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#1 Racist in the Republican Party

Shouldn't you be posting such a thread in the Introduce Yourself forum?

You got an intelligent comment for once or are you just going to yelp like the pup you are?

Says the guy whose commentary regarding who one of the nation's most respected military figures supports for President includes calling him a "racist bastard", a " disgrace to the uniform he once war", and an "enemy of this nation and it's way of life".

I suppose that kind of stuff passes for "intelligent" commentary at stormfront but outside that hate fill bubble you live in those are the words of the moronic lunatic fringe.

You got issues, dude.

Congratulations Powell, ya just joined the party of Robert KKK Bird.
You poor baby....so tramatized that you bring your hurt little feelings into this thread about Colin Powell. Tissue?

Just contrasting a hero with a coward. Guess which one you are? Tampon?

Now that post doesn't even come close to making sense. Are you still hung over from your crying jag with LadyGunSlinger yesterday? I understand hysterical crying over a long term can give nasty, pounding headaches.

For a list of prominent politicians NOT supportive of civil rights for black Americans, look no further than the Democrat Party. The most vocal opponents of the Civil Rights Act were all Democrats, including Albert Gore, Sr., father of former Vice President and 2000 Democrat presidential nominee Al Gore, and the Methuselah of the Senate, former Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd, former “Kleagle” and “Grand Cyclops” of the Ku Klux Klan, who personally spoke for an astonishing fourteen hours straight in the Senate in an attempt to block passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This was the same Robert Byrd that called MLK a “troublemaker” and a “coward,” and the same Byrd who vociferously opposed integrating the military, proclaiming he would “…rather die a thousand times and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt, never to rise again, than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen of the wilds…”

It was Democrat Alabama Governor George Wallace who said in his inaugural speech, “I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” He would attempt to keep his promise by physically blocking the desegregation of Alabama schools. He would later run for president on the American Independent Party ticket, seeing as how the racist Democrat Party was still not quite racist enough for him.

And what about the KKK? Is it fair to tie the racist Klan to the Democrat Party? Why yes, yes it is. As historian Bruce Bartlett reveals, during an 1872 Congressional investigation, Democrats admitted to forming the Ku Klux Klan as a way to stop the growth of the Republican Party. He continues, “As PBS’s ‘American Experience’ notes, ‘In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865.”
It is literally impossible to cover all of the racist history of the Democrat Party in this confined space, but even a cursory review tells the story. Jim Crow laws? Passed by Democrats. Harry Truman, member of the Kansas City chapter of the KKK? Democrat. Fugitive slave laws which returned runaway slaves to their owners? Democrats. 1856 Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott case, legally defining blacks as the property of their masters? A 7-2 decision, written by Chief Justice Roger Taney, a Democrat, with every concurring vote cast by a Democrat. The two opposing? One Republican and one Whig (a portion of which party had split to form the Republican Party). Passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which repealed the slavery-limiting Missouri Compromise? That would be, you guessed it, Democrats.

History of Democrat Racism
Yep....now most of those mindsets reside in the GOP. I, nor any other Democrat denies the history of the Democratic Party. It's a fact.....Southern Democrats used to be the party of segregation and racial discrimination.

But since the Civil Rights Act....those people have gradually switched sides. All those formerly blue States are now as red as they can be. The mindset hasn't changed all that much....I lived in Louisiana for two years and have seen the attitudes that are much more than isolated incidents....they are systematic and didn't go away because people changed the letter behind their names.

Quite a few of my Conservative friends right here in PA throw out a lot of innuendo and sometimes out and out disdain for "those damned Blacks in Philly"....not all of them...but enough of them.

Then take into account the veiled and sometimes not so veiled attacks against minorities in the Conservative Media outlets. How many times has Rush & Co. attacked them?

Hey....if you're going to think critically....turn that critical thinking on your own as well.
As a military veteran, I am disgusted that such a highly-thought-of figure OF ANY RACE should voice support for a man who clearly dislikes the military to an extraordinary extent.

BTW - Powell, from his graduation from the academy, was a "political officer". One only has to look at his military career progression to see he was one of those being groomed for higher positions as a way to show how "elevated" the military was in a time it was undergoing a great deal of political heat on racial policies.

