0th anniversary of VJ Day: Thank the atomic bomb for saving millions of lives

I have provided link after link chock-full of facts. I have provided quotations from key figures in the US military and government of the time. You just can't consider anything that might fall outside of a comfortable narrative you have unreflectively clung to all your life.
"the vibrant city of over a quarter of a million men, women and children was hardly “a military base.” Indeed, less than 10 percent of the individuals killed on Aug. 6, 1945, were Japanese military personnel."

"We find no evidence that anyone within the Truman administration undertook a formal legal analysis of the attack options in 1945. Nonetheless, intuitive moral concerns and background legal principles were often raised, especially by Stimson. But the archival record makes clear that such concerns were muted and rationalized away. Killing civilians was the primary purpose of the Hiroshima bombing. "
"The Interim Committee’s recommendation was an endorsement of terror bombing with a legal veneer.
At bottom, Stimson wanted to kill as many workers and their families possible. "
"the vibrant city of over a quarter of a million men, women and children was hardly “a military base.” Indeed, less than 10 percent of the individuals killed on Aug. 6, 1945, were Japanese military personnel."
10% of 140-180k is 14-18,000
That's as many as three Japanese army divisions.
Kinda defeated your own position there, bub.
"We find no evidence that anyone within the Truman administration undertook a formal legal analysis of the attack options in 1945
The US was in the business of destroying Japanese cities at the wholesale level since the B29s moved to Tinian in December 1944
Did anyone consider the legality of that?
If not, then why would anyone consider the "legality" of leveling Hiroshima?
If so, why would they reach a different conclusion re: Hiroshima?
At bottom, Stimson wanted to kill as many workers and their families possible. "
Your enemy's means of production is a legitimate strategic target.
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"the vibrant city of over a quarter of a million men, women and children was hardly “a military base.” Indeed, less than 10 percent of the individuals killed on Aug. 6, 1945, were Japanese military personnel."

10% of 140-180k is 14-18,000
That's as many as three Japanese army divisions.
Kinda defeated your own position there, bub.

And the actual number was over 20,000. So that means it was over 10%.

Notice, he can not actually refute any of the actual facts. So he just repeats himself and spam posts meaningless quotes over and over again.
"the vibrant city of over a quarter of a million men, women and children was hardly “a military base.” Indeed, less than 10 percent of the individuals killed on Aug. 6, 1945, were Japanese military personnel."

"Even today many people genuinely believe that the bomb was necessary to bring about a Japanese surrender and to avoid the need for an invasion of Japan by the US, which might have cost hundreds of thousands of lives. But extensive scholarly research in the US, using primary sources from the time, shows that this just wasn’t true."

"By the time the bomb was ready for use, Japan was ready to surrender. As General Dwight Eisenhower said, ‘Japan was at that very moment seeking some way to surrender with minimum loss of face. It was not necessary to hit them with that awful thing.’ "

"It was also claimed that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were legitimate military targets. Again, this just wasn’t true. ...In total, over 95 per cent of the combined casualties of the two cities were civilian."
"By the time the bomb was ready for use, Japan was ready to surrender. As General Dwight Eisenhower said, ‘Japan was at that very moment seeking some way to surrender with minimum loss of face. It was not necessary to hit them with that awful thing.’ "

First of all, how would Ike know that? He was in Europe, and as far as I am aware not talking to any of the Big Six.

Truth is, they had been rejecting the pleas of their own Soviet Ambassador to get serious about surrender before it was too late. The morning of the bombing they once again voted 6 to 0 to continue the war until the end. Their very own Prime Minister outright rejected the Potsdam Declaration, and said it would be ignored.

In fact, their own Soviet Ambassador was refused permission to even discuss any terms other than what the Big Six gave him permission to discuss. And that was not a thing like surrender, but a pro quo ante bellum. In other words, ending the war with a cease fire, and all combatants return to their December 1941 lines.

Ending the fighting and trying to pretend that everything after 8 December 1941 did not happen is not a "surrender". In fact, even when trying to propose those terms repeatedly, they still wanted the upper hand. With much of the territory they had captured being declared "demilitarized", and their own military patrolling it.

So anybody that tries to claim Japan was trying to "surrender" is an idiot, or lying. Because they were trying to do a reset and act like the war never happened.

Those are the facts. And once again, I know Poop Head can not refute actual facts, so he will just press not like yet again, and send yet another unfounded quote.
"Even today many people genuinely believe that the bomb was necessary to bring about a Japanese surrender and to avoid the need for an invasion of Japan by the US, which might have cost hundreds of thousands of lives. But extensive scholarly research in the US, using primary sources from the time, shows that this just wasn’t true."

"By the time the bomb was ready for use, Japan was ready to surrender. As General Dwight Eisenhower said, ‘Japan was at that very moment seeking some way to surrender with minimum loss of face. It was not necessary to hit them with that awful thing.’ "

"It was also claimed that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were legitimate military targets. Again, this just wasn’t true. ...In total, over 95 per cent of the combined casualties of the two cities were civilian."
"Even today many people genuinely believe that the bomb was necessary to bring about a Japanese surrender and to avoid the need for an invasion of Japan by the US, which might have cost hundreds of thousands of lives. But extensive scholarly research in the US, using primary sources from the time, shows that this just wasn’t true."
There's no need for the US, or anyone else, to justify nuking Japan.
They called down the thunder, and they got it.
10% of 140-180k is 14-18,000
That's as many as three Japanese army divisions.
Kinda defeated your own position there, bub.

The US was in the business of destroying Japanese cities at the wholesale level since the B29s moved to Tinian in December 1944
Did anyone consider the legality of that?
If not, then why would anyone consider the "legality" of leveling Hiroshima?
If so, why would they reach a different conclusion re: Hiroshima?

Your enemy's means of production is a legitimate strategic target.

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