$1.9Trn bill was a Biden disaster

I agree and from what I've been reading they are working on a 3 Trillion dollar bill right now. Add that to the deficit.

The Infrastructure bill can be funded through increases in taxes and fees
If you take all the money from the rich, it won't put a dent in that bill.

The rich, corporations,general taxes, users of the infrastructure and long term bonds

Just how we always pay for infrastructure

Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation. As I said before it would have been smarter to give the full $1.9trn to Americans vs just $422bn and have the rest be bullshit.

Get ready for banks to hold back credit and for a massive recession.

Thanks you Transocrats

Hey that's only the beginning of the Dem spending spree. Dem's don't care, they will burn the country to ash to get theirs in the short term.

Infrastructure is responsible spending

Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation. As I said before it would have been smarter to give the full $1.9trn to Americans vs just $422bn and have the rest be bullshit.

Get ready for banks to hold back credit and for a massive recession.

Thanks you Transocrats

Hey that's only the beginning of the Dem spending spree. Dem's don't care, they will burn the country to ash to get theirs in the short term.

Infrastructure is responsible spending

Right like the shovel ready jobs, that money was diverted into Dem coffers. :talk2hand:
Thats bull shit. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. That was a lesson learned by Kennedy, Raegan and Trump.

Another example of why Conservatives suck at math.

We haven’t had serious infrastructure investment since Reagan slashed our tax base
Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation

Didn‘t see any inflation worries when Crooked Donnie ran up a $3 trillion deficit.
That's different a Republican did that.
So you’re saying I write for Marketwatch now?
No, I am sating your fears are unfounded since the US has been doing the same since Reagan.

Covid bill 1.9 Trillion
"Green" infrastructure bill 3.0 Trillion

All passed or proposed within 2 months of inauguration day...

So, no. Other administrations have not done the same.

Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation. As I said before it would have been smarter to give the full $1.9trn to Americans vs just $422bn and have the rest be bullshit.

Get ready for banks to hold back credit and for a massive recession.

Thanks you Transocrats

Hey that's only the beginning of the Dem spending spree. Dem's don't care, they will burn the country to ash to get theirs in the short term.

Infrastructure is responsible spending

Right like the shovel ready jobs, that money was diverted into Dem coffers. :talk2hand:

Conservatives never did understand what a shovel ready job is.
They were projects that were ready to start immediately and help the economy NOW. Yes, we did see short term boosts

The infrastructure projects we are looking at now will take decades to complete and provide lasting benefit
Thats bull shit. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. That was a lesson learned by Kennedy, Raegan and Trump.

Another example of why Conservatives suck at math.

We haven’t had serious infrastructure investment since Reagan slashed our tax base

You won't have one with Joe either.

Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation. As I said before it would have been smarter to give the full $1.9trn to Americans vs just $422bn and have the rest be bullshit.

Get ready for banks to hold back credit and for a massive recession.

Thanks you Transocrats

Hey that's only the beginning of the Dem spending spree. Dem's don't care, they will burn the country to ash to get theirs in the short term.

Infrastructure is responsible spending
Possibly. Care to explain why that is the case and military spend isn't the case?
Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation

Didn‘t see any inflation worries when Crooked Donnie ran up a $3 trillion deficit.
That's different a Republican did that.
So you’re saying I write for Marketwatch now?
No, I am sating your fears are unfounded since the US has been doing the same since Reagan.
No they haven't.
President Obama used trickle down economics on a scale that is over 1000% more than Reagan.
The TARP program was used to bail out the wealthiest organizations in the world. Who took that money, reinvested it (a great deal in foreign assets) and made HUGE profits off of - meanwhile the middle class suffered tremendously. Only outdone by the great depression.
Millions lost their homes. But the banks that held the mortgages, were bailed out - AND - they got to keep and resell the property. Obama was the greatest friend to Wall Street in U.S history. It isn't even close.
The wealth gap grew at a faster rate, and higher amounts than any other President in history.
We were talking about deficits by the govt.
Yeah... my bad, I thought deficits were incurred by spending. Please tell me how else deficits are created other than spending.