From Wikipedia:
major in 1968, serving in the Americal Division (23rd Infantry Division), then as assistant chief of staff of operations for the Americal Division
A STAFF position - not to ignore his previous tour when he actually was in combat.

He then goes on to a White House fellowship, continue to show his sponsor's political agenda for him.

More @ Colin Powell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am NOT saying that Powell was not a qualified officer who performed his duties in an outstanding manner. In fact, I thought he was a superb as National Security Adviser, Chief of Staff, and Secretary of State.

It just shocks me that he can be so otherwise blind as to what Obama has done and will do to the military and our national defense.
Oh yeah, I forgot - check out his awards and decorations listed in Wikipedia -The ONLY combat related medal is the Purple Heart for not watching where he was going and stepping on a punji stick. Ignore the Bronze Star as, during Vietnam, that was nothing more than an officer's Good Conduct Medal.[I know as I was a personnel sergeant in 'Nam.]
Colin Powell endorsed Obama because Obama is Black, period. That makes him a racist, period.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

Before I EVER heard of the Chicago community organizer Obama, I used to think about Powell, "now there's a black guy I could vote for if he ran for president of the country. MY GOD...how wrong I would have been. That guy was no Uncle Tom...he turned out to be an Uncle Louis (Farrakhan). A sheep in wolf's clothing.
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Condelezza Ricwe endorses Romney, and she is called a sell out and all types of horrific names!

Colin Powel endorses Obama, and he is called a racist and all types of horrific names!

And they wonder why Blacks don't jin the Republican party or come out as conservatives--speak your mind and you are called all kinds of horrific names.

Stay independent and and keep your vote silent. Hell, even lie if you have to.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

Good article from the Boston Globe as it lays out Powells reasoning very well.

Your opinion, not so much. Your reasoning is, well, unreasonable. But a racist is what a racist is.......
Colin Powell endorsed Obama because Obama is Black, period. That makes him a racist, period.

"....and said he was concerned that Mitt Romney was ‘‘a moving target’’ on foreign policy.

In an interview on ‘‘CBS This Morning,’’ Powell also said he was ‘‘more comfortable’’ with the president’s views on immigration, education, and health care.

“I do not want to see the new Obamacare plan thrown off the table,’’

These were from the OP's link. Funny nothing about the color of his skin. Why is that you think?
Colin Powell endorsed Obama because Obama is Black, period. That makes him a racist, period.

"....and said he was concerned that Mitt Romney was ‘‘a moving target’’ on foreign policy.

In an interview on ‘‘CBS This Morning,’’ Powell also said he was ‘‘more comfortable’’ with the president’s views on immigration, education, and health care.

“I do not want to see the new Obamacare plan thrown off the table,’’

These were from the OP's link. Funny nothing about the color of his skin. Why is that you think?

As a General...nothing about Benghazi either. :confused:
Colin Powell endorsed Obama because Obama is Black, period. That makes him a racist, period.

"....and said he was concerned that Mitt Romney was ‘‘a moving target’’ on foreign policy.

In an interview on ‘‘CBS This Morning,’’ Powell also said he was ‘‘more comfortable’’ with the president’s views on immigration, education, and health care.

“I do not want to see the new Obamacare plan thrown off the table,’’

These were from the OP's link. Funny nothing about the color of his skin. Why is that you think?

Those are just futile attempts to validate his endorsement. Remember John McCain? He was the ideal candidate for someone like Powell, and yet Powell endorsed Obama. It isn't rocket science to understand why.
As a military veteran, I am disgusted that such a highly-thought-of figure OF ANY RACE should voice support for a man who clearly dislikes the military to an extraordinary extent.

BTW - Powell, from his graduation from the academy, was a "political officer". One only has to look at his military career progression to see he was one of those being groomed for higher positions as a way to show how "elevated" the military was in a time it was undergoing a great deal of political heat on racial policies.

From Wikipedia:
major in 1968, serving in the Americal Division (23rd Infantry Division), then as assistant chief of staff of operations for the Americal Division
A STAFF position - not to ignore his previous tour when he actually was in combat.

He then goes on to a White House fellowship, continue to show his sponsor's political agenda for him.

