1 in 5 US Renters Risk Eviction by 9/30/2020

Couple a things you moronic twat-faced loser:
1) Where does it say they are illegals?
2) Who would be a landlord. Okay, let's evict all those 20 million people. Who're ya gonna rent your house to now?

People who lost their jobs because the pandemic have applied for unemployment, which provides a great percent of the salary of the person while he is without job. It is the responsibility of the receiver of the benefits to use the money wisely and restrain from overspending, and start saving the most he can for really bad times... when the unemployment benefits will be given no more.

But, this is for people who have been paying taxes, whereas as employees or self employed.

If you were trying to be "smart" and worked without paying taxes and social security, then you are in a kind of trouble to obtain benefits in this kind of emergency. Same applies if you are here living and working illegally.

The rental problem can be solved with an amplification of Section 8, giving the owners of those apartments and houses a certain percent of the rent while the existing tenant pays the other amount. If ti is not the full rental payment, at least the owner to receive 75% plus percent of it.

Of course, the tenant must prove he lost his income due to the pandemic, or he has been affected by it.

Some people claim the illegal immigrants who were working and lost their jobs have rights too, but by principle they have no right to be here in the first place.

Owners of properties might also have the option of reducing their rental fees, after all, the goal is not losing their business against receiving a little less income.

The current situation was not caused by any government but by the spreading of a virus, which can be compared to a worldwide earthquake shaking most of the nations. Governments of the world are trying ways to keep their countries in good standing, feeding the people and maintaining their economies. Mistakes will happen by lots, but the goal is still the same, looking for the best way of survival.

In the current status, sacrifices must be part of the process, like the disappearance of several business, most of them entertainment business (acting, sports, etc) but such is REALITY and is needed. Culture is surviving thanks to individuals keeping entertainment in the different websites of the internet. Professional actors can be trained to become plumbers, janitors, etc. After all, in college and universities, the ones obtaining the lower credits can only study art, music, painting in those institutions. So, such is the average IQ of actors in real life. Same with professional sport dudes and athletes.

Point is, that if you were making over the 6 zeros and now you can't find a job, then you must need training for a regular 4 zeros salary a year, good luck, and thank you very much. And, if his is about the survival of the entire society, so be it.

Guys making excellent salaries in the past must find jobs with less pay and rent apartments and houses with lowers fees. There is no other way. If you are one of those affected and are obligated to find a cheap place to live, well, this is bad luck for you but you must keep going, you must look and find a way to survive the better, don't ask from my taxes to keep you living as before the pandemic.

This is like when someone stole your money and jewelry, bad luck. You won't recover them back, so you must find out how to start again.

A new Section 8 for the current tenants affected by the pandemic must be created, as a temporary solution which can last 6 months, enough time to find a similar pay job or have training to find a different one.
This is well documented. If the government had not been involved in the mortgage market, the sub-prime bubble and crash in 2008, would never have happened.
Without government involvement there would be no mortgage market, no currency, no courts. Your life would be short, brutish, and nasty and you would deserve it. Private for-profit institutions inflicted an epidemic of mortgage fraud on the economy the FBI warned about in 2002. Government complicity was entirely due to corrupt, crony capitalist influence on all levels of US public service.
This is well documented. If the government had not been involved in the mortgage market, the sub-prime bubble and crash in 2008, would never have happened.
Without government involvement there would be no mortgage market, no currency, no courts. Your life would be short, brutish, and nasty and you would deserve it. Private for-profit institutions inflicted an epidemic of mortgage fraud on the economy the FBI warned about in 2002. Government complicity was entirely due to corrupt, crony capitalist influence on all levels of US public service.

Partially correct.

Obviously in order to have a functioning market where goods are exchanged, you need to have property rights.

If you think about it logically, I won't buy something from you, if whatever I buy can just be taken from me.

So you have to have protection of people's rights.
You need courts obviously.

Currency, no. You can have currency, without government. The unregulated banks of Scotland were extremely safe, and everyone had bills of tender.

The biggest problem with the "wildcat banks" of the US, were that contrary to the claim, they were heavily regulated by government. Just not the Federal Government. They were regulated by state and local governments, which caused them to fail.

Your life would be short, brutish, and nasty and you would deserve it.

Prove it. You can't. Moving on.

Private for-profit institutions inflicted an epidemic of mortgage fraud on the economy the FBI warned about in 2002.

Again, the facts contradict the claims. Before government involved itself in forcing banks to make bad loans... they didn't.

