Zionist Annexation Creeps Into the Negev

Since there were several thousand Jewish civilians living on the West Bank in 1967 compared to several hundred thousand civilians living on the same land today, do you see any conflict with international law?

"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


But you have my permission to pretend that you give a shit about the mythical creature known as "international 'law'" if that will make you happy.


What is this thing?

International law?

Where does this thing reside?

In the hearts and minds of spam.
Nomads with houses, farms, and villages.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:


If a nomad "settles" on your property, you aren't allowed to call him a nomad anymore. He has settled right in. And you can't boot his ass off your property since he is -- settled there.

The laughable "logic" of ass clowns like Foghorn Pinhead never ceases to induce hilarity.


The "nomads" were there long before Israel.

You need history lessons. The land of the Negev was settled by many kinds of people for many years.

A nomad can sit somewhere for many many many years, still doesn't change the definition and doesn't give them the right to grab lands.

The ties Jews had to Gush Kattif were held for decades, yet some of you didn't have problem disengaging and expelling them from a place where they saw as their own.

Why the hypocrisy?
Since there were several thousand Jewish civilians living on the West Bank in 1967 compared to several hundred thousand civilians living on the same land today, do you see any conflict with international law?

"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


But you have my permission to pretend that you give a shit about the mythical creature known as "international 'law'" if that will make you happy.


What is this thing?

International law?

Where does this thing reside?

In the hearts and minds of spam.

I have heard some very intelligent people (many of whom I know well, admire greatly and respect) speak warmly about international law.

I just chuckle.

International law doesn't pass the sniff test as "law" by any meaningful definition, in my estimation.
Zionism isn't a two thousand year-old yearning for anything except stealing the land and water resources of inferior races. Witness the upcoming theft of Bedouin lands in the Negev:

"Following one of the most heated debates the Israeli parliament has seen in recent years, the Knesset approved the Prawer-Begin Plan for the Arrangement of Bedouin-Palestinian Settlement in the Negev yesterday (Monday). Commonly referred to as the Prawer Plan, the new legislation will allow the government to destroy dozens of so-called “unrecognized” villages in the South and remove between 30-40,000 Bedouin from their homes..."

In other words, destroying Arab villages while planning and building for Jews.

"The issue of the unrecognized villages, most of them in the South, has accompanied Israel since its inception. In the early 1950s, Israel refused to recognize the native Bedouin population’s claim to the land due to a lack of registration of the land by the British Mandate authorities (there are, however, records of permanent, non-nomadic Bedouin settlements going back to the 19th century).

"Other unrecognized villages are 'temporary' settlements of Bedouins who were displaced in the 1948 War and were never allowed to return to their lands (after the war, Bedouin who lived in the western Negev were ordered to move east, and Jewish settlements were built in the area)."

Collision course: Plan to displace tens of thousands of Bedouin passes first Knesset vote | +972 Magazine

Why is it that only your ilk considers other races to be inferior? Please explain what makes you superior. :cuckoo:
You're confusing me with a Jew:

"The earlier influence of fundamentalist Rabbi Abraham Kook (1865-1935), or Kuk, was significant. He preached Jewish supremacy and said: 'The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews -- all of them in all different levels -- is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.'"

Possibly your ilk should learn to moo

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel

You take knowledge about religion in Israel from Al-Ahram?

Are you fucking kidding me?????

What next, taking information about Zionism from Al-Qaeda.com????:cuckoo:

But you have my permission to pretend that you give a shit about the mythical creature known as "international 'law'" if that will make you happy.


What is this thing?

International law?

Where does this thing reside?

In the hearts and minds of spam.

I have heard some very intelligent people (many of whom I know well, admire greatly and respect) speak warmly about international law.

I just chuckle.

International law doesn't pass the sniff test as "law" by any meaningful definition, in my estimation.

A virtual law for a virtual international state perhaps?

No no. Be nice to George. We need him here. So little left for us to laugh at these days of Islamic terrorists killing us infidels all over the world.

Zionism isn't a two thousand year-old yearning for anything except stealing the land and water resources of inferior races. Witness the upcoming theft of Bedouin lands in the Negev:

"Following one of the most heated debates the Israeli parliament has seen in recent years, the Knesset approved the Prawer-Begin Plan for the Arrangement of Bedouin-Palestinian Settlement in the Negev yesterday (Monday). Commonly referred to as the Prawer Plan, the new legislation will allow the government to destroy dozens of so-called “unrecognized” villages in the South and remove between 30-40,000 Bedouin from their homes..."

In other words, destroying Arab villages while planning and building for Jews.

