Zionist Americans are hypocrites, almost always.

President Lyndon B Johnson stopped Israel in 1967 from taking over her 5 neighboring nations, so yeah, the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

Oh really?
What are the damages of the Zionist Israeli terrorist attack upon a US ship, the USS Liberty bombing?
That was Israel telling Lyndon B Johnson to fuck off.
Johnson didn’t get the message.
Now the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

There's a story of 3 different type of Arabs in Palestine / Israel 300 years ago.

A.) Christian Arabic speakers. (Loved Jesus just right)
B.) Muslim Arabic speakers ( Respected Jesus okay)
C.) Jewish Arabic speakers ( Disrespected Jesus wrong)

They all spoke Arabic, so what's different?

The difference is the Christian Arab has been f*cked over, by his own Christian numbskulls in the USA South.

They have promoted instead of a Christian Palestine, a Jewish Israel, and a Muslim Palestine, which has f*cked God's Chosen people (Christians)
in the Holy land left, and right have got the royal flush.

Admit it, Americans are culturally no longer often Christians, but rather Jewish appropriates.
Nobody cares about a nation that produces global terrorists...except you.

LOL, So, terroristic massacres from Deir Yassin, to Cave of Patriarchs, to May 14th last year, by Jewish (Zionists) haven't occurred??????????
Three massacres!
We have to try harder!
so then tell us your solution???

cause your bitching only hurts you and makes us laugh since you obviously hate jews,,,

I certainly don't respect those who want to funnel my tax dollars into the Israeli ethnic cleansing machine.

Because of idiot White trash down South, who read about Hebrews, and Israel in the Bible. Hur, hur.
I just don't get how Jews are God's people, much less how they have God's given right to displace Palestinians, after speaking a German dialect called Yiddish for 1,000 years +, and having
rejected Jesus (God / Son of God) for 2,000 years as a cultural aspiration.

To make matters worse, any sane people would have assimilated between the Rhine valley of Germany, and Don valleys of Russia, to the love of Jesus as loving Christians.

That's kind of the point, Jews aren't only not culturally, Hebrews, they're also not genetically full Hebrews, and I can't see how they're God's chosen people, anymore, much less deserve to wage
war upon Palestine ethnic cleansing, because of being "Supposedly" God's chosen people.

Which at best seems to be mistaken, and hijacked semantics.

Christians are God's chosen people, since the schism between Judaism, and Christianity happened.

Point blank, German speakers rejecting Jesus, seem to fail to be God's chosen people.
President Lyndon B Johnson stopped Israel in 1967 from taking over her 5 neighboring nations, so yeah, the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

Oh really?
What are the damages of the Zionist Israeli terrorist attack upon a US ship, the USS Liberty bombing?

are you saying they did it on purpose???

I think that by choosing Hebrew over Yiddish a German language most Ashkenazis overwhelmingly spoke first, especially, and also to a lesser extent the name Israel were ploys by the Jewish elite, to sway over opinion from Christians, to support their ethnic cleansing atrocities of colonialism.

Not saying all Jews are doing such intentionally, but I think the Jewish elites have manipulated even the Jewish masses in Israel into thinking they are Hebrews, rather than Yiddish speakers.

I have never met an Israeli who speaks Yiddish------of course---some MAY KNOW Yiddish----but most Israelis speak Hebrew
regularly. ----some use Ladino ------a bit------and some use Arabic ----a bit
I certainly don't respect those who want to funnel my tax dollars into the Israeli ethnic cleansing machine.

Because of idiot White trash down South, who read about Hebrews, and Israel in the Bible. Hur, hur.
I just don't get how Jews are God's people, much less how they have God's given right to displace Palestinians, after speaking a German dialect called Yiddish for 1,000 years +, and having
rejected Jesus (God / Son of God) for 2,000 years as a cultural aspiration.

To make matters worse, any sane people would have assimilated between the Rhine valley of Germany, and Don valleys of Russia, to the love of Jesus as loving Christians.

That's kind of the point, Jews aren't only not culturally, Hebrews, they're also not genetically full Hebrews, and I can't see how they're God's chosen people, anymore, much less deserve to wage
war upon Palestine ethnic cleansing, because of being "Supposedly" God's chosen people.

Which at best seems to be mistaken, and hijacked semantics.

Christians are God's chosen people, since the schism between Judaism, and Christianity happened.

