Zuckerberg hearing thread

Day 2 of Old People Who Know Nothing About Facebook Asking Questions About Facebook
Zuckerberg's a slimy Democrat asshole. Nuff said on that. And now, Big Brother's gonna rescue us again... By censoring and spying on us more on Social Media. He knows what's best for us. :(
Zuckerberg's a slimy Democrat asshole. Nuff said on that. And now, Big Brother's gonna rescue us again... By censoring and spying on us more on Social Media. He knows what's best for us. :(
Actually the senate wrote a bill after the hearing, something about a consumer privacy law for all encompassing netnerds..
Zuckerberg's a slimy Democrat asshole. Nuff said on that. And now, Big Brother's gonna rescue us again... By censoring and spying on us more on Social Media. He knows what's best for us. :(
Actually the senate wrote a bill after the hearing, something about a consumer privacy law for all encompassing netnerds..

Big Brother wants in. But hey, it's for our own good. It always is. ;)
Zuckerberg says his personal data was included in data sold to "malicious third parties."
"Congressman asks a good question about how many apps that Facebook has to investigate for misuse of user data. Zuckerberg: There are tens of thousand of apps that had access to large amounts of data prior to shutting down connections in 2014. Bad actors will be audited."
"Mr. Zuckerberg has a long list of growth and success, but he also has a long list of apologies after apologies. This is proof to me that self-regulation does not work. We need action from Congress." - Wacky Jan Schackowsky
I want to know why Zuckerberg, a white democrat, is censoring Diamond and Silk, two amazing black women.
"Facebook and other tech companies are engaged in a pervasive pattern of bias and political censorship." — Lyin Ted


Ted's questions were awesome.

And Zuckerborg is thoroughly insincere.

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I was waiting for the Mother Zucker to actually say, "at this time, what difference does it make?"
Basically it boils down to this he says he’s sorry about the data breach(he’s not) he says he respects the privacy of Facebook users (he doesn’t) he says they will fix the problems (they won’t) as soon as the media attention is gone it will be back to business as usual.
I get the distinct impression that Mr. Z will say or do whatever he has to say or do to get out of this situation, and then he will continue with the status quo.
I get the distinct impression that Mr. Z will say or do whatever he has to say or do to get out of this situation, and then he will continue with the status quo.
And he can say anything he wants and not be held responsible since he is not under oath

Don't bother asking him questions, just regulate the Zucker.
I get the distinct impression that Mr. Z will say or do whatever he has to say or do to get out of this situation, and then he will continue with the status quo.
And he can say anything he wants and not be held responsible since he is not under oath
Why do they waste everybody’s time with this if he’s not even compelled to tell the truth?
I get the distinct impression that Mr. Z will say or do whatever he has to say or do to get out of this situation, and then he will continue with the status quo.
And he can say anything he wants and not be held responsible since he is not under oath

It's frustrating, because I have friends that I made over forty years ago, and our only regular contact is Facebook. Closer friends and family, it doesn't matter so much as we're in every other kind of contact anyway. But people from church back in the early seventies? Yeah. I'm not wanting to let go of that particular tenuous thread.
I get the distinct impression that Mr. Z will say or do whatever he has to say or do to get out of this situation, and then he will continue with the status quo.
And he can say anything he wants and not be held responsible since he is not under oath
Why do they waste everybody’s time with this if he’s not even compelled to tell the truth?

Maybe that's the only way he'd agree to show up?

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