Before 1997, when Freddie Mac guaranteed bad loans.... banks didn't make bad loans.

I've shown proof of that, and can repost all of it as many times as you wish. Let me know.

There was no fraud, that banks were involved in, that government was not. In fact, we had a congressional investigation into the fraud the government was involved in, and the Democrat socialists left-wingers defended the fraud.

Government complicity was entirely due to corrupt, crony capitalist influence on all levels of US public service.

First off, if the government is involved in it, then it isn't capitalism. The entire point of capitalism is that the means of production and distribution are entirely private. If government is directing it... then it isn't private.

Second.... stop voting for Democrats then. Stop voting for the crony capitalists. Al Gore arranged for government owned oil fields, to be sold to oil companies that he personally had stock in. Hillary Clinton has so many cronies and business connections, and so many scandals tied to those connections and the Clinton Foundation.... stop voting for these people.

You can't sit there and vote for the crony capitalists and then complain they are crony capitalists.
This is horrible. A lot of states have moritoriums on evictions however the monthly expenses keep accruing, while there is no income to offset it. So when they lift the moritoriums, all that back rent will become due at once, while the tenant may or may not have begun working again. He/she will be in the whole no matter what.

And far too many landlords are/were attempting to initiate eviction proceedings during the time they weren't allowed. Attempting to intimidate and scare people out of their homes without even going through the legal process which they couldn't do because the courts were closed.

It's a bad situation all the way around.
The people living off a government check kept getting that check (and some states actually MAXED OUT their food stamps to help them)...

The people that kept working kept getting their paychecks...

And the people that were laid off made out like bandits!!!

If they decided to not pay their rent and let it pile up, that's on them for being irresponsible!!!
By bandits you mean Wall Street, big corporations, the 1%, the Catholic Church. etc right?
I'm talking about the people that made MORE by being laid off...

Unlike the essential workers (like me), who worked the entire TIME without "free money" (other than the stimulus)...

So if I made it, I have no sympathy for the irresponsible people...
You should be focusing your disgust at Trump and Congress who enriched the rich massively, while throwing peanuts at the people.

Yet more proof our government only cares about the ultra rich.

You do realize that 2/3 of the entire $4 Trillion budget, is money to the people... right?

2/3rds of the budget goes to the public. And you want to claim that only the ultra rich are getting money?

Prove it. Provide evidence.
Just review the Cares Act. About 2/3 of it went to the rich.

Right....... so you are going to ignore almost $3 Trillion dollars in Federal Government money that goes to the general public........ Focus exclusively on one single bill, and claim it all goes to the rich, ignoring literally Trillions of dollars that don't?

Further, I've read up on that, and it's not true.

From what I've read, ZERO money just "goes to the rich". Zero.

The only item in the Cares Act that is actually money that comes from the US government, and can possibly go to rich people, is the guaranteed loans.

But those are LOANS. They have to pay them back, with interest.

Do you have to pay back your Cash Grants you are getting? No. You don't have to pay back the money you get from the government. But the rich people have to pay back the money they get from the government.

Notice a slight difference there?

Other than that, they passed a bunch of tax deductions. A tax deduction is not "rich getting money". They are not getting a check from the government.

A deduction, is just like you taking a deduction. If you take the standard deduction, which allows you to keep your own money, do you claim that government is funding you?

No, because if you didn't work for that cash, you would have no taxes to deduct in the first place.

A deduction is not you getting money from the government.

So.... NO. You are wrong. The wealthy are not getting money from the government.

At least not from what I've read. If you have evidence, provide it.
So you’re going to ignore what happened during the Great Recession, when over 8 million Americans lost their homes due to criminal actions by big banks, rating agencies, and mortgage brokers. Those criminal actors got bailed out. Not the American people.

Now a pandemic shuts down the economy forcing millions of Americans out of work and unable to pay their bills, but you think $600 and unemployment benefits is good enough for the people. You ignore the trillions going to the wealthy.

Criminal actions?

The government did that. Freddie Mac, under the control of Bill Clinton, pushed to force banks to make bad loans, just like Obama was doing at that time.

Andrew Cuomo openly admitted they didn't qualify for loans, and the government forced to the banks to make loans.

Additionally the government guaranteed those sub-prime loans.

