10 images mocking George W. Bush that were far worse than a harmless rodeo clown

Slander, discussing graphics, and videos have become part of American politics. There are plenty of racist, vile pictures of Obama on the Internet.
he Washington Examiner dug up another case of political incorrectness that didn’t generate so much controversy. In 1994, a George H.W. Bush rodeo clown mask showed up at a rodeo, poking fun at the 41st President of the United States. The account, which came from Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Douglas A. Campbell, described a Bush rodeo clown mask on the human target that drew bulls away from thrown riders. The story read: “The crowd cheered. Then the bull saw the George Bush dummy. He tore into it, sending the rubber mask flying halfway across the sand as he turned toward the fence, sending cowboys scrambling up the fence rails, hooking one with his horn and tossing him off the fence.”
Read more at Bush Rodeo Clown Mask Fine, But Obama Rodeo Clown Mask Banned
all pictures at site


By Michelle Malkin • August 14, 2013 04:53 PM

Over the years, I’ve meticulously chronicled progressive haters and their rank hypocrisy. It’s time for yet another refresher course as the libs go nuts over a rodeo clown.

Without further ado, drawn from my blog archives, here are 10 images/signs/agitprop items mocking George W. Bush that were far, far worse than any of the silly Obama gags causing prog conniptions.

1. imgres

2. imgres-1

3. imgres-2

4. imgres-3

5. imgres-4

6. kb2

7. kbush

8. kb4

9. bushbeheaded

10. imgres-5

Note: These were not just fringe pieces. Some appeared in art galleries and at major film festivals. Left-wing assassination chic means never having to say you’re sorry.

Message to the rodeo-phobes: Lighten up, buttercups.

all of it and pictures here
Michelle Malkin | 10 images mocking George W. Bush that were far worse than a harmless rodeo clown «

Have you read any of the comments?:lol:
Were any of the images presented at a "State" fair?

Makes a big difference

why? they were presented in public just like a fair.

how silly.

Conservatives just don't get it

Assholes posted nasty stuff about Bush and assholes post nasty stuff about Obama......that is equivalence

A state fair is a state function. Advocating violence against the President crosses he line. States don't do that. Elected representatives don't do that

In the case of Republican states and politicians, they do

that is absurd. the people who were there thought it was a joke, funny, not serious. hence, no violence was advocated. pure nonsense.

i doubt you would say the same about bush...
Were any of the images presented at a "State" fair?

Makes a big difference

Yes. In 1994, a clown dressed up a dummy with a George Bush mask - and a bull gored the dummy.

The liberal media and the NAACP were unperturbed.

Were any of the images presented at a "State" fair?

Makes a big difference


Idioms defined: Splitting Hairs

There is no splitting hairs when the state of Missouri puts on his so called entertainment at a family function

Grossly inappropriate

Who cares who put it on...this was a commercial endeavor, no different than any other entertainment.

It wasn't free, tickets were sold SEPARATELY from fair tickets.

If people were offended by 2 minutes of a two hour rodeo, they have every right to not come back next year, just like folks change the channel when the don't like a TV show that mocks the president.
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Were any of the images presented at a "State" fair?

Makes a big difference

why? they were presented in public just like a fair.

how silly.

Conservatives just don't get it

Assholes posted nasty stuff about Bush and assholes post nasty stuff about Obama......that is equivalence

A state fair is a state function. Advocating violence against the President crosses he line. States don't do that. Elected representatives don't do that

In the case of Republican states and politicians, they do

you are such a joke, a state fair has a lot of things for all ages.. the rodeo is mostly ADULTS...you control freaks in the Democrat party don't get to pick the places where Obama can be mocked and made fun of....now go bow down to his picture
why? they were presented in public just like a fair.

how silly.

Conservatives just don't get it

Assholes posted nasty stuff about Bush and assholes post nasty stuff about Obama......that is equivalence

A state fair is a state function. Advocating violence against the President crosses he line. States don't do that. Elected representatives don't do that

In the case of Republican states and politicians, they do

you are such a joke, a state fair has a lot of things for all ages.. the rodeo is mostly ADULTS...you control freaks in the Democrat party don't get to pick the places where Obama can be mocked and made fun of....now go bow down to his picture

I'm still waiting for that asswipe to tell us who in the Republican party is encouraging violence towards Black Jimmy, and which state is doing the same.....
Conservatives just don't get it

Assholes posted nasty stuff about Bush and assholes post nasty stuff about Obama......that is equivalence

A state fair is a state function. Advocating violence against the President crosses he line. States don't do that. Elected representatives don't do that

In the case of Republican states and politicians, they do

Where was the advocating of violence?

Encouraging a bull to run him over?

That's the worst job description of a rodeo clown I have ever heard.

Rodeo clowns do not encourage bulls to run over them. The very opposite is true in that they do everything possible to AVOID being injured by a bull. The purpose of a rodeo clown is to DISTRACT the bull in order to RESCUE a downed rider. The clowns are trained to ESCAPE the bull. Obama should be proud to be associated with the courage of a rodeo clown.

Even if – as you say - the job of a rodeo clown is “encouraging a bull to run him over” I don't understand how someone putting himself in danger is equivalent to suggesting that others commit violence against Obama.
We have had Rodeo clowns portraying Political figures since the beginning of the Rodeos.
It's all about entertainment and fun.

My Grandfather talked about one Rodeo he attended during Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency.
The clown was dressed up to look like President Roosevelt and he had a barrel under the clothes to make him look really fat. The bull knocked him over and started rolling him all over the place, while the crowd cheered and laughed.

You all need to lighten up and stop the demagoguing.