Point blank, German speakers rejecting Jesus, seem to fail to be God's chosen people.
President Lyndon B Johnson stopped Israel in 1967 from taking over her 5 neighboring nations, so yeah, the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

Oh really?
What are the damages of the Zionist Israeli terrorist attack upon a US ship, the USS Liberty bombing?

are you saying they did it on purpose???

I think that by choosing Hebrew over Yiddish a German language most Ashkenazis overwhelmingly spoke first, especially, and also to a lesser extent the name Israel were ploys by the Jewish elite, to sway over opinion from Christians, to support their ethnic cleansing atrocities of colonialism.

Not saying all Jews are doing such intentionally, but I think the Jewish elites have manipulated even the Jewish masses in Israel into thinking they are Hebrews, rather than Yiddish speakers.

I have never met an Israeli who speaks Yiddish------of course---some MAY KNOW Yiddish----but most Israelis speak Hebrew
regularly. ----some use Ladino ------a bit------and some use Arabic ----a bit
Oh, please stop being serious with Shit4Brains.
I certainly don't respect those who want to funnel my tax dollars into the Israeli ethnic cleansing machine.

Because of idiot White trash down South, who read about Hebrews, and Israel in the Bible. Hur, hur.
I just don't get how Jews are God's people, much less how they have God's given right to displace Palestinians, after speaking a German dialect called Yiddish for 1,000 years +, and having
rejected Jesus (God / Son of God) for 2,000 years as a cultural aspiration.

To make matters worse, any sane people would have assimilated between the Rhine valley of Germany, and Don valleys of Russia, to the love of Jesus as loving Christians.

That's kind of the point, Jews aren't only not culturally, Hebrews, they're also not genetically full Hebrews, and I can't see how they're God's chosen people, anymore, much less deserve to wage
war upon Palestine ethnic cleansing, because of being "Supposedly" God's chosen people.

Which at best seems to be mistaken, and hijacked semantics.

Christians are God's chosen people, since the schism between Judaism, and Christianity happened.

Point blank, German speakers rejecting Jesus, seem to fail to be God's chosen people.
President Lyndon B Johnson stopped Israel in 1967 from taking over her 5 neighboring nations, so yeah, the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

Oh really?
What are the damages of the Zionist Israeli terrorist attack upon a US ship, the USS Liberty bombing?

are you saying they did it on purpose???

I think that by choosing Hebrew over Yiddish a German language most Ashkenazis overwhelmingly spoke first, especially, and also to a lesser extent the name Israel were ploys by the Jewish elite, to sway over opinion from Christians, to support their ethnic cleansing atrocities of colonialism.

Not saying all Jews are doing such intentionally, but I think the Jewish elites have manipulated even the Jewish masses in Israel into thinking they are Hebrews, rather than Yiddish speakers.

I have never met an Israeli who speaks Yiddish------of course---some MAY KNOW Yiddish----but most Israelis speak Hebrew
regularly. ----some use Ladino ------a bit------and some use Arabic ----a bit

The founding fathers of Israel were a lot of "Yiddish speakers" from Central & Eastern Europe.
Such as'
David Ben Gurion, Moshe Sharett, Levi Eshkol,
Menachem Begin, Avraham Stern, Golda Meir, Shimon Peres, and Yitzah Rabin.
President Lyndon B Johnson stopped Israel in 1967 from taking over her 5 neighboring nations, so yeah, the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

Oh really?
What are the damages of the Zionist Israeli terrorist attack upon a US ship, the USS Liberty bombing?

are you saying they did it on purpose???

I think that by choosing Hebrew over Yiddish a German language most Ashkenazis overwhelmingly spoke first, especially, and also to a lesser extent the name Israel were ploys by the Jewish elite, to sway over opinion from Christians, to support their ethnic cleansing atrocities of colonialism.

Not saying all Jews are doing such intentionally, but I think the Jewish elites have manipulated even the Jewish masses in Israel into thinking they are Hebrews, rather than Yiddish speakers.

I have never met an Israeli who speaks Yiddish------of course---some MAY KNOW Yiddish----but most Israelis speak Hebrew
regularly. ----some use Ladino ------a bit------and some use Arabic ----a bit

The founding fathers of Israel were a lot of "Yiddish speakers" from Central & Eastern Europe.
Such as'
David Ben Gurion, Moshe Sharett, Levi Eshkol,
Menachem Begin, Avraham Stern, Golda Meir, Shimon Peres, and Yitzah Rabin.
No! No! No!
Who cares?
Real chosen people are Patriots fans and as we know Robert Kraft, the owner is a Jew. Like me. Bow to your superiors.

