1/6 Defendants demand to be sent to GITMO

Who is "we" white eyes?
You got a fucking mouse in your pocket or something?
Is "we" maybe the boys you've been blowing and hand-jobbing out in the woods since you were all kids cuz hey....there just wasn't that many girls around....and the livestock got boring as you grew older?

Whose "club" are you speaking for you scrawny little inbred, crosseyed freak?

At any rate.....you should leave your hillbilly hills and head out to the west (left) coast.
Learn to surf.
Even a retard like you could get it eventually.
It just MIGHT make a man out of you.

Wow! That is some Oscar quality TRIGGERED!

Thank you. We love hearing it. Just keep on screaming because you'll need practice for the REALLY BIG MELTDOWN in 29 days!

The way I understood GITMO was that it existed because we could do things there--in another nation--that we couldn't do on American soil. I think they should think twice about their request.

Here's the disgusting thing. You folks were horrified when you thought we were doing those things to the people who committed 9/11. And killed actual Americans. When those things are being done to people awaiting trial in a DC jail....they deserve it. Because they don't agree with your politics.

It's disgusting. We can't have a notion with cretins like that. Go move to Afghanistan.
Conservatives who have made a ‘martyr’ out of Babbitt and lie about Babbitt being a ‘victim’ are just as reprehensible and wrong as Babbitt – and as much enemies of democracy.

An unarmed woman shoot down by an armed cop.... If she was a lefty, you would be on the barracades yourself, screaming for the cop's head.



Babbit deserved what she got.

I see you were afraid to answer the question. Because you know that telling the truth, ie that you support lefty insurrection adn treason, would reveal you to be a vile monster.
Go figure. If you attack “fascists“ (ANTIFA) you are domestic terrorists. If you attack the Capitol and try to overturn an election you are a patriot.

If you are arrested for rioting and sent to prison (BLM)…you are domestic terrorists, but if you are arrested and sent to prison for rioting in the Capitol….you are a “political prisoner”.

Clearly the left is incompetent at this whole aspiring terrorist biz…they should have just attacked the Capitol and tried to stop the certification process and they would have been Patriots and designated political prisoners.

It is indeed a strange new world.
What a pathetic pile of provable pap.BLM Protesters { Rioters and looters }
were seldom jailed but in reality got bailed out in mere hours.
Where the V.P { Harris } was proven to back a fund movement to
help pay for those BLM Rioters getting bailed out.
It's a constitutional right to question an election.How many Democrats
did more than just question the 2016 Election that Trump won fair and
square.Those Democrats made headlines calling Trump Illegtimate and
should be Impeached.Jamie Raskin being one.
ANTIFA not only acted Unamerican and suspicious but made a
point of it { Dressing in all black with their heads and face covered }.
Why were those in the Capitol at the time of the January 6th breach
{ Many protestors that day were escorted-in { doors opened }
by Capitol security.There is video { Don't bank on the Pelosi Stasi
hearings to play back } of protestors walking casually around the floor
of the capitol bldg. admiring as if in a museum.
- Tucker - showed the Video.So it exists.
Plus there is also Video of a side entrance where a small group
of men dressed in all black broke down a barrier and a window
to gain entry.Who were those Men.And how come provocateur
Ray Epps was never held in jail for a single hour.Totally exonerated.
We have him on multiple video pleading with those who were
attending the Trump January 5th and 6th Rally to make sure and
Go to the Capitol.Get over there.Most those nearby this Epps creep
ignored him as shouts of " F.B.I. " were heard.
Plus little Antifa/BLM hashtag patron John Sullivan who was caught
on Video in the background as those who stormed the Capitol
pushed Ashli Babbett forward as she was Shot dead in the neck.
Sullivan was in the background.The little snotrag was never jailed.
Just questioned { after having a dickens of a time locating }.
Sought santuary in Utah.
Again how does an " Insurrection " get classified if not one firearm
was used or collected.It Doesn't.
It's a Total Pile of Pap.
They should send a bill to her family for the bullet and the postage to have sent the bill as well.

Agreed. Take off the mask. Show what maoists you people are. Then the good people who have been lied into supporting your bloodthirsty monsters can make an informed choice.
If you are arrested for rioting and sent to prison (BLM)…you are domestic terrorists, but if you are arrested and sent to prison for rioting in the Capitol….you are a “political prisoner”.

You seem to be purposefully missing the point.

The point is, the motive behind the excessive investigation and prosecution seems to be not the actual crimes, but the POLITICAL SIDE, the rioters were on.

Thus, YES, they are political prisoners. They are being imprisoned not based on their crimes but on their politics.

you can see that, because of the hundreds of far worse riots, that are not be treated nearly as aggressively.
You seem to be purposefully missing the point.

