1-800-FUCKYO.... any more questions about obamacare??


May 10, 2010

Yes indeed.... that IS the number to call if you have any questions.

If you still don't believe it.......go to the actual Government website https://www.healthcare.gov/ , scroll down to the lower right, and see for yourself.


I tell ya.... you cant make this shit up!


Yes indeed.... that IS the number to call if you have any questions.

If you still don't believe it.......go to the actual Government website https://www.healthcare.gov/ , scroll down to the lower right, and see for yourself.


I tell ya.... you cant make this shit up!


The Obama Administration is full of comedians.

No seriously folks. They're saying "Fuck You".
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Yes indeed.... that IS the number to call if you have any questions.

If you still don't believe it.......go to the actual Government website https://www.healthcare.gov/ , scroll down to the lower right, and see for yourself.


I tell ya.... you cant make this shit up!


The Obama Administration is full of comedians.

No seriously folks. They're saying "Fuck You".

freudian slip or coded message?
In this particular case, no one in the administration has enough creativity to purposely do that.

Funny, but just a coincidence.
In this particular case, no one in the administration has enough creativity to purposely do that.

Funny, but just a coincidence.

Everything's a coincidence with this administration.

Obama loves flipping people off. It's why we have so many pics on the internet of him doing it. It's why his campaign featured a singer at one of his rallies who's lyrics contained "Fuck You".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc0mxOXbWIU]Cee Lo Green - FUCK YOU (Official Video) - YouTube[/ame]
Here's a helper for our leftist buds..


Pretty funny.. Tuned into this thread to see if the rumor was true.. Always check with MudWhistle, Anderson Cooper, and Snopes in that order... I aint' going on the ACA website.. No sir...

Which brings up the NEXT rumor I have to check out.. Heard that a lady entered a profile on the exchange website and checked out without enrolling.. Rumor is --- it asked her to confirm that she had decided to remain uninsured.. Next day got an email from the IRS explaining the potential fines, the process of attaching her bank accounts and payroll and a warning that she would also face forfeiture of her drivers license..

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Yes indeed.... that IS the number to call if you have any questions.

If you still don't believe it.......go to the actual Government website https://www.healthcare.gov/ , scroll down to the lower right, and see for yourself.


I tell ya.... you cant make this shit up!

Yes you can.

If you call the title number you get nowhere!
Where did that (1) come from?
  • Thread starter
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  • #9

Yes indeed.... that IS the number to call if you have any questions.

If you still don't believe it.......go to the actual Government website https://www.healthcare.gov/ , scroll down to the lower right, and see for yourself.


I tell ya.... you cant make this shit up!

Yes you can.

If you call the title number you get nowhere!
Where did that (1) come from?

did you go to the official web site.... i did provide a link. The number is right there for you to see for yourself.

the number 1 does not have a letter assignment.
Here's a helper for our leftist buds..


Pretty funny.. Tuned into this thread to see if the rumor was true.. Always check with MudWhistle, Anderson Cooper, and Snopes in that order... I aint' going on the ACA website.. No sir...

Which brings up the NEXT rumor I have to check out.. Heard that a lady entered a profile on the exchange website and checked out without enrolling.. Rumor is --- it asked her to confirm that she had decided to remain uninsured.. Next day got an email from the IRS explaining the potential fines, the process of attaching her bank accounts and payroll and a warning that she would also face forfeiture of her drivers license..


thanks for the pic!

Yes indeed.... that IS the number to call if you have any questions.

If you still don't believe it.......go to the actual Government website https://www.healthcare.gov/ , scroll down to the lower right, and see for yourself.


I tell ya.... you cant make this shit up!

Yes you can.

If you call the title number you get nowhere!
Where did that (1) come from?

did you go to the official web site.... i did provide a link. The number is right there for you to see for yourself.

the number 1 does not have a letter assignment.
But your title does not have (1) and you said it IS the number to call.
Yes you can.

If you call the title number you get nowhere!
Where did that (1) come from?

did you go to the official web site.... i did provide a link. The number is right there for you to see for yourself.

the number 1 does not have a letter assignment.
But your title does not have (1) and you said it IS the number to call.

Hey Ed... Tell me you never heard the phrase..........

"Close enough for government work"... Well --- there ya go...

BTW --- you know the diff between a skeptic and a cynic?? A cynic is SUPPOSED to have a sense of humor.
Don't change bud --- you're fine the way you are.. :lol:
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Obama is a nasty asshole who loves the fact that he's causing trouble in this country. He hired thousands of other nasty assholes to run his administration. It's not much of a surprise to me that the Obamacare phone number spells out Fuck You because that's what he's been saying to us since he's been president, only in more socially acceptable terms.

