0rwellian Trump: "What you're seeing..is not what is happening"

Believe me and not your lying eyes.

Only fools believe anything this Putin wannabe has to say. Ignorance is strength to the Trumpist.

We have never had a president that hates the truth and all democratic values as this moron. Trump may be a moron but he seems to have an insidious instinct for Orwellian principals.

Trumplicans knell to this false messiah of theirs while he takes this nation down the road to perdition.

People Are Comparing This Trump Quote to George Orwell

Nothing orwellian about him. In fact the whole Putin controls Trump thing is what requires doublethink. How else can one think Trump is giving Putin what he wants while supporting fracking and larger oil and gas exploration (which hurts Russia), supporting Ukraine (which hurts Russia), trying to strengthen NATO (which hurts Russia). and on and on.

Before you try to reference Orwell, ask yourself, where are the Thought Police? if you can't find them, then Orwell doesn't apply.
Putin's aim is to bring chaos and disruption to the US. To increase in-fighting and weaken us internally. Putin knows how to
manipulate Trump. How you can say Trump is trying to strengthen NATO when NATO is more torn and divided than at anytime in its 75 year history is beyond me

Trump's language is strictly Orwellian as his Administrations attempts to whitewash his meeting with Putin.

Democrats, fake news and the nincompoops that believe them are providing more chaos and disruption in America than Putin could ever hope for in his wildest dreams...
Believe me and not your lying eyes.

Only fools believe anything this Putin wannabe has to say. Ignorance is strength to the Trumpist.

We have never had a president that hates the truth and all democratic values as this moron. Trump may be a moron but he seems to have an insidious instinct for Orwellian principals.

Trumplicans knell to this false messiah of theirs while he takes this nation down the road to perdition.

People Are Comparing This Trump Quote to George Orwell

Nothing orwellian about him. In fact the whole Putin controls Trump thing is what requires doublethink. How else can one think Trump is giving Putin what he wants while supporting fracking and larger oil and gas exploration (which hurts Russia), supporting Ukraine (which hurts Russia), trying to strengthen NATO (which hurts Russia). and on and on.

Before you try to reference Orwell, ask yourself, where are the Thought Police? if you can't find them, then Orwell doesn't apply.
Putin's aim is to bring chaos and disruption to the US. To increase in-fighting and weaken us internally. Putin knows how to
manipulate Trump. How you can say Trump is trying to strengthen NATO when NATO is more torn and divided than at anytime in its 75 year history is beyond me

Trump's language is strictly Orwellian as his Administrations attempts to whitewash his meeting with Putin.

If anything Putin's agents fucked with DEMOCRATS, because they had shitty server security, and damaging (to them) information on said servers.

Trump is playing tough love with NATO. Making it stronger is his goal, not weaker.

And please give examples of Trump's orwellian speech.

No, spinning a meeting is not Orwellian. Claiming the meeting never existed while praising the results of the meeting would be orwellian.
Nothing orwellian about him. In fact the whole Putin controls Trump thing is what requires doublethink. How else can one think Trump is giving Putin what he wants while supporting fracking and larger oil and gas exploration (which hurts Russia), supporting Ukraine (which hurts Russia), trying to strengthen NATO (which hurts Russia). and on and on.

Before you try to reference Orwell, ask yourself, where are the Thought Police? if you can't find them, then Orwell doesn't apply.

Here are the only "thought police" running around.

(They're not Trumppanzees either)

Nothing orwellian about him. In fact the whole Putin controls Trump thing is what requires doublethink. How else can one think Trump is giving Putin what he wants while supporting fracking and larger oil and gas exploration (which hurts Russia), supporting Ukraine (which hurts Russia), trying to strengthen NATO (which hurts Russia). and on and on.

Before you try to reference Orwell, ask yourself, where are the Thought Police? if you can't find them, then Orwell doesn't apply.

Here are the only "thought police" running around.

(They're not Trumppanzees either)


They are wanna be Thought Police trainees.

To be the Thought Police requires being in power.
Believe me and not your lying eyes.

Only fools believe anything this Putin wannabe has to say. Ignorance is strength to the Trumpist.

We have never had a president that hates the truth and all democratic values as this moron. Trump may be a moron but he seems to have an insidious instinct for Orwellian principals.

Trumplicans knell to this false messiah of theirs while he takes this nation down the road to perdition.

People Are Comparing This Trump Quote to George Orwell

Nah, we celebrate raw intelligence, moral and biological fact, brilliance of the face of God, and indomitable love for family and country.

Some "truths" and "democratic values" we hate, in concert with our President, and the rest of epochs of our forefathers, include but are not limited to: transgender reeducation of our children, denial of biological fact, dismemberment of the unborn, destruction of the nuclear family, godlessness, equality of outcome, politically driven racism, Marxist-Leninist communism, Chavezism, identity politics, sedition and anti-constitutionalism.

I will raise your Orwell with one Paradise Lost:

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
~John Milton
Trump wants you to know while you saw him being servile to Putin, he was really being tough on him.

Just so you know. Tough. Bigly.
You liberals for right into Putin's plans.
i bet he was dancing with joy when he saw the first phase hat. Hell he probab!y helped knit a couple.
Another dim-witted comment from the crown prince of brainless and doltish posts.

Says the bed wetter so consumed with Trump hate he can't stop cutting and pasting leftist agitprop like an unemployed Brown Shirt in Nuremberg in 1926.

