$1.9Trn bill was a Biden disaster

Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation

Didn‘t see any inflation worries when Crooked Donnie ran up a $3 trillion deficit.
That's different a Republican did that.
Happens every time a Republican is elected

Slash taxes and then complain once a Democrat s elected

What about the Deficit?
Deficits don't matter is what Cheney told us.

What else did he say that you believed ?
As usual many here ignore ROOT causes of why we have massive debt legislation every year now, over 2/3rs of the budget are automatic debt 100% created by the Democrats, as they are the ones who passed Medicare. Medicaid, Social Security, which is the Entitlement part of the budget which currently consumes about 68% of the entire Federal budget and growing, it will reach 100% in a couple decades, then the country collapses.

Stop the partisan bullshit!

Kicking the issue down the road.

It's what they do.
When the worthless Muslim Negro assumed office he created a stupid stimulus bill to pay off the filthy Democrat special interest group. It did nothing to help the economy.

Why would we expect Joe Dufus to do anything different?

Anybody that voted for Joe Dufus and then ignored the fact that he stole the election is a moron.
Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation

Didn‘t see any inflation worries when Crooked Donnie ran up a $3 trillion deficit.
Of course you did. That is one of the criticisms I had of him. This is even before COVID.
Why don't you show us.
Show you what? that I criticized him?

If I do, will you promise to leave this site forever? Deal?
Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation

Didn‘t see any inflation worries when Crooked Donnie ran up a $3 trillion deficit.
That's different a Republican did that.
So you’re saying I write for Marketwatch now?
No, I am sating your fears are unfounded since the US has been doing the same since Reagan.
and prices have done nothing but go up,,

now dont you look like an ignorant fool,,
Since when have prices gone down?
Gas prices went down under DJT and since 85% or so of goods are still transported by trucks, gas price increases equate to rise in prices for most products. You’re welcome for the lesson.
Did the price of product go down, when the gas prices went DOWN? Nope. They actually went up, when gas prices dropped during the corona virus lockdown.

Then Why would product prices go up, when gas prices go up to what they were previously?

Products/groceries, never go down when oil and gas go down, I was wondering why they didn't? Yet go up in price, when gasoline goes up?
Huh? There was no toilet paper either what does that have to do with the price of gas?
If his concern is rising gas prices translates to rising prices of products and groceries...

Then Why wouldn't lower gas prices, translate in to lower prices of products and groceries?
Once product costs go up they rarely go down. You know this, come on.
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?
Many here, including myself applauded Clinton working with Republicans to cut the welfare roles.
I don't remember you complaining when Obama tossed all that aside and increased the roles again?

I am responding to claims of Democrats NEVER cutting spending.

I pointed out where both Clinton and Obama cut spending

Well Clinton and Newt balanced the budget. Something that hadn't been done in a long time.

Obama?? Don't make me laugh.
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

Everyone outside of government has to cut back and spend less during recessions. Government goes right on spending no matter, disconnected from the economy that pays for their shit. The jack up taxes during the good times, then refuse to cut back during the bad times.

Did you know that during the peak of the 2008-2010 recession unemployment, in state and local government employee unions unemployment was unchanged at 3.8%.
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

Everyone outside of government has to cut back and spend less during recessions. Government goes right on spending no matter, disconnected from the economy that pays for their shit. The jack up taxes during the good times, then refuse to cut back during the bad times.

Did you know that during the peak of the 2008-2010 recession unemployment, in state and local government employee unions unemployment was unchanged at 3.8%.

Not surprised since they live in a bubble. They never get fired or laid off like we regular folks do.

I worked with a woman who was a Fed employee for 17 years. She left to assist her mother. She went to DC to see some of her old work mates there. Those people had no idea what the rest of the country was going through. They live in a very nice bubble paid for by we the tax payer.

Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation. As I said before it would have been smarter to give the full $1.9trn to Americans vs just $422bn and have the rest be bullshit.

Get ready for banks to hold back credit and for a massive recession.