Now the left wants to argue that it's just a coincidence just like targeting hundreds of conservatives with the IRS is a coincidence. Under Bush nothing was a coincidence. It was all directly his fault. Now, nothing is Obama's fault. So you libs can scream till you're blue in the face that we're just making this up, but all it shows is you cannot think rationally. This crap has been going on and it's getting worse and it looks like nothing will change that unless the slobbering press stops backing this ingrate and stops giving you sheeple whatever ammo you need to at least not look foolish.
Obama is a nasty asshole who loves the fact that he's causing trouble in this country. He hired thousands of other nasty assholes to run his administration. It's not much of a surprise to me that the Obamacare phone number spells out Fuck You because that's what he's been saying to us since he's been president, only in more socially acceptable terms.

Now the left wants to argue that it's just a coincidence just like targeting hundreds of conservatives with the IRS is a coincidence. Under Bush nothing was a coincidence. It was all directly his fault. Now, nothing is Obama's fault. So you libs can scream till you're blue in the face that we're just making this up, but all it shows is you cannot think rationally. This crap has been going on and it's getting worse and it looks like nothing will change that unless the slobbering press stops backing this ingrate and stops giving you sheeple whatever ammo you need to at least not look foolish.
1. the IRS targeting conservatives was not a coincidence, especially considering they admitted to it; anyone who says they weren't is just plain ignorant.
2. obama does have faults and his presidency has actually been fairly disappointing for what he promised, however I don't think he is the complete failure and disgusting criminal that repubs make him out to be.
3. the phone number is a coincidence because no one is actually stupid enough to purposely make a phone number like that except as a purely satirical phone number, plus you actually have to deliberately pick which letter you use from each number to actually make FUCKYO; as I said in another thread, I can spell DUALZO with those letters too, whoop dee doo.
Obama is a nasty asshole who loves the fact that he's causing trouble in this country. He hired thousands of other nasty assholes to run his administration. It's not much of a surprise to me that the Obamacare phone number spells out Fuck You because that's what he's been saying to us since he's been president, only in more socially acceptable terms.

Now the left wants to argue that it's just a coincidence just like targeting hundreds of conservatives with the IRS is a coincidence. Under Bush nothing was a coincidence. It was all directly his fault. Now, nothing is Obama's fault. So you libs can scream till you're blue in the face that we're just making this up, but all it shows is you cannot think rationally. This crap has been going on and it's getting worse and it looks like nothing will change that unless the slobbering press stops backing this ingrate and stops giving you sheeple whatever ammo you need to at least not look foolish.
1. the IRS targeting conservatives was not a coincidence, especially considering they admitted to it; anyone who says they weren't is just plain ignorant.
2. obama does have faults and his presidency has actually been fairly disappointing for what he promised, however I don't think he is the complete failure and disgusting criminal that repubs make him out to be.
3. the phone number is a coincidence because no one is actually stupid enough to purposely make a phone number like that except as a purely satirical phone number, plus you actually have to deliberately pick which letter you use from each number to actually make FUCKYO; as I said in another thread, I can spell DUALZO with those letters too, whoop dee doo.

The Obama campaign tried to tell everyone that Mitt Romney murdered someone's wife.

The Democrats have been calling the GOP every despicable name in the book.

Obama called me and about 8 million Americans "Tea Baggers" knowing full well what it means.

To understand what motivates Obama, it's important to understand a critical aspect of liberalism: liberals are all about a will for power, not about caring for the poor.

A key core attribute of most liberals is a sense of smug superiority:

Atheist liberals believe they are better than those fools who believe in God.
Liberals who give little of their own money to charity believe they are better than Christians who sacrifice to help the poor.
Liberals who have no children believe they know better how to raise children than do families who actually have children.
Racist liberals believe that they are better than blacks, which is why white liberals believe they can define who is authentically black.
Liberals who've never run a business or created a job believe they know better than American businessmen how to run a business

Like all those who think of themselves as superior but are not, liberals feel that they have the right to dictate how everyone else lives. They truly believe that the nanny state is the right approach because the benighted folk who cling to their guns and religion in flyover country can't manage their lives without the benevolent guidance of liberal elites.

Read more: Articles: What Democrats Really Care About
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Obama has the support of the press so regardless what the scandal is, he escapes. They literally feel they can get away with murder.

Obama specializes in doing things that nobody would believe anyone would be stupid enough or reckless enough to try.

This is no accident.
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Obama is a nasty asshole who loves the fact that he's causing trouble in this country. He hired thousands of other nasty assholes to run his administration. It's not much of a surprise to me that the Obamacare phone number spells out Fuck You because that's what he's been saying to us since he's been president, only in more socially acceptable terms.