More @ Colin Powell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am NOT saying that Powell was not a qualified officer who performed his duties in an outstanding manner. In fact, I thought he was a superb as National Security Adviser, Chief of Staff, and Secretary of State.

It just shocks me that he can be so otherwise blind as to what Obama has done and will do to the military and our national defense.

Many intelligent people would see that Powell supporting Obama as proof that Obama hating the military is just a load of crap.
As a military veteran, I am disgusted that such a highly-thought-of figure OF ANY RACE should voice support for a man who clearly dislikes the military to an extraordinary extent.

BTW - Powell, from his graduation from the academy, was a "political officer". One only has to look at his military career progression to see he was one of those being groomed for higher positions as a way to show how "elevated" the military was in a time it was undergoing a great deal of political heat on racial policies.

From Wikipedia:
major in 1968, serving in the Americal Division (23rd Infantry Division), then as assistant chief of staff of operations for the Americal Division
A STAFF position - not to ignore his previous tour when he actually was in combat.

He then goes on to a White House fellowship, continue to show his sponsor's political agenda for him.

More @ Colin Powell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am NOT saying that Powell was not a qualified officer who performed his duties in an outstanding manner. In fact, I thought he was a superb as National Security Adviser, Chief of Staff, and Secretary of State.

It just shocks me that he can be so otherwise blind as to what Obama has done and will do to the military and our national defense.

Many intelligent people would see that Powell supporting Obama as proof that Obama hating the military is just a load of crap.

that's just retarded!
Colin Powell voting for Obama shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.

Something like 96% of all blacks vote Democrat.

Plus, blacks overwhelmingly vote for other blacks in elections.

Pointing this out isn't racist.....just reality.

True story............ :cool:

Bullshit. Ask Alan Keyes how many blacks voted for him in Maryland.

Agreed. Most minorities wouldn't vote for Keyes if he ran for president either. Most won't vote for anyone who threatens the culture of entitlement and dependency.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him.

Have fun trick-o-treating with your kids this year....


You talking about Senator Robert Byrd's (democrat WV) grandchildren?
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Colin Powell endorsed Obama because Obama is Black, period. That makes him a racist, period.

"....and said he was concerned that Mitt Romney was ‘‘a moving target’’ on foreign policy.

In an interview on ‘‘CBS This Morning,’’ Powell also said he was ‘‘more comfortable’’ with the president’s views on immigration, education, and health care.

“I do not want to see the new Obamacare plan thrown off the table,’’

These were from the OP's link. Funny nothing about the color of his skin. Why is that you think?

Those are just futile attempts to validate his endorsement. Remember John McCain? He was the ideal candidate for someone like Powell, and yet Powell endorsed Obama. It isn't rocket science to understand why.

In case you have trouble remembering what his reasons were for not endorsing his long time friend John McCain.....

Mr. Powell told reporters after the taping of “Meet the Press” that he had been disturbed in recent weeks by the negative tone of Mr. McCain’s campaign, particularly its focus on Mr. Obama’s passing relationship with William Ayers, a 1960s radical and founder of the Weather Underground. The McCain campaign has sought to promote the idea that Mr. Obama is “palling around with terrorists,” in the words of Mr. McCain’s running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin, because of Mr. Obama’s weak links to Mr. Ayers.

“I thought that was over the top,” Mr. Powell told reporters. “It was beyond just good political fighting back and forth.”

Mr. Powell did offer Mr. McCain a small dose of solace by calling him a different kind of Republican, although one who would support the party’s standard positions.

“As gifted as he is, he is essentially going to execute the Republican agenda, the orthodoxy of the Republican agenda, with a new face and a maverick approach to it, and he’d be quite good at it,” Mr. Powell said. “But I think we need a generational change.”

Powell Endorses Obama - NYTimes.com
Now day's being "racist" has nothing to do with race. I'm a Veteran, gun loving, God fearing Tea Party Member, Ron Paul supporter morphed to Republican supporting Mitt Romney, Survival Blog reading prepper so that would make me close to the #1 Racist. It's pretty sad when the definition of the word "racist" has been so perverted that it has no meaning and isn't necessarily a bad thing to be called anymore. MLK is probably rolling over in his grave because of the way the word is now used.

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