"The issue of the unrecognized villages, most of them in the South, has accompanied Israel since its inception. In the early 1950s, Israel refused to recognize the native Bedouin population’s claim to the land due to a lack of registration of the land by the British Mandate authorities (there are, however, records of permanent, non-nomadic Bedouin settlements going back to the 19th century).

"Other unrecognized villages are 'temporary' settlements of Bedouins who were displaced in the 1948 War and were never allowed to return to their lands (after the war, Bedouin who lived in the western Negev were ordered to move east, and Jewish settlements were built in the area)."

Collision course: Plan to displace tens of thousands of Bedouin passes first Knesset vote | +972 Magazine

Bedouin "claim"?


Perhaps you missed the memo that Bedouins are NOMADS.

They have no "CLAIM" on any land, by DEFINITION!

90% of Bedouin villages are unrecognized because they aren't listed in the Tabo!

And they are not listed in the Tabo because those residents don't pay taxes.

And that is why those are to be destroyed. because many wish to be recognized as citizens but they don't pay taxes nor electricity or water bills.

You trying to put it like its a matter of race is pathetic!

Stop the propaganda trash!

If the rest of us can carry the burden of taxes and payments, so can they!
"Most Bedouin who had the option, preferred not to register their lands under the Ottoman rule as this would mean being taxed without representation or services..."

You expect those whose lands are being stolen to pay taxes and fees to the thieves?

Have you ever heard of the relationship between taxation without representation and tyranny?

"The Bedouin leadership and civil and human rights groups reject the Prawer plan. They demand the villages be recognized and that the local population be included in the process of drafting new zoning plans.

"They also point to the fact that the government encourages Jews to move south, especially to agricultural settlements, all the while aiming to destroy Arab settlements that in some cases predate the creation of the state.

"The government is currently planning 10 new settlements for Jews in the Negev."

Collision course: Plan to displace tens of thousands of Bedouin passes first Knesset vote | +972 Magazine
Nomads with houses, farms, and villages.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:


If a nomad "settles" on your property, you aren't allowed to call him a nomad anymore. He has settled right in. And you can't boot his ass off your property since he is -- settled there.

The laughable "logic" of ass clowns like Foghorn Pinhead never ceases to induce hilarity.


The "nomads" were there long before Israel.

You have less than zero honest grasp on history.
the system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of penalties:

By and large, what does " international 'law' " NOT have?


Ben Gurion was the first political leader to invest and to believe in the special role the southern Negev is to Jews and Israel.

HaShem rest his soul, he was the first leftist, and probably one of the onlys, who saw the past, present and future in south Israel.

The Talmud says that our Rabbis told the people, that whoever seeks wisdom, will go to the south, because that is the place where the clever ones live and create future in.

Today, the south is a scarred land, it is the land of injured and sad people. lack of security and social services. The south is injured from rocket scars, and is left orphaned when many look forward leaving it for more exciting life in central and northern Israel.

when some leave, the others stay loyal to the Negev. the fact that many forget sometimes that the Negev is part of the country, lead southerners create their own language, culture, and way of living. people keep saying, "Childhood in the south is the happiest" because children in the south don't need material things to live.

The rockets threat by Hamas lead southerners to handle together, helping eachother, deal. southerner children see the Israeli-Palestinian conflict differently from the kids in Hertzliya and Jerusalem.

In many times, stating "I am a southerner" is like carrying a badge of both honor and misfortune.

Southerner view the land and its wonders as something which is more than sacred. our people will DIE for the Negev, and there are still loyal to it and willing to protect it.

People should not test us.

And yes.

I am a southerner
Why is it that only your ilk considers other races to be inferior? Please explain what makes you superior. :cuckoo:
You're confusing me with a Jew:

"The earlier influence of fundamentalist Rabbi Abraham Kook (1865-1935), or Kuk, was significant. He preached Jewish supremacy and said: 'The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews -- all of them in all different levels -- is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.'"

Possibly your ilk should learn to moo

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel

You take knowledge about religion in Israel from Al-Ahram?

Are you fucking kidding me?????

What next, taking information about Zionism from Al-Qaeda.com????:cuckoo:
Are you disputing Abraham Kook's existence or influence?

" His (Kook's) teachings helped create the settler movement, and his son, Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, founded the extremist Gush Emunim (GE) under the slogan: 'The Land of Israel, for the people of Israel, according to the Torah of Israel.'"

"Like the elder Kook, GE sees state power as a way forward to a new messianic era. It believes that God created the world for Jews. Others are lesser beings. Greater Israel belongs to Jews alone, and holy wars are acceptable to attain it."

