Zuckerberg: 700K Job Openings if DACA ends

I hate that motherfucker. Here's something his sister tweeted, she hates white people...it runs in the family
There is nothing compassionate about the failure to enforce immigration laws,

It is an aggressive attack on both nationhood and democracy to refuse to enforce immigration laws passed by the citizens. The elites who have taken power are moving to replace the citizens who might oppose them and they dont give a damn what laws you try to pass.
I hate that motherfucker. Here's something his sister tweeted, she hates white people...it runs in the family
View attachment 147645

Have you seen her attack on western lierature? When people tell you they are interested in the Greek or Roman classics she says you should "point out that such ideas are a slippery slope to white supremacy."
These bergs and steins are interested in only one thing. Your destruction.

And now that the ignorant Democrat dupes, rampaging for food stamps, have attacked Confederate statues she readies for Washington and Jefferson memorials...

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I hate that motherfucker. Here's something his sister tweeted, she hates white people...it runs in the family
View attachment 147645

Have you seen her attack on western lierature? When people tell you they are interested in the Greek or Roman classics she says you should "point out that such ideas are a slippery slope to white supremacy."
These bergs and steins are interested in only one thing. Your destruction.

And now that the ignorant Democrat dupes have attacked Confederate statues she readies for Washington and Jefferson memorials...

View attachment 147658

News to me but I'm not surprised. Marxbook banned me for saying 'die commie' but wouldn't even remove the graphic child abuse video I reported.
I hate that motherfucker. Here's something his sister tweeted, she hates white people...it runs in the family
View attachment 147645

Here is the full anti-white anti-American poem she so admired

Since you mention it, I think I will start that race war.

I could’ve swung either way? But now I’m definitely spending
the next 4 years converting your daughters to lesbianism;
I’m gonna eat all your guns. Swallow them lock stock and barrel
and spit bullet casings onto the dinner table;

I’ll give birth to an army of mixed-race babies.
With fathers from every continent and genders to outnumber the stars,
my legion of multiracial babies will be intersectional as fuck
and your swastikas will not be enough to save you,

because real talk, you didn’t stop the future from coming.
You just delayed our coronation.
We have the same deviant haircuts we had yesterday;
we are still getting gay-married like nobody’s business
because it’s still nobody’s business;
there’s a Muslim kid in Kansas who has already written the schematic
for the robot that will steal your job in manufacturing,
and that robot? Will also be gay, so get used to it:

we didn’t manifest the mountain by speaking its name,
the buildings here are not on your side just because
you make them spray-painted accomplices.
These walls do not have genders and they all think you suck.
Even the earth found common cause with us
the way you trample us both,

oh yeah: there will be signs, and rainbow-colored drum circles,
and folks arguing ideology until even I want to punch them
but I won’t, because they’re my family,
in that blood-of-the-covenant sense.
If you’ve never loved someone like that
you cannot outwaltz us, we have all the good dancers anyway.

I’ll confess I don’t know if I’m alive right now;
I haven’t heard my heart beat in days,
I keep holding my breath for the moment the plane goes down
and I have to save enough oxygen to get my friends through.
But I finally found the argument against suicide and it’s us.
We’re the effigies that haunt America’s nights harder
the longer they spend burning us,
we are scaring the shit out of people by spreading,
by refusing to die: what are we but a fire?
We know everything we do is so the kids after us
will be able to follow something towards safety;
what can I call us but lighthouse,

of course I’m terrified. Of course I’m a shroud.
And of course it’s not fair but rest assured,
anxious America, you brought your fists to a glitter fight.
This is a taco truck rally and all you have is cole slaw.
You cannot deport our minds; we won’t
hold funerals for our potential. We have always been
what makes America great.
I hate that motherfucker. Here's something his sister tweeted, she hates white people...it runs in the family
View attachment 147645

Here is the full anti-white anti-American poem she so admired

Since you mention it, I think I will start that race war.