In 1996, the Department of Housing and Urban Development set a target for Fannie and Freddie that 42 percent of their investment must go to CRA-eligible borrowers.​

in order to make that happen....
In 1997, the first securitization of CRA loans, by Bear Stearns, was guaranteed by Freddie Mac. Bear Stearns soon issued another $1.9 billion of CRA mortgages guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie. Fannie securitized close to $400 billion of CRA mortgages between 2000 and 2002. Fannie and Freddie were the primary drivers fueling the demand for secondary market subprime securities.​

This is well documented. If the government had not been involved in the mortgage market, the sub-prime bubble and crash in 2008, would never have happened.


Before the government got directly involved in 1997, sub-prime was a niche market. It would have stayed that way forever.

As soon as the government guaranteed sub-prime loans, with AAA ratings, the market boomed, which caused the bubble, and crashed in 2008.

Banks didn't do that. Government did. Facts over opinion.

Lol. I’m fine with blaming government TOO. They certainly played a part, but if you think the bankers and the others who crashed the economy are blameless, we can’t continue to debate because you aren’t informed.

The government you so despise then bailed out the crooks, while doing little for the American people. Trump and congress just repeated what W and O did. It’s what government does. The rich own the government.
This is horrible. A lot of states have moritoriums on evictions however the monthly expenses keep accruing, while there is no income to offset it. So when they lift the moritoriums, all that back rent will become due at once, while the tenant may or may not have begun working again. He/she will be in the whole no matter what.

And far too many landlords are/were attempting to initiate eviction proceedings during the time they weren't allowed. Attempting to intimidate and scare people out of their homes without even going through the legal process which they couldn't do because the courts were closed.

It's a bad situation all the way around.
The people living off a government check kept getting that check (and some states actually MAXED OUT their food stamps to help them)...

The people that kept working kept getting their paychecks...

And the people that were laid off made out like bandits!!!

If they decided to not pay their rent and let it pile up, that's on them for being irresponsible!!!
By bandits you mean Wall Street, big corporations, the 1%, the Catholic Church. etc right?
I'm talking about the people that made MORE by being laid off...

Unlike the essential workers (like me), who worked the entire TIME without "free money" (other than the stimulus)...

So if I made it, I have no sympathy for the irresponsible people...
You should be focusing your disgust at Trump and Congress who enriched the rich massively, while throwing peanuts at the people.

Yet more proof our government only cares about the ultra rich.

You do realize that 2/3 of the entire $4 Trillion budget, is money to the people... right?

2/3rds of the budget goes to the public. And you want to claim that only the ultra rich are getting money?

Prove it. Provide evidence.
Just review the Cares Act. About 2/3 of it went to the rich.

Right....... so you are going to ignore almost $3 Trillion dollars in Federal Government money that goes to the general public........ Focus exclusively on one single bill, and claim it all goes to the rich, ignoring literally Trillions of dollars that don't?

Further, I've read up on that, and it's not true.

From what I've read, ZERO money just "goes to the rich". Zero.

The only item in the Cares Act that is actually money that comes from the US government, and can possibly go to rich people, is the guaranteed loans.

But those are LOANS. They have to pay them back, with interest.

Do you have to pay back your Cash Grants you are getting? No. You don't have to pay back the money you get from the government. But the rich people have to pay back the money they get from the government.

Notice a slight difference there?

Other than that, they passed a bunch of tax deductions. A tax deduction is not "rich getting money". They are not getting a check from the government.

A deduction, is just like you taking a deduction. If you take the standard deduction, which allows you to keep your own money, do you claim that government is funding you?

No, because if you didn't work for that cash, you would have no taxes to deduct in the first place.

A deduction is not you getting money from the government.

So.... NO. You are wrong. The wealthy are not getting money from the government.

At least not from what I've read. If you have evidence, provide it.
So you’re going to ignore what happened during the Great Recession, when over 8 million Americans lost their homes due to criminal actions by big banks, rating agencies, and mortgage brokers. Those criminal actors got bailed out. Not the American people.

Now a pandemic shuts down the economy forcing millions of Americans out of work and unable to pay their bills, but you think $600 and unemployment benefits is good enough for the people. You ignore the trillions going to the wealthy.

Criminal actions?

The government did that. Freddie Mac, under the control of Bill Clinton, pushed to force banks to make bad loans, just like Obama was doing at that time.

Andrew Cuomo openly admitted they didn't qualify for loans, and the government forced to the banks to make loans.

Additionally the government guaranteed those sub-prime loans.

