1 Mil On The Way: DHS boss drops border bombshell, warns migrant situation 'spiraling out of control

It's time our incompetent administration started working seriously with the countries to our south and figuring out what the problem is. This isn't going to stop with a fence.
The problem is dictators! Dummie!
More often than not, the US over throws democratically elected leaders and installs dictators. That is when the stream of refugees starts fleeing their home nations.

It is our own leaders that are causing the mess.

Do you folks even REALLY pay attention, or believe some lies the MSM tell you b/c it fits with what you want to believe, then reject that other ones that don't fit with what you want to believe?
So Obama put Maduro in charge of Venzuela?
It's time our incompetent administration started working seriously with the countries to our south and figuring out what the problem is. This isn't going to stop with a fence.
The problem is dictators! Dummie!
More often than not, the US over throws democratically elected leaders and installs dictators. That is when the stream of refugees starts fleeing their home nations.

It is our own leaders that are causing the mess.

Do you folks even REALLY pay attention, or believe some lies the MSM tell you b/c it fits with what you want to believe, then reject that other ones that don't fit with what you want to believe?
You are president of the blame America First Club. Got it.
It's time our incompetent administration started working seriously with the countries to our south and figuring out what the problem is. This isn't going to stop with a fence.
They want to invade our country. THAT'S the fucking problem!
But WHY do they want to invade the nation?
I guess because theirs is a shithole and it's easier to come here and get on welfare than it is to take their own country back from their corrupt leaders.

I think you may have some cognitive dissonance. You would prefer to blame their local leaders rather than the global fascists that control the global economy and make free and fair trade impossible. They just use the military force and intelligence agencies of the West to impose the corporate will, when folks vote against them.

I don't think you know what you are talking about.

First it was colonialism, then imperialism, now corporatism. The reason their nations are shit holes has nothing to do with their "corrupt" local leaders. Stop being such an easy dupe to corporate propaganda. You want to fight global Dirigisme? Stop blaming it on the powerless, or else the global fascism of the extremely powerful and rich will create and world wide police state that will affect you, as much as it will affect them. And the folks in charge won't give a shit about either.

We should have 6 billion Americans. Are they going to stay at your house?
It only took 500,000 US soldiers to fight Desert Storm.

Please explain how 1 Million Illegal Immigrants is not an Invasion Force.

It is. The left lies.

They won’t condemn an anti Semitic Muslim woman lest they be called

Come on, they are straight up funny.
It's time our incompetent administration started working seriously with the countries to our south and figuring out what the problem is. This isn't going to stop with a fence.
They want to invade our country. THAT'S the fucking problem!
But WHY do they want to invade the nation?
I guess because theirs is a shithole and it's easier to come here and get on welfare than it is to take their own country back from their corrupt leaders.

I think you may have some cognitive dissonance. You would prefer to blame their local leaders rather than the global fascists that control the global economy and make free and fair trade impossible. They just use the military force and intelligence agencies of the West to impose the corporate will, when folks vote against them.

I don't think you know what you are talking about.

First it was colonialism, then imperialism, now corporatism. The reason their nations are shit holes has nothing to do with their "corrupt" local leaders. Stop being such an easy dupe to corporate propaganda. You want to fight global Dirigisme? Stop blaming it on the powerless, or else the global fascism of the extremely powerful and rich will create and world wide police state that will affect you, as much as it will affect them. And the folks in charge won't give a shit about either.
Yeah, I get it. It's America's fault, right? BTW, Jane Fonda called. She wants her 1960's propaganda talking points back.
It's time our incompetent administration started working seriously with the countries to our south and figuring out what the problem is. This isn't going to stop with a fence.
They want to invade our country. THAT'S the fucking problem!
But WHY do they want to invade the nation?

Umm, because their cousin Guadalupe gets paid by American taxpayers to have litters of filthy subhumans?
Whats your guess?
It's time our incompetent administration started working seriously with the countries to our south and figuring out what the problem is. This isn't going to stop with a fence.
They want to invade our country. THAT'S the fucking problem!
But WHY do they want to invade the nation?
I guess because theirs is a shithole and it's easier to come here and get on welfare than it is to take their own country back from their corrupt leaders.

I think you may have some cognitive dissonance. You would prefer to blame their local leaders rather than the global fascists that control the global economy and make free and fair trade impossible. They just use the military force and intelligence agencies of the West to impose the corporate will, when folks vote against them.

I don't think you know what you are talking about.

First it was colonialism, then imperialism, now corporatism. The reason their nations are shit holes has nothing to do with their "corrupt" local leaders. Stop being such an easy dupe to corporate propaganda. You want to fight global Dirigisme? Stop blaming it on the powerless, or else the global fascism of the extremely powerful and rich will create and world wide police state that will affect you, as much as it will affect them. And the folks in charge won't give a shit about either.
Yeah, I get it. It's America's fault, right? BTW, Jane Fonda called. She wants her 1960's propaganda talking points back.

It isn't that simple.

The global elites that are now trying to construct a global police state, you now are identifying as "America?"

NO, I am not saying it is America's fault.

Whose fault is it that we have never gotten our immigration problem under control?

Whose fault is it that we have such a large unmanageable debt?

. . . . always the need to create good guys and bad guys. There are no good guys, there are no bad guys.

