1,470 paid no taxes

It is amazing that Republicans are defending these tax cheats, but then run around shouting that more people need to pay more taxes.
The same old tired, "they are the ones that create jobs" is getting old. How many jobs did W's tax cuts create?

If the GOP puts a Tea Bagger on this commitee, then grid lock will once again prevail. They are only interested in cutting, cutting, and cutting.
It is amazing that Republicans are defending these tax cheats, but then run around shouting that more people need to pay more taxes.

Amazing - there's not a single part of your post that is correct...

You meant to do that, right?

I can't tell you how many times I heard Republicans clamor that more people need to pay taxes since only 47% pay income tax. They think that is wrong since these people do not have an investment in America.

However, when millionaires look to escape the income tax, they praise them.

The level of hypocrisy is astounding.
Robert Creamer: GOP Willing to Create Economic Catastrophe to Protect Tax Loopholes for CEO's Who Fly Corporate Jets

The Republicans seem to believe that the middle class should pay the entire bill to clean up the economic mess America's economic aristocracy created. That's just wrong.
But, they say, you wouldn't want to increase taxes on rich because they are the "job creators." Really?

In fact, of course, our great national experiment in cutting taxes for the rich was a colossal failure (except, of course, if you happen to be rich). In eight years following the Bush tax cuts, the economy created zero new net private sector jobs for the first time in recorded history -- zero.
As everyone who has taken Economics 101 knows, businesses and entrepreneurs do not hire new workers because they have more money in their bank accounts. If they did, they would be hiring millions of new workers right now, since corporate America is sitting on 1.6 trillion dollars of cash.
Tea Partiers and Conservatives believe that it is against the will of god and a crime to tax people. They believe that there is a magical pot of gold that will pay for all their wars and killing and stuff.

And jeebus is guarding it. While riding a unicorn.

links please?
It is amazing that Republicans are defending these tax cheats, but then run around shouting that more people need to pay more taxes.

Amazing - there's not a single part of your post that is correct...

You meant to do that, right?

I can't tell you how many times I heard Republicans clamor that more people need to pay taxes since only 47% pay income tax. They think that is wrong since these people do not have an investment in America.

However, when millionaires look to escape the income tax, they praise them.

The level of hypocrisy is astounding.

If you're upset that millionaires can afford the accountants that find them the deductions, then work on fixing the system that allows that... Simplify, simplify, simplify...

If you believe taxing the rich (whatever THAT means now) will pay for the vast spending spree that big gubmint wants to continue to perpetuate, then you really haven't thought through the problem...

Hypocrisy indeed....
Willow Tree should be irate

She hates the 47% who do not pay taxes

Funny because she's one of them.
I assume you can provide a link to a copy of her tax return?

I would not mind seeing a few of those tax returns. If what those millionaires did was legal and they filed accurate returns using loopholes that our government established why do liberals blame them?

How many of us on this site do not use every exemption/credit we can find each and every year when we file our returns? I know I look for every one I can get.

IRS: 1,470 millionaires paid no income tax in '09 - On Deadline - USATODAY.com

That merans they are not helping their country at a time of need.

What kind of American doesnt help their country in a time of great need?
Americans who put their personal priorities above that of the nation. However, I don't fault them. I fault those that made the tax laws.

and those that defend the unfair nature of these taxes. The one thing that has to come out of this "super committee" is concrete changes in the tax code to get rid of obscene advantages that many enjoy.
I agree, but I wouldn't count on it. These bipartisan committees have a terrible reputation for making recommendations that go nowhere.
If the GOP puts a Tea Bagger on this commitee, then grid lock will once again prevail. They are only interested in cutting, cutting, and cutting.

$130,412 owed by each and every taxpayer...and that goes up every damn day. Not enough for you?

You do realize that nobody is cutting anything. Even if this committee does what it's supposed to, it will only result in a slightly less dramatic increase in spending. We'll still increase the debt by AT LEAST eight trillion dollars over the next decade. That's not cutting shit. That's guaranteed bankruptcy.

