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#1 Racist in the Republican Party


1. When was that picture taken?

2. Where was that picture taken?

3. Is that police officer still alive?

4. Was he a Democrat? If yes, how do you know?

5. Do Democrats do that kind of thing today? If so, where?

You don't know this moment in time? I do. Vividly.

Tell me you know Bull Connor?

So, if you know so vividly, you don't mind answering my questions, do you?

And is Bull Connor still alive?

Bod you know me from so many boards, of course he isnt. He was horrid and you know we have had these discussions before. and its not a matter of left or right or who survived but I will be damned on the planet and fight to the death to try to blame it on republicans.

Ask away. I lived south at the time.

Go for it.
You don't know this moment in time? I do. Vividly.

Tell me you know Bull Connor?

So, if you know so vividly, you don't mind answering my questions, do you?

And is Bull Connor still alive?

Bod you know me from so many boards, of course he isnt. He was horrid and you know we have had these discussions before. and its not a matter of left or right or who survived but I will be damned on the planet and fight to the death to try to blame it on republicans.

Ask away. I lived south at the time.

Go for it.
Still looking for answers to my questions.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

You've been listening to Sununu too much dude.

Colin Powell was one of the most respected generals because of his work in Desert Storm. He also served as Secretary of State under Jr. as well. Matter of fact, Jr's. admininstration USED Powell to put forth the case for war with Iraq because of WMD's. When it was later found out that the administration LIED and used Powell as the fall guy is when he figured out that Jr.'s foreign policy was screwed.

The reason he endorsed Obama in 2008 was because McCain was going to use a lot of the people of Jr's administration for foreign policy, and he already knew it wouldn't work, as he'd seen it fail before.

This time? Same deal. Most of Mittens' foreign policy staff are the same idiots under Jr. who got us into Iraq in the first place.

No, it's not because they're both black, it's because Powell knows that the policies of Bush Jr.'s admin failed, and he sees the same people being put back in under Mittens.

But................don't let facts get in the way of your bigotry and racism.
Later, Sununu released a statement saying "Colin Powell is a friend and I respect the endorsement decision he made and I do not doubt that it was based on anything but his support of the President's policies."

Sununu also pointed to Morgan's original question, which was whether Powell should leave the Republican Party.

"I don't think he should," Sununu wrote.

Powell, who served as the first African American secretary of state under President George W. Bush, made his endorsement earlier Thursday, citing a number of issues not related to race as reasons he was backing Obama for a second time.

The Republican said he believe the economy is "starting to pick up" and attributed the recovery to the president's polices, citing specifically the auto industry bailout and Obama's economic proposals. "Generally we've come out of the dive and we're starting to gain altitude," he said.

Powell said he was "uncomfortable" with Romney's tax plans and views on foreign policy. Pointing to Monday night's final presidential debate, Powell argued the GOP nominee had changed positions on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The former secretary of state said he was concerned with the advice Romney was getting from campaign staff.

"I think there are some very, very strong neo-conservative views that are presented by the governor that I have some trouble with," Powell said, though he did not elaborate on which views.

"I also saw the president get us out of one war, start to get us out of a second war and did not get us into any new wars," he said.

Powell made headlines when the former George W. Bush administration official, who also worked for President Ronald Reagan and President George H.W. Bush, crossed party lines and supported Obama last cycle.

Sununu cites race as factor for Powell

where are all the rightwingers complaining about the romney campaign playing the race card?
You put your post on an open forum. You are fair game.

If you want to address someone personally do it off the open forum. Otherwise you are open to all of us.

Don't you understand a forum? I'm not trying to be a smart ass here. I'm trying to help you.If you post in the open forum everything is fair game.

Yikes it means you are too especially here:D We roll out the cannons.

And never tell me especially on USMB that I cannot comment on your post. This is really a special place where you can go off the top ropes, pull an ECW move and this is just in the Education forum:lol:

I'm afraid to start a fishing forum because I think we'll end up going hand to hand. End up in a fish fry but we will be battling in between.

You can comment all you like. I have no problem with that. It just looked like your brain was several minutes behind your mouth. Judging by your last post I was right.

It was a joke you idiot. Too funny. Come up for air and battle . No problems here.

Bring your diapers kid. And your immodium ad.

Rock on you fool.

he's smarter than you can ever hope to be.

but keep spewing. it's kind of fun.

As a military veteran, I am disgusted that such a highly-thought-of figure OF ANY RACE should voice support for a man who clearly dislikes the military to an extraordinary extent.

BTW - Powell, from his graduation from the academy, was a "political officer". One only has to look at his military career progression to see he was one of those being groomed for higher positions as a way to show how "elevated" the military was in a time it was undergoing a great deal of political heat on racial policies.

From Wikipedia:
major in 1968, serving in the Americal Division (23rd Infantry Division), then as assistant chief of staff of operations for the Americal Division
A STAFF position - not to ignore his previous tour when he actually was in combat.

He then goes on to a White House fellowship, continue to show his sponsor's political agenda for him.

More @ Colin Powell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am NOT saying that Powell was not a qualified officer who performed his duties in an outstanding manner. In fact, I thought he was a superb as National Security Adviser, Chief of Staff, and Secretary of State.

It just shocks me that he can be so otherwise blind as to what Obama has done and will do to the military and our national defense.

but at least you are not degrading his time in the military.....like some people are....
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

I'll wait for you to sober up and repost before making a serious response.