Do you personally believe that "Greater Israel belongs to Jews alone..."?

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
“On what is accomplished in the Negev,” – maintained Ben-Gurion – “Israel will stand or fall.”

The Negev Foundation

Now where is PF to call this a 'mooch'.



We mooch!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
Israel is a sovereign nation that has the right to resolve property disputes. They are not beholden to internet anti-Semites who think they can lie, mislead or defame Israel out of existence.
the system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of penalties:
-- law: definition of law in Oxford dictionary - American English (US)

By and large, what does " international 'law' " NOT have?
Are you turning anarchist?

"International law is the set of rules generally regarded and accepted as binding in relations between states and nations.[1][2] It serves as a framework for the practice of stable and organized international relations.[3]

"International law differs from national legal systems in that it primarily concerns nations rather than private citizens.

"National law may become international law when treaties delegate national jurisdiction to supranational tribunals such as the European Court of Human Rights or the International Criminal Court. Treaties such as the Geneva Conventions may require national law to conform."

Zionism isn't a two thousand year-old yearning for anything except stealing the land and water resources of inferior races. Witness the upcoming theft of Bedouin lands in the Negev:

"Following one of the most heated debates the Israeli parliament has seen in recent years, the Knesset approved the Prawer-Begin Plan for the Arrangement of Bedouin-Palestinian Settlement in the Negev yesterday (Monday). Commonly referred to as the Prawer Plan, the new legislation will allow the government to destroy dozens of so-called “unrecognized” villages in the South and remove between 30-40,000 Bedouin from their homes..."

In other words, destroying Arab villages while planning and building for Jews.

"The issue of the unrecognized villages, most of them in the South, has accompanied Israel since its inception. In the early 1950s, Israel refused to recognize the native Bedouin population’s claim to the land due to a lack of registration of the land by the British Mandate authorities (there are, however, records of permanent, non-nomadic Bedouin settlements going back to the 19th century).

"Other unrecognized villages are 'temporary' settlements of Bedouins who were displaced in the 1948 War and were never allowed to return to their lands (after the war, Bedouin who lived in the western Negev were ordered to move east, and Jewish settlements were built in the area)."

Collision course: Plan to displace tens of thousands of Bedouin passes first Knesset vote | +972 Magazine

Why is it that only your ilk considers other races to be inferior? Please explain what makes you superior. :cuckoo:
You're confusing me with a Jew:

"The earlier influence of fundamentalist Rabbi Abraham Kook (1865-1935), or Kuk, was significant. He preached Jewish supremacy and said: 'The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews -- all of them in all different levels -- is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.'"

Possibly your ilk should learn to moo

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
Oh look, Bloodrock, Georgie Boy is back with Rabbi Kook again. Meanwhile, you will notice that Georgie Boy closes his eyes to the Muslim clerics calling for the death of all Infidels, and that means Georgie Boy too (unless he has converted by now to avoid that fate). As you can see, Georgie Boy has found another anti-Israel site that will now become one of his favorites and he will continue to pull up the same stuff from it ad nauseam as is his practice. No doubt Georgie boy is comatose when it comes to the millions and millions who have been killed by Muslims. Their lives mean nothing to him because the Jews weren't involved for him to blame. Perhaps Georgie Boy should start pulling up stuff from this site since it would be right up his alley, and after all, birds of a feather stick together, especially when it comes to hatred of the Jews.
Elder of Ziyon: Muslim site explains why hating Jews is important
Israel is a sovereign nation that has the right to resolve property disputes. They are not beholden to internet anti-Semites who think they can lie, mislead or defame Israel out of existence.

Exactly, neither should Israel worry about the rest of the world's opinion of its internal property disputes anyway. I wouldn't like other countries meddling in my country's internal affairs. I would tell them where they can stick their nose and likewise where anyone on an internet forum criticizing my country can stick their nose too.

Why is it that only your ilk considers other races to be inferior? Please explain what makes you superior. :cuckoo:
You're confusing me with a Jew:

"The earlier influence of fundamentalist Rabbi Abraham Kook (1865-1935), or Kuk, was significant. He preached Jewish supremacy and said: 'The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews -- all of them in all different levels -- is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.'"