In 1996, the Department of Housing and Urban Development set a target for Fannie and Freddie that 42 percent of their investment must go to CRA-eligible borrowers.​

in order to make that happen....
In 1997, the first securitization of CRA loans, by Bear Stearns, was guaranteed by Freddie Mac. Bear Stearns soon issued another $1.9 billion of CRA mortgages guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie. Fannie securitized close to $400 billion of CRA mortgages between 2000 and 2002. Fannie and Freddie were the primary drivers fueling the demand for secondary market subprime securities.​

This is well documented. If the government had not been involved in the mortgage market, the sub-prime bubble and crash in 2008, would never have happened.


Before the government got directly involved in 1997, sub-prime was a niche market. It would have stayed that way forever.

As soon as the government guaranteed sub-prime loans, with AAA ratings, the market boomed, which caused the bubble, and crashed in 2008.

Banks didn't do that. Government did. Facts over opinion.

Lol. I’m fine with blaming government TOO. They certainly played a part, but if you think the bankers and the others who crashed the economy are blameless, we can’t continue to debate because you aren’t informed.

The government you so despise then bailed out the crooks, while doing little for the American people. Trump and congress just repeated what W and O did. It’s what government does. The rich own the government.

The government you so despise then bailed out the crooks,

Yeah, those high interest loans that were paid off at a huge profit to the US Treasury were awful!!
How does this work for an October Surprise?

20 Million Renters Are at Risk of Eviction; Policymakers Must Act Now to Mitigate Widespread Hardship - The Aspen Institute

"Mass evictions would be a disaster.

"For both individuals and families, evictions result in severe harm; when they become widespread, there are also significant consequences for entire communities and even the speed of economic recovery.

"Policymakers are actively seeking solutions, but it is difficult to prepare without knowing the size of the problem.

"The COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project (CEDP) was formed to solve that problem.

"It is a coalition of economic researchers and legal experts who developed a model to estimate eviction risk nationally and at the state level.

"The disturbing result: 19 to 23 million, or one in five of the 110 million Americans who live in renter households, are at risk of eviction by September 30, 2020."

I've noticed an uptick in the number of tents on the sidewalks around my neighborhood for years, but so far, only single adults live in them; what happens when children, and their middle-class (white:eek:) parents who have never experienced homelessness before, begin living on the streets?
You know what works pretty good for making rent payments?
Get a fuking job!
You know what works pretty good for making rent payments?
Get a fuking job!
Wow, that's deep. You must have gone to college.

New policy: point at people and say, "do better!"

And the idiocracy keeps approaching....
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Ahhh...I get it. You don't really care about all those people who can't pay their rent.

"It's Trump, dammit."
Most of those currently unable to pay their rent are in that position because Trump failed:

Trump vs. history in the time of COVID-19 | MinnPost



"Five months after the novel coronavirus was first detected in the United States, a record surge in new cases is the clearest sign yet of the country’s historic failure to control the virus — exposing a crisis in governance extending from the Oval Office to state capitals to city councils.

"President Trump — who has repeatedly downplayed the virus, sidelined experts and misled Americans about its dangers and potential cures — now finds his presidency wracked by an inability to shepherd the country through its worst public health calamity in a century.

"The dysfunction that has long characterized Trump’s White House has been particularly ill-suited for a viral outbreak that requires precision, focus and steady leadership, according to public health experts, administration officials and lawmakers from both parties."
Apparently the cons in this thread have no problem with socialism for the wealthy, but they really like the poor getting the shaft.
Sometimes I suspect most conservatives secretly long for the Divine Right of Kings?

US conservatives consistently ignore how the rich use government to redistribute national income and wealth upwards:

"Conservatives have managed to dominate the national debate on economic policy over the last quarter century.

"They have implemented a wide range of policies that have had the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top.

"This effort has been successful in part because conservatives never acknowledged the government’s role in this upward redistribution, claiming all along that it was simply the natural workings of the market."
This report was posted on other threads:

10 Jul 2020 Renters, Homeowners Face New Phase of Coronavirus Crisis with Evictions, Foreclosures Looming
Your link:

"Federally mandated foreclosure moratoriums were granted to homeowners with government-backed loans when the crisis began, but those will begin to expire on August 31.

"Until then, the CARES Act prohibits lenders and servicers from initiating or finalizing foreclosure proceedings.

"Borrowers already facing foreclosure before the measure was put into place are in the most imminent jeopardy, while homeowners with FHA-insured mortgages that are in good standing are eligible for up to a year's worth of delayed payment forbearance, if COVID-19 impacts their ability to continue payments."

We could be living in a very different country this time next year regardless of who wins in November.

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