I didnt even know he was a jew but I guess the rubbery, bloated face should have been a clue. Thanks for the heads up.

Dude! You have a crush on Robert Kraft? Wow. And of course he is Jewish. He is a winner. A champion and a Bostonian. Now be like Sobie and respect your superiors aka moi.

View attachment 257550

Comics? You respond with Comics. Shows how inferior you are.
President Lyndon B Johnson stopped Israel in 1967 from taking over her 5 neighboring nations, so yeah, the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

Oh really?
What are the damages of the Zionist Israeli terrorist attack upon a US ship, the USS Liberty bombing?

are you saying they did it on purpose???

I think that by choosing Hebrew over Yiddish a German language most Ashkenazis overwhelmingly spoke first, especially, and also to a lesser extent the name Israel were ploys by the Jewish elite, to sway over opinion from Christians, to support their ethnic cleansing atrocities of colonialism.

Not saying all Jews are doing such intentionally, but I think the Jewish elites have manipulated even the Jewish masses in Israel into thinking they are Hebrews, rather than Yiddish speakers.

I have never met an Israeli who speaks Yiddish------of course---some MAY KNOW Yiddish----but most Israelis speak Hebrew
regularly. ----some use Ladino ------a bit------and some use Arabic ----a bit

The founding fathers of Israel were a lot of "Yiddish speakers" from Central & Eastern Europe.
Such as'
David Ben Gurion, Moshe Sharett, Levi Eshkol,
Menachem Begin, Avraham Stern, Golda Meir, Shimon Peres, and Yitzah Rabin.
It’s cool to know that Yiddish speaking Jews defeated 1 billion Arabs time and again.
President Lyndon B Johnson stopped Israel in 1967 from taking over her 5 neighboring nations, so yeah, the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

Oh really?
What are the damages of the Zionist Israeli terrorist attack upon a US ship, the USS Liberty bombing?
That was Israel telling Lyndon B Johnson to fuck off.
Johnson didn’t get the message.
Now the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

There's a story of 3 different type of Arabs in Palestine / Israel 300 years ago.

A.) Christian Arabic speakers. (Loved Jesus just right)
B.) Muslim Arabic speakers ( Respected Jesus okay)
C.) Jewish Arabic speakers ( Disrespected Jesus wrong)

They all spoke Arabic, so what's different?

The difference is the Christian Arab has been f*cked over, by his own Christian numbskulls in the USA South.

They have promoted instead of a Christian Palestine, a Jewish Israel, and a Muslim Palestine, which has f*cked God's Chosen people (Christians)
in the Holy land left, and right have got the royal flush.

Admit it, Americans are culturally no longer often Christians, but rather Jewish appropriates.
Nobody cares about a nation that produces global terrorists...except you.

LOL, So, terroristic massacres from Deir Yassin, to Cave of Patriarchs, to May 14th last year, by Jewish (Zionists) haven't occurred??????????

Dude, you believe all this fake news. Wow. You know the word gullible is not in the dictionary.
Real chosen people are Patriots fans and as we know Robert Kraft, the owner is a Jew. Like me. Bow to your superiors.

I didnt even know he was a jew but I guess the rubbery, bloated face should have been a clue. Thanks for the heads up.

Dude! You have a crush on Robert Kraft? Wow. And of course he is Jewish. He is a winner. A champion and a Bostonian. Now be like Sobie and respect your superiors aka moi.

View attachment 257550

Comics? You respond with Comics. Shows how inferior you are.

those nasty antisemetic alt-righters and their offensive memes helped win Trump the election. All your buddies in the media agree.
Oh really?
What are the damages of the Zionist Israeli terrorist attack upon a US ship, the USS Liberty bombing?
That was Israel telling Lyndon B Johnson to fuck off.
Johnson didn’t get the message.
Now the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

There's a story of 3 different type of Arabs in Palestine / Israel 300 years ago.

A.) Christian Arabic speakers. (Loved Jesus just right)
B.) Muslim Arabic speakers ( Respected Jesus okay)
C.) Jewish Arabic speakers ( Disrespected Jesus wrong)

They all spoke Arabic, so what's different?

The difference is the Christian Arab has been f*cked over, by his own Christian numbskulls in the USA South.

