10 images mocking George W. Bush that were far worse than a harmless rodeo clown

squeeze...luddly did in fact say it

Yes its racist and yes is typical of a backward place like Missouri


Let's get a little perspective here.

Every single prez has been made fun of and had caricatures made of him by his enemies. Are any of you old enough to remember Vaughn Meader's parodies of JFK? Look it up.

While you're at it, look up political satire and op/ed cartooning going all the way back to our first president.

If you want to do harm to these asshole racists, ignore them. And, really, that's all they're worth.

let's see if he apologizes like he said he would....
squeeze...luddly did in fact say it

Yes its racist and yes is typical of a backward place like Missouri


Let's get a little perspective here.

Every single prez has been made fun of and had caricatures made of him by his enemies. Are any of you old enough to remember Vaughn Meader's parodies of JFK? Look it up.

While you're at it, look up political satire and op/ed cartooning going all the way back to our first president.

If you want to do harm to these asshole racists, ignore them. And, really, that's all they're worth.

let's see if he apologizes like he said he would....

YES! That's what I was remembering.

-- but, you really do have way too much time on your hands.
thinking back - I think I posted something about this last week, different thread, that it was probably meant to be racist. If so, I will gladly apologize BUT --

You obviously have a particular post in mind. POST THE LINK.

Leaving for a while but will check back.


gotta admit ican't find it, so I'll apologize in advance

Oh that's okay. You just keep right on looking.


would it look like this?

Like Kerry said, there's no law against being stupid. This is racist and stupid but really, pretty small when compared to other stuff these assholes do.

Giving it press just makes them happy and gives racists more power. Forget about it..


post 163

Ima liar eh?

looks like you got caught more than once
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Bush is to blame for those images. If he were a better President, people would not feel the need to have created them.
all pictures at site


By Michelle Malkin • August 14, 2013 04:53 PM

Over the years, I’ve meticulously chronicled progressive haters and their rank hypocrisy. It’s time for yet another refresher course as the libs go nuts over a rodeo clown.

Without further ado, drawn from my blog archives, here are 10 images/signs/agitprop items mocking George W. Bush that were far, far worse than any of the silly Obama gags causing prog conniptions.

1. imgres

2. imgres-1

3. imgres-2

4. imgres-3

5. imgres-4

6. kb2

7. kbush

8. kb4

9. bushbeheaded

10. imgres-5

Note: These were not just fringe pieces. Some appeared in art galleries and at major film festivals. Left-wing assassination chic means never having to say you’re sorry.

Message to the rodeo-phobes: Lighten up, buttercups.

all of it and pictures here
Michelle Malkin | 10 images mocking George W. Bush that were far worse than a harmless rodeo clown «

with GW that was the tip fo the iceberg.
We have had Rodeo clowns portraying Political figures since the beginning of the Rodeos.
It's all about entertainment and fun.

My Grandfather talked about one Rodeo he attended during Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency.
The clown was dressed up to look like President Roosevelt and he had a barrel under the clothes to make him look really fat. The bull knocked him over and started rolling him all over the place, while the crowd cheered and laughed.

You all need to lighten up and stop the demagoguing.

We have the right in this country to make fun of our political opponents. Unlike some other countries.
This is exactly what freedom of speech is all about.

You're right, Peach. Lampooning political figures and celebrities is as old as the hills and we lose a lot if we squelch that. The PC overdosing has to stop. It's as bad as censorship.

"Who wants to see Obama get run over" was a bit over the top but I watched the video and couldn't find anything that could be called "racist". That's another term that gets too readily flung about. As Peach put it, we gotta lighten up.

One quibble though Peach--
Are you sure you don't mean Taft? He was the fat one AFAIK.

From the office of illegal wiretaps

We here at the OIW wanted to share this illegal wire tap to our good friends on the oversight committee.

John Burke- "Hello... is this you Barackmeister?"
Barack Obama- " Hey Johnmeister, whatcha doing?"
John Burke- "I was wondering if you could call off the drone attack on Pogo's house".
Barack Obama- "Well, I suppose so... what's the dealio?"
John Burke- " Well, Pogo finally said something reasonable"
Barack Obama- " Oh my, that is odd. Okie dokie pokie, I'll go ahead and call off the drone strike right after my morning prayer while facing Mecca".
John Burke- " Thanks Barry, have a nice day".
Barack Obama- " I wish I could have a nice day but my wife is forcing me to see The Butler, I hope Oprah doesn't have a nude scene... talk to ya later cracka".
John Burke- " Take it easy homeboy".

End of recording.
Bush is to blame for those images. If he were a better President, people would not feel the need to have created them.

OK that all good and fine, but I keep hearing obama supporters saying obama is doing everything Bush did. So why are you supporting obama if bush was such a bad president.
squeeze...luddly did in fact say it

Yes its racist and yes is typical of a backward place like Missouri


Let's get a little perspective here.