Corporate personhood - Wikipedia

If 1 Million people wearing a uniform stormed our borders, began stealing our resources, and attempted to overwhelm our economy we would consider this an 'invasion' and those acts an 'Act of War'.

Democrats are arguing since these people are not wearing the same uniform, despite doing the same exact thing to the US once they cross the border, 'it's all good'...

It's time our incompetent administration started working seriously with the countries to our south and figuring out what the problem is. This isn't going to stop with a fence.
The problem is dictators! Dummie!
More often than not, the US over throws democratically elected leaders and installs dictators. That is when the stream of refugees starts fleeing their home nations.

It is our own leaders that are causing the mess.

Do you folks even REALLY pay attention, or believe some lies the MSM tell you b/c it fits with what you want to believe, then reject that other ones that don't fit with what you want to believe?
So Obama put Maduro in charge of Venzuela?
No, the Venezuelan people did.

He got a higher percentage of the vote, with more of his nation participating than those who voted for Trump.
If 1 Million people wearing a uniform stormed our borders, began stealing our resources, and attempted to overwhelm our economy we would consider this an 'invasion' and those acts an 'Act of War'.

Democrats are arguing since these people are not wearing the same uniform, despite doing the same exact thing to the US once they cross the border, 'it's all good'...


There is no valid argument.....Democrats, by default, firmly oppose ANYTHING and everything beneficial to good, real Americans. It's been proven over and over and over again.
It's time our incompetent administration started working seriously with the countries to our south and figuring out what the problem is. This isn't going to stop with a fence.
The problem is dictators! Dummie!
More often than not, the US over throws democratically elected leaders and installs dictators. That is when the stream of refugees starts fleeing their home nations.

It is our own leaders that are causing the mess.

Do you folks even REALLY pay attention, or believe some lies the MSM tell you b/c it fits with what you want to believe, then reject that other ones that don't fit with what you want to believe?
You are president of the blame America First Club. Got it.
Do you know the folks that are trying to take Trump down?

I am sorry if what I am telling you conflicts with what you were taught in school and the bullshit propaganda you are beat over the head with every night on the TEE VEE.

The simple fact is, the global corporations want to OWN every thing, they do not want people to have a say in anything. If the sovereign people in their respective nations want to have he right to vote for socialism, communism, fascism, or whatever, should that not be their right? What right is it of the United States to intervene on behalf of the profits of global corporations? Why should we be going along with the global police state? Back in the eighties, folks WERE starting to get wise to all this shit, so they even changed the name of the SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS.

When they do these things, millions die, get injured, tortured and displaced.

If you do not know what you are talking about, do not echo MSM corporate CFR propaganda. . .
If 1 Million people wearing a uniform stormed our borders, began stealing our resources, and attempted to overwhelm our economy we would consider this an 'invasion' and those acts an 'Act of War'.

Democrats are arguing since these people are not wearing the same uniform, despite doing the same exact thing to the US once they cross the border, 'it's all good'...


There is no valid argument.....Democrats, by default, firmly oppose ANYTHING and everything beneficial to good, real Americans. It's been proven over and over and over again.
I have nothing against building a wall.

I just don't think our interventionist policies in S. America for the sake of Wall Streets profits are helping matters any.
No, the Venezuelan people did. He got a higher percentage of the vote, with more of his nation participating than those who voted for Trump.
Saddam Hussein had a 100% percentage of the vote before the US-led coalition stepped in. Just sayin'.

I am not positive, but I am guessing that his people who have been reduced to eating their pets to survive while Maduro refuses to let humanitarian relief supplies / food into the country are not voluntarily and whole-heartedly supporting the idea of his remaining in power... Again, just saying...

Might want to scroll to the 4:30 mark to hear what their new tactic is.

Did you bother to open up any of the links and educate yourself THIS TIME, or did you just do what you always do - rely on your own ignorance and partisan hatred and just attack anyone and everything on the Right?

Your links are always lies. There is no emergency. Even Trump admitted declaring an emergency was totally unnecessary.
There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine. We should have no illegal problem simply because we have no immigration clause. We have a Commerce Clause and an express Naturalization clause. All foreign nationals in the US should be federally identified.
It's time our incompetent administration started working seriously with the countries to our south and figuring out what the problem is. This isn't going to stop with a fence.
The problem is dictators! Dummie!
More often than not, the US over throws democratically elected leaders and installs dictators. That is when the stream of refugees starts fleeing their home nations.

It is our own leaders that are causing the mess.

Do you folks even REALLY pay attention, or believe some lies the MSM tell you b/c it fits with what you want to believe, then reject that other ones that don't fit with what you want to believe?
You are president of the blame America First Club. Got it.
Do you know the folks that are trying to take Trump down?

I am sorry if what I am telling you conflicts with what you were taught in school and the bullshit propaganda you are beat over the head with every night on the TEE VEE.

The simple fact is, the global corporations want to OWN every thing, they do not want people to have a say in anything. If the sovereign people in their respective nations want to have he right to vote for socialism, communism, fascism, or whatever, should that not be their right? What right is it of the United States to intervene on behalf of the profits of global corporations? Why should we be going along with the global police state? Back in the eighties, folks WERE starting to get wise to all this shit, so they even changed the name of the SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS.

When they do these things, millions die, get injured, tortured and displaced.

If you do not know what you are talking about, do not echo MSM corporate CFR propaganda. . .
Good. Then you and I both want isolationism! Good start!

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