$1.9Trn bill was a Biden disaster

Conservative propaganda
Unworthy of a response
Straight up facts, Jack! And not surprisingly there is nothing you can say to dispute the facts.
I think you love being played like a dumb fish by the dems.
Or more likely like a plain looking high school girl being charmed by the school stud.

You giggle and blush with delight as you are being lied to.
Do you not agree that military spend creates jobs in the private sector as well as keeping the country safe?

I worked 40 years in DoD
Military spending creates good paying jobs

So does investing in modern infrastructure. It is a matter of priorities.

Does it keep Americans safe?
We haven’t been invaded in over 200 years and that is because of geography and friendly neighbors...not because we spend so much on our military.
Our military keeps the rest of the world safe and protects our foreign markets.
Possibly. Care to explain why that is the case and military spend isn't the case?

Well, let’s look at it this way

The US spends 33 cents of every military in the world. More than the next ten countries combined.

Those countries have invested in modern infrastructure and we lag behind.

It is a matter of priorities
HAHAHAHA!!!.... there you go again.
Those countries don't have military spending because we protect them. If America had a small military, only protecting ourselves... then they would either have a military budget quadruple what it is now, or they would be speaking Russian.
Are you suggesting we go back to a small Army like before WWII?
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Hope you aren't holding your breath. Winger view all Reps as idiots and his Dems as angels who always do the right thing.

I just LMAO at how ignorant he is.
He is mostly trying to be hyperbolic and comedic. I can live with that.

Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation. As I said before it would have been smarter to give the full $1.9trn to Americans vs just $422bn and have the rest be bullshit.

Get ready for banks to hold back credit and for a massive recession.

Thanks you Transocrats

The banks we bailed out in 2009?

Those banks?

In a fractional banking system economy, inflation, just like deficits, don’t matter.

The infrastructure bill is coming next, and all of that is going to the people. That many jobs created that fast, will stem any concerns of economic dynamics. I’ll take 2-3% of inflation, and a robust jobs market, that continues to grow for several years, over the alternative.

Remember. We had 75 straight months of job growth, 142% gain in the stock market, with no inflation, and a sustainable tax base under the Obama-Biden administration. And that was with unprecedented Republican obstruction.

It took less than half that time for Trump and his Republican Congress to destroy all of it, with 500,000 dead to go with it.

I could give a rats ass what any spending naysayer has to say about anything.
Do you not agree that military spend creates jobs in the private sector as well as keeping the country safe?

I worked 40 years in DoD
Military spending creates good paying jobs

So does investing in modern infrastructure. It is a matter of priorities.

Does it keep Americans safe?
We haven’t been invaded in over 200 years and that is because of geography and friendly neighbors...not because we spend so much on our military.
Our military keeps the rest of the world safe and protects our foreign markets.
What good paying jobs does infrastructure spend create please? So we weren't invaded in Dec. 1941? Residents of Hawaii would disagree. And invasions now come in the form of terror - see 9/11 and cyber attacks.
Plus something you never hear from the media...we can't just print dollars...that would be printing counterfeit money...the money must be backed by loans...either from the world bank or other nations...nations with money like China...if an angry China ever wanted to ruin us all they would have to do is raise the interest rate on our loan.....

Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation. As I said before it would have been smarter to give the full $1.9trn to Americans vs just $422bn and have the rest be bullshit.

Get ready for banks to hold back credit and for a massive recession.

Thanks you Transocrats

The banks we bailed out in 2009?

Those banks?

In a fractional banking system economy, inflation, just like deficits, don’t matter.

The infrastructure bill is coming next, and all of that is going to the people. That many jobs created that fast, will stem any concerns of economic dynamics. I’ll take 2-3% of inflation, and a robust jobs market, that continues to grow for several years, over the alternative.

Remember. We had 75 straight months of job growth, 142% gain in the stock market, with no inflation, and a sustainable tax base under the Obama-Biden administration. And that was with unprecedented Republican obstruction.