Every single prez has been made fun of and had caricatures made of him by his enemies. Are any of you old enough to remember Vaughn Meader's parodies of JFK? Look it up.

While you're at it, look up political satire and op/ed cartooning going all the way back to our first president.

If you want to do harm to these asshole racists, ignore them. And, really, that's all they're worth.

let's see if he apologizes like he said he would....

YES! That's what I was remembering.

-- but, you really do have way too much time on your hands.

it took less than 60 seconds, i went to search, put in the word racist, your username and viola a few posts down there it was. thanks for the apology.
squeeze...luddly did in fact say it

let's see if he apologizes like he said he would....

YES! That's what I was remembering.

-- but, you really do have way too much time on your hands.

it took less than 60 seconds, i went to search, put in the word racist, your username and viola a few posts down there it was. thanks for the apology.

Why couldn't squeeze berry do that?

Because THAT is the post I described and he/she/it was lying about a post in this thread. But, he/she/it doesn't have the integrity to admit that.
Bush is to blame for those images. If he were a better President, people would not feel the need to have created them.

OK that all good and fine, but I keep hearing obama supporters saying obama is doing everything Bush did. So why are you supporting obama if bush was such a bad president.

Obama has ended the war in Iraq, is ending the war in Afghanistan, and kept us out of other conflicts that the neocon-controlled GOP was itching to fight. He raised taxes on the overpaid leisure classes. He corrected the mistakes of the Dubya era. No wonder he won twice.
Bush is to blame for those images. If he were a better President, people would not feel the need to have created them.

OK that all good and fine, but I keep hearing obama supporters saying obama is doing everything Bush did. So why are you supporting obama if bush was such a bad president.

Obama has ended the war in Iraq, is ending the war in Afghanistan, and kept us out of other conflicts that the neocon-controlled GOP was itching to fight. He raised taxes on the overpaid leisure classes. He corrected the mistakes of the Dubya era. No wonder he won twice.

Obama has ended the war in Iraq

Used already approved bush plan next

is ending the war in Afghanistan

Really? What is his plan to pull out and when?

and kept us out of other conflicts that the neocon-controlled GOP was itching to fight.

Are you so sure about that? US FLEW MORE MISSION IN LIBYA, US has troops ready to deploy to Syria
Got an Ambassador murdered you better stop sucking the flumes from obama ass for a while.

He raised taxes on the overpaid leisure classes.

Do you have any concept what you are talking about? So you're richer than me I want half of everything you have.

He corrected the mistakes of the Dubya era. No wonder he won twice.

obama won because of low information voters what is the approval rate of the government right now? obama is part of the government but his approval rating is a lot higher than the government approval rating. And the reason for that is the low information voter and obama's ability to distance himself from his own harmful policy.

Aug 16-18, 2013 – Updates daily at 1 p.m. ET; reflects one-day change
Obama Approval48%+2
Obama Disapproval43%-2
Payroll to Population43.8%-
Job Creation Index20-2
Economic Confidence-13-
Consumer Spending$94-2
YES! That's what I was remembering.

-- but, you really do have way too much time on your hands.

it took less than 60 seconds, i went to search, put in the word racist, your username and viola a few posts down there it was. thanks for the apology.

Why couldn't squeeze berry do that?

Because THAT is the post I described and he/she/it was lying about a post in this thread. But, he/she/it doesn't have the integrity to admit that.


now stop being a coward and explain why the rodeo clown is racist.

no dancing you little ballerina
I don't get #2. :dunno:

And #10, unless history changed overnight, is still British.


But whom I to quibble.

Oh yeah..I do quibble.

Hey Step, which one of those images were sponsored, in part, by tax funds?

Thanks in advance.

No, it really is British. It was screened at the Toronto Film Festival, but it's a UK film.
I bet I confuse the fuck out of some of you. I voted for George W. Bush...twice. I voted for Barack Obama...twice.

I don't like seeing either of them treated with disrespect.

(P.S. I tend to vote Republican, but when Sarah Palin popped up as John McCain's running mate, I was just...oh, no...no way!)
I bet I confuse the fuck out of some of you. I voted for George W. Bush...twice. I voted for Barack Obama...twice.

I don't like seeing either of them treated with disrespect.

(P.S. I tend to vote Republican, but when Sarah Palin popped up as John McCain's running mate, I was just...oh, no...no way!)

According to the anti-irony act of 2008, people are not allowed to ridicule Sarah Palin while voting for Barack Obama who has Joe Biden as vice president.
Were any of the images presented at a "State" fair?

Makes a big difference

EXACTLY! Where is taxpayer's money being used in any of those Bush instances?

omg...you people are just special...all of those we ok because it wasn't taxpayer money...who pays taxes for the streets they were marching on? oops
gawd since Obama the dumb has increased to no bounds
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