Just wait until after 2012. Then you'll see cutting. Unless of course you have some magic beans that will pay off this debt???
It is amazing that Republicans are defending these tax cheats, but then run around shouting that more people need to pay more taxes.

I am just curious but have you seen their tax returns?

Do you have any legitimate reason to call them tax cheats?

Do you realize that someone that has a net worth of over 1 million dollars is a millionaire but may not have a single dollar of "earned income" in a given year? If I were given a million dollars I would not have to work another day in my life. Hell, $500k would do it for me.

Oh, wait, many liberals think that if you have money then it should be confiscated from you without regard to tax laws. They seem to think that anyone with more dollars than they have should have to give up all they have for the benefit of those who don't have. Are you one of those?

It is amazing that Republicans are defending these tax cheats, but then run around shouting that more people need to pay more taxes.

I am just curious but have you seen their tax returns?

Do you have any legitimate reason to call them tax cheats?

Do you realize that someone that has a net worth of over 1 million dollars is a millionaire but may not have a single dollar of "earned income" in a given year? If I were given a million dollars I would not have to work another day in my life. Hell, $500k would do it for me.

Oh, wait, many liberals think that if you have money then it should be confiscated from you without regard to tax laws. They seem to think that anyone with more dollars than they have should have to give up all they have for the benefit of those who don't have. Are you one of those?

A survey done by CNN found that people who cheat on their taxes generally have the same income levels as those who don't. Not surprising, those who cheat on their taxes cheat their employers, spouses, and customers. The best way to eliminate tax cheats is to simplify taxes. We give tax breaks to people that are poor and tax breaks to the rich. We give tax breaks for being sick and staying well. We give tax breaks for having children and abortions. In fact we give tax breaks for just being alive. Our tax policy is an invitation to steal. The less credits and deductions there are the better.

When considering tax reform, all deductions and credits should be on the table. If a deduction or credit is not judged to be in the best interest of the country it should be eliminated.

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It is amazing that Republicans are defending these tax cheats, but then run around shouting that more people need to pay more taxes.

I am just curious but have you seen their tax returns?

Do you have any legitimate reason to call them tax cheats?

Do you realize that someone that has a net worth of over 1 million dollars is a millionaire but may not have a single dollar of "earned income" in a given year? If I were given a million dollars I would not have to work another day in my life. Hell, $500k would do it for me.

Oh, wait, many liberals think that if you have money then it should be confiscated from you without regard to tax laws. They seem to think that anyone with more dollars than they have should have to give up all they have for the benefit of those who don't have. Are you one of those?

A survey done by CNN found that people who cheat on their taxes generally have the same income levels as those who don't. Not surprising, those who cheat on their taxes cheat their employers, spouses, and customers. The best way to eliminate tax cheats is to simplify taxes. We give tax breaks to people that are poor and tax breaks to the rich. We give tax breaks for being sick and staying well. We give tax breaks for having children and abortions. In fact we give tax breaks for just being alive. Our tax policy is an invitation to steal. The less credits and deductions there are the better.

When considering tax reform, all deductions and credits should be on the table. If a deduction or credit is not judged to be in the best interest of the country it should be eliminated.

Who are the tax cheaters? Single, young men - Mar. 28, 2011

I completely agree and fully expect that some of those 1470 millionaires cheated on their tax returns. Most likely about the same percentage as those of us who regularly post on USMB who cheat on their tax returns.

Why INCOME TAXES are not fair and equal to all? Because the lawyers in Congress want to make sure the people who have money can keep it instead of paying their equal share!
IRS: 1,470 millionaires paid no income tax in '09 - On Deadline - USATODAY.com

That merans they are not helping their country at a time of need.

What kind of American doesnt help their country in a time of great need?

It says in your own link that they got those deductions through donating to charities as well. That means they had to donate alot. I would say thats doing a lot more for society than just paying whatever tax they owed to the government. But it never even enters your feeble mind that people can help society in other ways than just paying taxes.

Carry on, dipshit.

was going to post the same, you beat me to it. it never ceases to amaze me how many liberals believe the only way to help society is to give your money to the government. big brother knows best.

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