Zipped lips...


If he can't grab one, he grabs the other:

Looks like Weinstein's another Democrat serial rapist. Three women have come forward and have accused him of rape. So, it isn't a 'sexual harassment' issue. It's a rape issue. It shouldn't be surprising to anyone that he's so close to the Clintons.
Gee, I wonder if propaganda channel Fox News showed those photos of the Trumps partying with Weinstein...

Faux News excels at the lie of omission.
Fox News was just showing Weinstein with the Obamas and the Clintons at Hollywood parties and functions. They are all the same evil, degenerate pile of hog crap.

I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.
What do you expect from them?

Birds of a feather have to protect each other.
Fox News was just showing Weinstein with the Obamas and the Clintons at Hollywood parties and functions. They are all the same evil, degenerate pile of hog crap.
I saw Schumer there as well. quite a few photo ops. he was the libs left hand man.
What do you expect from them?

Birds of a feather have to protect each other.
Fox News was just showing Weinstein with the Obamas and the Clintons at Hollywood parties and functions. They are all the same evil, degenerate pile of hog crap.
I saw Schumer there as well. quite a few photo ops. he was the libs left hand man.

"I moved on her like a bitch. And she was married!"
Fox News was just showing Weinstein with the Obamas and the Clintons at Hollywood parties and functions. They are all the same evil, degenerate pile of hog crap.

I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.
just as Weinstein did. eh? he took it ten times this quote. Ain't it funny the irony of who the clintons party with? And Chuckie boy and obummer. you post that like you're proud of him. thanks,
Im not fine with either. The left defends them though.

always and make excuses like they do it too

what a bunch of assholes
as are they that support the moron grabber of pussy

So you think it’s okay for Clinton, the woman that claims to champion women’s causes to go silent and because she does, we need to then go after Trump for his stand and not go after her? Lol!
clinton has done more for womens causes than trump could do in 2 lifetimes and as far as I know why go after her ,a private citizen when there's so much republican scum to bash ?

She has done nothing but make womens lives exponentially worse all the while accepting donations from a sexual predator.
Fox News was just showing Weinstein with the Obamas and the Clintons at Hollywood parties and functions. They are all the same evil, degenerate pile of hog crap.

Here's Steve Bannon at a function with Harvey Weinstein.

Yep. But the 'Conservatives' celebrate Nugent. LOL They are fine with child rapists that have lots of guns and support the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
Didn't Jerry Lee Lewis marry Myra Gale Brown while she was 13? hmmmmmmm
Suppose the Dems get the House and Senate in 2018. It takes only a majority in the House for Impeachment. And 66 in the Senate for conviction. Now, suppose the Dems have 55, then only 11 GOP needed to convict. How many of the Senators has the treasonous fat senile old orange clown deeply insulted? LOL
IF DEMS get the house and senate Trump is dead meat
dems down 1034 seats +

not likely troll boy

Ivanka, Jared, The Donald, Bannon. All the same evil, degenerate pile of hog crap. With zipped lips.

Faux News is also zipped.
Is anyone really shocked a pussy grabber who moves on married women like bitches hung around the likes of Harvey Weinstein?

Birds of a of a pile.

Is anyone really shocked that Fox News failed to mention this?
What do you expect from them?

Birds of a feather have to protect each other.
Fox News was just showing Weinstein with the Obamas and the Clintons at Hollywood parties and functions. They are all the same evil, degenerate pile of hog crap.
I saw Schumer there as well. quite a few photo ops. he was the libs left hand man.

"I moved on her like a bitch. And she was married!"
So dude, that all came out before the election and he is president. it didn't matter he said it. there was no evidence it happened. no one was coming forward about harassment. This Weinstein piece of crap had ten times worse behavior. Harassment. mental anguish, actual lawsuits. He paid out on.
Is anyone really shocked a pussy grabber who moves on married women like bitches hung around the likes of Harvey Weinstein?

Birds of a of a pile.

Is anyone really shocked that Fox News failed to mention this?
Funny it didn't matter eh as NBC attempted to interfere in our election. Right?

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