Thanks you Transocrats

Why not? It worked for Donald Trump. $1.9 trillion is the exact amount of the tax cut that Dumb Donald gave to billionaires and large corporations, all of whom have been awash in cash since W was President. You don't seem to have had a problem with "printing money" for that give away.

Conservatives have a real problem with giving money to working people, and yet that is what governments in the top ranked first world countries do. The wealthy still get more than the rest of us, but the working class gets a lot of income supports, starting with universal health care, and a child tax benefit of up to $500 per month, per child to help cover child care costs.

If you're out of work, you can get training grants, and income support to retrain. If you start a business, you can get participate in programs to give you income support and management training in your first year.

We have geared to income housing for seniors, and a guaranteed income of $19,000 per year for retirees. For families with income of less than $35,000 per year, we have child tax credits of $500 per month per child, which reduces on a sliding scale and disappears completely when your income reaches $70,000 per family. Similar to the child tax benefit that Biden just passed into law.

Norway has FREE education, right up to and including the University level. All Canadian universities are government funded. We invest in our PEOPLE, not our corporations. We invest in education and infrastructure - BIGLY. When the Republicans took over in 1980, they stopped investing or even maintaining infrastructure.

The USA is now missing out on international investment in manufacturing because your workforce is so poorly educated, that millions of high skill jobs are going unfilled, but you're not offering retraining to your workers to fill those jobs. The workers have to train themselves. Not very bright of you.

You middle class is shrinking. More people are falling back into poverty than are rising into wealth. A successful economy is dependant on a thriving and growing middle class. Your middle class is neither, and your tax code and labour code does nothing for the working poor.
Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation

Didn‘t see any inflation worries when Crooked Donnie ran up a $3 trillion deficit.
That's different a Republican did that.
So you’re saying I write for Marketwatch now?
No, I am sating your fears are unfounded since the US has been doing the same since Reagan.
and prices have done nothing but go up,,

now dont you look like an ignorant fool,,
Since when have prices gone down?
Gas prices went down under DJT and since 85% or so of goods are still transported by trucks, gas price increases equate to rise in prices for most products. You’re welcome for the lesson.
Did the price of product go down, when the gas prices went DOWN? Nope. They actually went up, when gas prices dropped during the corona virus lockdown.

Then Why would product prices go up, when gas prices go up to what they were previously?

Products/groceries, never go down when oil and gas go down, I was wondering why they didn't? Yet go up in price, when gasoline goes up?
Huh? There was no toilet paper either what does that have to do with the price of gas?
If his concern is rising gas prices translates to rising prices of products and groceries...

Then Why wouldn't lower gas prices, translate in to lower prices of products and groceries?
Once product costs go up they rarely go down. You know this, come on.
So gasoline prices going up, is simply an excuse to raise prices, and keep them at that higher price when gasoline prices go down, so to pocket more profit?
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?
Many here, including myself applauded Clinton working with Republicans to cut the welfare roles.
I don't remember you complaining when Obama tossed all that aside and increased the roles again?

I am responding to claims of Democrats NEVER cutting spending.

I pointed out where both Clinton and Obama cut spending

Well Clinton and Newt balanced the budget. Something that hadn't been done in a long time.

Obama?? Don't make me laugh.

Jimmy Carter (another Democrat) balanced the budget.
Obama, in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, cut the deficit by two thirds.

Now, let’s discuss Trump
Presiding over an economy that he claimed to be the best in history, he raised the deficit to well over a trillion dollars.

How do you defend that?
Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation

Didn‘t see any inflation worries when Crooked Donnie ran up a $3 trillion deficit.
That's different a Republican did that.
So you’re saying I write for Marketwatch now?
No, I am sating your fears are unfounded since the US has been doing the same since Reagan.
and prices have done nothing but go up,,

now dont you look like an ignorant fool,,
Since when have prices gone down?
Gas prices went down under DJT and since 85% or so of goods are still transported by trucks, gas price increases equate to rise in prices for most products. You’re welcome for the lesson.
Did the price of product go down, when the gas prices went DOWN? Nope. They actually went up, when gas prices dropped during the corona virus lockdown.