Not missing anything, rather I think you are.
The point is, the motive behind the excessive investigation and prosecution seems to be not the actual crimes, but the POLITICAL SIDE, the rioters were on.

They tried to overturn an election with violence and possibly the approval or assistance of government officials. can you the last time a mob attempted to do that?

It is NOT the political SIDE, it is the political ACT that the crimes were for.

IF the Dems did this we would not be having this convo would we because you'd be calling for prosecution and so would I.

Thus, YES, they are political prisoners. They are being imprisoned not based on their crimes but on their politics.
Again, they attempted to violently overthrow an election.

you can see that, because of the hundreds of far worse riots, that are not be treated nearly as aggressively.
It is not comparable with far worse riots because it is not JUST a riot and the underlying political motives can't be ignored. It isn't because of their politics it is because of their politically motivated actions.
Not sure about that...but the $1.30 + postage... we should bill them for that.

You're teh one saying you should emulate the Maoist and excute your political enemies and then bill their families for the expense.

That is you defining yourself as mass murdering monsters. Who just haven't gotten around to doing the mass murders YET.
Ok and the same could be said of the Democrat's everytime they open their mouths in attempt's to normalize bad behaviour's, otherwise as if it's all just normal while their cities, party, culture's and ideologies crumble because of being well abnormal all around them.
It's a constant ploy as if Saul Alinsky was orchestrating things.
Just keep up the heat in differing forms as if plausable.
Where the most obvious aspect of Americana is Truth.
Is absent.Going back to a proven ...
The Left does NOT Value ... TRUTH.
" The Black Day "
God help that country where informers thrive!

Where slander flourishes and lies contrive To
kill by whispers! Where men lie to live!

God help that country by informers fed
Where fear corrupts and where suspicions spread
By look and gesture,even to the dead.
- Archibald MacLeish { American poet,essayist }
Not missing anything, rather I think you are.

They tried to overturn an election with violence and possibly the approval or assistance of government officials. can you the last time a mob attempted to do that?

It is NOT the political SIDE, it is the political ACT that the crimes were for.

IF the Dems did this we would not be having this convo would we because you'd be calling for prosecution and so would I.

Again, they attempted to violently overthrow an election.

It is not comparable with far worse riots because it is not JUST a riot and the underlying political motives can't be ignored. It isn't because of their politics it is because of their politically motivated actions.

The lefty riots had plenty of political motives and had their own, often far worse aggravating circumstances, ranging from multiple murders to formal insurrections to violent attacks on federal buildings and agents.

Thus, it is comparable.

That is the point you are purposefully missing. To justify the taking and keeping of political prisoners.

Bottom Line:​

As they have for the past 50+ days, on the evening of Monday, July 20th violent anarchists targeted the Hatfield Federal Courthouse and federal law enforcement officers in Portland.

Attacks on federal personnel and property over the previous several days have included violent attacks on federal officers with weapons as well as efforts to start fires at the Hatfield Federal Courthouse with federal law enforcement officers inside the building. The rioting continued through Monday, when seven individuals were arrested on suspicion of federal crimes including assaulting federal officers.

Also, I having trouble finding it in the mess, but at one point for quite a while, the Mayor of Portland ordered the city police to NOT defend the ICE building from mob attack. Do you remember that? Do you need it supported?


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You're teh one saying you should emulate the Maoist and excute your political enemies and then bill their families for the expense.
If the enemies are committing a crime...yes.
That is you defining yourself as mass murdering monsters. Who just haven't gotten around to doing the mass murders YET.
I'm a big fan of the police.

Apparently you're anti-police.

Strange how you will now claim otherwise.
If the enemies are committing a crime...yes.

I've discussed the need of certain crinimals to be executed. Mostly murderers. You seem to base your desire for executions based on politics. With a crime as an excuse.

I'm a big fan of the police.

Apparently you're anti-police.

Strange how you will now claim otherwise.

The cops are mostly good people doing a good job deserving of support. When they fuck up, they deserve to be held accountable.

That you are pretending otherwise, is you being dishonest to try to justify your hate and thirst for blood.

You know, when you start killing your enemies, they will start killing you back.

You sure you want to go down that path?
I've discussed the need of certain crinimals to be executed. Mostly murderers. You seem to base your desire for executions based on politics. With a crime as an excuse.
Crime wasn't an excuse.... She was committing a crime. And she paid the price.
The cops are mostly good people doing a good job deserving of support. When they fuck up, they deserve to be held accountable.
Agreed. Lt. Byrd didn't fuck up. He killed an intruder.
That you are pretending otherwise, is you being dishonest to try to justify your hate and thirst for blood.
The only person pretending is you dick breath. Why? Because you agreed with the actions of the insurrectionists.
You know, when you start killing your enemies, they will start killing you back.
Well, bring it on I guess. We have right and the law on our side. You don't.
You sure you want to go down that path?
Sure... make your move little boy.

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