1/6 Defendants demand to be sent to GITMO

There are only certain crimes that I believe call for the Death Penalty.




The Insurrectionists, Seditionists and Treasonous scum deserve to be shot.

Preferably a single shot to the back of the neck at dawn.

They get what they deserve.
You'd be right at home strutting around in fancy Hugo Boss duds.
Yeah, you're triggered.

I guess women who get raped are asking for it too.

This is fun. Let's play some more.
What an abjectly fucking STUPID thing to say.
I hope you actually know the answer to your "so I guess" question.....and you're just TRYING to act like a clueless moron.

Ashli Babbit was not raped.
That is what we call a false comparison.
A spurious correlation.
A red herring.

She was shot and killed by Capitol Police in self defense when she participated in an insurrection and attempted coup against the United States of America.

Pretty much....uh, period.

Basically though, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Illegally trying to enter a restricted place where she knew she should not be and rushing at cops, who were already overwhelmed and freaked out by the unprecedented violence and insanity of the day.

In the end Ashli was just collateral damage in Donald Trump's (and Vlad Putin's) war on democracy.
Along with about 400 other, otherwise good American citizens who'se lives are now ruined because they fell head over heels for this babbling orange baboon's rhetoric.
They, no doubt illegally stormed the U.S. Capitol that fateful day actually thinking they were participating in some "great American take-back-your-country" event.
They actually thought, at the end of the seige, that they would be vindicated as American "heroes."
Ashli was one of these.

Instead they're all very lucky that per the grace of our liberal criminal justice system they haven't been publicly executed by the hangman or firing squad for their sedition.
Isn't the U.S. a WONDERFUL nation?
Only here can you be convicted of actions intended to overthrow your government and not ONLY escape death.....but walk free again someday!

But I digress.
The fat, retard, con-man (Trump) of course disavowed himself of all the poor suckers who marched in his name that day.

Just threw them the fuck under the bus.
And if that's not ridiculous and sad enough CHECK THIS OUT!

There are people who STILL believe in him.
Would STILL follow him!
Like lemmings I guess.

But poor Ashli.
Screaming down a restricted hallway like some war-crazed Sioux......and then gunned down in the full flower of her delicate young life.


Just kidding!

She sounds like one angry, dysfunctional, destructive individual.

And certainly NO martyr!

Ashli’s blood is on the hands of the 1/6 traitors. Literal blood? Are you really unaware of what a metaphor is?!?!
Explain why her blood is on the hands of these alledged traitor's you are always identifying by your word's ?? Without the election truly going to court, and having both sides presenting their points and counter points in the trial of the century, then no one can ever make the claim's like you make about her blood being on the protestor's hands that day.

You are arguing a point that can't be proven on your part, because the American court system has let you and this nation down.

Unless you are taking everything into perspective from before 2016 to now, and are truly being honest with yourself about it, then either you are just a Democrat political hack or you are just to ignorant to look at the entire big picture.
Conservatives who have made a ‘martyr’ out of Babbitt and lie about Babbitt being a ‘victim’ are just as reprehensible and wrong as Babbitt – and as much enemies of democracy.
Won't wash boy... Try something new.
What an abjectly fucking STUPID thing to say.
I hope you actually know the answer to your "so I guess" question.....and you're just TRYING to act like a clueless moron.

Ashli Babbit was not raped.
That is what we call a false comparison.
A spurious correlation.
A red herring.

She was shot and killed by Capitol Police in self defense when she participated in an insurrection and attempted coup against the United States of America.

Pretty much....uh, period.

Basically though, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Illegally trying to enter a restricted place where she knew she should not be and rushing at cops, who were already overwhelmed and freaked out by the unprecedented violence and insanity of the day.

In the end Ashli was just collateral damage in Donald Trump's (and Vlad Putin's) war on democracy.
Along with about 400 other, otherwise good American citizens who'se lives are now ruined because they fell head over heels for this babbling orange baboon's rhetoric.
They, no doubt illegally stormed the U.S. Capitol that fateful day actually thinking they were participating in some "great American take-back-your-country" event.
They actually thought, at the end of the seige, that they would be vindicated as American "heroes."
Ashli was one of these.

Instead they're all very lucky that per the grace of our liberal criminal justice system they haven't been publicly executed by the hangman or firing squad for their sedition.
Isn't the U.S. a WONDERFUL nation?
Only here can you be convicted of actions intended to overthrow your government and not ONLY escape death.....but walk free again someday!

But I digress.
The fat, retard, con-man (Trump) of course disavowed himself of all the poor suckers who marched in his name that day.

