1/6 Defendants demand to be sent to GITMO

The lefty riots had plenty of political motives and had their own, often far worse aggravating circumstances, ranging from multiple murders to formal insurrections to violent attacks on federal buildings and agents.

Thus, it is comparable.

That is the point you are purposefully missing. To justify the taking and keeping of political prisoners.

Bottom Line:​

As they have for the past 50+ days, on the evening of Monday, July 20th violent anarchists targeted the Hatfield Federal Courthouse and federal law enforcement officers in Portland.

Attacks on federal personnel and property over the previous several days have included violent attacks on federal officers with weapons as well as efforts to start fires at the Hatfield Federal Courthouse with federal law enforcement officers inside the building. The rioting continued through Monday, when seven individuals were arrested on suspicion of federal crimes including assaulting federal officers.

Also, I having trouble finding it in the mess, but at one point for quite a while, the Mayor of Portland ordered the city police to NOT defend the ICE building from mob attack. Do you remember that? Do you need it supported?
Plus both Pelosi and * James Clyburn both used the word
" Stormtroopers " proudly to explain those Rioters being
held at bay by Federal Law Enforcement officers in Portland.
" Stormtroopers " as popularized by Hitler's Third Reich.

* James Clyburn was promoted single-handidly by Pelosi
Clyburn was handed the new title after Pelosi lost her
Speakerhip in 2010.She refused to step aside as the Democrat
House leader and even managed to throw herself a celebration
party after the 2010 loss.
I guess to keep Clyburn In Line she gave him the never used title
Assistant Democrat leader.
Crime wasn't an excuse.... She was committing a crime. And she paid the price.

Clearly a lie. You can see that from the lack of interest in all the other riots of that time.

Agreed. Lt. Byrd didn't fuck up. He killed an intruder.

Funny. I recall quite a number of times, in similar situations where unarmed criminals were shot by cops and you people had a fit. What's different this time? Oh, right, THE POLITICS.

The only person pretending is you dick breath. Why? Because you agreed with the actions of the insurrectionists.

I did not.

Well, bring it on I guess. We have right and the law on our side. You don't.

Except, then why do you have to lie so much? Seriously. Doesn't that ever occur to you? All the lying you do, it means you are the bad guy.

Sure... make your move little boy.

I don't want to go down that path. YOu are the one drooling at the though of murdering your enemies.

My question was if you really were prepared to the blow back.

And I don't think you are. I think when it happens, you will be whining like a faggot, utterly shocked and horrified.

I hope I can be there, to point out that you wanted that.
Clearly a lie. You can see that from the lack of interest in all the other riots of that time.

Funny. I recall quite a number of times, in similar situations where unarmed criminals were shot by cops and you people had a fit. What's different this time? Oh, right, THE POLITICS.

I did not.

Except, then why do you have to lie so much? Seriously. Doesn't that ever occur to you? All the lying you do, it means you are the bad guy.

I don't want to go down that path. YOu are the one drooling at the though of murdering your enemies.

My question was if you really were prepared to the blow back.

And I don't think you are. I think when it happens, you will be whining like a faggot, utterly shocked and horrified.

I hope I can be there, to point out that you wanted that.
Either grow a dick and bring it on or shut the fuck up dickless
Either grow a dick and bring it on or shut the fuck up dickless

Dude. You're the one calling for executions of your political enemies.

The ball is in YOUR court. It is YOUR move. You are in the process of your escalation of tryanny. We will see how far it goes, then there will be a response.

You imprison the 1/6 rioters, for political reasons, that's bad enough.

I think that is as far as the Left will go for now. They are not quite ready to start the firing squads.

But, thanks for admitting what the end game is.
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Dude. You're the one calling for executions of your political enemies.

The ball is in YOUR court. It is YOUR move. You are in the process of your escalation of tryanny. We will see how far it goes, then there will be a response.

You imprison the 1/6 rioters, for political reasons, that's bad enough.