Now the left wants to argue that it's just a coincidence just like targeting hundreds of conservatives with the IRS is a coincidence. Under Bush nothing was a coincidence. It was all directly his fault. Now, nothing is Obama's fault. So you libs can scream till you're blue in the face that we're just making this up, but all it shows is you cannot think rationally. This crap has been going on and it's getting worse and it looks like nothing will change that unless the slobbering press stops backing this ingrate and stops giving you sheeple whatever ammo you need to at least not look foolish.
1. the IRS targeting conservatives was not a coincidence, especially considering they admitted to it; anyone who says they weren't is just plain ignorant.
2. obama does have faults and his presidency has actually been fairly disappointing for what he promised, however I don't think he is the complete failure and disgusting criminal that repubs make him out to be.
3. the phone number is a coincidence because no one is actually stupid enough to purposely make a phone number like that except as a purely satirical phone number, plus you actually have to deliberately pick which letter you use from each number to actually make FUCKYO; as I said in another thread, I can spell DUALZO with those letters too, whoop dee doo.

The Obama campaign tried to tell everyone that Mitt Romney murdered someone's wife.

The Democrats have been calling the GOP every despicable name in the book.

Obama called me and about 8 million Americans "Tea Baggers" knowing full well what it means.

To understand what motivates Obama, it's important to understand a critical aspect of liberalism: liberals are all about a will for power, not about caring for the poor.

A key core attribute of most liberals is a sense of smug superiority:

Atheist liberals believe they are better than those fools who believe in God.
Liberals who give little of their own money to charity believe they are better than Christians who sacrifice to help the poor.
Liberals who have no children believe they know better how to raise children than do families who actually have children.
Racist liberals believe that they are better than blacks, which is why white liberals believe they can define who is authentically black.
Liberals who've never run a business or created a job believe they know better than American businessmen how to run a business

Like all those who think of themselves as superior but are not, liberals feel that they have the right to dictate how everyone else lives. They truly believe that the nanny state is the right approach because the benighted folk who cling to their guns and religion in flyover country can't manage their lives without the benevolent guidance of liberal elites.

Read more: Articles: What Democrats Really Care About
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Obama has the support of the press so regardless what the scandal is, he escapes. They literally feel they can get away with murder.

Obama specializes in doing things that nobody would believe anyone would be stupid enough or reckless enough to try.

This is no accident.

Don't forget those scoundrels in the W.H. from the Clinton Admin who popped all the "W" keys off the keyboards before they left... :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's wasn't random either...
1. the IRS targeting conservatives was not a coincidence, especially considering they admitted to it; anyone who says they weren't is just plain ignorant.
2. obama does have faults and his presidency has actually been fairly disappointing for what he promised, however I don't think he is the complete failure and disgusting criminal that repubs make him out to be.
3. the phone number is a coincidence because no one is actually stupid enough to purposely make a phone number like that except as a purely satirical phone number, plus you actually have to deliberately pick which letter you use from each number to actually make FUCKYO; as I said in another thread, I can spell DUALZO with those letters too, whoop dee doo.

The Obama campaign tried to tell everyone that Mitt Romney murdered someone's wife.

The Democrats have been calling the GOP every despicable name in the book.

Obama called me and about 8 million Americans "Tea Baggers" knowing full well what it means.

To understand what motivates Obama, it's important to understand a critical aspect of liberalism: liberals are all about a will for power, not about caring for the poor.

A key core attribute of most liberals is a sense of smug superiority:

Atheist liberals believe they are better than those fools who believe in God.
Liberals who give little of their own money to charity believe they are better than Christians who sacrifice to help the poor.
Liberals who have no children believe they know better how to raise children than do families who actually have children.
Racist liberals believe that they are better than blacks, which is why white liberals believe they can define who is authentically black.
Liberals who've never run a business or created a job believe they know better than American businessmen how to run a business

Like all those who think of themselves as superior but are not, liberals feel that they have the right to dictate how everyone else lives. They truly believe that the nanny state is the right approach because the benighted folk who cling to their guns and religion in flyover country can't manage their lives without the benevolent guidance of liberal elites.

Read more: Articles: What Democrats Really Care About
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Obama has the support of the press so regardless what the scandal is, he escapes. They literally feel they can get away with murder.

Obama specializes in doing things that nobody would believe anyone would be stupid enough or reckless enough to try.

This is no accident.

Don't forget those scoundrels in the W.H. from the Clinton Admin who popped all the "W" keys off the keyboards before they left... :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's wasn't random either...

But we can't prove that happened, so to a lib it never did.

Libs love lying to themselves alot. When your entire belief system is based on fairytales it becomes a habit I guess.

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