Then Why would product prices go up, when gas prices go up to what they were previously?

Products/groceries, never go down when oil and gas go down, I was wondering why they didn't? Yet go up in price, when gasoline goes up?
Huh? There was no toilet paper either what does that have to do with the price of gas?
If his concern is rising gas prices translates to rising prices of products and groceries...

Then Why wouldn't lower gas prices, translate in to lower prices of products and groceries?
Once product costs go up they rarely go down. You know this, come on.
So gasoline prices going up, is simply an excuse to raise prices, and keep them at that higher price when gasoline prices go down, so to pocket more profit?

youre half right,,
I agree and from what I've been reading they are working on a 3 Trillion dollar bill right now. Add that to the deficit.

The Infrastructure bill can be funded through increases in taxes and fees

Oh and just how far do you think those taxes and fees will take that bill??

Get ready for everyone to pay higher taxes. Oh and its not just infrastructure. Its another bill laden with pork.

Well....which is it Republicans?

We haven’t had a major infrastructure initiative in 40 years

If we try to pay for it by adding to the Deficit, Republicans scream.......DEBT :ack-1:

If we try to pay for it by increasing taxes and fees, Republicans scream.......TAXES :surprised1:

Oh we need infrastructure repair. No doubt about that. What we don't need is the pork in that bill.

By definition, infrastructure projects are PORK

Building a new bridge in your state does not help me, so it is PORK to me
Building a new highway in my state does not help you, so it is PORK to you

Nope. Infrastructure repair isn't pork. Its been needed for decades. The rest of the bill is pork though.

Sure it is
Repairs in your community is pork
Why don’t you fix my roads?

Modern upgrades to not just highways but rail, ports and harbors, water and sewer systems, communications networks, internet networks, power grid

Not PORK but needed infrastructure
Wait a minute--didn't obama/biden scam a bunch money to fix the infrastructure--highways,rails, ports, harbors etc in their shovel ready jobs scam that resulting in money just disappearing into their donors and theirs bank accounts? How can any infrastructure need repair after all the supposed money that Obama/Biden supposedly sent their way.

You own the crashing economy.........
Highways, ports, harbors are not shovel ready projects
Obama and biden said they were........

Of course lying Obama had to eventually admit that shovel ready scam jobs weren't really jobs.......EVENTUALLY.

Like with shovel ready nonsense--Bidens 1.9 trillion is just another money grabbing scam.
It appears you have no concept of what a shovel ready job is.

Perhaps you could explain it to us
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?
Many here, including myself applauded Clinton working with Republicans to cut the welfare roles.
I don't remember you complaining when Obama tossed all that aside and increased the roles again?

I am responding to claims of Democrats NEVER cutting spending.

I pointed out where both Clinton and Obama cut spending

Well Clinton and Newt balanced the budget. Something that hadn't been done in a long time.

Obama?? Don't make me laugh.

Jimmy Carter (another Democrat) balanced the budget.
Obama, in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, cut the deficit by two thirds.

Now, let’s discuss Trump
Presiding over an economy that he claimed to be the best in history, he raised the deficit to well over a trillion dollars.

How do you defend that?

Jimmy Carter balanced the budget?? If he did explain why inflation was through the roof when he got ousted??
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?
Many here, including myself applauded Clinton working with Republicans to cut the welfare roles.
I don't remember you complaining when Obama tossed all that aside and increased the roles again?

I am responding to claims of Democrats NEVER cutting spending.

I pointed out where both Clinton and Obama cut spending

Well Clinton and Newt balanced the budget. Something that hadn't been done in a long time.

Obama?? Don't make me laugh.

Jimmy Carter (another Democrat) balanced the budget.
Obama, in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, cut the deficit by two thirds.

Now, let’s discuss Trump
Presiding over an economy that he claimed to be the best in history, he raised the deficit to well over a trillion dollars.

How do you defend that?
The Muslim in Chief added billions to it before he cut any of it back and still came out way higher than when he took over.
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?
Many here, including myself applauded Clinton working with Republicans to cut the welfare roles.
I don't remember you complaining when Obama tossed all that aside and increased the roles again?