Possibly your ilk should learn to moo

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
Oh look, Bloodrock, Georgie Boy is back with Rabbi Kook again. Meanwhile, you will notice that Georgie Boy closes his eyes to the Muslim clerics calling for the death of all Infidels, and that means Georgie Boy too (unless he has converted by now to avoid that fate). As you can see, Georgie Boy has found another anti-Israel site that will now become one of his favorites and he will continue to pull up the same stuff from it ad nauseam as is his practice. No doubt Georgie boy is comatose when it comes to the millions and millions who have been killed by Muslims. Their lives mean nothing to him because the Jews weren't involved for him to blame. Perhaps Georgie Boy should start pulling up stuff from this site since it would be right up his alley, and after all, birds of a feather stick together, especially when it comes to hatred of the Jews.
Elder of Ziyon: Muslim site explains why hating Jews is important
Just for you, Bigot:

"In the book Jewish History, Jewish Religion, by Israel Shahak (1933-2001), it is argued that while Islamic fundamentalism is vilified in the West, comparable Jewish extremism is largely ignored.

"In the book's foreword, Edward Said wrote: '... Shahak's mode of telling the truth has always been rigorous and uncompromising. There is nothing seductive about it, no attempt made to put it 'nicely,' no effort expended on making the truth palatable... For Shahak killing is murder is killing is murder: his manner is to repeat.

"'(He) shows that the obscure, narrowly chauvinist prescriptions against various undesirable Others are to be found in Judaism (as in other monotheistic religions) but he always goes on to show the continuity between those and the way Israel treats Palestinians, Christians and other non-Jews. A devastating portrait of prejudice, hypocrisy and religious intolerance emerges.'"

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
You're confusing me with a Jew:

"The earlier influence of fundamentalist Rabbi Abraham Kook (1865-1935), or Kuk, was significant. He preached Jewish supremacy and said: 'The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews -- all of them in all different levels -- is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.'"

Possibly your ilk should learn to moo

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
Oh look, Bloodrock, Georgie Boy is back with Rabbi Kook again. Meanwhile, you will notice that Georgie Boy closes his eyes to the Muslim clerics calling for the death of all Infidels, and that means Georgie Boy too (unless he has converted by now to avoid that fate). As you can see, Georgie Boy has found another anti-Israel site that will now become one of his favorites and he will continue to pull up the same stuff from it ad nauseam as is his practice. No doubt Georgie boy is comatose when it comes to the millions and millions who have been killed by Muslims. Their lives mean nothing to him because the Jews weren't involved for him to blame. Perhaps Georgie Boy should start pulling up stuff from this site since it would be right up his alley, and after all, birds of a feather stick together, especially when it comes to hatred of the Jews.
Elder of Ziyon: Muslim site explains why hating Jews is important
Just for you, Bigot:

"In the book Jewish History, Jewish Religion, by Israel Shahak (1933-2001), it is argued that while Islamic fundamentalism is vilified in the West, comparable Jewish extremism is largely ignored.

"In the book's foreword, Edward Said wrote: '... Shahak's mode of telling the truth has always been rigorous and uncompromising. There is nothing seductive about it, no attempt made to put it 'nicely,' no effort expended on making the truth palatable... For Shahak killing is murder is killing is murder: his manner is to repeat.

"'(He) shows that the obscure, narrowly chauvinist prescriptions against various undesirable Others are to be found in Judaism (as in other monotheistic religions) but he always goes on to show the continuity between those and the way Israel treats Palestinians, Christians and other non-Jews. A devastating portrait of prejudice, hypocrisy and religious intolerance emerges.'"

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
Georgie Boy, just whom do you think you are kidding? I think by now any person with half a brain can figure out that you are bigoted against the Jews. Meanwhile, folks, as you can see when all else fails, the bigots like Georgie Boy drag up this Shahak once again -- a man who was a Communist and who was against all religions. I am willing to bet that Georgie Boy hasn't read any of the rebuttals to Shahak's work. It's really amusing how the Jew haters like Georgie Boy find out about their favorite Jews from the hate sites. None of us would have ever heard of this Shahak guy if haters like Georgie Boy didn't drag them up in the first place. Does anyone actually think that previously before he started reading the hate sites that someone like Georgie Boy would have heard of Shahak? Gosh, even Stormfront.com mentions Shahak, and we all know that the White Supremacists and skinheads who read and post on that site wouldn't look too favorably on someone like Georgie Boy.

But you have my permission to pretend that you give a shit about the mythical creature known as "international 'law'" if that will make you happy.


What is this thing?

International law?

Where does this thing reside?

In the hearts and minds of spam.

I have heard some very intelligent people (many of whom I know well, admire greatly and respect) speak warmly about international law.

I just chuckle.

International law doesn't pass the sniff test as "law" by any meaningful definition, in my estimation.

Au contraire. International Law is honored when it benefits you.

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