0th anniversary of VJ Day: Thank the atomic bomb for saving millions of lives

77 years later and some are still parroting wartime propaganda and engaging in the conscious-soothing practice of dehumanizing an enemy that long ago became one of our staunchest allies. Weak-minded fools are so easy to manipulate.

And someone, like you, who didn't fight the Japanese on those islands can dictate from the future how those people should have dealt with the monsters of the Japanese military....
And someone, like you, who didn't fight the Japanese on those islands can dictate from the future how those people should have dealt with the monsters of the Japanese military....
Did you fight in WWII?
I keep posting links.
to no actual evidence the newspaper you cite has no actual facts backed up by any actual evidence. The supposed Mac letter you cannot link to and is nowhere to be found in the US Government archives. You cannot link to a single member of the Big 6 in Japan ever offering to surrender. I can and have linked to actual proof that all the Japanese Government offered was a ceasefire and return to 41 start lines.
So, you didn't fight in WWII but you are allowed to have an opinion?
You are allowed to have an alternate OPINION; you are not allowed to have alternate FACTS. You have no facts; you have opinions based upon statements of people who COULD have opposed the bombs at the time but decided not to.
You are allowed to have an alternate OPINION; you are not allowed to have alternate FACTS. You have no facts; you have opinions based upon statements of people who COULD have opposed the bombs at the time but decided not to.
I have provided link after link chock-full of facts. I have provided quotations from key figures in the US military and government of the time. You just can't consider anything that might fall outside of a comfortable narrative you have unreflectively clung to all your life.
I have provided link after link chock-full of facts. I have provided quotations from key figures in the US military and government of the time. You just can't consider anything that might fall outside of a comfortable narrative you have unreflectively clung to all your life.
You’ve provided links to revisionist history and officials that had no contemporary knowledge of events.
Revisionist history and a taste of what USAmerica haters would promote.
Note that the USA and UK bore the brunt of fighting and defeating Japan and the USSR only showed up after it was mostly done and over with, just to try and snatch what booty it could.

The Bomb Didn’t Beat Japan … Stalin Did​

Have decades of nuclear policy been based on a lie?​

BTW, this may be substance for a different thread topic.

The Bomb Didn’t Beat Japan … Stalin Did​

Yeah.... absolutely absurd.
Russia declared war 6 days before Japan surrendered.
The US destroyed Japan's cities, her ability to import fuel or food,, her navy, her air force -- AND dropped two atomic bombs...
... but the Soviet invasion of Manchuria forced the surrender.
Revisionist history and a taste of what USAmerica haters would promote.
Note that the USA and UK bore the brunt of fighting and defeating Japan and the USSR only showed up after it was mostly done and over with, just to try and snatch what booty it could.

The Bomb Didn’t Beat Japan … Stalin Did​

Have decades of nuclear policy been based on a lie?​

BTW, this may be substance for a different thread topic.

Interesting article. Too bad it fails to even mention the actual discussions of the actual leaders of Japan at the time.

Like claiming at the start they were about to surrender. Anybody that has researched the actual meetings of the Big Six knows that is a lie. The morning of the first bombing, they voted unanimously 6 to 0 to continue the war to the end, no matter what that would be.

And in their very meetings, they discussed the attack by the USSR, the two bombings by the US, and they had intelligence that stated the US had over 100 more bombs ready to go in days. And in their following discussions until they were deadlocked, that was their main obsession. They really did not consider the attack by the Soviets as big of a deal, as they were already in the process of evacuating their forces in Asia back to Japan.
Both were functioning military bases both had shipyards that were busy building kamikaze mini subs, boats and other weapons. Yamato was built in Hiroshima and Musashi was built in Nagasaki

Hiroshima was also the main command center and logistics base for the Southern Army. And of those in Hiroshima, 1 in 5 was military.

Not many cities have that high of a ratio of military to civilians, outside of major command and assembly bases.
Both were functioning military bases both had shipyards that were busy building kamikaze mini subs, boats and other weapons. Yamato was built in Hiroshima and Musashi was built in Nagasaki
No need to make excuses.
Japan chose to go to war with the US.
They asked for the thunder, and they got it.
Hiroshima was also the main command center and logistics base for the Southern Army. And of those in Hiroshima, 1 in 5 was military.

Not many cities have that high of a ratio of military to civilians, outside of major command and assembly bases.

And I am laughing, because poop head did not agree with that statement.

Tell me then poopie, was Hiroshima not the headquarters of the Second General Army? As well as the 59th Army and the 224th Division? As well as the 3rd Anti-Aircraft Division? Were over 20,000 soldiers of the IJA not killed there?

You did not like anything I just posted. But tell me, is what I just posted incorrect? Because I am not expressing opinions, simply facts. And hitting "dislike" on facts simply shows that you will ignore anything you do not like, and not even try to claim it is incorrect or inaccurate.

That is known as "being childish".

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