1 in 5 US Renters Risk Eviction by 9/30/2020

By bandits you mean Wall Street, big corporations, the 1%, the Catholic Church. etc right?
Don't forget "law and order" conservatives who spend hours every week dialing for dollars:

"That tax gap didn’t just magically happen — it is the result of conservatives’ huge cuts to the Internal Revenue Service’s enforcement budget, which resulted in a particularly precipitous decline in audit rates for the superrich.

"In fact, the $266 billion figure could be an understatement, because the congressional budget analysts were estimating the tax gap that existed before those IRS budget cuts."

The 1 Percent Are Cheating Us Out of a Quarter-Trillion Dollars in Taxes Every Year
Amazing to me is that San Francisco no longer has a 'homeless' issue, since the Gov has footed the bill to put homeless in hotel rooms.
"From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs"?

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs - Wikipedia.

"'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs' is a slogan popularised by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program.[1][2]

"The principle refers to free access to and distribution of goods, capital and services."
And what the heck the president has to do with black people killings by police?
A president who comes from a family of life-long bigots?
A president whose name appeared for the first time in the NYT as a defendant in a racial discrimination lawsuit?
Trump's a bogus POTUS, but his white supremacist credentials are for real.
ctually, the response was up to the governors, since the governors (NOT the President) run the states.
Actually, only POTUS can respond effectively to a NATIONAL pandemic. Of course, that works better when millions of bigots DON'T put a brain-dead sociopath in the White House.
Maybe you should get out of the homeless shelter more often...

It's a big country out there, and all of the areas weren't affected equally...

So there wasn't a "National" (or "one size fits all") solution...

So, again, maybe you should call Governor Nitwit and ask him why he didn't take the steps that you think YOUR state needed...
Amazing to me is that San Francisco no longer has a 'homeless' issue, since the Gov has footed the bill to put homeless in hotel rooms.
"From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs"?

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs - Wikipedia.

"'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs' is a slogan popularised by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program.[1][2]

"The principle refers to free access to and distribution of goods, capital and services."
Translation: "I'm a lazy fucker that won't work, so I want the people that DO work to pay for whatever I want!!!"

For what it's worth, Obama got what he wanted (cocaine) by sucking dicks...

Since you're so needy, I suggest that you get busy!!!
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Desmond recaptures some history:

'The distinctly American desire to own a home is just as pronounced among the poor as it is among the middle class. Since the pioneer days, freedom and citizenship and landholding have advanced in lockstep in the American mind. To be American was to be a homeowner. As for tenancy, it was "unfavorable to freedom," Thomas Hart told Congress in 1820. "It lays the foundation for separate orders in society, annihilates the love of country, and weakens the spirit of independence."(cited in Vale L, From the Puritans to the Projects: Public Housing and Public Neighbors, Harvard, 2000, p. 96).'
(Desmond M, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City)
Charity addiction, habitating shelters and food lines, can coerce the mind into psychic laziness and even go hypersensitive (stabbings in charity food lines, California). BLM-Antifa welfare selfishness and COVID-inconsiderate destruction of others' property aligns with this addiction:

"Make a Good Day," Not "Have a Good Day."

'But self-interest is not selfishness. Self-interest will impel the manufacturer to improve upon his output so as to attract trade, while selfishness will prompt him to seek the special privileges and state favor that in the end destroy the very system of economic freedom on which he depends. The worker who tries to improve his lot by rendering better service could hardly be called selfish; the description rather fits the worker who demands he be paid for not working.'
(Chodorov F, Fugitive Essays: What Individualism is Not)

Which is why at the point at which necessary labor diverges from excess labor, socialism becomes impossible.
The solution is... stop all this lock down nonsense, and get people back to work.
Which will swamp medical infrastructure in states like Florida, Texas, and California right now with many more to come before next November. You can't spin a virus, and the hit US GDP would have taken four months ago if Trump had responded like Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore did would have been minute compared to what is coming.


Contrary to the claim, Florida hospitals, are not overwhelmed.

I know that the freak-out-forever news media claims they are. They are not.

We will see. A surge in infections, does not mean anything. We've had a surge in the flu too. I pretty sure just last year, we in Ohio had a 'surge' in the flu. It was so bad that my company was practically running on a skeleton crew. Half the schools in the city closed. In fact I think it was 3/4 of all schools closed.

And during that time, we had a ton of flu patients in the hospital.

And then it passed. And everything went back to normal, because there wasn't a political goal involved by biased media outlets.

We'll see.
And what the heck the president has to do with black people killings by police?
A president who comes from a family of life-long bigots?
A president whose name appeared for the first time in the NYT as a defendant in a racial discrimination lawsuit?
Trump's a bogus POTUS, but his white supremacist credentials are for real.
I was there, so you can't fool me or fool anyone else.