I am responding to claims of Democrats NEVER cutting spending.

I pointed out where both Clinton and Obama cut spending

Well Clinton and Newt balanced the budget. Something that hadn't been done in a long time.

Obama?? Don't make me laugh.

Jimmy Carter (another Democrat) balanced the budget.
Obama, in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, cut the deficit by two thirds.

Now, let’s discuss Trump
Presiding over an economy that he claimed to be the best in history, he raised the deficit to well over a trillion dollars.

How do you defend that?

Jimmy Carter balanced the budget?? If he did explain why inflation was through the roof when he got ousted??

Part of the reason inflation skyrocketed.
Carter insisted on fiscal austerity and a balanced budget.

Reagan “saved the economy” by tripling the deficit and jacking up spending
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?
Many here, including myself applauded Clinton working with Republicans to cut the welfare roles.
I don't remember you complaining when Obama tossed all that aside and increased the roles again?

I am responding to claims of Democrats NEVER cutting spending.

I pointed out where both Clinton and Obama cut spending

Well Clinton and Newt balanced the budget. Something that hadn't been done in a long time.

Obama?? Don't make me laugh.

Jimmy Carter (another Democrat) balanced the budget.
Obama, in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, cut the deficit by two thirds.

Now, let’s discuss Trump
Presiding over an economy that he claimed to be the best in history, he raised the deficit to well over a trillion dollars.

How do you defend that?
The Muslim in Chief added billions to it before he cut any of it back and still came out way higher than when he took over.
Sorry racist
Ain’t playing
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?
Many here, including myself applauded Clinton working with Republicans to cut the welfare roles.
I don't remember you complaining when Obama tossed all that aside and increased the roles again?

I am responding to claims of Democrats NEVER cutting spending.

I pointed out where both Clinton and Obama cut spending

Well Clinton and Newt balanced the budget. Something that hadn't been done in a long time.

Obama?? Don't make me laugh.

Jimmy Carter (another Democrat) balanced the budget.
Obama, in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, cut the deficit by two thirds.

Now, let’s discuss Trump
Presiding over an economy that he claimed to be the best in history, he raised the deficit to well over a trillion dollars.

How do you defend that?
The Muslim in Chief added billions to it before he cut any of it back and still came out way higher than when he took over.
Sorry racist
Ain’t playing
Truth never does with the looneybin left
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?
Many here, including myself applauded Clinton working with Republicans to cut the welfare roles.
I don't remember you complaining when Obama tossed all that aside and increased the roles again?

I am responding to claims of Democrats NEVER cutting spending.

I pointed out where both Clinton and Obama cut spending

Well Clinton and Newt balanced the budget. Something that hadn't been done in a long time.

Obama?? Don't make me laugh.

Jimmy Carter (another Democrat) balanced the budget.
Obama, in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, cut the deficit by two thirds.

Now, let’s discuss Trump
Presiding over an economy that he claimed to be the best in history, he raised the deficit to well over a trillion dollars.

How do you defend that?
The Muslim in Chief added billions to it before he cut any of it back and still came out way higher than when he took over.
Sorry racist
Ain’t playing
Truth never does with the looneybin left
Ain’t playing
Find another sucker
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?
Many here, including myself applauded Clinton working with Republicans to cut the welfare roles.
I don't remember you complaining when Obama tossed all that aside and increased the roles again?

I am responding to claims of Democrats NEVER cutting spending.

I pointed out where both Clinton and Obama cut spending

Well Clinton and Newt balanced the budget. Something that hadn't been done in a long time.

Obama?? Don't make me laugh.

Jimmy Carter (another Democrat) balanced the budget.
Obama, in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, cut the deficit by two thirds.

Now, let’s discuss Trump
Presiding over an economy that he claimed to be the best in history, he raised the deficit to well over a trillion dollars.

How do you defend that?
The Muslim in Chief added billions to it before he cut any of it back and still came out way higher than when he took over.
Sorry racist
Ain’t playing
Still waiting for your to post your links

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