They have promoted instead of a Christian Palestine, a Jewish Israel, and a Muslim Palestine, which has f*cked God's Chosen people (Christians)
in the Holy land left, and right have got the royal flush.

Admit it, Americans are culturally no longer often Christians, but rather Jewish appropriates.
Nobody cares about a nation that produces global terrorists...except you.

LOL, So, terroristic massacres from Deir Yassin, to Cave of Patriarchs, to May 14th last year, by Jewish (Zionists) haven't occurred??????????

Dude, you believe all this fake news. Wow. You know the word gullible is not in the dictionary.
Jews spoke Yiddish and Sobie lives with mommy and daddy.
It’s a wash.
Real chosen people are Patriots fans and as we know Robert Kraft, the owner is a Jew. Like me. Bow to your superiors.

I didnt even know he was a jew but I guess the rubbery, bloated face should have been a clue. Thanks for the heads up.

Dude! You have a crush on Robert Kraft? Wow. And of course he is Jewish. He is a winner. A champion and a Bostonian. Now be like Sobie and respect your superiors aka moi.

View attachment 257550

Comics? You respond with Comics. Shows how inferior you are.

those nasty antisemetic alt-righters and their offensive memes helped win Trump the election. All your buddies in the media agree.
Who was that?
His daughter?
That was Israel telling Lyndon B Johnson to fuck off.
Johnson didn’t get the message.
Now the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

There's a story of 3 different type of Arabs in Palestine / Israel 300 years ago.

A.) Christian Arabic speakers. (Loved Jesus just right)
B.) Muslim Arabic speakers ( Respected Jesus okay)
C.) Jewish Arabic speakers ( Disrespected Jesus wrong)

They all spoke Arabic, so what's different?

The difference is the Christian Arab has been f*cked over, by his own Christian numbskulls in the USA South.

They have promoted instead of a Christian Palestine, a Jewish Israel, and a Muslim Palestine, which has f*cked God's Chosen people (Christians)
in the Holy land left, and right have got the royal flush.

Admit it, Americans are culturally no longer often Christians, but rather Jewish appropriates.
Nobody cares about a nation that produces global terrorists...except you.

LOL, So, terroristic massacres from Deir Yassin, to Cave of Patriarchs, to May 14th last year, by Jewish (Zionists) haven't occurred??????????

Dude, you believe all this fake news. Wow. You know the word gullible is not in the dictionary.
Jews spoke Yiddish and Sobie lives with mommy and daddy.
It’s a wash.

Not anymore, I'm living in my parents old house in Putnam Lake, NY again.
I think I'm going to buy it from them, overtime.
Real chosen people are Patriots fans and as we know Robert Kraft, the owner is a Jew. Like me. Bow to your superiors.

I didnt even know he was a jew but I guess the rubbery, bloated face should have been a clue. Thanks for the heads up.

Dude! You have a crush on Robert Kraft? Wow. And of course he is Jewish. He is a winner. A champion and a Bostonian. Now be like Sobie and respect your superiors aka moi.

View attachment 257550

A lot of Americans think that it makes more sense to pay welfare to Israel to help kill people, rather than pay welfare to Americans to try, and help save people.
There's a story of 3 different type of Arabs in Palestine / Israel 300 years ago.

A.) Christian Arabic speakers. (Loved Jesus just right)
B.) Muslim Arabic speakers ( Respected Jesus okay)
C.) Jewish Arabic speakers ( Disrespected Jesus wrong)

They all spoke Arabic, so what's different?

The difference is the Christian Arab has been f*cked over, by his own Christian numbskulls in the USA South.

They have promoted instead of a Christian Palestine, a Jewish Israel, and a Muslim Palestine, which has f*cked God's Chosen people (Christians)
in the Holy land left, and right have got the royal flush.

Admit it, Americans are culturally no longer often Christians, but rather Jewish appropriates.
Nobody cares about a nation that produces global terrorists...except you.

LOL, So, terroristic massacres from Deir Yassin, to Cave of Patriarchs, to May 14th last year, by Jewish (Zionists) haven't occurred??????????

Dude, you believe all this fake news. Wow. You know the word gullible is not in the dictionary.
Jews spoke Yiddish and Sobie lives with mommy and daddy.
It’s a wash.