Deficits are a byproduct of low revenue and high spending
Deficits = spend more than you earn. Are you ever factually correct? No wonder you troll all the time because if you have to have an honest discussion you look stupid.
I think you are starting to learn

If you cut back on the hours you work and keep spending at the same level......your deficits will increase

Simple math
Oh RW... you are indeed a good source of humor.
How much the government spends has absolutely nothing to do with revenue. Nothing.
Both Republicans and Democrats have been drunk on deficit spending since the 1980s. Taxes higher, taxes lower has no effect.

Well, Conservatives need to learn basic math

If you slash taxes without cutting spending FIRST, you increase your deficit.

When was the last time Republicans did that?

LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.
Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation

Didn‘t see any inflation worries when Crooked Donnie ran up a $3 trillion deficit.
That's different a Republican did that.
So you’re saying I write for Marketwatch now?
No, I am sating your fears are unfounded since the US has been doing the same since Reagan.
No they haven't.
President Obama used trickle down economics on a scale that is over 1000% more than Reagan.
The TARP program was used to bail out the wealthiest organizations in the world. Who took that money, reinvested it (a great deal in foreign assets) and made HUGE profits off of - meanwhile the middle class suffered tremendously. Only outdone by the great depression.
Millions lost their homes. But the banks that held the mortgages, were bailed out - AND - they got to keep and resell the property. Obama was the greatest friend to Wall Street in U.S history. It isn't even close.
The wealth gap grew at a faster rate, and higher amounts than any other President in history.
We were talking about deficits by the govt.
Yeah... my bad, I thought deficits were incurred by spending. Please tell me how else deficits are created other than spending.

Deficits are a byproduct of low revenue and high spending
Deficits = spend more than you earn. Are you ever factually correct? No wonder you troll all the time because if you have to have an honest discussion you look stupid.
I think you are starting to learn

If you cut back on the hours you work and keep spending at the same level......your deficits will increase

Simple math
Oh RW... you are indeed a good source of humor.
How much the government spends has absolutely nothing to do with revenue. Nothing.
Both Republicans and Democrats have been drunk on deficit spending since the 1980s. Taxes higher, taxes lower has no effect.

Well, Conservatives need to learn basic math

If you slash taxes without cutting spending FIRST, you increase your deficit.

When was the last time Republicans did that?

LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.
During Oblama spending was reduced per law and there was a budget ceiling. It's called sequestration.
Possibly. Care to explain why that is the case and military spend isn't the case?

Well, let’s look at it this way

The US spends 33 cents of every military in the world. More than the next ten countries combined.

Those countries have invested in modern infrastructure and we lag behind.

It is a matter of priorities
Another example of why Conservatives suck at math.

We haven’t had serious infrastructure investment since Reagan slashed our tax base
Glad you admit the Obama infrastructure plans used to sell the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
of 2009 was just jive bullshit and so much devious deceit.
Most of that money was plowed into democrat friendly unions not unlike the Covid Relief Bill eleven years
later where battling the covid virus was the bait but the payoff was money for unions, once again,
and big democrat cities drowning in red ink.

The money for covid was a mere afterthought.
More evidence that Obama pulls on Joe Biden's strings and Joe does the dancing (in a clumsy, fumbling
sort of way).
Possibly. Care to explain why that is the case and military spend isn't the case?

Well, let’s look at it this way

The US spends 33 cents of every military in the world. More than the next ten countries combined.

Those countries have invested in modern infrastructure and we lag behind.

It is a matter of priorities
What countries have invested in modern infrastructure? Would they do so if they weren't allies of the US? Do you not agree that military spend creates jobs in the private sector as well as keeping the country safe? I look forward to your intelligent and concise response.
Another example of why Conservatives suck at math.

We haven’t had serious infrastructure investment since Reagan slashed our tax base
Glad you admit the Obama infrastructure plans used to sell the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
of 2009 was just jive bullshit and so much devious deceit.
Most of that money was plowed into democrat friendly unions not unlike the Covid Relief Bill eleven years
later where battling the covid virus was the bait but the payoff was money for unions, once again,
and big democrat cities drowning in red ink.

More evidence that Obama pulls on Joe Biden's strings and Joe does the dancing (in a clumsy, fumbling
sort of way).
Conservative propaganda
Unworthy of a response
Selective in use of the term, ‘infrastructure,’ skirts the issue of marxist blm-antifa destroying the infrastructure while dems looked the other way.

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