It took less than half that time for Trump and his Republican Congress to destroy all of it, with 500,000 dead to go with it.

I could give a rats ass what any spending naysayer has to say about anything.
Not bailed out. Credit injections that were paid back.
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Possibly. Care to explain why that is the case and military spend isn't the case?

Well, let’s look at it this way

The US spends 33 cents of every military in the world. More than the next ten countries combined.

Those countries have invested in modern infrastructure and we lag behind.

It is a matter of priorities
HAHAHAHA!!!.... there you go again.
Those countries don't have military spending because we protect them. If America had a small military, only protecting ourselves... then they would either have a military budget quadruple what it is now, or they would be speaking Russian.
Are you suggesting we go back to a small Army like before WWII?
They spend money on modern infrastructure because we protect them.

Who are the suckers?
You won't have one with Joe either.

Not if Republicans have their way

America WANTS infrastructure investment
It is a nonpartisan issue.

Republicans will block it

What Joe and Co. are proposing is not an infrastructure bill

Show me

Trump passes $2.2 trillion COVID economic stimulus
Republicans: We must stimulate the economy and help those impacted by COVID

Biden passes $1.8 trillion COVID economic stimulus
Republicans: What about the DEFICIT?
The dems insisted on shutting down the economy under trump--we should have left the economy open but the dems insisted so Trumps stimulus actually went to help the economy........

WTF is Biden using the 1.9 trillion for now? sex studies overseas? Economy was already recovering last year--------now with Biden stealing the 1.9 trillion------we will be going down. Will you still give Biden credit for the 2021/2022 economy to come. Biden and you OWN it.
Then you should be in high level govt. because that is not what the Fed reserve or Yellen is saying.
Yellen is a self serving swamp bitch-----------inflation is heating up and the bitch hasn't raised the interest rates to slow it down which is her fucking job.
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?
Possibly. Care to explain why that is the case and military spend isn't the case?

Well, let’s look at it this way

The US spends 33 cents of every military in the world. More than the next ten countries combined.

Those countries have invested in modern infrastructure and we lag behind.

It is a matter of priorities
What countries have invested in modern infrastructure? Would they do so if they weren't allies of the US? Do you not agree that military spend creates jobs in the private sector as well as keeping the country safe? I look forward to your intelligent and concise response.
Biden proposed more production of microchips and Intel announced two billion in development to manufacture more ships in the US. So we can get better prices for or gaming computer boards.
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?
He did? Where is the link that he did that. Still waiting. Thanks.
LOL Dems never cut spending. They just raise taxes.

You sure like to lie to yourself.

Clinton did
Obama did
Links please

Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Obama had a ten percent sequester on all Government agencies
That is correct. But he also had the .com boom! Once in a lifetime transformative event. If you recall then many .coms failed and they then created a policy with Greenspan that everyone may own home...short term gain but long term pain.
Clinton also constrained spending and passed welfare reform.
What does that do to the claim that Democrats NEVER cut spending?

That wasn't Clinton, that was Gingrich and the contract with America...
Trump passes $2.2 trillion COVID economic stimulus
Republicans: We must stimulate the economy and help those impacted by COVID

Biden passes $1.8 trillion COVID economic stimulus
Republicans: What about the DEFICIT?
The dems insisted on shutting down the economy under trump--we should have left the economy open but the dems insisted so Trumps stimulus actually went to help the economy........

WTF is Biden using the 1.9 trillion for now? sex studies overseas? Economy was already recovering last year--------now with Biden stealing the 1.9 trillion------we will be going down. Will you still give Biden credit for the 2021/2022 economy to come. Biden and you OWN it.
Then you should be in high level govt. because that is not what the Fed reserve or Yellen is saying.
Yellen is a self serving swamp bitch-----------inflation is heating up and the bitch hasn't raised the interest rates to slow it down which is her fucking job.
What inflation? It's on the same level as it has been prepandemic. Are you not paying less for shit tickets than a year ago when there was none to be had?

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