Not anymore, I'm living in my parents old house in Putnam Lake, NY again.
I think I'm going to buy it from them, overtime.
What’s your occupation?
Oh really?
What are the damages of the Zionist Israeli terrorist attack upon a US ship, the USS Liberty bombing?
That was Israel telling Lyndon B Johnson to fuck off.
Johnson didn’t get the message.
Now the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

There's a story of 3 different type of Arabs in Palestine / Israel 300 years ago.

A.) Christian Arabic speakers. (Loved Jesus just right)
B.) Muslim Arabic speakers ( Respected Jesus okay)
C.) Jewish Arabic speakers ( Disrespected Jesus wrong)

They all spoke Arabic, so what's different?

The difference is the Christian Arab has been f*cked over, by his own Christian numbskulls in the USA South.

They have promoted instead of a Christian Palestine, a Jewish Israel, and a Muslim Palestine, which has f*cked God's Chosen people (Christians)
in the Holy land left, and right have got the royal flush.

Admit it, Americans are culturally no longer often Christians, but rather Jewish appropriates.
Nobody cares about a nation that produces global terrorists...except you.

LOL, So, terroristic massacres from Deir Yassin, to Cave of Patriarchs, to May 14th last year, by Jewish (Zionists) haven't occurred??????????
Three massacres!
We have to try harder!

So, how do you figure Zionists haven't been terrorists, but "ONLY" Palestinians in this situation have been the terrorists?
Real chosen people are Patriots fans and as we know Robert Kraft, the owner is a Jew. Like me. Bow to your superiors.

I didnt even know he was a jew but I guess the rubbery, bloated face should have been a clue. Thanks for the heads up.

Dude! You have a crush on Robert Kraft? Wow. And of course he is Jewish. He is a winner. A champion and a Bostonian. Now be like Sobie and respect your superiors aka moi.

View attachment 257550

A lot of Americans think that it makes more sense to pay welfare to Israel to help kill people, rather than pay welfare to Americans to try, and help save people.
That post is a lie and you should be banned.
That was Israel telling Lyndon B Johnson to fuck off.
Johnson didn’t get the message.
Now the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

There's a story of 3 different type of Arabs in Palestine / Israel 300 years ago.

A.) Christian Arabic speakers. (Loved Jesus just right)
B.) Muslim Arabic speakers ( Respected Jesus okay)
C.) Jewish Arabic speakers ( Disrespected Jesus wrong)

They all spoke Arabic, so what's different?

The difference is the Christian Arab has been f*cked over, by his own Christian numbskulls in the USA South.

They have promoted instead of a Christian Palestine, a Jewish Israel, and a Muslim Palestine, which has f*cked God's Chosen people (Christians)
in the Holy land left, and right have got the royal flush.

Admit it, Americans are culturally no longer often Christians, but rather Jewish appropriates.
Nobody cares about a nation that produces global terrorists...except you.

LOL, So, terroristic massacres from Deir Yassin, to Cave of Patriarchs, to May 14th last year, by Jewish (Zionists) haven't occurred??????????
Three massacres!
We have to try harder!

So, how do you figure Zionists haven't been terrorists, but "ONLY" Palestinians in this situation have been the terrorists?
Do Jews parade in the streets over aggressive acts.
And I have to know the context of these THREE events.
Compared to Muslims.
You’re pathetic.
That was Israel telling Lyndon B Johnson to fuck off.
Johnson didn’t get the message.
Now the US owes Israel BIG TIME.

There's a story of 3 different type of Arabs in Palestine / Israel 300 years ago.

A.) Christian Arabic speakers. (Loved Jesus just right)
B.) Muslim Arabic speakers ( Respected Jesus okay)
C.) Jewish Arabic speakers ( Disrespected Jesus wrong)

They all spoke Arabic, so what's different?

The difference is the Christian Arab has been f*cked over, by his own Christian numbskulls in the USA South.

They have promoted instead of a Christian Palestine, a Jewish Israel, and a Muslim Palestine, which has f*cked God's Chosen people (Christians)
in the Holy land left, and right have got the royal flush.

Admit it, Americans are culturally no longer often Christians, but rather Jewish appropriates.
Nobody cares about a nation that produces global terrorists...except you.

LOL, So, terroristic massacres from Deir Yassin, to Cave of Patriarchs, to May 14th last year, by Jewish (Zionists) haven't occurred??????????
Three massacres!
We have to try harder!

So, how do you figure Zionists haven't been terrorists, but "ONLY" Palestinians in this situation have been the terrorists?
Jews breathing is a terrorist act in your eyes.

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