10 year old girl suspended for asking to be exempted from LGBT school lesson

That's already embedded in the echochamber article, dumbass, and it's posted by the same bullshit "advocacy" group that started this echo in the first place. You know, the one that wants to "make England Christian again" and shit.

AGAIN ---- QUOTING THEMSELVES as a basis of reasoning.


That was a SCREAMING RED FLAG right there. And it's sitting right there in the OP's own link.

///////////////////////////////// thread
Maybe this is why they have targeted this school.

Thought For The Week: 1st July 2019



Last I saw "she" was incline pressing 165, which women top out around 145-155.

That's a man. I do 185, but I don't claim to be a woman. Might even do 205 on a good day. No women do that.

How many men go by Marion?

Probably none? That wouldn't make my world go 'round.
Marion is a girls name.

Newsflash leftist shill: That's John Wayne's name, not mine, you dipshit. He was more of a man than you'll ever even try to be. Next!
Marion didn't PERSONALLY insult anyone posting in this thread.

It's ALWAYS the Leftist sickos who resort to the personal attacks (and violence)
What this nation needs is to get down to business and clean house.
Maybe this is why they have targeted this school.

Thought For The Week: 1st July 2019



Last I saw "she" was incline pressing 165, which women top out around 145-155.

That's a man. I do 185, but I don't claim to be a woman. Might even do 205 on a good day. No women do that.

How many men go by Marion?

Probably none? That wouldn't make my world go 'round.
Marion is a girls name.

Newsflash leftist shill: That's John Wayne's name, not mine, you dipshit. He was more of a man than you'll ever even try to be. Next!
He dumped it because its a girls name.
American men have allowed the US government to FORCE our children to submit to their perversions.
Will we, American men, ever understand what's necessary to right this wrong?

All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing
American men have allowed the US government to FORCE our children to submit to their perversions.
Will we, American men, ever understand what's necessary to right this wrong?

All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing

I know what's necessary, some might would call it illegal. If everyone is onboard, it wouldn't be.
I know what's necessary, some might would call it illegal. If everyone is onboard, it wouldn't be.

Just be ready. Things will likely come to a boiling point when the Left regains power (no matter how they do it) and start doing things that simply go too far.
For example, we al know when the next Leftist is in the WH they will move towards making gun ownership illegal....step by step.
But also allowing total censorship of the right and basically going to extremes like what happened in Venezuela.

They do not believe in compromise or live and let live.
10-year-old girl suspended for asking to be exempted from LGBT school lesson

LONDON, July 1, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — A 10-year-old who was suspended from school for a week after asking her teacher permission to be excused from participating in a “Pride Month” LGBT lesson has gone on the record to explain the real dangers of the invasion of LGBT ideology in her school.

Guess she's exempt from it she will appreciate not becoming an indoctrinated idiot anyway. Get home schooled kid you will end up smarter in the end anyway.
London? And your point is what, exactly?

Oopsie. OP seems to have run away. Can't imagine why.

I bet she's out looking for bridges on eBay.

She posted a source. It is up to YOU to prove it false, not her to do your research for you. How lazy can you be? You just don't like yet another example of Leftist Fascism.
10-year-old girl suspended for asking to be exempted from LGBT school lesson

LONDON, July 1, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — A 10-year-old who was suspended from school for a week after asking her teacher permission to be excused from participating in a “Pride Month” LGBT lesson has gone on the record to explain the real dangers of the invasion of LGBT ideology in her school.

Guess she's exempt from it she will appreciate not becoming an indoctrinated idiot anyway. Get home schooled kid you will end up smarter in the end anyway.
London? And your point is what, exactly?

Oopsie. OP seems to have run away. Can't imagine why.

I bet she's out looking for bridges on eBay.

She posted a source. It is up to YOU to prove it false, not her to do your research for you. How lazy can you be? You just don't like yet another example of Leftist Fascism.

BULLSHIT. She posted a fake echobubble story from a wacko advocacy group that has no documentation for itself.

I pointed that out, and invited you or anybody to come up with a REAL source. And you can't do it. That's all there is to it.

She took click bait without vetting and swallowed whole, because that's what she does. She got punked and that's why she ran away. Because she can't find one either.
Why can't people who are against something just step up to the plate and teach their children that this is not right for their family and their family's religion? The Amish do it. The ultra Orthodox Jews it in Brooklyn. When I was a kid, Christianity was all over the place. I had classmates who were Jewish. I hope that their families raised them to be good Jews.

Anti-LGBTs are free to instruct their children that what they hear in school does not comport with their families' religion.
And when their child repeats this information in school, or takes a different position than that being preached in school? What then? They'll be bullied by the teachers, other students, and the school admin.
That's already embedded in the echochamber article, dumbass, and it's posted by the same bullshit "advocacy" group that started this echo in the first place. You know, the one that wants to "make England Christian again" and shit.

AGAIN ---- QUOTING THEMSELVES as a basis of reasoning.


That was a SCREAMING RED FLAG right there. And it's sitting right there in the OP's own link.

///////////////////////////////// thread
Maybe this is why they have targeted this school.

Thought For The Week: 1st July 2019



Last I saw "she" was incline pressing 165, which women top out around 145-155.

That's a man. I do 185, but I don't claim to be a woman. Might even do 205 on a good day. No women do that.

How many men go by Marion?

Probably none? That wouldn't make my world go 'round.
Marion is a girls name.
Not necessarily.
Why can't people who are against something just step up to the plate and teach their children that this is not right for their family and their family's religion? The Amish do it. The ultra Orthodox Jews it in Brooklyn. When I was a kid, Christianity was all over the place. I had classmates who were Jewish. I hope that their families raised them to be good Jews.

Anti-LGBTs are free to instruct their children that what they hear in school does not comport with their families' religion.
And when their child repeats this information in school, or takes a different position than that being preached in school? What then? They'll be bullied by the teachers, other students, and the school admin.

No child ever took a different position in school. Not in my day. Schools teach, not preach. It is not a debate forum. Then the children go home to their families. The parents teach their children the ins and outs of their faith in their homes and in the places of worship that they bring their children to.
Please explain this thing about being bullied.
Why can't people who are against something just step up to the plate and teach their children that this is not right for their family and their family's religion? The Amish do it. The ultra Orthodox Jews it in Brooklyn. When I was a kid, Christianity was all over the place. I had classmates who were Jewish. I hope that their families raised them to be good Jews.

Anti-LGBTs are free to instruct their children that what they hear in school does not comport with their families' religion.
And when their child repeats this information in school, or takes a different position than that being preached in school? What then? They'll be bullied by the teachers, other students, and the school admin.

No child ever took a different position in school. Not in my day. Schools teach, not preach. It is not a debate forum. Then the children go home to their families. The parents teach their children the ins and outs of their faith in their homes and in the places of worship that they bring their children to.
Please explain this thing about being bullied.
First, what they do in schools nowadays is often more like preaching than teaching. This whole PC thing is treated by its advocates the same way other religious folk treat their various denominations. So, yes, it does come across as though they are preaching the LGBT catechism and anyone who would gainsay the new Gospels of Gay is bullied and ridiculed, and in this case, expelled from school. Offering an elective course in high school might be more acceptable but 10 year old children shouldn't be force fed this kind of propaganda. Like so many suggest, this is a subject to be broached by parents in the home, just like religion.

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