I don't drink, and there is no serious response to this other than, yes, Colin Powell is a racist and a back stabbing scumbag who betrayed his frineds, his peers, his party and his own political beliefs.
Says the guy whose commentary regarding who one of the nation's most respected military figures supports for President includes calling him a "racist bastard", a " disgrace to the uniform he once war", and an "enemy of this nation and it's way of life".

I suppose that kind of stuff passes for "intelligent" commentary at stormfront but outside that hate fill bubble you live in those are the words of the moronic lunatic fringe.

You got issues, dude.

Just as I thought. Typical liberal. Stuck on stupid. Let me explain the facts to you boy. Voting for or endorsing someone based soley on their race, which is exactly what Powell did, is the very definition of racist. You whine and cry that I'm a racist, yet in the 2008 Md Republican primaries I voted for Alan Keyes, who in case you didn't know was a negro, because I didn't like or agree with McCain's politics. You tell me Powell was a respected military leader. I say you're right, but the key word in that sentence is WAS. Benedict Arnold, look up the name boy, was also a "Respected military leader", right up until he, like Powell, turned his back on his values, his peers and his nation and went over to the enemy. So telling me what he once was, doesn't impress me. The man's a racist and a traitor to the American way of life who has betrayed his beliefs, his party, his values, his friends and his peers just to support and endorse a fellow negro just because he's a negro. Those are the facts son.

How in the FUCK do you know that Obama's race is why Powell endorsed him? Project much? Dude, I don't use the "race card" as often as some, but you reek of it.

You're obviously a moron and there's no sense pointing out the obvious to a moron, they still won't get it.
As a military veteran, I am disgusted that such a highly-thought-of figure OF ANY RACE should voice support for a man who clearly dislikes the military to an extraordinary extent.

BTW - Powell, from his graduation from the academy, was a "political officer". One only has to look at his military career progression to see he was one of those being groomed for higher positions as a way to show how "elevated" the military was in a time it was undergoing a great deal of political heat on racial policies.

From Wikipedia:
A STAFF position - not to ignore his previous tour when he actually was in combat.

He then goes on to a White House fellowship, continue to show his sponsor's political agenda for him.

More @ Colin Powell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am NOT saying that Powell was not a qualified officer who performed his duties in an outstanding manner. In fact, I thought he was a superb as National Security Adviser, Chief of Staff, and Secretary of State.

It just shocks me that he can be so otherwise blind as to what Obama has done and will do to the military and our national defense.

Many intelligent people would see that Powell supporting Obama as proof that Obama hating the military is just a load of crap.

that's just retarded!

You are obviously not one of the people I was speaking of.
Last edited:
Such a liar, jtpr.

You are the racist who is voting against Obama simply because he is black. Your posts reek with the venom of racism. Might have had to do with your fellow colleagues when you were in control of the state.

You can find no where that will show Powell, that mighty warrior, voted for Obama because he was black: no where.

Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

I'll wait for you to sober up and repost before making a serious response.

I don't drink, and there is no serious response to this other than, yes, Colin Powell is a racist and a back stabbing scumbag who betrayed his frineds, his peers, his party and his own political beliefs.

It is amazing that someone could be this stupid while sober.
Just as I thought. Typical liberal. Stuck on stupid. Let me explain the facts to you boy. Voting for or endorsing someone based soley on their race, which is exactly what Powell did, is the very definition of racist. You whine and cry that I'm a racist, yet in the 2008 Md Republican primaries I voted for Alan Keyes, who in case you didn't know was a negro, because I didn't like or agree with McCain's politics. You tell me Powell was a respected military leader. I say you're right, but the key word in that sentence is WAS. Benedict Arnold, look up the name boy, was also a "Respected military leader", right up until he, like Powell, turned his back on his values, his peers and his nation and went over to the enemy. So telling me what he once was, doesn't impress me. The man's a racist and a traitor to the American way of life who has betrayed his beliefs, his party, his values, his friends and his peers just to support and endorse a fellow negro just because he's a negro. Those are the facts son.

How in the FUCK do you know that Obama's race is why Powell endorsed him? Project much? Dude, I don't use the "race card" as often as some, but you reek of it.

You're obviously a moron and there's no sense pointing out the obvious to a moron, they still won't get it.

I guess it is useless to respond to you then.
Isn't he awesome?

He's kind of like Pubes minus 1,000 words per post.

pubes was insane... but he was smarter than this dude.

Lol, thanks for the laugh this early on a Saturady. Two brainless, koolaid slurping morons talking about someone else's intelligence. Too funny.

thats because they are right about Pubes.....and you.....you would know that if you knew who they were talking about....
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

I'll wait for you to sober up and repost before making a serious response.

I don't drink, and there is no serious response to this other than, yes, Colin Powell is a racist and a back stabbing scumbag who betrayed his frineds, his peers, his party and his own political beliefs.

i thought the Right says that they ALL think for themselves......so Powell endorses a guy that you dont like and he is a piece of shit.....what would you have said if he backed Romney and the lefties here were saying about him what you are?......i bet your whole tone about the guy would be different....
Isn't he awesome?

He's kind of like Pubes minus 1,000 words per post.

pubes was insane... but he was smarter than this dude.

Lol, thanks for the laugh this early on a Saturady. Two brainless, koolaid slurping morons talking about someone else's intelligence. Too funny.

They weren't talking about your intelligence. They were talking about your LACK of intelligence. Do pay attention!
liberals think everything is about race, except this. It's laughable.

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