1/6 Defendants demand to be sent to GITMO

Correct – that was the original intent: Bush wanted to deny the detainees their right to due process of the law.

The Supreme Court ruled against Bush in 2008.

The neo-fascist authoritarian right was neo-fascist and authoritarian well before Trump.

The U.S. Constitution strictly forbids Cruel and Unusual Punishments. Tortture heads the list. Also by moving detainees off shore, their access to legal assistance was for a time limited. Over time the detainees right to legal council was upheld.

Also that while it is true GitMo is on foreign (Cuban) GitMo is a U.S. Military Base and under federal law the rights of the detainees to engage in their freedom of religion was protected. Therefore the U.S. Government had to allow Muslim Detainees their right to practice their faith.

While the 01-06 arrestees might make noise about wanting to go to GitMo they should GitMo is a Military Detention Facility and Civilian Rules do not apply. The shit these wanna be nazi fucks may gotten in Civilian Lock-Up won't fly. MP's do not take to grandstanding detainees.
Bullshit. It means that if they are going to be treated like terrorists, then they want to be held prisoner in the best conditions possible.
They also pled guilty, so they’re terrorists by their own admission. If they want the good things, they should also be made to partake in the other activities, like enhanced interrogation techniques, just so they can be treated to the whole experience.
you have in essence said you can't go to the capital and complain about election results - is this your stance? can you try to do it from elsewhere? lets focus here and not jump all around in distraction mode.
Stop lying. I’m sick to death of your constant whining diatribes about how I, for some reason known only to you, am supposed buy into your version of political events and attack “the other side” as some sort of demonstration of “even handedness” defined entirely through your political lens. Not going down that mucky old rabbit hole with you yet again.


Smashing their way into the Capitol, injuring, some severely with career ending injuries over a hundred police, vandalizing, stealing and threatening the lives of elected representatives should they get their hands on one, and attempting to stop the certification of an election IS NOT “GOING TO THE CAPITOL TO COMPLAIN ABOUT ELECTION RESULTS”.

Until we get past that one major fallacy, we have NO common ground or shared reality upon which to engage in discussion.
Stop lying. I’m sick to death of your constant whining diatribes about how I, for some reason known only to you, am supposed buy into your version of political events and attack “the other side” as some sort of demonstration of “even handedness” defined entirely through your political lens. Not going down that mucky old rabbit hole with you yet again.


Smashing their way into the Capitol, injuring, some severely with career ending injuries over a hundred police, vandalizing, stealing and threatening the lives of elected representatives should they get their hands on one, and attempting to stop the certification of an election IS NOT “GOING TO THE CAPITOL TO COMPLAIN ABOUT ELECTION RESULTS”.

Until we get past that one major fallacy, we have NO common ground or shared reality upon which to engage in discussion.
Stop reading.

Pretty sick of your hypocritical replies.

UNTIL YOU AGREE WITH ME YOU ARE WRONG fucking 2 year old mentality bullshit.
Stop reading.

Pretty sick of your hypocritical replies.

UNTIL YOU AGREE WITH ME YOU ARE WRONG fucking 2 year old mentality bullshit.
Are you trying to defend the events of January 6th ? They're inexcusable. I admit there were two groups, Trump followers that were fooled into doing this and were naive about the possible consequences. But there was also a group there that had a coordinator attack plan in place they came prepared they had backup stashes of weapons all over the city. They led the charge, they are the ones being prosecuted for sedition, attacking police, destroying property, etc. My personal feeling is that because they are white and mostly dumb fucks they are being treated way too lightly for what they did.
Are you trying to defend the events of January 6th ? They're inexcusable. I admit there were two groups, Trump followers that were fooled into doing this and were naive about the possible consequences. But there was also a group there that had a coordinator attack plan in place they came prepared they had backup stashes of weapons all over the city. They led the charge, they are the ones being prosecuted for sedition, attacking police, destroying property, etc. My personal feeling is that because they are white and mostly dumb fucks they are being treated way too lightly for what they did.
Fuck off
Stop lying. I’m sick to death of your constant whining diatribes about how I, for some reason known only to you, am supposed buy into your version of political events and attack “the other side” as some sort of demonstration of “even handedness” defined entirely through your political lens. Not going down that mucky old rabbit hole with you yet again.


Smashing their way into the Capitol, injuring, some severely with career ending injuries over a hundred police, vandalizing, stealing and threatening the lives of elected representatives should they get their hands on one, and attempting to stop the certification of an election IS NOT “GOING TO THE CAPITOL TO COMPLAIN ABOUT ELECTION RESULTS”.

Until we get past that one major fallacy, we have NO common ground or shared reality upon which to engage in discussion.
now seriously, coyote - this is a prime example of all that is wrong on our overall culture today.

unless you agree with me, there can be no common ground.

i won't ever agree with you. not at this point because you take your and pretend it justifies your hostility to their actions.

you refuse to demand ALL the evidence and say what you have is enough - i can only guess it's because what you have now supports your hate. that seems important to you for some reason.

pelosi it not releasing all video. why? if you want the truth you need the entire story. anything less than that is a narrative, to me.

we did have FBI in the crowd stirring them up - why? if you came to DC to have an insurrection then you hardly need some old bald dude desperately trying to look cool, now do you?

while we do have people trashing shit - which side in recent history is responsible for 95% or more of said trashing of shit? leave your justification at the door and simply answer the question - which side has been tearing shit up all over the country for years? who bailed them out?

then who is pushing this so hard? same people who bailed them out.

you also have to overlook the capital police letting people in and taking selfies.

there is zero denial things got way out of hand. people did die that day and it wasn't the capital police. i see you left her out. why? doesn't fit your narrative?

this is why we can't have common ground. you aren't looking for it.

You are looking for validation.
now seriously, coyote - this is a prime example of all that is wrong on our overall culture today.

unless you agree with me, there can be no common ground.

i won't ever agree with you. not at this point because you take your and pretend it justifies your hostility to their actions.

you refuse to demand ALL the evidence and say what you have is enough - i can only guess it's because what you have now supports your hate. that seems important to you for some reason.

pelosi it not releasing all video. why? if you want the truth you need the entire story. anything less than that is a narrative, to me.

we did have FBI in the crowd stirring them up - why? if you came to DC to have an insurrection then you hardly need some old bald dude desperately trying to look cool, now do you?

while we do have people trashing shit - which side in recent history is responsible for 95% or more of said trashing of shit? leave your justification at the door and simply answer the question - which side has been tearing shit up all over the country for years? who bailed them out?

then who is pushing this so hard? same people who bailed them out.

you also have to overlook the capital police letting people in and taking selfies.

there is zero denial things got way out of hand. people did die that day and it wasn't the capital police. i see you left her out. why? doesn't fit your narrative?

this is why we can't have common ground. you aren't looking for it.

You are looking for validation.
Do you think the FBI was stirring up the people ? No it was the orange fat guy. End of story, never mind the story isn't over yet, the orange guy needs to be held accountable for his actions then the story will be finally over.
Do you think the FBI was stirring up the people ? No it was the orange fat guy. End of story, never mind the story isn't over yet, the orange guy needs to be held accountable for his actions then the story will be finally over.

Orange fat guy? Dude. YOu aer a troll. Nothing more.

And that you don't believe in teh fbi agistators, makes it more likely that they were there.

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