I could’ve swung either way? But now I’m definitely spending
the next 4 years converting your daughters to lesbianism;
I’m gonna eat all your guns. Swallow them lock stock and barrel
and spit bullet casings onto the dinner table;

I’ll give birth to an army of mixed-race babies.
With fathers from every continent and genders to outnumber the stars,
my legion of multiracial babies will be intersectional as fuck
and your swastikas will not be enough to save you,

because real talk, you didn’t stop the future from coming.
You just delayed our coronation.
We have the same deviant haircuts we had yesterday;
we are still getting gay-married like nobody’s business
because it’s still nobody’s business;
there’s a Muslim kid in Kansas who has already written the schematic
for the robot that will steal your job in manufacturing,
and that robot? Will also be gay, so get used to it:

we didn’t manifest the mountain by speaking its name,
the buildings here are not on your side just because
you make them spray-painted accomplices.
These walls do not have genders and they all think you suck.
Even the earth found common cause with us
the way you trample us both,

oh yeah: there will be signs, and rainbow-colored drum circles,
and folks arguing ideology until even I want to punch them
but I won’t, because they’re my family,
in that blood-of-the-covenant sense.
If you’ve never loved someone like that
you cannot outwaltz us, we have all the good dancers anyway.

I’ll confess I don’t know if I’m alive right now;
I haven’t heard my heart beat in days,
I keep holding my breath for the moment the plane goes down
and I have to save enough oxygen to get my friends through.
But I finally found the argument against suicide and it’s us.
We’re the effigies that haunt America’s nights harder
the longer they spend burning us,
we are scaring the shit out of people by spreading,
by refusing to die: what are we but a fire?
We know everything we do is so the kids after us
will be able to follow something towards safety;
what can I call us but lighthouse,

of course I’m terrified. Of course I’m a shroud.
And of course it’s not fair but rest assured,
anxious America, you brought your fists to a glitter fight.
This is a taco truck rally and all you have is cole slaw.
You cannot deport our minds; we won’t
hold funerals for our potential. We have always been
what makes America great.

Modern age white europeans are the new 1940s jews, and people think I'm crazy for being alt-right.

that isn't what he said and wasn't his meaning.

triumptards aren't smart enough for those jobs anyway.

maybe Vladimir will send them some of his people.

That was exactly what the report said.

"in total, if DACA is revoked, nearly 700,000 individuals who are currently employed and contributing as a productive part of the American would be stripped of their ability to work and could be fired over the course of the next two years."

In other words almost 10% of the unemployed in America are there because of being replaced by foreigners. And this did not happen by accident.

no. it isn't. and your "source" is not a source./ or the actual Vox article would have been posted.

So you dont refute and cant refute. You can muddy the waters about a "source"...without actually denying it right? I didnt give a source. You dont need one. The report is available to you if you want to read it...which you dont and hope nobody else does either. I quoted directly from the report itself. Play around with your secondary sources all you like. I used a primary source. Vox is not a primary source so why you would reach in and pull that out I dont know.
That was a good effort to make something you couldn't deny look suspect though. For that you get another gold star!

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Trump's landmark, election-winning immigration speech, 8/31/16: ENFORCEMENT 1ST! We can't even discuss amnesty until we have a wall!

if i hear one more republican say "border security" instead of "Wall", i'm gonna SCREAM!
Nussbaum...what kind of name is that? Scottish?
Blue Blood Is the Mortal Enemy of Blue Collar

Birth class is important, not ethnicity. The Kennedys have nothing in common with working-class Irish-Americans.

OK. Let it be so. I can agree with you that elites are elites are elites. This last election was a rebellion against the elites in the media, in Hollywood, in big business and even in the Republican Party.
And I will tell you something. That is the real reason Trump is hated. He is seen as a traitor to his class by the elites. They don't mind lip service to the working class but to actually side with them against their elite born-to-rule class? Their hatred is white hot because of that.
The Bigger They Come, the Harder They Fall

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up those spoiled little pukes. Those born in the White working class must abolish all hereditary wealth, positioning, and influence. Richkids get in our way and must be run over..

Sounds like the populist rumblings that scare them silly.
Redcoats and Redskins

It scared the herditary snobs in 18th Century England silly, too. By not abolishing birth privileges at the very start, we've let our own Tories take over. The Preppies should have at least thrown us a bone. Instead, they threw us Skull & Bones.
I hate that motherfucker. Here's something his sister tweeted, she hates white people...it runs in the family
View attachment 147645

Here is the full anti-white anti-American poem she so admired

Since you mention it, I think I will start that race war.

