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1,748 Days since the Declaration Of "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"

I posted an analogy. did you understand what that meant? I never said that you were having sex with animals. you missed the point, obviously.

I am not joking about your chemo treatments at all. I asked you how they were going. I told you that my best friend just got done with his, and that he is doing fine.

It is good to see that you are, at least, spelling it correctly now. See? You DID learn something from me!

MM you are shit on the other board after your "respectful" posts about my treatments

Typical of the "compassonate" left

I caught the spelling error and changed it as you were posting your "respectful" reply
your thoughts?

Or put another way:

on 9/15/01, nearly everyone in America was clearly aware of who OBL was, and what his organization had done - he had planned and executed the attacks of 9/11.

in January of '03, nearly 70% of Americans believed that Saddam Hussein had planned and executed the attacks of 9/11.

It is my opinion that the repeated speeches made by administration officials that suggested a link between Saddam and AQ had a major impact in that shift of opinion. You apparently do not agree.

Fine. Could you give me YOUR opinion as to why, in the space of 16 months, Americans went from thinking that OBL had planned and executed 9/11 to thinking that Saddam had done so?

I would LOVE to hear your ideas on this.
how many dems were whipped into the manic phantom WMD frenzy again?

to the point of invading iraq for the sake of circle and arrowed mobile chem labs?

oh yea... thats not what happened because clinton never tried to sell the phantom bullshit as fact in the run up for an excuse to invade...


but keep on trying to pass that shit off, dude! it's GREAT fun watching your kind scramble this side of the 06 election..

you are full of shit.

if there were any ACTUAL threat it would have been brought up and dealt with. As it is, even your ponies were busy telling us how benign iraq was until 9/11... which, ironically, had nothing to do with iraq.

Have fun trying to shirk the last 7 years of your very own political fuckups, dude! screaming Clinton won't help you live down your own LEGACY!

I ask you again: when people in America think of Al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden, what do you think is the very first thing that comes to mind?

It is MY OPINION that 9/11 is what comes to mind.

So...if the administration goes to great lengths to create the false impression that there was a connection between Iraq and AQ, it is my OPINION that most people would consider that to be a connection between Iraq and 9/11.

And the fact that 70% of America believed exactly that tends to support my OPINION.

What do you have, other than YOUR OPINION, that would tend to discredit MY OPINION?

MM, you put alot of emphasis on the 9/11 report....so lets look at it...
From the 9/11 Commission Report...Page 70

(U) In January, 2003, the CIA summarized the intelligence reporting contacts with al-Qa'ida:

We have reporting from reliable clandestine and press sources that at least eight direct meetings between Iraqi representatives and top al-Qa'ida operatives took place from the early 1990's to the present. several dozen additional direct or indirect such meetings are attested to by less reliable clandestine and press sources during the same period.

Here we see what the CIA reported PRIOR to the war...they reported at least eight DIRECT meetings between Iraqi representatives and TOP al-Qa'ida operatives,....do they not?....throughout the Clinton admin. to the present(2003)

1. SSCI July 2004 Report Conclusion - Contacts...Page 71

(U) The Senate Intelligence Committee concluded the the CIA "reasonable assessed that there were likely several instances of contacts between Iraq and al-Qa'ida throughout the 1990's but that these contacts did not add up to an established formal relationship." The Committee concluded that
the CIA reasonably noted limitations on the available reporting on contacts and in most cases was only able to confirm a meeting had taken place,
not occurred at the meeting.

This is the SSCI conclusion....admitting to the "reasonable assessment" of contacts between Iraq and al-Qa'ida....though they conclude that these meetings do not add us to an "established FORMAL relationship......(20/20 hindsight and Monday morning quarterbacking)
The facts show what was believed to be true before the war is what the Clinton and Bush Administrations rightly believed before the war.....they relied on the CIA to be the "experts" on the issue....

and what the Commission concluded later.....AFTER the invasion and after what was learned on the ground in Iraq....so use a little logic here, consider what was believed before and what was learned later....it matters if you really want to understand the truth, instead of cherry picking conclusions and distorting history to agree with your left-wing bias.....
I don't really care if 99.9% of America believes what you believe, it would only prove the effectiveness of the Democratic propaganda machine, wrong in wrong,
meetings mean nothing. As I have said, the US and USSR had meetings all thgoughout the cold war. I served with soviets. We were not allies. We certainly would not have given them any WMD's.

The fact remains: in early 2003, 70% of America believed that Saddam had planned and executed 9/11. Yet no one can explain how they all came to that conclusion. No one is willing to admit that maybe the Bushies constant claims of connections between Saddam and AQ might have had something to do with it.
Its not the page numbers on your pdf document...

Its the page number on the actual report....bottom of each page....

I'm using a saved copy of the 9/11 report PDF file, don't have a link, but you should be able to find it pretty easily....
The fact remains: in early 2003, 70% of America believed that Saddam had planned and executed 9/11. Yet no one can explain how they all came to that conclusion. No one is willing to admit that maybe the Bushies constant claims of connections between Saddam and AQ might have had something to do with it.
Yes. This is your opinion.

You have also been shown that your opinion isnt supported and is unproveable. Its based on faulty logic (correlation = causation) and doesnt have any factial evidence to support it -- indeed, the factual evidence runs COUNTER to your opinion.

And so, MY opinion, one that IS supportable, is that YOUR opinion doesnt hold a bit of water, and that you clinging to it regardless of any of the things previously noted is very strong evidence of partisan bigotry and intellectual dishonesty.
I will, thanks.

aww come on, dude! don't run away! it's so much fun watching your kind try so hard to blame clinton for those phantom WMDs!


You must have miised the post where Dems said the same things about Saddam and his WMD's as Pres Bush did
"dems" equal the clinton presidency all of a sudden?


I'd have no problem kicking every dem who voted for the war to the curb. Every one of them. However, the FACT remains that throwing the iraq fuckup onto Clintons shoulders is wildly entertaining now that we are on the verge of another presidential campaign and conservatives start to get the impression that their record since 2000 is pretty laughable.

"dems" equal the clinton presidency all of a sudden?


I'd have no problem kicking every dem who voted for the war to the curb. Every one of them. However, the FACT remains that throwing the iraq fuckup onto Clintons shoulders is wildly entertaining now that we are on the verge of another presidential campaign and conservatives start to get the impression that their record since 2000 is pretty laughable.


Libs love to say Bush lied about WMD's - but give their fellow Dems a pass.
Bill, Hillary, Albright, Gore, Pelosi,and many others said many times Saddam had WMD's, was trying to get nukes, and was a threat

I hop0e Iraq is the top issue in 08. With the surge working very well, Dems will have to esplain how we are winning when for years they were saying we were losing
meetings mean nothing. As I have said, the US and USSR had meetings all thgoughout the cold war. I served with soviets. We were not allies. We certainly would not have given them any WMD's.

The fact remains: in early 2003, 70% of America believed that Saddam had planned and executed 9/11. Yet no one can explain how they all came to that conclusion. No one is willing to admit that maybe the Bushies constant claims of connections between Saddam and AQ might have had something to do with it.

I don't give a shit if 90% of the American people believed it....the only conclusion that can be made from you "fact" is that 70% of American are ignorant....did you believe it,.....probably not....nor did I....
If I mentioned peanuts and rabbit shit in the same sentence, do you come to the conclusion that rabbit shit is made of peanuts.....so spare me the strawman crap.....

As I've proven from the 9/11 Report, the CIA claimed at least 8 meetings between AQ and Iraqi representatives.....because collaboration might have been assumed is no surprise....

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