Public Housing, lol, the great Public Housing.

The idea of Public Housing didn't come from the contractor but from the GOVERNMENT. Do you understand this part? Yes? Good, because this is enough to debunk your crappy version.

I will explain you what public housing was created for. Public Housing was and is a program made to help people who can't afford paying rent, for families who's head member suffered an accident and died or became handicapped, and they need a roof better suitable than public shelter. Public Housing extended its limitations to handicapped people, whereas mentally or physically. Same as well for seniors. It was created for low income individuals and families.


Public Housing wasn't created for black people. Do you understand? And I hope you do, because otherwise I might be arguing with a stupid dude or with a sh*t head.

Again, Public Housing wasn't created for black people, but for low income people to live temporarily in those premises.

And I was there. Not living there, of course... hell no...

Then, how the hell those Public Housing units were populated mainly by black people? My guess is because they didn't have good income, enough to pay the rent asked by landlords. Very simple.

It happens that many single black women (in some cities white women, in other cities Latino women) with one, two, three, four or more children, who "didn't know who were the fathers of their children", they applied for and lived in a five bedroom unit. And it happens that she was supposed to pay $30 per month in order to keep that apartment. A "symbolic payment" in order to establish she is paying rent, she is not for free.

$30. That's all.

Illegally, she was living with several boyfriends, each one at different times. There she obtained her drinks, cigarettes, and drugs. She was receiving food stamps to feed all her children. Not a single penny received from the fathers. She failed to pay two years of rent, this is to say, $720, and that debt was increasing. So, eviction came. She was evicted, she had to go to a shelter with her children.

Immediately, an attorney showed up, and as emergency case in front of the judge, it was ordered for the Department of Public Housing to find right away a suitable unit with several bedrooms for her. No matter about her debt history, because such was "history". She was back to public housing living again in a huge apartment paying $30. When the first month of rent was owed, she never showed herself to the office to pay her rent. And she started to accumulate additional $30 every month... until she was evicted again, shelter, judge, and back to public housing. And "she" means "they" because there were many black women doing the same.

Others were smart, they paid the $30 every month, FOR YEARS AND YEARS.....

I was there.

90% of the apartments and houses of those Public Housing were populated by people who lived there "all their lives". Entire generations. I met an old woman who still was having children while her older daughter with two children was living in a building accross the street. All of them in Public Housing. Mother and daughter with children from "unknown fathers".

All those "black people" who were paying from $30 to a third of their income, they never ever took the initiative to study and or find a better job. No. All of them, paying low income used their money to buy liquor and use drugs.

It wasn't the contractor Trump the owner of the liquor store and neither the one driving his car thru those streets selling drugs.

I was there.

So just get the f*ck out of here with your crap, you can lie to social resent people like you, but I was there, in Public Housing, and the miserable life black people experienced in those housing complexes wasn't the contractor Trump's fault but the same black people's fault, who decided to live almost for free, thinking they were smart but in reality they lived in hell when they themselves made their neighborhoods places of prostitution, violence and drugs.

I was there, I saw it all.

Luckily, progress calls for fixing errors, and in several cities, entire Public Housing complexes have been destroyed, and their residents have received a Section 8 voucher, so they can live anywhere they want inside the US territory, where Section 8 is accepted.

The initiative of Public Housing complexes had good intentions, but sadly people took it the wrong way. Rather than use it as an intermediary step guided to better status after catching up and find better jobs with better income, several people used it as their permanent housing and abused the system. I visited some of those units where some residents were decent people, educated and always trying to get out of that situation of depending from social services. I guess those were just a 10% from all of the family residents.

You, you took a program made to help people in economic trouble as a negative goal. The program itself was good, but people living in Public Housing were the ones who made those complexes like rat holes.

Do not blame the government, do not blame the contractors who built those buildings, but blame those m*ther f*ckers who destroyed those units, because I was there, I saw the metal front doors of those apartments deformed with the 9mm bullets stamped on their surfaces. I saw their usual broken bathroom and bedroom doors, the infestation of roaches inside and the back of the buildings full of trash bags they just threw from their windows, with the consequent rats which were of a size as big as a cat. The tenants did all that, and if the tenants were black people, then you know who did all that. You know about it, right? You know.
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If you can do the math, the "break-even" point for the unemployment payments was around $1200/wk pay while working.
If someone making more than that while working (the ones that actually started losing money by taking unemployment) can't keep a roof over their heads, I have no sympathy for them...
See if you can do this math: In my immigrant, working-class neighborhood, market rent for a 400 square-foot apartment is $1250 a month. Like I said...you need to get out more before making an even bigger fool of yourself.

Why do you think that is? Do you know why market rent is that high?

Left-wing places, with tons of regulations, cost dramatically more money to build in.