Just threw them the fuck under the bus.
And if that's not ridiculous and sad enough CHECK THIS OUT!

There are people who STILL believe in him.
Would STILL follow him!
Like lemmings I guess.

But poor Ashli.
Screaming down a restricted hallway like some war-crazed Sioux......and then gunned down in the full flower of her delicate young life.


Just kidding!

She sounds like one angry, dysfunctional, destructive individual.

And certainly NO martyr!

You're a funny guy thinking that he was suggesting that Ashley was raped... ROTFLMBO... Good grief. And the funniest thing is that you started out the post like you were about to school someone... ROTFLMBO 😂
What an abjectly fucking STUPID thing to say.
I hope you actually know the answer to your "so I guess" question.....and you're just TRYING to act like a clueless moron.

Ashli Babbit was not raped.
That is what we call a false comparison.
A spurious correlation.
A red herring.

She was shot and killed by Capitol Police in self defense when she participated in an insurrection and attempted coup against the United States of America.

Pretty much....uh, period.

Basically though, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Illegally trying to enter a restricted place where she knew she should not be and rushing at cops, who were already overwhelmed and freaked out by the unprecedented violence and insanity of the day.

In the end Ashli was just collateral damage in Donald Trump's (and Vlad Putin's) war on democracy.
Along with about 400 other, otherwise good American citizens who'se lives are now ruined because they fell head over heels for this babbling orange baboon's rhetoric.
They, no doubt illegally stormed the U.S. Capitol that fateful day actually thinking they were participating in some "great American take-back-your-country" event.
They actually thought, at the end of the seige, that they would be vindicated as American "heroes."
Ashli was one of these.

Instead they're all very lucky that per the grace of our liberal criminal justice system they haven't been publicly executed by the hangman or firing squad for their sedition.
Isn't the U.S. a WONDERFUL nation?
Only here can you be convicted of actions intended to overthrow your government and not ONLY escape death.....but walk free again someday!

But I digress.
The fat, retard, con-man (Trump) of course disavowed himself of all the poor suckers who marched in his name that day.

Just threw them the fuck under the bus.
And if that's not ridiculous and sad enough CHECK THIS OUT!

There are people who STILL believe in him.
Would STILL follow him!
Like lemmings I guess.

But poor Ashli.
Screaming down a restricted hallway like some war-crazed Sioux......and then gunned down in the full flower of her delicate young life.


Just kidding!

She sounds like one angry, dysfunctional, destructive individual.

And certainly NO martyr!

He just loves muddying the water by posting nonsense. Probably should be reported for derailing threads.
What an abjectly fucking STUPID thing to say.
I hope you actually know the answer to your "so I guess" question.....and you're just TRYING to act like a clueless moron.

Ashli Babbit was not raped.
That is what we call a false comparison.
A spurious correlation.
A red herring.

She was shot and killed by Capitol Police in self defense when she participated in an insurrection and attempted coup against the United States of America.

Pretty much....uh, period.

Basically though, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Illegally trying to enter a restricted place where she knew she should not be and rushing at cops, who were already overwhelmed and freaked out by the unprecedented violence and insanity of the day.

In the end Ashli was just collateral damage in Donald Trump's (and Vlad Putin's) war on democracy.
Along with about 400 other, otherwise good American citizens who'se lives are now ruined because they fell head over heels for this babbling orange baboon's rhetoric.
They, no doubt illegally stormed the U.S. Capitol that fateful day actually thinking they were participating in some "great American take-back-your-country" event.
They actually thought, at the end of the seige, that they would be vindicated as American "heroes."
Ashli was one of these.

Instead they're all very lucky that per the grace of our liberal criminal justice system they haven't been publicly executed by the hangman or firing squad for their sedition.
Isn't the U.S. a WONDERFUL nation?
Only here can you be convicted of actions intended to overthrow your government and not ONLY escape death.....but walk free again someday!

But I digress.
The fat, retard, con-man (Trump) of course disavowed himself of all the poor suckers who marched in his name that day.

Just threw them the fuck under the bus.
And if that's not ridiculous and sad enough CHECK THIS OUT!

There are people who STILL believe in him.
Would STILL follow him!
Like lemmings I guess.

But poor Ashli.
Screaming down a restricted hallway like some war-crazed Sioux......and then gunned down in the full flower of her delicate young life.


Just kidding!

She sounds like one angry, dysfunctional, destructive individual.

And certainly NO martyr!

If you trace back, the reference you see is incorrect.
This web site is fucked up.
I did. What I saw was that he responded to this post originally. It had nothing to do with him. Unless you see something I don't.


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