Don't worry bed wetter, the DNC will have a new cult of personality for you in a few months.


Orwell saw the future where words mean nothing. Trump wants the American people to buy into his false reality. Trumpists lemmings will follow Trump off the cliff. We need some kind of national deprogramming for the pathetic trumpist.
You're talking about a crowd that when shown evidence which is contrary to their beliefs, they become more entrenched in those beliefs. I say, "Fuck'em!" They're the minority. And they will be shown the door this fall.

This kind of dismissive attitude is exactly why Clinton lost. Republicans need to get serious about the dangers Donald represents. But so do Democrats. Democrats, for all their bellyaching, only see this as a partisan battle. And while they're fighting those partisan fights, they're ignoring the bigger picture just as much as Republicans who are backing Donald.
I am seeing insurmountable Trump victories... and they certainly are happening.

You are seeing Russians, flat earth... yes that isn't happening.
Orwell saw the future where words mean nothing. Trump wants the American people to buy into his false reality. Trumpists lemmings will follow Trump off the cliff. We need some kind of national deprogramming for the pathetic trumpist.
You're talking about a crowd that when shown evidence which is contrary to their beliefs, they become more entrenched in those beliefs. I say, "Fuck'em!" They're the minority. And they will be shown the door this fall.

This kind of dismissive attitude is exactly why Clinton lost. Republicans need to get serious about the dangers Donald represents. But so do Democrats. Democrats, for all their bellyaching, only see this as a partisan battle. And while they're fighting those partisan fights, they're ignoring the bigger picture just as much as Republicans who are backing Donald.
Listen, it is less dismissiveness then a realization that the hard core Trumper will support Trump no matter what he does. My words though are tame, if not downright innocuous, to what is said about Democrats and liberals by conservatives on this board and elsewhere. Democrats tried when they go low we go high. How did that work out?
Believe me and not your lying eyes.

Only fools believe anything this Putin wannabe has to say. Ignorance is strength to the Trumpist.

We have never had a president that hates the truth and all democratic values as this moron. Trump may be a moron but he seems to have an insidious instinct for Orwellian principals.

Trumplicans knell to this false messiah of theirs while he takes this nation down the road to perdition.

People Are Comparing This Trump Quote to George Orwell

Yes, keep calling us fools.
It worked so well the last time.

Independents worked well for you last time, fool.

You should check their numbers now.
Believe me and not your lying eyes.

Only fools believe anything this Putin wannabe has to say. Ignorance is strength to the Trumpist.

We have never had a president that hates the truth and all democratic values as this moron. Trump may be a moron but he seems to have an insidious instinct for Orwellian principals.

Trumplicans knell to this false messiah of theirs while he takes this nation down the road to perdition.

People Are Comparing This Trump Quote to George Orwell

Nah, we celebrate raw intelligence, moral and biological fact, brilliance of the face of God, and indomitable love for family and country.

Some "truths" and "democratic values" we hate, in concert with our President, and the rest of epochs of our forefathers, include but are not limited to: transgender reeducation of our children, denial of biological fact, dismemberment of the unborn, destruction of the nuclear family, godlessness, equality of outcome, politically driven racism, Marxist-Leninist communism, Chavezism, identity politics, sedition and anti-constitutionalism.

I will raise your Orwell with one Paradise Lost:

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
~John Milton

Nah, we celebrate raw intelligence, moral and biological fact, brilliance of the face of God, and indomitable love for family and country.

Perfect example of the thread premise. Thank you.

Trump exemplifies the opposite in every case.
Believe me and not your lying eyes.

Only fools believe anything this Putin wannabe has to say. Ignorance is strength to the Trumpist.

We have never had a president that hates the truth and all democratic values as this moron. Trump may be a moron but he seems to have an insidious instinct for Orwellian principals.

Trumplicans knell to this false messiah of theirs while he takes this nation down the road to perdition.

People Are Comparing This Trump Quote to George Orwell

Yes, keep calling us fools.
It worked so well the last time.

Independents worked well for you last time, fool.

You should check their numbers now.

Now I'm confused. Are the independents the fools?

I'm a Republican. I'm going to vote for all the Republicans, every time. Isn't that expected? Not foolish?
Believe me and not your lying eyes.

Only fools believe anything this Putin wannabe has to say. Ignorance is strength to the Trumpist.

We have never had a president that hates the truth and all democratic values as this moron. Trump may be a moron but he seems to have an insidious instinct for Orwellian principals.

Trumplicans knell to this false messiah of theirs while he takes this nation down the road to perdition.

People Are Comparing This Trump Quote to George Orwell

Yes, keep calling us fools.
It worked so well the last time.

Time for their medications I'm thinkin... :wink_2:

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Another absolutely inane Hillary deflection. Get off your Trump drug and deal with what Trump is saying, provided you are not afraid to face reality.
Believe me and not your lying eyes.

Only fools believe anything this Putin wannabe has to say. Ignorance is strength to the Trumpist.

We have never had a president that hates the truth and all democratic values as this moron. Trump may be a moron but he seems to have an insidious instinct for Orwellian principals.

Trumplicans knell to this false messiah of theirs while he takes this nation down the road to perdition.

People Are Comparing This Trump Quote to George Orwell

So what exactly is Trump saying, or you just having a moment and need a cuddle?

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