San Fransisco costs roughly $416 per square foot.
New York City, costs $368 per square foot.

Now compare that to Houston Texas, where they don't even have zoning laws.

$237 per square foot.

And that is directly the construction cost, not all the other expenses like getting planning approvals, permits, and other red tape.

Even left-wing media outlets are asking the question, why does it cost almost a million dollars, to build cheap housing.

So when you complain about the cost of housing, I can almost guarantee that unless you are living specifically in a boom town like in North Dakota during the oil boom.... It's because of left-wing socialist regulations and controls.
The renters were either still working and getting a paycheck (sometimes with a bonus from their employer for working during the shutdown), continuing to draw government benefits (in some cases, such as food stamps, they got enhanced benefits), or were laid off (and probably drawing up to twice the amount of their paycheck in unemployment)...
Many workers in this region can not pay market rents with a single job, yet they are still eligible for only a single UE claim and none of them are currently drawing twice the amount of their regular pay.

Imho, this virus, and Trump's inept response, will change this country over the next year in ways we haven't seen since FDR took over for Hoover.

"State courts are blocking almost all evictions and home foreclosures from going forward until three months after California ends its state of emergency because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Earlier this week, the Judicial Council, the policy making arm of the court system, considered allowing eviction lawsuits to proceed in early August, but backtracked after conversations with Gov. Gavin Newsom, state lawmakers and interest groups, said Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye in a statement."

Landlord group sues city of L.A. over coronavirus anti-eviction protections
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The renters were either still working and getting a paycheck (sometimes with a bonus from their employer for working during the shutdown), continuing to draw government benefits (in some cases, such as food stamps, they got enhanced benefits), or were laid off (and probably drawing up to twice the amount of their paycheck in unemployment)...
Many workers in this region can not pay market rents with a single job, yet they are still eligible for only a single UE claim and none of them are currently drawing twice the amount of their regular pay.

Imho, this virus, and Trump's inept response, will change this country over the next year in ways we haven't seen since FDR took over for Hoover.

"State courts are blocking almost all evictions and home foreclosures from going forward until three months after California ends its state of emergency because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Earlier this week, the Judicial Council, the policy making arm of the court system, considered allowing eviction lawsuits to proceed in early August, but backtracked after conversations with Gov. Gavin Newsom, state lawmakers and interest groups, said Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye in a statement."
Then it sounds like a lot of landlords will lose their properties when they get stiffed...

And since a lease is a contract between the tenant and the LANDLORD, that will void the leases, meaning that ALL of the tenants (even any that are current on their rent) can be evicted, or have to sign NEW leases with the bank that foreclosed or the new owners (with whatever terms THEY want to offer, including possible RENT INCREASES)...

Sounds like Governor Nitwit screwed the pooch again!!!
How does this work for an October Surprise?

20 Million Renters Are at Risk of Eviction; Policymakers Must Act Now to Mitigate Widespread Hardship - The Aspen Institute

"Mass evictions would be a disaster.

"For both individuals and families, evictions result in severe harm; when they become widespread, there are also significant consequences for entire communities and even the speed of economic recovery.

"Policymakers are actively seeking solutions, but it is difficult to prepare without knowing the size of the problem.

"The COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project (CEDP) was formed to solve that problem.

"It is a coalition of economic researchers and legal experts who developed a model to estimate eviction risk nationally and at the state level.

"The disturbing result: 19 to 23 million, or one in five of the 110 million Americans who live in renter households, are at risk of eviction by September 30, 2020."

I've noticed an uptick in the number of tents on the sidewalks around my neighborhood for years, but so far, only single adults live in them; what happens when children, and their middle-class (white:eek:) parents who have never experienced homelessness before, begin living on the streets?
Which is why the establishment and liberal turd politicians are locking down again and destroying the economy.

When gov't sugar daddy's tits run out of milk............then the shit hits the fan.......and we see the REAL DAMAGE OF COVID..........

Not the definition leading to higher body bag counts.........and wearing masks out of cloth that don't stop JACK SHIT.

Planned take down of this economy and it's workers in motion right now.

OP.............i don't care what a so called Brit thinks anyways.


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It seems that the renters' irresponsibility is probably what's putting them out on the street, dummy!!!
That depends on whether or not rent requires more than 30% of your earnings, and how many jobs you have to work every month to pay your rent and support a family.

Trump mishandling of a national pandemic is more responsible for what renters are experiencing today than anything else.

It seems that the renters' irresponsibility is probably what's putting them out on the street, dummy!!!
That depends on whether or not rent requires more than 30% of your earnings, and how many jobs you have to work every month to pay your rent and support a family.

Trump mishandling of a national pandemic is more responsible for what renters are experiencing today than anything else.

Who's feeding you this BS................Is your name Mikey..........doubt you even know what that means.


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