10 factors making Russia election interference the most enduring scandal of the Obama era


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
10 factors making Russia election interference the most enduring scandal of the Obama era

i'll just put the first 2 up here.

Here are 10 reasons why Russia election interference seems set to become the most enduring scandal of the Obama administration.

  1. Missed opportunity. Perhaps the best shot at disrupting Russian interference came as early as fall 2015. That’s when the FBI supposedly detected successful efforts by Russian hackers to breach Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers. For reasons unknown, the systems and others remained vulnerable to further attacks.
By July 2016, the DNC and FBI both had concluded Russians were responsible for additional hacks. Yet, the DNC reportedly refused to allow the FBI to examine its servers and data in a timely fashion and — for reasons unexplained — the FBI failed to confiscate them. Obviously, when national security is at stake, the FBI does not need permission to examine evidence. A senior law enforcement official told CNN the DNC’s withholding of crucial evidence “caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier.” If the FBI (then led by Director James Comey) had acted quickly and definitively to examine the evidence, could that have prevented further interference?

  1. Denial. On Oct. 18, 2016, President Obama made a comment that rivals his “ISIS is the jayvee team” remark in terms of its wrongheadedness. He declared that “no serious person” would suggest America’s elections could be rigged. “There's no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time,” said Obama.
At the time, the president was addressing a reporter’s question about voter fraud. But it’s significant to note that he offered this answer smack dab in the middle of the supposed Russia targeting of our election process. His failure to take the obvious opportunity to address this vulnerability implies he did not fully appreciate the threat, or was unwilling to confront it. Instead, he left the impression that the U.S. election process is impenetrable and outside interference is impossible.

Obama also infamously mocked Republican nominee Mitt Romney in 2012 when Romney suggested Russia was a foe to be reckoned with. This begs the question of whether problems could have been staved off if the president had taken Russia more seriously.
the left keeps saying the FBI got to examine these servers but they *NEVER* got the actual server AT ALL. and like she points out, they are not required to get permission to gather their evidence.

why did they not pursue it? glaring question to be sure.

and point 2 - obama sure flipped quick didn't he?

the rest i'm sure the left will come back screaming about but these are facts, not emotional outbursts hiding.
"Election interference" is as phony a term as "collusion." Every country tries to influence elections in other countries. So what?

Did the Russians produce fraudulent ballots or false voting reports? No, that was the Democrats...
"Election interference" is as phony a term as "collusion." Every country tries to influence elections in other countries. So what?

Did the Russians produce fraudulent ballots or false voting reports? No, that was the Democrats...
yea, but it seems to be ok when we do it, huge foul if done to us. we've become a "snowflake" country.
10 factors making Russia election interference the most enduring scandal of the Obama era

i'll just put the first 2 up here.

Here are 10 reasons why Russia election interference seems set to become the most enduring scandal of the Obama administration.

  1. Missed opportunity. Perhaps the best shot at disrupting Russian interference came as early as fall 2015. That’s when the FBI supposedly detected successful efforts by Russian hackers to breach Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers. For reasons unknown, the systems and others remained vulnerable to further attacks.
By July 2016, the DNC and FBI both had concluded Russians were responsible for additional hacks. Yet, the DNC reportedly refused to allow the FBI to examine its servers and data in a timely fashion and — for reasons unexplained — the FBI failed to confiscate them. Obviously, when national security is at stake, the FBI does not need permission to examine evidence. A senior law enforcement official told CNN the DNC’s withholding of crucial evidence “caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier.” If the FBI (then led by Director James Comey) had acted quickly and definitively to examine the evidence, could that have prevented further interference?

  1. Denial. On Oct. 18, 2016, President Obama made a comment that rivals his “ISIS is the jayvee team” remark in terms of its wrongheadedness. He declared that “no serious person” would suggest America’s elections could be rigged. “There's no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time,” said Obama.
At the time, the president was addressing a reporter’s question about voter fraud. But it’s significant to note that he offered this answer smack dab in the middle of the supposed Russia targeting of our election process. His failure to take the obvious opportunity to address this vulnerability implies he did not fully appreciate the threat, or was unwilling to confront it. Instead, he left the impression that the U.S. election process is impenetrable and outside interference is impossible.

