Zogby Poll: Biden underperforming with black voters MORE than Obama and Clinton did


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.


Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.

Wait until he choose Harris as V.P, that number will go down 7-10%. You heard it here first.

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.
If Trump has doubled his support from black voters, that should bring his numbers up to 36 or 37 black voters. MAGA!!

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.
If Trump has doubled his support from black voters, that should bring his numbers up to 36 or 37 black voters. MAGA!!
Nope. He got 8% in 2016, the poll has him at 14%
Here we go with some alt right bullshit from brietbart.

trump won't be getting 14 percent of the black vote. Funny how suddenly polls count. Biden is beating trump in almost every poll. Come election day not many blacks are going to be voting to maintain symbols of the confederacy.

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.
If Trump has doubled his support from black voters, that should bring his numbers up to 36 or 37 black voters. MAGA!!
I dont know if zogby is having a lucid moment or pulling a scam as usual

but biden needs all the black votes he can get
Here we go with some alt right bullshit from brietbart.

trump won't be getting 14 percent of the black vote. Funny how suddenly polls count. Biden is beating trump in almost every poll. Come election day not many blacks are going to be voting to maintain symbols of the confederacy.
So blacks are going to go to the polls and elect the man who wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill? The legislation that single handedly put more blacks in prison than any other piece of legislation ever passed? Are they REALLY that clueless, IM2? :)

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.

Sigh...Find another polling org that doesn't have less credibility than Rasmussen...which, now that you mention it....

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.

Zogby is not a real poll. No one including Republicans believe that horse manure.
Here we go with some alt right bullshit from brietbart.

trump won't be getting 14 percent of the black vote. Funny how suddenly polls count. Biden is beating trump in almost every poll. Come election day not many blacks are going to be voting to maintain symbols of the confederacy.
So blacks are going to go to the polls and elect the man who wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill? The legislation that single handedly put more blacks in prison than any other piece of legislation ever passed? Are they REALLY that clueless, IM2? :)

Missed in the absolute clusterfuck that was the Trump administration's response to COVID-19 and all the Bravo Sierra that came after...is what happened on Super Tuesday. I know. A political lifetime ago. Biden runs the table that day. Because, quite frankly, he carried the African-American vote. And the corner is turned. Sanders, Warren, Klobuchar are all gone within a week. Game, set, match. And you want to hark back to a 1994 crime bill? Yikes. USA's eternal "War on Drugs" ring a bell for you?

So yes. I believe African-Americans will go to the polls for Joe Biden. What have they got to lose? (by voting for Trump)...given the last couple of months?..a lot.
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Here we go with some alt right bullshit from brietbart.

trump won't be getting 14 percent of the black vote. Funny how suddenly polls count. Biden is beating trump in almost every poll. Come election day not many blacks are going to be voting to maintain symbols of the confederacy.
So blacks are going to go to the polls and elect the man who wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill? The legislation that single handedly put more blacks in prison than any other piece of legislation ever passed? Are they REALLY that clueless, IM2? :)

So blacks are going to vote for a man who doesn't care about police brutality against a black man? Are you really that clueless?
IF Trump cannot carry the states he did last cycle it won't matter. Kanye voting for trump won;t matter.

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.
When the left starts to see rappers and former gang-bangers changing sides to Trump, they start sweating. More and more are on to their divisive tactics and anti-freedom goals.

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.
Zogby sucks.

Trump promotes Zogby poll inflating his approval rating by 10 points
zogby polls review from www.vox.com
Aug 23, 2019 · Zogby's poll in an extreme outlier. A CNN survey released on Wednesday pegged Trump's approval rating at ...
Video result for zogby polls review29:35
Zogby Campaign Polling
Oct 12, 2008
Video result for zogby polls review5:42
Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll | C-SPAN.org
The various groups that do polls on voters, do so within the sphere of those supporting the candidates the groups favor. So, when you see polls indicating that Trump is doing great, those doing the polls are focusing primarily in areas that are primarily republican regions and when you see polls reflecting that Biden is doing great, those groups are focusing in areas dominated by Democrats.
CNN, in the past, has acknowledged that.
So, no matter what you or I hear, the only poll that matters, is the one in the voters booth.

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.

Zogby is not a real poll. No one including Republicans believe that horse manure.

What is a “real” poll? Who defines a “real” poll? Zogby has been around for a long time. Further, look deeper into the Zogby Family; in particular, Zogby’s brother. Very active Democrats and hardly Trump supporters.

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.

Wait until he choose Harris as V.P, that number will go down 7-10%. You heard it here first.

No, it's been said before.

Yep, who knew an old white guy who is also a racist from his past comments wouldn't enthuse black voters! I don't think picking a black female VP is really gonna help him ENOUGH to beat Trump either seeing how Trump has almost doubled his support among black voters according to the poll.

True black lives don't want dementia and under-achievement anywhere near them.

The Biden tactic of handling the situation is to promise reparations - to piss of white voters as well.

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