1/6 Defendants demand to be sent to GITMO

Hmmmm ok, but are you owning up to it or not ? Be honest now.
Like most people it's always hit or miss....depending upon the day and/or hour or circumstance.
We all (hopefully) aspire to be our best....falling short but (hopefully) landing somewhere between that and our "worst" on average.
Thank you for asking. Very thoughtful.
Ok and the same could be said of the Democrat's everytime they open their mouths in attempt's to normalize bad behaviour's, otherwise as if it's all just normal while their cities, party, culture's and ideologies crumble because of being well abnormal all around them.
There's the whataboutism!
I don't care what the rules are.

I care we all play by them. Saying they shouldn't apply only in situations that favor your viewpoint is how we got here.
Uhh a compliment draws this response ? You may have responded to the wrong person. Oops.
Who says you can't go to the Capitol and "complain" about election results?


You cannot, however, attempt to violently besiege the Capitol, injure, beat, and even kill the Capitol Police officers charged with protecting the Capitol, damage government property, threaten to hang the Speaker of the House AND the Vice President of the United States, and prevent the peaceful transfer of power as willed by a MAJORITY of Americans in the most secure election in American history.

See the slight difference here Skippy?
So you paint a singular scenario, take liberties in how you will define someone else's actions, ignore the capital police letting people in, all so you can say when YOUR SIDE does something illegal, you can redefine it or say the rules for one don't apply to you because <excuse pulled from ass>

No, Skippy. Try again.
Define "intolerable conditions."
And oh yeah.....please provide some credible link to backup your whiny victim bullshit.
Thank you.
A federal judge founded the conditions intolerable enough that he order the release of one prisoner who was being refused medical treatment. From the way conditions have been described, the ACLU would be up in arms if they were normal prisoners. Since when are prisoners in pre-trial confinement held in solitary?
A federal judge founded the conditions intolerable enough that he order the release of one prisoner who was being refused medical treatment. From the way conditions have been described, the ACLU would be up in arms if they were normal prisoners. Since when are prisoners in pre-trial confinement held in solitary?
When they are political prisoner's, and the government doesn't like their motivation's when they got out of line in their protesting, but talk about a double standard from hell... Wow it's unbelievable. On the one hand if you are a Pirate ship sailing Democrat, then they can drink and be merry in anything they do, but if you are a Republican, then you will walk the gang plank at the tip of their blade's drawn.
A federal judge founded the conditions intolerable enough that he order the release of one prisoner who was being refused medical treatment. From the way conditions have been described, the ACLU would be up in arms if they were normal prisoners. Since when are prisoners in pre-trial confinement held in solitary?
High profile prisoners are often held in segregated housing.
A federal judge founded the conditions intolerable enough that he order the release of one prisoner who was being refused medical treatment. From the way conditions have been described, the ACLU would be up in arms if they were normal prisoners. Since when are prisoners in pre-trial confinement held in solitary?

We cannot share a nation with the ghouls here who love to see political prisoners treated as sub-humans. Basically, these prisoners offended their RELIGIOUS SENSIBILITIES.

They, after all, called the Capitol Bldg "sacred" even though it's public property--we pay for it. So since their religious ground was breached and their idols desecrated, the prisoners can be starved, mistreated and humiliated.

Who needs the Constitution, after all?

Can't share a nation with these cretins. Either beat them back to scurry under the rocks from which they slithered or we must separate as a nation. That's it.

We cannot share a nation with the ghouls here who love to see political prisoners treated as sub-humans. Basically, these prisoners offended their RELIGIOUS SENSIBILITIES.

They, after all, called the Capitol Bldg "sacred" even though it's public property--we pay for it. So since their religious ground was breached and their idols desecrated, the prisoners can be starved, mistreated and humiliated.

Who needs the Constitution, after all?

Can't share a nation with these cretins. Either beat them back to scurry under the rocks from which they slithered or we must separate as a nation. That's it.

This rhetoric is a standard attempt at trying to normalize what is essentially reprehensible and extremely ABNORMAL.

And this has been the status quo all the way back to the Access Hollywood "grab her by the pussy" audio.

Cultists working overtime trying to "normalize" the absurd.
MagicMike owns a dictionary.

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