We have the right in this country to make fun of our political opponents. Unlike some other countries.
This is exactly what freedom of speech is all about.
I can't wait till Obama is out of our lives, maybe the left-liberals-Democrats can get back some sanity...they have become PATHETIC over this man who is just A MAN who happens to our President because of you idiot whiners... Obama is not some GOD....with your help whining over a skit at a fair, the NAACP wanted the clown to be charged WITH A FUCKING HATE CRIME....get a life besides constantly berating people over this idiot man...a Majority of the people now DISAPPROVE of him...........deal with that and ask yourselves why?
Not everyone is in love with him like some of you...damn this cult worship of him is unreal
Where was the advocating of violence?

Encouraging a bull to run him over?

That's the worst job description of a rodeo clown I have ever heard.

Rodeo clowns do not encourage bulls to run over them. The very opposite is true in that they do everything possible to AVOID being injured by a bull. The purpose of a rodeo clown is to DISTRACT the bull in order to RESCUE a downed rider. The clowns are trained to ESCAPE the bull. Obama should be proud to be associated with the courage of a rodeo clown.

Even if – as you say - the job of a rodeo clown is “encouraging a bull to run him over” I don't understand how someone putting himself in danger is equivalent to suggesting that others commit violence against Obama.

I bet he's never been to a rodeo...
I can't wait till Obama is out of our lives, maybe the left-liberals-Democrats can get back some sanity...they have become PATHETIC over this man who is just A MAN who happens to our President because of you idiot whiners... Obama is not some GOD....with your help whining over a skit at a fair, the NAACP wanted the clown to be charged WITH A FUCKING HATE CRIME....get a life besides constantly berating people over this idiot man...a Majority of the people now DISAPPROVE of him...........deal with that and ask yourselves why?
Not everyone is in love with him like some of you...damn this cult worship of him is unreal

let's face it obama is a gawd as far as those numbnuts are concerned he's untouchable it's liberal jihad if you attempt to make fun of the dumbo big ears bastard.
Conservatives just don't get it

Assholes posted nasty stuff about Bush and assholes post nasty stuff about Obama......that is equivalence

A state fair is a state function. Advocating violence against the President crosses he line. States don't do that. Elected representatives don't do that

In the case of Republican states and politicians, they do

Where was the advocating of violence?

Encouraging a bull to run him over?


ban bulls
We have had Rodeo clowns portraying Political figures since the beginning of the Rodeos.
It's all about entertainment and fun.

My Grandfather talked about one Rodeo he attended during Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency.
The clown was dressed up to look like President Roosevelt and he had a barrel under the clothes to make him look really fat. The bull knocked him over and started rolling him all over the place, while the crowd cheered and laughed.

You all need to lighten up and stop the demagoguing.

We have the right in this country to make fun of our political opponents. Unlike some other countries.
This is exactly what freedom of speech is all about.

You're right, Peach. Lampooning political figures and celebrities is as old as the hills and we lose a lot if we squelch that. The PC overdosing has to stop. It's as bad as censorship.

"Who wants to see Obama get run over" was a bit over the top but I watched the video and couldn't find anything that could be called "racist". That's another term that gets too readily flung about. As Peach put it, we gotta lighten up.

One quibble though Peach--
Are you sure you don't mean Taft? He was the fat one AFAIK.
all pictures at site


By Michelle Malkin • August 14, 2013 04:53 PM

Over the years, I’ve meticulously chronicled progressive haters and their rank hypocrisy. It’s time for yet another refresher course as the libs go nuts over a rodeo clown.

Without further ado, drawn from my blog archives, here are 10 images/signs/agitprop items mocking George W. Bush that were far, far worse than any of the silly Obama gags causing prog conniptions.

1. imgres

2. imgres-1

3. imgres-2

4. imgres-3

5. imgres-4

6. kb2

7. kbush

8. kb4

9. bushbeheaded

10. imgres-5

Note: These were not just fringe pieces. Some appeared in art galleries and at major film festivals. Left-wing assassination chic means never having to say you’re sorry.

Message to the rodeo-phobes: Lighten up, buttercups.

all of it and pictures here
Michelle Malkin | 10 images mocking George W. Bush that were far worse than a harmless rodeo clown «

How are we supposed to vote for our favorites if you don't include a poll? :lol:


There have been caricatures of presidents since George Washington. Some have been funny, some have had some truth to them and some have been down and dirty and low class.

If (editorial) "you" think its bad in the US, you should check out other country's skewering of their politicians.

Personally, I liken this to burning the flag. It might feel wrong and disrespectful but its indicative of the kind of freedom we enjoy in this country. It is our right to burn a piece of fabric, just as it is our right to make fun of our politicians.
all pictures at site


By Michelle Malkin • August 14, 2013 04:53 PM

Over the years, I’ve meticulously chronicled progressive haters and their rank hypocrisy. It’s time for yet another refresher course as the libs go nuts over a rodeo clown.

Without further ado, drawn from my blog archives, here are 10 images/signs/agitprop items mocking George W. Bush that were far, far worse than any of the silly Obama gags causing prog conniptions.

1ess rodeo clown «[/url]

How are we supposed to vote for our favorites if you don't include a poll? :lol:


There have been caricatures of presidents since George Washington. some have been funny, some have had some truth to them and some have been down and dirty and low class.

If (editorial) "you" think its bad in the US, you should check out other country's skewering of their politicians.

Personally, I liken this to burning the flag. It might feel wrong and disrespectful but its indicative of the kind of freedom we enjoy in this country. It is our right to burn a piece of fabric, just as it is our right to make fun of our politicians.

Everything is racist since Obama took office.. Did hundreds of millions of Americans all of the sudden become racists the moment Barack was sworn in? No.. What happened was the Zombie brigade began using racism as a weapon to shut down freedom of speech, criticism, investigations.. You and your comrades will do whatever is necessary to protect your god and the power libruls have in controlling just about everything right now.. Those days are short lived.

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