Zuckerberg hearing thread

Cliff note version: Zuckerborg says that Facebook supports free expression but not if some whingey snowflake complains that it makes Xyr feel unsafe. IOW, it is a Prog Politics Platform.
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"how come when it's a rich creep in Russia, they're an oligarch? But in America, you're just a visionary who founded facebook?" - Wacky Bill Maher
He sure drinks a lot of water. Remember when the left mocked Rubio for taking a sip of water?
What laws are broken by a company wanting to have ads go to certain people?

These democrats make me want to puke. I can't believe I'm in America anymore.

Not under oath, answering, or not answering, questions posed to him by people to whom he has donated copious amounts of money, promising new AI to help stifle the 1st amendment, deleting messages he sent from the recipients account before appearing before Congress, and he gets a booster seat...


All in all, a fine piece of Kabuki theater...
Zuck is going crazy on the stand now talking about A.I's controlling innocent people. And trying to help Fake News CNN by censoring Real News. Wow!
Now Zucky is circling around from answering yes or no. He's ridiculous. How did this multi-billionaire selling people's info away get away with so much!?
Senator Durbin asks Zuckerberg if he'd be comfortable sharing the name of the hotel he stayed in last night.

Zuckerberg: "Uh......no."

Durbin: "That might be what this is all about: your right to privacy."
What an insipid remark. One's reticence to share information such as the name of one's hotel, particularly a person such as Zuckerberg, need not have a damn thing to do with one's right to privacy.

Folks have their panties in a bunch about Facebook/Zuckerberg, but the fact of the matter is that Facebook (FB) users voluntarily provided the information they have.
  • Every FB user has to agree to the terms of use prior to establishing an account on FB. Some folks have said, "But most users don't actually read those terms."

    Well, um, whose fault is that? It damn sure isn't FB's or Zuckerberg's.
  • Nobody was forced to join FB, much less use and provide it in a way that allows data analysts to apply psychographic techniquest to one's use of FB.

    Who forced people to "put all their business" on FB and "run their mouths" on FB whenever they feel like it about whatever they feel like they want to blabber about? Not FB or Zuckerberg.
  • People are talking on news programs as though data mining and psychographics are something new. They are not. They just are things about which people have insisted on remaining in a state of denial about those tools and methods being actionable.
    People can sit in their caves, as it were, and say/think things like "it's just a theory," but social scientists know that description, discounting social science theory, is pure poppycock. They're certainly not going to waste their time trying to convince folks it's not "just a theory." They do the same thing I do; they say, "Okay, you just keep thinking that...." What else is there for them to do? They're not going to try to drag folks who have no better sense than to "kick and scream" about things they don't understand and who too won't bother to understand.
    Well, whose fault is it that FB users allowed themselves to be so ignorant? It's not FB's or Zuckerberg's.
    • Data mining has been around for as long as there has been data, and computer-supported applications of it have been around since about 1989/1990/. (Source) In other words, modern applications and implementations of data mining have been happening for over 20 years and now folks are suddenly shocked that their data has been mined by FB.

      Whose fault is it that those people have ignored "the writing on the wall" about "big data" for over 20 years? It's not FB's or Zuckerberg's.
    • Psychographics, or what business students (graduate and undergraduate) were taught is market segmentation and market analysis is not new. It's been around at least since the start of the 20th century.

      Whose fault is it that people have been oblivious to the basics of customer analysis for over a century, or for at least as long as there's been the Internet wherein can be found ample descriptions of market segmentation and how it's used? It's not FB's or Zuckerberg's.

      Whose fault is it that folks have for decades ignored (and thus failed to apply critical thinking skills) psychoanalytical principles/findings and failed to notice the consumer behavioral applications of them that have taken place over the past century and that are readily available on the Internet? It's not FB's or Zuckerberg's.
In consideration of the above, it's clear to me that all this griping about FB and Zuckerberg is nothing other folks (1) crying over "milk" individuals, not FB/Zuckerberg, spilt, as it were, (2) bemoaning the fact that they have been too damn indolent to "read the writing on the wall" that's been right in front of them, (3) crying foul because nobody dropped into their laps the information/knowledge they were too f*cking lazy to obtain for themselves, and (4) looking for someone to blame rather than looking in the goddamned mirror to the find the culprit. Pathetic!
Zuck is circling around like crazy. Almost there being on Crooked Hillary levels!
Funny how Hillary is only crooked and evil on the disgraceful BS and Hate GOP propaganda machine, super duper. She's been investigated a million times and nothing gets anywhere near a courtroom. But your s***machine never retracts Anything.
Zuck is circling around like crazy. Almost there being on Crooked Hillary levels!
Funny how Hillary is only crooked and evil on the disgraceful BS and Hate GOP propaganda machine, super duper. She's been investigated a million times and nothing gets anywhere near a courtroom. But your s***machine never retracts Anything.

So Uranium One is cool then? Wow!
Zuck is circling around like crazy. Almost there being on Crooked Hillary levels!
Funny how Hillary is only crooked and evil on the disgraceful BS and Hate GOP propaganda machine, super duper. She's been investigated a million times and nothing gets anywhere near a courtroom. But your s***machine never retracts Anything.

So Uranium One is cool then? Wow!
Absolutely s*******... Hillary had no control over it and the uranium went nowhere, despite your Mountain of garbage, Dupe.
I wonder if liberals really think the rest of America is going to put up with the likes of Suckerberg and the Mewler witch hunt?

Do they realize they've crossed the line?
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