zionism: "From 1897 to 1948, the primary goal of the Zionist Movement was to establish the basis for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and thereafter to consolidate it."

I remember ages ago being fascinated by 'Jews For Jesus" and more recently the End Times Christians who demand support for Israel because they believe it will bring about the end of the world. Myself, I've never been anti-Israel. As a matter of fact I was long a member of the club that is "Israel, right or wrong" that is until Israel passed the point of facing an existential threat.

Israel exists. It has a right to defend itself. Also, not all Jews support Zionism - homeland in the ME.

Orthodox Jews protest Brooklyn Palestinian war.png
The return to the Holy Land and/or a jewish state created not by the jewish Messiah but by atheists and agnostics like Herzl and Gurion is a blaphemy in Judaism. This fact was not even open for debate among Jews until the Zionist movement got going.

Today, the state of Israel tries and sweep this truth under the carpet but it is what it is.
The Neuturi Karta are a tiny group of extreme fundamentalists who do nott represent Jewish people at large. They are the favorite Jewish toy of the Mullahs who trot them out at every opportunity.

Israel exists as a home for the self determination of the Jewish ethnicity. Those who wish to deny them that are singling out Jews among all the people in the world who should have no say in how they live.
Millions of Jews believe that the existence of a jewish nation state overrides any religious consideration.

Fair enough. But the fact remains that a secular jewish state is a sacrilege according to Judaism.
The return to the Holy Land and/or a jewish state created not by the jewish Messiah but by atheists and agnostics like Herzl and Gurion is a blaphemy in Judaism. This fact was not even open for debate among Jews until the Zionist movement got going.

Today, the state of Israel tries and sweep this truth under the carpet but it is what it is.

The Neuturi Karta are a tiny group of extreme fundamentalists who do nott represent Jewish people at large. They are the favorite Jewish toy of the Mullahs who trot them out at every opportunity.

Israel exists as a home for the self determination of the Jewish ethnicity. Those who wish to deny them that are singling out Jews among all the people in the world who should have no say in how they live.

Yet they go back in time, their existence. And they have biblical arguments. Interesting.
RE: Zionism: The State of Israel is a rebellion against God.
※→ Woodznutz, The Irish Ram, et al,


I am clearly not qualified to contribute awn intelligent commentary on the Jewish Beliefs, the religion and its variants. But then → the construction of the Jewish State, the Jewish National Home, and the associated preservation of the Jewish people, really has nothing to do with any religious belief. It has to do with the establishing a place where the culture and people can stay and be protected. It is about erecting an atmosphere wherein the residence need not feel oppressed. It is about a nation where the Jewish people can openly practice their beliefs and rituals without the fear of government repercussions. It is a refuge for the Jewish, worldwide, can retreat when they become unwelcome anywhere else, the place of last resort.

The existence of the Jewish state will bring about the end of civilization, as we know it.
Not only did God gather the Jews back to Israel, He is going to make sure they never lose it again. But not before Israel is decimated by war. Only a remnant of Jews will survive to see the return of God's Son to take His place as their Messiah.

Whether you believe in a "Supreme Being, an "Ultimate Creator,"the "First Cause,"the entity belived to be the deity behind the Abrahamic Religions (ie God or a Messiah), is basically irrelevant.

The Palestinian 'vs' Israeli Conflict is a political question that has an impact across the entire spectrum of peace existence. The conflict is all about the to protection through national security, public order, public health the civil/political rights and freedoms for all.

These concepts do not exist anywhere in the Middle East for the Jewish People, except in Israel.


Most Respectfully,
The NK take a particular phrase in the talmud and understand it in a very specific way, a way which is not in accord with mainstream understanding. Their belief is that as soon as the secular government is dismantled, the messiah will immediately arrive and destroy all the other religions. This subtlety is not made public so much and their supporters often do not understand this goal.
Fascinating group of Orthodox Jews who oppose Zionism calling for a "peaceful dismantling" of the State of Israel. They believe that Jews are forbidden to have their own state until the coming of the Jewish Messiah and that the state of Israel is a rebellion against God.

NKUSA - Guardians of the City - Hasidim - The State of Israel a rebellion against God: These people are from the Middle East.

Zionism: "From 1897 to 1948, the primary goal of the Zionist Movement was to establish the basis for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and thereafter to consolidate it."

I remember ages ago being fascinated by 'Jews For Jesus" and more recently the End Times Christians who demand support for Israel because they believe it will bring about the end of the world. Myself, I've never been anti-Israel. As a matter of fact I was long a member of the club that is "Israel, right or wrong" that is until Israel passed the point of facing an existential threat.

Israel exists. It has a right to defend itself. Also, not all Jews support Zionism - homeland in the ME.

View attachment 846944
It's good to know them for what they are. When they face the INEVITABLE POGROMS that will come to them in America, not a single one of them should ever be allowed to make Aliyah to the state they spit upon. They want Israel gone? Then let them flee to a friendlier place when they must run for their lives from Jew-hating Americans...
It's good to know them for what they are. When they face the INEVITABLE POGROMS that will come to them in America, not a single one of them should ever be allowed to make Aliyah to the state they spit upon. They want Israel gone? Then let them flee to a friendlier place when they must run for their lives from Jew-hating Americans...

American don't hate Jews. That's more propaganda. Some Americans don't like Israel.
Not only did God gather the Jews back to Israel, He is going to make sure they never lose it again. But not before Israel is decimated by war. Only a remnant of Jews will survive to see the return of God's Son to take His place as their Messiah.

The initial prohibition here is against moving the boundaries of your and your neighbor’s property, in order to expand your property at your neighbor’s expense. Rashi asks what new form of theft is introduced with this verse, since the Torah has already prohibited stealing (Leviticus 19:13).

He answered that moving a boundary stone causes one to violate two Biblical prohibitions, not just stealing. In fact, shifting a boundary is such a serious form of embezzlement that it warranted a separate Biblical prohibition. Rashi also notes that since the verse references “dwelling in the Land of Israel,” moving a boundary stone outside of the Land of Israel would only be a single prohibition, that of stealing.

The initial prohibition here is against moving the boundaries of your and your neighbor’s property, in order to expand your property at your neighbor’s expense. Rashi asks what new form of theft is introduced with this verse, since the Torah has already prohibited stealing (Leviticus 19:13).

He answered that moving a boundary stone causes one to violate two Biblical prohibitions, not just stealing. In fact, shifting a boundary is such a serious form of embezzlement that it warranted a separate Biblical prohibition. Rashi also notes that since the verse references “dwelling in the Land of Israel,” moving a boundary stone outside of the Land of Israel would only be a single prohibition, that of stealing.

And what are the boundaries according to Torah?

It is known Muslims learn Rashi in Madrassas,
and some can even quote him, and while thinking
they hear what the words mean in context, even literary,
it's a whole another level of stupid seeing Dawa missionaries
attempting to quote Rashi to Jews without reading the first verse.

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