1/6 Defendants demand to be sent to GITMO

You're a funny guy thinking that he was suggesting that Ashley was raped... ROTFLMBO... Good grief. And the funniest thing is that you started out the post like you were about to school someone... ROTFLMBO 😂
Read again you twit!

At no time did I ever think he said that.
He was throwing out a red herring trying to compare what happened to Babbit with rape.
You should have known that based upon THIS statement of mine.

Ashli Babbit was not raped.
That is what we call a false comparison.
A spurious correlation.
A red herring.

Good God!
THIS is why I gave up teaching Adult Basic Education classes to redneck, hillbilly MORONS!

There's just no fucking fixing the level of generational stupidity!
Read again you twit!

At no time did I ever think he said that.
He was throwing out a red herring trying to compare what happened to Babbit with rape.
You should have known that based upon THIS statement of mine.

Ashli Babbit was not raped.
That is what we call a false comparison.
A spurious correlation.
A red herring.

Good God!
THIS is why I gave up teaching Adult Basic Education classes to redneck, hillbilly MORONS!

There's just no fucking fixing the level of generational stupidity!
You had to say "Ashley was not raped" in response to his post, but he never suggested or said that she was you knucklehead. Yeah it was definitely good that you quit teaching, because I bet there are some screwed up people out there after they were taught anything by you... ROTFLMBO 😂
But I think there may be Geneva Conventions to consider as protocol.
Other than that we are more or less in uncharted waters here.
How best to execute tried and duly convicted members of a failed coup, enemies of the nation, in the twenty-first century.
The problem is that none of the people in the DC jail have been either tried or CONVICTED.
You had to say "Ashley was not raped" in response to his post, but he never suggested or said that she was you knucklehead. Yeah it was definitely good that you quit teaching, because I bet there are some screwed up people out there after they were taught anything by you... ROTFLMBO 😂
You're right. I didn't.

But I'm not surprised it didn't get that. I mean do you expect intellect to come out of someone who takes a gay male stripper as an avatar?

It used to be a teacher? :ack-1:
The list of those pleading guilty is growing daily.
For those of you in Texas that means...if you plead guily it means you're uh.....kinda GUILTY.

I can get you a much more detailed list of each individual case if you insist upon arguing stupidity more.

The ONE thing you cannot do though is insuate some kind of "innocence" with these anti-U.S. traitors.

They're lucky they are only facing jail time rather than firing squads.
I'd say they are pleading guilty to get out of intolerable conditions. And almost all the guilty pleas are to misdemeanors. You know who else held or holds people under intolerable conditions to get "justice"? The Nazi Germans, The People's Republic of China and Russia still do, the French used to at Devil's island in Guiana. And any trials that the 1/6 defendants get are in DC with juries that are either exclusively or nearly exclusively democrats of government defendants, they can't get a fair trial anyway. NONE have been granted changes of venue to anyplace. D.C. is totally filled with people dependent on the government. The only real industries are government and tourism. If there is a less biased city in the USA I can't think of it.
Anymore fake news you intend on parroting this morning?

Re “What Trump wants” (June 18): This states Donald Trump built the economy but fails to note that the economy Trump inherited was already expanding for seven years and continued to under Trump for another 3 1/2 years. This is a far cry from the economy Barack Obama inherited. The facts are there were more jobs created in Obama’s last term than were created under Trump’s first term, even ignoring the 40 million-plus jobs lost to the shutdown, yet Trump and his supporters still falsely claim that he built the economy.
Most of Obama's created jobs were in Government.Like DuH.
He increased job networking not in real jobs beneficial to
all americans like truckers,carpenders,those working and building
with their hands.But lazy ass sit down jobs in government.Where there
is mostly paper being passed.A world that Franz Kafka wrote and warned
about.Like double DuH ... douchebagger.
I guess they realize they aren’t patriots, but terrorists.

1/6 Defendants asking to be sent to GITMO
Go figure. If you attack “fascists“ (ANTIFA) you are domestic terrorists. If you attack the Capitol and try to overturn an election you are a patriot.

If you are arrested for rioting and sent to prison (BLM)…you are domestic terrorists, but if you are arrested and sent to prison for rioting in the Capitol….you are a “political prisoner”.

Clearly the left is incompetent at this whole aspiring terrorist biz…they should have just attacked the Capitol and tried to stop the certification process and they would have been Patriots and designated political prisoners.

It is indeed a strange new world.
Go figure. If you attack “fascists“ (ANTIFA) you are domestic terrorists. If you attack the Capitol and try to overturn an election you are a patriot.

If you are arrested for rioting and sent to prison (BLM)…you are domestic terrorists, but if you are arrested and sent to prison for rioting in the Capitol….you are a “political prisoner”.

Clearly the left is incompetent at this whole aspiring terrorist biz…they should have just attacked the Capitol and tried to stop the certification process and they would have been Patriots and designated political prisoners.

It is indeed a strange new world.
The capital was 1 day.

How long were liberals attacking local gov buildings?

Any way you wish to define terrorist I will run with. I just ask you don't change that definition when applied to all

I don't care for the reasons why.
Last edited:
Go figure. If you attack “fascists“ (ANTIFA) you are domestic terrorists. If you attack the Capitol and try to overturn an election you are a patriot.

If you are arrested for rioting and sent to prison (BLM)…you are domestic terrorists, but if you are arrested and sent to prison for rioting in the Capitol….you are a “political prisoner”.

Clearly the left is incompetent at this whole aspiring terrorist biz…they should have just attacked the Capitol and tried to stop the certification process and they would have been Patriots and designated political prisoners.

It is indeed a strange new world.
Leftist and Antifa attacked a federal courthouse in Portland for over 100 days and nights

So its ok for you bunch to attack federal buildings right? I'm sure you'll disavow these leftists as terrorists too right
Most of Obama's created jobs were in Government.Like DuH.
He increased job networking not in real jobs beneficial to
all americans like truckers,carpenders,those working and building
with their hands.But lazy ass sit down jobs in government.Where there
is mostly paper being passed.A world that Franz Kafka wrote and warned
about.Like double DuH ... douchebagger.
I'd say they are pleading guilty to get out of intolerable conditions. And almost all the guilty pleas are to misdemeanors. You know who else held or holds people under intolerable conditions to get "justice"? The Nazi Germans, The People's Republic of China and Russia still do, the French used to at Devil's island in Guiana. And any trials that the 1/6 defendants get are in DC with juries that are either exclusively or nearly exclusively democrats of government defendants, they can't get a fair trial anyway. NONE have been granted changes of venue to anyplace. D.C. is totally filled with people dependent on the government. The only real industries are government and tourism. If there is a less biased city in the USA I can't think of it.
Define "intolerable conditions."
And oh yeah.....please provide some credible link to backup your whiny victim bullshit.
Thank you.
You're right. I didn't.

But I'm not surprised it didn't get that. I mean do you expect intellect to come out of someone who takes a gay male stripper as an avatar?

It used to be a teacher? :ack-1:
Didn't pay attention to the Avatar... Wow.
Yeah, how much more TRAILER TRASH can MagicMike possibly get?
The fucking TEDIUM of it all.

What’s the meaning of the Maltese cross?

The Maltese Cross formally adopted by the Knights Hospitallers of St. John in 1126, stylistically owes its origins to the crosses used in the crusades, when it was identified as the symbol of the “Christian warrior”: Its eight points denote the eight obligations or aspirations of the knights, namely “to live in truth, have faith, repent one’s sins, give proof of humility, love justice, be merciful, be sincere and wholehearted, and to endure persecution”.

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