I could’ve swung either way? But now I’m definitely spending
the next 4 years converting your daughters to lesbianism;
I’m gonna eat all your guns. Swallow them lock stock and barrel
and spit bullet casings onto the dinner table;

I’ll give birth to an army of mixed-race babies.
With fathers from every continent and genders to outnumber the stars,
my legion of multiracial babies will be intersectional as fuck
and your swastikas will not be enough to save you,

because real talk, you didn’t stop the future from coming.
You just delayed our coronation.
We have the same deviant haircuts we had yesterday;
we are still getting gay-married like nobody’s business
because it’s still nobody’s business;
there’s a Muslim kid in Kansas who has already written the schematic
for the robot that will steal your job in manufacturing,
and that robot? Will also be gay, so get used to it:

we didn’t manifest the mountain by speaking its name,
the buildings here are not on your side just because
you make them spray-painted accomplices.
These walls do not have genders and they all think you suck.
Even the earth found common cause with us
the way you trample us both,

oh yeah: there will be signs, and rainbow-colored drum circles,
and folks arguing ideology until even I want to punch them
but I won’t, because they’re my family,
in that blood-of-the-covenant sense.
If you’ve never loved someone like that
you cannot outwaltz us, we have all the good dancers anyway.

I’ll confess I don’t know if I’m alive right now;
I haven’t heard my heart beat in days,
I keep holding my breath for the moment the plane goes down
and I have to save enough oxygen to get my friends through.
But I finally found the argument against suicide and it’s us.
We’re the effigies that haunt America’s nights harder
the longer they spend burning us,
we are scaring the shit out of people by spreading,
by refusing to die: what are we but a fire?
We know everything we do is so the kids after us
will be able to follow something towards safety;
what can I call us but lighthouse,

of course I’m terrified. Of course I’m a shroud.
And of course it’s not fair but rest assured,
anxious America, you brought your fists to a glitter fight.
This is a taco truck rally and all you have is cole slaw.
You cannot deport our minds; we won’t
hold funerals for our potential. We have always been
what makes America great.
Rich girl whistling in the dark shadow of the guillotine.
I hate that motherfucker. Here's something his sister tweeted, she hates white people...it runs in the family
View attachment 147645
Skank Is the New Swank, Eek! Is the New Chic, The Pits is the New Ritz

I wonder if anyone else looked at this and thought, like I did, "at least comb your hair skank".
She paid hundreds of dollars to some fruitician to give her that "strung-out crack ho" look.
Nussbaum...what kind of name is that? Scottish?
Blue Blood Is the Mortal Enemy of Blue Collar

Birth class is important, not ethnicity. The Kennedys have nothing in common with working-class Irish-Americans.

OK. Let it be so. I can agree with you that elites are elites are elites. This last election was a rebellion against the elites in the media, in Hollywood, in big business and even in the Republican Party.
And I will tell you something. That is the real reason Trump is hated. He is seen as a traitor to his class by the elites. They don't mind lip service to the working class but to actually side with them against their elite born-to-rule class? Their hatred is white hot because of that.
The Bigger They Come, the Harder They Fall

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up those spoiled little pukes. Those born in the White working class must abolish all hereditary wealth, positioning, and influence. Richkids get in our way and must be run over..

Sounds like the populist rumblings that scare them silly.
Redcoats and Redskins

It scared the herditary snobs in 18th Century England silly, too. By not abolishing birth privileges at the very start, we've let our own Tories take over. The Preppies should have at least thrown us a bone. Instead, they threw us Skull & Bones.

I will tell you the truth. I find populism terrifying. But not as terrifying as the marxist coup being attempted now.
You know what is amazing? How the mask suddenly slipped. A teachable moment and I have certainly pointed it out to my kids. For years the elites gave that condescending smirk and said "who me" as they kept their thumbs on whoever was in power. Their sudden loss of power disoriented and panicked them. As you say they fear the pitchforks now. They have dropped all pretense and the Zuckerbergs and Goldsteins and Cohens and Buffets and Gates dont even care if you see them fighting the American people. They figure they cant afford to lose...and if they win they can go back to saying "who me..I never did that".

Teaching gender studies and eliminating western literature has one unintended consequence...these people have no idea what happened to Weimar Germany. Thats OK. They are about to find out.
It scared the herditary snobs in 18th Century England silly, too. By not abolishing birth privileges at the very start, we've let our own Tories take over. The Preppies should have at least thrown us a bone. Instead, they threw us Skull & Bones.

The hatred of Trump is so intense because they see him as a traitor to his class. A fellow billionaire who sides with people rather than elites. For them all is excusable except that.
Trump's landmark, election-winning immigration speech, 8/31/16: ENFORCEMENT 1ST! We can't even discuss amnesty until we have a wall!


And I think we have proven, re the title of this thread, that yes the report did admit that 10% of American unemployment is attributable to the foreign democrat voters brought in.

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