Obama also infamously mocked Republican nominee Mitt Romney in 2012 when Romney suggested Russia was a foe to be reckoned with. This begs the question of whether problems could have been staved off if the president had taken Russia more seriously.
the left keeps saying the FBI got to examine these servers but they *NEVER* got the actual server AT ALL. and like she points out, they are not required to get permission to gather their evidence.

why did they not pursue it? glaring question to be sure.

and point 2 - obama sure flipped quick didn't he?

the rest i'm sure the left will come back screaming about but these are facts, not emotional outbursts hiding.
Most enduring scandal?

Not by a country mile...

IRS targeting conservatives
Spying on reporters
Spying on Trump
Obamacare briberies for passage
Fast & Furious
Leaving our men to die in Benghazi
Cops acting stupidly/race riots

The Russia bullshit pales in comparison to all of the above.
This whole thing would have never erupted into anything at all I'm willing to bet if Hillary had won the election.

A Clinton Administration would have had more than enough friction with Russia in it's Syria campaign to restart it's Cold War 2.0 with out this manufactured issue.
The direct involvement of officials at the highest levels of our government in trying to invalidate a Presidential election is one of the greatest scandals in U.S. history. Of course this will be ignored by left wing historians until it is considered politically safe to talk about it. (A previous example is JFK's deal with Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis to remove our missiles from Turkey as long as it was kept secret from the public.)
I agree. Barry's intelligence and cyber people watched the hack but did nothing. They all thought Hitlery had the election in the bag so the hacking would have been a moot point.

Surprise. Trump won.

I'm wondering why Mueller didn't investigate Barry and his intelligence and cyber people.

Barry was POTUS, Not Trump. He is the one that should have been investigated for collusion.
This whole thing would have never erupted into anything at all I'm willing to bet if Hillary had won the election.

A Clinton Administration would have had more than enough friction with Russia in it's Syria campaign to restart it's Cold War 2.0 with out this manufactured issue.
it also would likely have blown over if they just took the loss and worked on a better platform for the next election.
10 factors making Russia election interference the most enduring scandal of the Obama era

i'll just put the first 2 up here.

Here are 10 reasons why Russia election interference seems set to become the most enduring scandal of the Obama administration.

  1. Missed opportunity. Perhaps the best shot at disrupting Russian interference came as early as fall 2015. That’s when the FBI supposedly detected successful efforts by Russian hackers to breach Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers. For reasons unknown, the systems and others remained vulnerable to further attacks.
By July 2016, the DNC and FBI both had concluded Russians were responsible for additional hacks. Yet, the DNC reportedly refused to allow the FBI to examine its servers and data in a timely fashion and — for reasons unexplained — the FBI failed to confiscate them. Obviously, when national security is at stake, the FBI does not need permission to examine evidence. A senior law enforcement official told CNN the DNC’s withholding of crucial evidence “caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier.” If the FBI (then led by Director James Comey) had acted quickly and definitively to examine the evidence, could that have prevented further interference?

  1. Denial. On Oct. 18, 2016, President Obama made a comment that rivals his “ISIS is the jayvee team” remark in terms of its wrongheadedness. He declared that “no serious person” would suggest America’s elections could be rigged. “There's no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time,” said Obama.
At the time, the president was addressing a reporter’s question about voter fraud. But it’s significant to note that he offered this answer smack dab in the middle of the supposed Russia targeting of our election process. His failure to take the obvious opportunity to address this vulnerability implies he did not fully appreciate the threat, or was unwilling to confront it. Instead, he left the impression that the U.S. election process is impenetrable and outside interference is impossible.

Obama also infamously mocked Republican nominee Mitt Romney in 2012 when Romney suggested Russia was a foe to be reckoned with. This begs the question of whether problems could have been staved off if the president had taken Russia more seriously.
the left keeps saying the FBI got to examine these servers but they *NEVER* got the actual server AT ALL. and like she points out, they are not required to get permission to gather their evidence.

why did they not pursue it? glaring question to be sure.

and point 2 - obama sure flipped quick didn't he?

the rest i'm sure the left will come back screaming about but these are facts, not emotional outbursts hiding.

1. The DNC is a private company and as such, they are not required to hand their servers over to anyone. The hacking of a political party by a foreign entity is not "a matter of national security".

Are you seriously suggesting that the DNC should hand over their server to the FBI in the middle of the campaign, and heading into the convention and then what? Wait until the FBI finishes their investigation before getting back to work?

2. Last but not least, are you seriously expecting the President to never make a mistake or be wrong about anything?????


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