I think that is as far as the Left will go for now. They are not quite ready to start the firing squads.

But, thanks for admitting what the end game is.

You're the one saying you're going to "shoot back".

C'mon with it.
You're the one saying you're going to "shoot back".

C'mon with it.

We. I was "saying" "WE" will shoot back, and you will whine like a faggot, because you are not prepared for the obvious result of your actions, because you are too dumb to look forward and consider consquences and becasue you are too weak of a man to deal with them.

So, your move.

Oh, and regardless of whether or not you get your wish and get executions, the cycle of escalation is ongoing. YOur political prisoners, is being seen and will be remembered.
See. You're threatening violence.

Bring it on dickless. You're not a fraud are you?

You INCELS are all alike.

YOU'RE threatening violence. I pointing out to you, that there will be consequences.

Incel? You know that that word has actual meaning, right? LOL dUMBASS.
There’s no ‘justification’ to defend Babbitt – conservatives who attempt to defend the indefensible condone Babbitt’s acts of treason and terrorism, and are likewise enemies of America.

iF she was a lefty, you would be whining like a faggot about the "unarmed woman" shot by the cop.
There’s no ‘justification’ to defend Babbitt – conservatives who attempt to defend the indefensible condone Babbitt’s acts of treason and terrorism, and are likewise enemies of America.
I guess you don't understand English. Your response has NOTHING to do with my post.

Anybody here able to translate for this nitwit?
Again, does anyone have a list of the folks who are still in jail awaiting trial?

It seems as though if we had this list, we could look up their charges and see who is still being held and what they are accused of doing. That there isn't this list seems to indicate that the right wing loons don't want us to be able to do that.
It’s not a list but some interesting information, nonetheless.

“More than 915 people have been charged with crimes since supporters of then-President Donald Trump violently stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, in an attempt to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 election.”

The way I understood GITMO was that it existed because we could do things there--in another nation--that we couldn't do on American soil. I think they should think twice about their request.
Correct – that was the original intent: Bush wanted to deny the detainees their right to due process of the law.

The Supreme Court ruled against Bush in 2008.

The neo-fascist authoritarian right was neo-fascist and authoritarian well before Trump.
Cons are bullies and like all bullies Cons are cowards. They talk big, but they are overcompensating for something so small they need an electron microscope to find it.
Kinda like this "man" who gets wood (or tries to -- you know, all that soy) off of battering women?

Dude. You're the one calling for executions of your political enemies.

The ball is in YOUR court. It is YOUR move. You are in the process of your escalation of tryanny. We will see how far it goes, then there will be a response.

You imprison the 1/6 rioters, for political reasons, that's bad enough.

I think that is as far as the Left will go for now. They are not quite ready to start the firing squads.

But, thanks for admitting what the end game is.
This is typical of the violent, lawless right – of the criminals and terrorist who attacked America’s democracy on 1/6.
This is typical of the violent, lawless right – of the criminals and terrorist who attacked America’s democracy on 1/6.

Your buddy is calling for the mass execution of his political enemies.

And you think my opposition to that, is ME being violent or lawless?

Thanks. For revealing to us all, what a soulless monster you are.

Does anyone have a list of the insurrectionists still being held who haven't had their trials yet?

Does anyone know how many are still being held?

I looked at a scan of the legal paper hand-written list but the writing isn't legible. Its more than just a little disturbing that the DOJ hasn't make a list easily accessible.
YOU'RE threatening violence. I pointing out to you, that there will be consequences.

Incel? You know that that word has actual meaning, right? LOL dUMBASS.

You're again, you're the one threatening to shoot people.

Does anyone have a list of the insurrectionists still being held who haven't had their trials yet?

Does anyone know how many are still being held?

I looked at a scan of the legal paper hand-written list but the writing isn't legible. Its more than just a little disturbing that the DOJ hasn't make a list easily accessible.

Why do you care? You want them dead.

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